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-1 votes
1 answer

Unable to get subdomain to connect to MariaDB

So far I can reach the DB from the main domain lets say but connection from the subdomain lets say, don't work. I am currently running Nginx & Varnish & Apache ...
Sam's user avatar
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0 votes
0 answers

mysql service crash (ubuntu server)

mysql service craches and the server becomes down everyday or every two days and I do not know the reason (I am using apache and innodb). mysql error log: 2022-03-12 11:11:22 140142364764096 [Note] ...
Ahmad Naoum's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Multiple Website Lampp Stack [closed]

I currently have a Xampp on my local machine(ubuntu) for web developpment, this one is for study. Then I have, before the Xampp, a lampp stack with wordpress for work. After setting up Xampp my ...
Justin Mayer's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Is the slow down due to traffic every day near 12 pm

I checked the slow logs and I got only 4 queries in 2 hours and all of them were similar to this: "SELECT HEX(uhash) AS uhash, vehid, IF(deleted = 0 AND follow_price_drop = 1, 1, 0) AS ...
Sayaman's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Server being overloaded by flood attack [duplicate]

I have a strong server, with 64GB Ram and amazing network and SSD for fast connections, but someone, I don't know why, is attacking my website, it seems that it is a script requesting my index.php ...
Kaique Vortex's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

When too many concurrent connection to MySQL, all Apache-PHP site unable connect to DB

I'm using RDS from amazon, and tuned the MySQL config to the max. However, all the site will be stop connecting to the MySQL when the number of connection reached a certain numbers of activities. It's ...
ironman's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Legacy php app - what's the correct order to update things? [closed]

I have a legacy PHP application running on: HTTP 1.0 Apache 2.4.10 PHP 5.4.45 MySQL 5.5.42 I have an open source framework which the previous team have manually been writing changes into, so we ...
jackdaw's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

is it stable to running tomcat, apache as reverse proxy, mysql on the same server?

im running dedicated ubuntu server from hoster, has enough cores (12) and good amount memmory 64 GB (ECC). Im actually running tomcat and mysql service in a prodcution environment , but i still want ...
beard black's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Can undefined variables and notices cause a cpu spike?

We're running centos 6.7, PHP 5 and MySQL 5.5 and Apache 2.2.15. Sometimes we see high CPU usage, mainly caused by MySQL so we take all the logs we can get. We're addressing MySQL optimization ...
Lynob's user avatar
  • 251
0 votes
1 answer

magento 2 site loading speed very slow

as per our architecture, we have a web server(Apache) running on one machine and my database(MySQL) running on different machine. The communication between these two machines in over internal network (...
Baljit Magento 2 's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Syncing time between server and a device [closed]

I am doing an IoT project. My IoT device (hardware with Arduino) is measuring some temperature information every minutes. And sending these data to the server. Hardware has a display. That shows the ...
master_yoda's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to allow mysql connection only from specific folder?

Is it possible to allow mysql connection only from specific folder? I want to make sure that connection to database is only from my secure folder. This folder has php script which will make mysql ...
ernest1a's user avatar
  • 131
-4 votes
1 answer

directory protection in Ubuntu 14.04 Server [closed]

I want to run the following on a single ubuntu 14.04 server - Asterisk - PHP/Apache/ MySQL This server will be offline at customer's location. I want to protect these folders in a way that if my ...
user3756834's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

How to connect a MySQL database on a remote machine

My apologize, this question may seem obvious...but I'm not an expert in system administration. I have a Windows server (on my Intranet) running Apache 2.2 and MySQL 5.1. The server has PHPMyAdmin ...
jpo38's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

'max_questions' for user 'root' has exceeded

Accidentally change settings on mysql server (local LAMP), and now i have this: ERROR 1226 (42000): User 'root' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 1) Can't use any query, also ...
TvS's user avatar
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1 answer

Ubuntu 17.04 with MariaDB-10.2.11 unable to update 1 table (only) from remote php script

first let me introduce my setup 2 servers 1. for web, with apache (php7) and nginx(php7-fpm) + local mysql (ubuntu 16.10) 2. mysql MariaDB-10.2.11 server for server 1 (ubuntu 17.04) The first server ...
Joakim's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

how install php 5.4 apache 2.2 mysql from source on ubuntu

im use ubuntu 16 and im know at repository is not support php 5.4 again. im tired use ppa:ondrej/php5-oldstable becouse package is not exist so how to install php 5.4 apache 2.2 mysql from source on ...
Mochamad Rizal Susalit's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Apache server freeze - Memory filling fast

I do have an application that runs on centos running PHP5.5.x/MySql5.5.x (16Gb of memory) and the big problem now it's that apache/mysql processes becomes unresponsive at some random point in time. ...
Viorel Tudor's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Does Apache web service restart close existing MySQL connections?

In the case of 'too many connections' error, if I do a service httpd restart/reload, would it free up the existing MySQL connections? Is it possible that when restarting Apache, Apache closes the DB ...
starchx's user avatar
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1 vote
0 answers

Tomcat: Session persistence not working with MySQL

I am working on adding session persistence in Tomcat with MySQL, but unfortunately it is not working. Nothing in database. I am trying to save session information so that users are logged in even ...
We are Borg's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

How to figure out timeout error(504), Nothing in logs

I'm getting a lot of timeout errors (504) in my website. I checked almost all the logs and couldn't find anything. There are two websites pointing to the same web app and only one encounters error. ...
P.M's user avatar
  • 21
2 votes
3 answers

Debugging MySQL performance issues

I work on a WordPress site that gets roughly 100K page views per day. We use Varnish for a caching layer. Recently, we've been running into a problem where, seemingly at random, MySQL performance ...
DiscoInfiltrator's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Learning to deal with a large MySQL database

Total newb in terms of databases/server management but currently running a large database: LAMP Stack Ubuntu WordPress platform (can't change) Over 100,000 database entries Site adds new entries via ...
AdamSC's user avatar
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1 vote
0 answers

Inconsistent CPU load on debian

This server runs Apache2, Tomcat6 and MySQL.(if that makes any difference you tell me :) Using htop i can see the cpu load on each of the 4 cores. What I do not understand is witch processes are ...
IYH's user avatar
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1 answer

MySQL long_query_time Seems to be Ignored

I added the following to MySQL config file... slow_query_log=1 log_queries_not_using_indexes=1 long_query_time=1 slow_query_log_file='slow_queries.log' So why would the log file contain entries like ...
Gordon's user avatar
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0 answers

Configure auth with MySQL in Apache 2.22

I've got a raspberry pi 1 which serves web pages using apache 2.22. I've done some research and I found a way to secure "pages" using a database (mysql in this case). I've found this little guide to ...
joninx's user avatar
  • 129
1 vote
1 answer

Get mysql last uptime

I just restarted the MySQL service. I know how to get the current Uptime, but by any chance is there a way to get the uptime before last restart ? Thanks
FLX's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

High RAM usage by Apache without any visitors

I have recently bought a VPS server with the below configuration Centos 6 64bit 20GB SSD 512MB RAM 512 VSwap I have hosted around 10 websites. In that 4 of them is WordPress. Others are dynamic(PHP) ...
Gijo Varghese's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Small queries wait for large queries to resolve MYSQL PHP on Centos 6.5

I have a Centos 6.5, and I'm running Vaadin on Tomcat, This application has really heavy queries for reports and stuffs. My problem is, when I'm connect to MYSQL from PHP, when I made a small query, ...
hidroquino's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

LAMP server with remote MySQL on CentOS 6.4 [duplicate]

I am pretty new to linux and LAMP setup. I want to setup a LAMP environment with AP on one linux server and M on a different linux server. I have a hard time finding a relevant document with such a ...
pradeep's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

LAMP stack with apache and php on one linux server and mysql on a different linux server [closed]

I am pretty new to linux and LAMP setup. I want to setup a LAMP environment with AP on one linux server and M on a different linux server. I have a hard time finding a relevant document with such a ...
pradeep's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Joomla 2.5: JError: Unable to load Database Driver: mysql

I've suddenly started receiving the message "JError: Unable to load Database Driver: mysql" when browsing to any page within a particular Joomla 2.5.x site. Other Joomla sites on the same server, that ...
Dan's user avatar
  • 101
0 votes
1 answer

Which memory settings to use for this MySQL server? [duplicate]

I've been looking in a lot of places so far but I couldn't find any articles about how much memory to allocate to MySQL based on server size. I am about to deploy a website on a relatively small ...
jonnybravo's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

DBD: Can't load driver file

I am using Apache 2 on a virtual machine running a LAMP stack (mysql version 5.6). When I try to restart the server I am getting this error; DBD: Can't load driver file I have made ...
guest9084390's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Correct MaxClients config

I have this server: 4 Xeon CPU 4G Ram Centos5+Apache+php+Mysql+Redis+directadmin Right now i have a problem. because of my high range of users, Apache can't handle all of them and puts them in queue ...
Fcoder's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Wifi with multiple password [closed]

I'd like to allow every user have their own specific wifi password that generated from database. It just like star-buck system, customer purchased their food they able to get they specific password. ...
David 's user avatar
  • 11
1 vote
2 answers

Can't load driver file when restarting Apache

I have an Apache 2.2 version running on a Centos 7.1 machine running a LAMP stack (MySql version 5.6). Apache has been configured to enable the DBD modules, and running a DUMP_MODULES using httpd ...
Display's user avatar
  • 131
-2 votes
2 answers

Is it safe to reboot Linux every night? [Being attacked] [closed]

Is it safe to use reboot command to reboot VPS every night? I'm under attack everyday for ~30 mins and I'm pretty sure if they could attack, they would do it non-stop. I contacted hosting provider, ...
Luis's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Pages hanging on waiting for query, consuming memory and take 2 hours to fail

See attached picture of Fusion Reactor, showing pages that just keep on running. Times have gone up into the millions and I've left them to see if they'd complete but that was when there were just 2 ...
Pete's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Website sometimes takes long time to load

I am running a LAMP system with Ubuntu 14.04. I have 4 cores and 8GB Ram on my server The problem is that when I connect to my website after idle period( 2-3 hours or more) the it takes lot of time ...
Jayesh Duggal's user avatar
1 vote
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configure apache to use sql server authentication using password and salt

I got a web application which I want to protect using apache authentication. I found out that it uses sha1+salt to store passwords. Since auth_mysql_module is deprecated I try to use authn_dbd_module. ...
cyoborg's user avatar
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Check services running on the server and restart them if they have stopped? (python script)

I am trying to write a python script which shows me the services which are running on my server. The thing is that mongodb keeps going down on the server and each time it happens I have to manually ...
Tasdik Rahman's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

PHP/APACHE and MySQL SERVER Setup [duplicate]

I'm about to setup a server hosting MySQL, Apache/PHP, File Uploads, and probably CCTV Storage. Planned Personal Server Specifications: ASUS H97M-E INTEL i7-4790 2 x 4GB 1600MHz RAM ...
Mac Cortes's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Allowed Memory Size Exhausted irregardless of amount, Memory leak?

I'm running a small Wordpress blog for my sister on a very common CentOS 5.11 with Apache 2 and PHP 5.3.3. Lately, we discovered while she tried to update or install anything using Wordpress own ...
Lars's user avatar
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1 answer

Install mysql-php5 to specific php file

I'm running an Ubuntu OS 14.04 hosting Nginx with Zend Server and Apache listening on separate ports. I managed to install Zend Server without any hassle. In an attempt to run Apache beside Nginx, I'...
LeDoc's user avatar
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URL routing for domains

I have a site with 10's of thousands of users. Each user has their own site hosted by me at a subdomain of or as an add on domain at or This is all done ...
Stu R's user avatar
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MySQL process in Sleep command and page is loading after 1 minute

I'm using VestCP which installed for me Apache2.2, PHP 5.5.25, MySQL Percona and Nginx. I have an app built in ZF1 which works fine on all my development computers but on this server the application ...
CGeorges's user avatar
  • 135
3 votes
1 answer

HAProxy balance algorithms for Apache and MySQL

just recently I got responsible for an existing project that uses Apache webservers and MySQL databases. The webserver are behind a HAProxy loadbalancer and the application connects to the MySQL ...
dennis's user avatar
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SELinux - mysql/ and httpdoc/ in same folder?

Looks like my old faithful LAMP directory structure has come unstuck with SELinux. I prefer everything in the same place. CentOS 6.6 Apache 2.2.15 MySQL 6.5 /DATA/ /DATA/httpdocs/ /DATA/mysql/ /DATA/...
dave.zap's user avatar
  • 187
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1 answer

Apache 2.2 / MySQL Overload of Ubuntu Server

I've run into a problem and I just can't seem to figure out how to solve it; I have a regular Ubuntu 12.04 Server with apache 2.2 running a website. Every now and then the server overloads and starts ...
Epodax's user avatar
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