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Connecting to MariaDB server: ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to server at 'handshake: reading initial communication packet', system error: 11

I am trying to connect to an AWS hosted (RDS) MariaDB database (engine version 10.6.14). The database is hosted on a private subnet but it's accessible through a bastion host. I use an SSH tunnel to ...
Benoît Fayolle's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Issues with AWS Aurora MySQL engine version "5.7.mysql_aurora.2.10.3"

Is anyone else experiencing problems after recent automated AWS Aurora MySQL database engine updates? (specifically "5.7.mysql_aurora.2.10.3") Over the weekend our web servers started ...
Michael Engelbrecht's user avatar
1 vote
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Using AWS Blue/Green deployment, how do I modify the staging database?

AWS has rolled out a Blue/Green Deployment feature for RDS, allow you to create a staging (green) database that's in parallel with your production (blue) database. Their documentation specifically ...
Paranoid Altoid's user avatar
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GitLab CI Runners faild InvalidParameterCombination: Cannot find upgrade path from 5.7.38 to 5.6 , Terraform

GitLab CI Runners faild the jbo with the following error message │ Error: Error modifying DB Instance legacy-dms: InvalidParameterCombination: Cannot find upgrade path from 5.7.38 to 5.6. │ status ...
sam23's user avatar
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MySQL on AWS Aurora Workbench Timeout

Running Aurora with mySQL in AWS and accessing from a management machine in the same VPC. If I run the query from the command line (management machine) it finishes in about 2 minutes. If I run the ...
Steve A's user avatar
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Why does our Tomcat Java application suddenly open hundreds of connections to our database?

We have a Tomcat application running on Elastic Beanstalk and our MySQL database is hosted on AWS RDS (2 or 3 t3.medium instances). Ever since we upgraded from MySQL 5 to MySQL 8 (currently 8.0.23), ...
Helder Sérvio's user avatar
5 votes
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How to create a Super User Account on AWS's RDS Mysql?

The Master user has limited permissions on RDS. I need SUPER, SYSTEM_VARIABLES_ADMIN or SESSION_VARIABLES_ADMIN privileges, and I don't know how to add them to my user. Tried this solution from ...
Igor Q.'s user avatar
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Can't create free-tier AWS RDS DB

I can't seem to create a 12-month free-tier AWS RDS DB running MySQL. According to AWS, the following requirements need to be met for a 12-month free-tier RDS DB: 750 Hours per month of db.t2.micro ...
jlnkls's user avatar
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Aurora MySQL - How Much IOPS Am I Using?

I am testing Aurora MySQL as a possible replacement to Aurora Postgres. When bulk loading data into Aurora Postgres, it's very easy to see how mush Postgres is going to cost just by looking at the ...
micah's user avatar
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Can a replica to an RDS MySQL instance be setup outside RDS?

I have a running RDS Mysql 5.7 instance that I would like to replicate to a MySQL 8 instance running on a Linux server (not on RDS). Is this possible? I cannot find an option to do this from the ...
EastsideDev's user avatar
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>150Million records insert select query canceled after 12 hours AWS RDS

I have a AWS RDS t2.micro storing over 150 million records in a table from which i need to make a select insert query to another table, the purpose of this select query is to make a percentage ...
Christopher Martinez's user avatar
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Given an existing unencrypted AWS EFS volume, can somebody give me a path for encrypting it without data loss?

We have discovered that we really ought to have encrypted the MySql database and EFS volume on our application, at the time of creation. We are now attempting to correct the oversight. I've read the ...
hbquikcomjamesl's user avatar
1 vote
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How to reduce size of my RDS mySql database of 5000 GB to 2000 GB, with all the triggers and functions intact?

I have a RDS MySql database of provisioned storage 5000 GiB. Out of 5000 GiB I am using only 1400 GiB and want to reduce size of provisioned storgae to 2000 GiB. All the tables are innoDb. I want to ...
shreyanshu agarwal's user avatar
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How to best MySQL configuration in AWS RDS? [duplicate]

We have an e-commerce system which is currently deployed in EC2 instance. currently MySQL is in the same server and now that we are getting high traffic now and then, we're planning to use Autoscaling ...
user14108508's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

LOW IOPS after MySQL RDS Upgrade

We were hitting the upper limits of our IOPs the last several days. We provisioned more IOPS a few times. 1250 -> 2500 -> 4500. Each Step we quickly saw we were using all the available IOPS as ...
MichaelWClark's user avatar
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Managing RDS Aurora MySQL connections per user or database

I have an RDS Aurora MySQL 5.7 and a number of independent applications connected to it. Some of them are real-time websites while others are batch services (connected mostly to the reader). A recent ...
Leo's user avatar
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Codeignitor - under login / session load MySQL CPU spike and Fatal MySQL Deadlock

Originally posted on stackoverflow, and was recommended serverfault may be better place. I have a site using: AWS RDS (MySQL Aurora) - single t3.medium instance 4 x EC2s on a Load Balancer (fixed ...
rjbathgate's user avatar
2 votes
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High CPU since upgrading to MySQL 5.7 from 5.6

We are using an AWS RDS managed MySQL db.m4.2xlarge instance with db engine 5.7.30, we upgraded from 5.6 two days ago and have high CPU since - generally 10-15% higher reaching 100% at peek. Please ...
Edward Spencer's user avatar
2 votes
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RDS MySQL Insights: Top Query "commit"

We are trying to reduce the load on our AWS RDS instance by going through the performance insights. The top SQL statement listed in the insight is "commit": In particular, the commit ...
Simon Ninon's user avatar
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AWS RDS mysql.rds_set_external_master remains disabled after setting autocommit to 1

The goal is to create a master-master replication consisting of two RDS MySQL 5.6 instances, db0 and db1. I orientate myself by this article. So far, I have created db1 as a read-replica of db0 and ...
user540468's user avatar
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Number of MySQL connections spikes, but no spike in number of queries

I am running LAMP stack with CakePHP and MySQL compatible AWS Aurora instance. The Aurora instance is set up with a writer and read replica. Using CakePHP request routing, the read replica is only set ...
Charles's user avatar
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Migrating Magento 1 db to Magento 2, Database is on Amazon RDS and the other is local to the new server

The company handling the migration is using a tool called UB Data Migration tool to migrate the magento website from 1.x which has its database hosted on Amazon RDS to a new amazon instance that ...
Amin Al-Ali Al-Darwish's user avatar
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Cannot migrate database on AWS Elastic Beanstalk

I have hosted a site in AWS. I have created a RDS DB instance for the elastic beanstalk. In my laravel app's config/database.php file, I have configured my database connection as : 'mysql' => [ ...
Sijan Bhattarai's user avatar
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MySQL: normal CPU Utilization but I'm running out of memory. Should I get worried?

I'm running a heavy python script in a EC2 instance. This script is inserting tables (financial reports) to a MySQL server. There are lots of tables, the total amount is 240.000 tables. I started the ...
Dennis's user avatar
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mysql storage filling up unexpectedly (RDS)

I am total newbie to database game. & I am using mysql 8.0 RDS 20GB free tier. I don't have much data on it.(just 300 Mb) But I always get a mail that you have exceeded 85% of storage limit.(...
NewGeek's user avatar
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Elastic Beanstalk suddenly stopped connecting to RDS database?

I have a Flask app that I'm deploying with Elastic Beanstalk. It connects to an RDS database running MySQL. I can connect to it just fine from my computer or through SSHing to the EC2 instance and ...
Nora Goodman's user avatar
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How do I connect to a Serverless Aurora Mysql Database outside of VPC using Mysql Workbench

I'm having allot of trouble connecting to Aurora Serverless. I run through the wizard, put the DB in public subnets with a security group to allow traffic on 3306, there are no ACLs blocking traffic, ...
Snickers3192's user avatar
6 votes
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Can't upgrade RDS instance from MySQL 5.7.x to 8.0.x

I need to recover data from an old 5.6.x snapshot. With a little bit of tinkering, I managed to get the 5.6.x snapshot restored on an m3.xlarge instance (any instance type other than m3.* won't work)....
Zenexer's user avatar
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RDS Aurora - get number of bytes scanned by a query?

Is it possible to get the amount of bytes read by a query in aurora? If not at the query level, is it possible to have it at the table level?. I've looked into performance insights, and the ...
jlasarte's user avatar
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Mysql instance of AWS got hacked

Today I opened my application and I can see its not working at all. I checked my logs and I saw tables were not found. I opened my mysql administrator and I can see my data wiped and a table created ...
Gvs Akhil's user avatar
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Update Your Amazon RDS SSL/TLS Certificates: Are we affected?

We have Amazon RDS MySQL instances. Our application appears to connect to it simply by being in the same security group and same VPC, and the relevant developer is 90% certain that SSL is not involved....
hbquikcomjamesl's user avatar
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How does AWS RDS come up with the max_connections formula?

The following formula is used in my RDS parameter group for the max_connections property: {DBInstanceClassMemory/12582880} I have a relative understanding of the DBInstanceClassMemory per their ...
Gabriel Gates's user avatar
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mysql 5.7 on Amazon RDS getting "table foo doesn't exist"

After restoring a mysql backup in AWS RDS, I get "table doesn't exist": Server version: 5.7.22-log Source distribution mysql> show tables; +----------------------------+ | Tables_in_db ...
dfrankow's user avatar
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How to stop auto expanding of Aurora's storage (volume)

UPDATE: 10-9-2019: After spending much time on trying to find a solution, I terminated the RDS instance and started a regular EC2 instance with Mysql. You're welcomed to keep browsing this question, I ...
Tipxbomb's user avatar
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Does LOCK TABLE block replication?

I have a master and a database MySQL with the following setup: AWS RDS MySQL Version 5.7.26 GTID enabled and strictly enforced I have a process that does a LOCK TABLE over one of the tables in the ...
Javier Holguera's user avatar
7 votes
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Why are database queries running so much slower on AWS RDS?

I've been working on performance-sensitive features. I've been developing locally, running a MySQL server on my Mac. One key query runs in about 1.2 seconds on my machine, which is in the acceptable ...
fnsjdnfksjdb's user avatar
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How to disable backup when a mysql db is freshly restored from a snapshot

It seems like the moment a mysql db is restored form a snapshot, it instantly starts a backup. But for my purpose, I only restore this snapshot to create a db instance for read only. I don't need to ...
Anthony Kong's user avatar
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Can't Connect a RDS slave on a distant Master

I would like to create a replica of a database hosted on a VM on my computer (MASTER) to the AWS cloud (SLAVE). I can connect on the 2 DB from a EC2 instance. I set the parameters with the AWS ...
jerome's user avatar
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How to Solve unknown_ca error on WSO2IS-5.7 when using MySQL RDS as backstore?

I've tried to install an instance on AWS using aws RDS as my datasource through the mysql-connector-java-5.1.45-bin.jar with jdbc url jdbc:mysql://< instance>.< zone>
Gennady A.'s user avatar
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AWS RDS DB Connections 90+

I have a single db.m5.large RDS instance running in my aws setup. When I check for max connection from mysql console, with bellow query. mysql> show variables like 'max_connections'; ...
Aparichith's user avatar
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Unable to Connect to AWS RDS using endpoint

We have two RDS running on AWS. On is a production database and the other is a development database. Both servers were working correctly until we decided to upgrade the production server from a db.t2....
GlenLuengen's user avatar
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Soak test failing on AWS RDS MySQL

I have a MySQL database in AWS RDS. It is an r4.large machine with 16GB ram. I have been testing its load capacity and find out that upto 18 concurrent users, the app works fine. Then we decided to do ...
Neron Joseph's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Can't create a new user with all privileges on AWS RDS MySQL instance

I've initiated a AWS RDS MySQL instance and would like to create an additional user, who has all privileges on all databases; grant all privileges on *.* to "someuser"@""; ERROR ...
manifestor's user avatar
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AWS Freeable memory decreases from 16GB to 1GB

I have a MYSQL database hosted on RDS with 16GB RAM. I'm using an r4.large with 20GB General purpose SSD storage. We are using a microservice architecture and has 6 backend containers. So the request ...
Neron Joseph's user avatar
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How can I scale a mysql database with high I/O used for queue jobs with 300 workers?

I'm currently using angular on the frontend for a dashboard that displays the progress of queue workers. On the backend, I use 50 AWS EC2 instances that each have around 6 workers and those are ...
Mike's user avatar
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RDS MySQL Instance has plumetting free space, then recovers

Over the course of 3 minutes, our RDS instance went from 50GB free down to only 900MB free, before suddenly climbing back up to 50GB. This happened around 9 AM when there wasn't much database activity....
DOOManiac's user avatar
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Unknown Database when trying to connect to an AWS RDS instance

I created a MySQL RDS instance, however, when I try to connect without writing the database name, it connects but does not allow me to create any tables. When I do write the name, the connection fails ...
Eduardo Andrés Castillo Perera's user avatar
6 votes
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Copying over indexes with AWS DMS

I need to use AWS DMS to copy one MySQL RDS instance to the other. I've been tinkering about have set it all up and I've run a successful migration. The issue is it doesn't create indexes. I ...
James's user avatar
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Audit logs for RDS MySQL not appearing in CloudWatch

I've been trying to get a MySQL instance on Amazon's RDS to send logs to CloudWatch: in particular, both error logs and audit logs. Error logs work fine, they're appearing in CloudWatch, no issues at ...
pat's user avatar
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Master Master replication between RDS and database instance on EC2 Errno: 1032

I face this error many times with my replication Last_SQL_Error: Could not execute Delete_rows event on table db_name.event; Can't find record in 'event', Error_code: 1032; handler error ...
Mai Tarek's user avatar