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3 answers

Upgrade mysql 5.6 to 8 not working on AWS Linux based EC2

I am working with EC2 for MySQL DB. The OS of EC2 is AWS Linux-based Ubuntu. The current version of MySQL is 5.6.50. I am going to upgrade it to 8.0. I tried to upgrade it with this command: sudo yum ...
Cardoso's user avatar
  • 51
1 vote
1 answer

MariaDB randomly crashes

I've encountered a peculiar issue related to my MariaDB database instance (version 10.2) that causes my MariaDB service to stop unexpectedly. I've attempted to investigate the problem by regularly ...
Harry Potter's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

EC2 instance randomly crash

My EC2 instance kept crashing, here is the syslog, can server admin expert share some insight?
Shawn's user avatar
  • 217
2 votes
0 answers

Mysql consume lots of space in ubuntu 20.4

I need help regarding my application deployed in ec2 instance using T3 medium and Ubuntu 20. My problem is, I encountered a server error twice, it happens 3 months after each error. Prior to server ...
rai's user avatar
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1 answer

How to choose right AWS EC2 instance for serving MySQL

Recently we have noticed that our application has some errors related to the MySQL load. There are some basic queries on large database (approximately 32 GB) which takes longer time than expected. For ...
Aren Hovsepyan's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

500 Gateway with EC2 m5.2xlarge

I have an EC2 m5.2xlarge with wordpress and the following server configuration: How is possible to receive a 500 Gateway Error for importing a csv with 50 users (45 ...
Ponzio Pilato's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

AWS RDS MySQL Slowing down over time

I've read many posts about this topic but none of them talk about AWS RDS MySQL Database. Since three days ago, I'm running a python script in an AWS EC2 instance that write rows in my AWS RDS MySQL ...
Dennis's user avatar
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1 answer

Automate EC2 and RDS mysql service to reset mysql db

I have a CRM application (java + Gradle) in Running in AWS Ec2, backend with RDS Mysql database. This is a test app/Environment. Scenario : CRM app should be stopped. Reset RDS MYSQL database weekly ...
Mohan Balakrishnan's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Can not connect to mysql database using php script on AWS instance (LEMP)

I am learning AWS EC2 to host my website made on WordPress, Laravel and custom PHP scripts. I created a t2.small instance with ubuntu 18.04 as my OS. Then I read tutorials and Installed the latest ...
sanjay ojha's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Yet another PDO could not find driver issue

I've been working for the last two nights to set up my own LEMP server on Amazon ec2. I'm not a server expert so it's been slow going, and the latest error "could not find driver" is given when ...
Mike Willis's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

phpmyadmin database getting deleted automatically [closed]

I am using aws ec2 t2 instance. Where I created few database as per my requirement. For last few day I noticed new databases which I create getting deleted automatically. Is there any possibility of ...
user2129623's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Installing MySQL on Amazon EC2 Instance, backup?

To install MySQL on Amazon EC2 Instance (for example: t3.medium), is there anything I need to be aware of when doing snapshot backup of EC2 Instance? What is the right procedure to install MySQL on ...
user88432's user avatar
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1 answer

ec2 out of memory from apache random spike

Over the past year, we had consistently random spikes which caused apache to use all the memory and swap out. Server Uptime I have an example of the latest crash (5:30AM - 12:00PM UTC). OOM Kernel ...
ruiyang's user avatar
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1 answer

How could I connect MySQL Server (on a EC2 ) from another EC2?

I create two instances on EC2 (CentOS 7). I am trying to deploy MySQL InnoDB Cluster. When I add instance (slave) I found master cannot be connected. I can use GUI tool on my local to connect the ...
Rukeith's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

can't connect mysql server on windows server from home computer

I install MySQL Server on a Windows Server from Amazon EC2 with all default config (port 3306 is open). I edited Security Group on AWS to open port 3306 like this But every time i try to connect ...
HelloWindowsPhone's user avatar
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1 answer

How to flush mysql remote hosts cache?

The mysql instance is a third party Heroku addon: JawsDB. Host: Command: mysqladmin -h
iamtoc's user avatar
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1 answer

Amazon EC2 3306 timeout

I'm trying to connect to MySQL on a EC2 instance. Not RDS. Security Group Inbount TCP (6) 9090 aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd/32 Openfire / Admin Con... TCP (6) 5222 Openfire / Client to... TCP ...
Jin Kwon's user avatar
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30 votes
5 answers

amazon linux 2 ami - aws - How to install mysql in Amazon Linux 2?

I am trying to install mysql in amazon linux 2 ami and am not able to do it. sudo yum install mysql56-server -> doesn't work amazon-linux-extras list -> doesn't list mysql I do not want ...
Jey Geethan's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

cannot connect to aws rds mysql from aws ec2 instance via web browser

I have set up an AWS RDS instance and AWS EC2 instance, and I believe I set up the security group to allow both EC2 instance's internal ip and public ip to access the RDS instance. if I ssh to EC2 ...
Minjia Tang's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

OOM killer shut down MySQL although ram usage seems low

Setup EC2 t2.large instance with Ubuntu 16.04 (2 Cores, 8GB RAM) Apache/2.4.18 (Ubuntu) 5.7.20-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 (Ubuntu) Currently this instance hosts multiple Drupal 6 & 7 sites, around 150 ...
Angelos Ar's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

mysql on ec2 linux AMI crashed occasionally

I have wordpress with mysql installed on a Amazon EC2 linux AMI with 1 CPU and 1 GB memory. Recently, mysql has been crashing at least once or twice a week and I can't find out what is wrong. when I ...
Jessica L's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Cannot access RDS (public mysql) from EC2 on another Aws Account

I have a public RDS mysql that I can access locally from my pc. When I try to login to an EC2 on a different account than the RDS, I cannot access it using mysql client or utilities. The EC2 has an ...
chdev77's user avatar
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2 answers

Why can't I start mysql service on ec2 linux instance

I get this error when starting mysql via ssh on my ec2 ami linux instance: ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/libysql/mysql.sock' (2) Before running "mysql"...
Dave2345's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to add new slave server to existing Mysql master slave replication

I have a Mysql Master server and Slave replication on Amazon Ec2 instance. Currently need to add new slave server to this loop. I can take AMI of existing slave server and spin new slave server. How ...
adminz's user avatar
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2 answers

Connecting to an RDS from an EC2 on the same VPC

I have an RDS instance running on one subnet without NAT, and an EC2 instance running on another subnet with an Internet Gateway configured, both located in the same VPC. I have configured the RDS ...
Theodore's user avatar
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Setting up phpmyadmin to only connect to remote server

I've been stuck on this for a while, and was hoping you could provide some insight into what I'm doing wrong. I have a fresh amazon EC2 (Ubuntu 16.04) instance connected to an RDS (mysql) database, ...
Justin Huffman's user avatar
18 votes
5 answers

Install of MySQL hangs on Ubuntu 16.04

I’m trying to install MySQL server on Ubuntu 16.04 using: sudo apt-get install mysql-server I get asked to set and confirm root password and then the install hangs at: Renaming removed key_buffer ...
panthro's user avatar
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2 answers

How to set root password for aws ec2 with mysql preinstalled?

I have an EC2 instance with mysql preinstalled. I need to now use mysql - therefore I need a root password, however when I try and run: mysqladmin -u root password [aBc123DeF] I get the following ...
jon's user avatar
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1 answer

Browser is not showing my site using public DNS on Amazon EC2 instance [This site can’t be reached]

Couple of weeks back i launched an instance on AWS free tier and i was running a wordpress site, I dont have much knowledge about so i followed all the AWS guide and did this step by step everything ...
Tayyab's user avatar
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1 answer

Is this MySQL HA solution valid?

We are in the process of moving our MySQL DB from AWS RDS to EC2. RDS provides us with with a solid HA solution, which we want to replicate in EC2. We've looked at MySQL Utilities and MHA, both of ...
Garreth McDaid's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

install mysql 5.7 to linux 6 - yum tries to install 5.7 el7?

I'm following the instructions here to install MySQL-Community-Server onto a linux 6 aws instance. Basic commands: wget sudo yum ...
goredwards's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

mdadm, raid1: write to multiple devs but read (mostly) from one?

Is it possible to prioritize which devices are for writes/reads in mdadm RAID1 setup? I'd like to write to both devices for fault tolerance (AWS EBS and local storage SSD), but read mostly from local ...
Slawomir's user avatar
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2 answers

Recovering an EC2 instance

I was running an ubuntu EC2 instance for about an year and I lost SSH connectivity to it after installing the latest updates. I was running a Rails application with automated capistrano deployment ...
Gowtham's user avatar
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0 answers

Cannot connect to remote MySQL server (RDS)

When I am trying to connect to RDS from my vps, it says connection refused. When I tried connecting it from local or other vps, it worked fine. I figured out that it must be a firewall issue on my ...
nirvair's user avatar
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InnoDB causing mysqld to crash on Amazon Linux AMI

This Amazon Linux server is running a single WordPress site that is constantly crashing. The way to resolve it seems to be to run service mysqld restart and it resumes operation until it crashes again....
Dominick's user avatar
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Diagnosing high Network Out (Bytes) by MySQL instance

I have an EC2 instance (r3.xlarge) with only MySQL running on it. At some points in time, this machine sends a sustained amount of information (at almost a rate of 400Mbps) for about an hour or more (...
siliconpi's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

PHP and MYSQL on Amazon EC2 server

I am trying to set up an amazon server to display my php files for a final for one of my classes. I followed this tutorial for setting it up and when I try to run my code I get "Fatal error: Class '...
user320422's user avatar
-3 votes
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Amazon EC2 vs Google App Engine [closed]

For a Vaadin App, that uses a MySQL database and must have lots of files uploaded, which cloud platform is better? Amazon EC2 or Google App Engine? Can I use phpmyadmin in both? Better in terms of: ...
jhugo's user avatar
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RDS connection blocked despite security group "Allow all traffic, all ports, all IPs"

I can only connect by ssh-ing into my ec2, and then using mysql from the cli. I can not connect: ssh-ing into my ec2, and connecting from PHP mysql command line on my local machine. I cannot ...
Jordan Warbelow-Feldstein's user avatar
1 vote
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RDS to EC2 mysql replication

I would like to create a RDS mysql and to replicate it to an EC2 server so the DB will be local and thus the query time will be faster (the EC2 is a web server). According to the second paragraph here ...
Gluz's user avatar
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2 votes
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Cannot connect to MySQL on EC2 over tunnel

For security reasons we want to connect to MySQL running on EC2 over ssh. We have other servers where we do this with no issues, but for some reason on EC2 it's not working. The instance is running ...
Craig Jacobs's user avatar
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Using MySQL with Ejabberd

I'm trying to integrate MySQL into Ejabberd but I'm constantly facing problem with it. I'm working in AWS EC2 environment and I have 1 EC2 instance that has MySQL, Ejabberd and latest Erlang (Version ...
Jason's user avatar
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Amazon RDS instance and hostname resolution

I have a question about EC2 and RDS instances. I'd like to restrict connection to the database only from one particular EC2 instance using MySQL users. Security groups allow MySQL communication from ...
vfrans's user avatar
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connect mysql server installed on t1.micro instance from vpc t2.micro instance

I have mysql database server installed on ubuntu in t1.micro ec2 : Instance state: running Public IP: Instance type: m1.medium Elastic IP: Private DNS: ip-xxx-xxx-xxx-...
Fatimah Wulandari's user avatar
-1 votes
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Why the latency increases on highload? [closed]

We have a system built on AWS. We use Beanstalk, we have autoscaling, our database (mysql) is hosted on RDS. We use apache and php. We wanted to test our system on highload. So, we chose large ...
Volodymyr's user avatar
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t2.micro EC2 Ubuntu, t2.micro RDS MySQL. Server crashes after DB reaches ~60 connections [closed]

So I have the following setup: Server - t2.micro ECU Ubuntu instance Database - t2.micro RDS MySQL instance. The stack is a basic LAMP stack with default Apache settings. I am basically running ...
the tao's user avatar
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Current setup maxing CPU. Need help designing AWS architecture and MySQL Clustering via AWS RDS instances

My company runs a mid-sized eCommerce (30,000-50,000 unique views monthly) shopping cart using X-Cart as a back-end. We are in the processing of redesigning and upgrading our back-end software. We are ...
Anthony Accetturo III's user avatar
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Connect to a Server from my AWS EC2 instance

I have a app running on AWS EC2 which connects to a database in another server. The database connection Uri is as following, jdbc:XXX: This is what I got form my ...
diyoda_'s user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Who is responsible for performing the query EC2 or RDS?

Normally I run my own MySQL server (within EC2), but I was looking for the possibility's of RDS ( ). As I understand RDS is (directly after setup) optimized for ...
user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

“Cannot open SSH Tunnel” on MySQL (corrected)

(help, patience and mercy... begginer lost haha) -Ok heres the deal, im trying to connect a EC2 Instance to MySQL throught SSH in MySQL Worckbrench -I set up the configurations this way SSH ...
Santiago Ros's user avatar