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How to back up mysql/mariadb database as mysql root when using unix socket for sql access in a bash script?

I am running Ubunutu Server 20.04. I have secured mariadb by using the unix socket for authentication, which means, I need to enter sudo mysql to be able to access mysql as root. 1) If I enter mysql -...
DanRan's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

MariaDB - Emulate MySQL 5.7 version number?

I have been running MariaDB 5.5 on a linux server for several years. Yesterday, I upgraded to MariaDB 10.11.3. Now, my backup software has stopped backing up the databases, reporting an error that &...
Ryan Griggs's user avatar
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1 answer

Hardening the security of a backup shell script of a web-server with mysql database

In the case of a simple web-server with a MySQL database, the script has to dump the database, copy the web-server files and tar everything together. Then a NAS server Rsync the tar file via a "...
Danilo Steps's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

mysql NDB backup fail

I'm trying to abort a backup on a NDB cluster like this: ndb_mgm> abort backup 2304081512 Abort of backup 2304081512 ordered But there is no change, the backup seems to be stalled : ndb_mgm> ...
Julien's user avatar
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Automysqlbackup does not use the configured password

I have automysqlbackup installed on debian. I added USERNAME and PASSWORD to /etc/default/automysqlbackup, but when automysqlbackup runs, I get the output: /etc/cron.daily/automysqlbackup: ERROR 1045 (...
allo's user avatar
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Can I run a Select query on an SQL dump?

Here is my issue. I've a backup system, that creates an SQL Dump from a DB cluster every day. Works fine, yade yade. The cluster died one day and we realized, the sql dump were wrong for the past 1 ...
Bert's user avatar
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2 answers

What is the best & safe & fastes way to backup a large mysql database?

I have a mysql server running on a Debian server. I have a mysql database wich is 150GB... What is the best way to take a backup of it? I'll say: screen then mysqldump -u user -p database > ...
sav1sav's user avatar
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How to rotate montly backups of automysqlbackup script?

I just discovered all automysqlbackup are rotated but monthly backup are keeped forever. Is there any chance to rotate the montly backups too? I'm using the default distribution of Ubuntu 64bit 20.04
Tobia's user avatar
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Cron job to create and send backups over FTP

My VPS is running on Centos 7 with nginx and MySQL 8.0 I have created 2 cron jobs to backup my files and database everyday at a specific time. everything works fine but I'm trying to send those backup ...
samoolix's user avatar
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Remote MySQL backup from Windows with Worker file

I need a solid remote backup/restore solution for my linux webserver. The backup/restore software must run on Windows It must connect to a remote worker file (script) that does the actual backup/...
Mike's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Correct way to have a mysql/mariadb incremental backup

I've read for a few hours on this topic but don't have a complete grasp. I'm going to be using borg backup to a network share. Looking to have pretty frequent backups of the binlog....every 5 ...
BostonAreaHuman's user avatar
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automysqlbackup failes with ERROR 1045 (18000) Access denied ... after password change

I have two almost identical ubuntu database servers, and automysqlbackup was happily running on both of them on using Percona 5.7 databases. On one of them I have changed the database root password....
P Burke's user avatar
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mysqldump cron job runs in terminal but not cron tab

I have this cron job, /usr/bin/mysqldump -u username -p'password' MyDatabase > /backup/CronBackup/MyDatabaseBackup.sql &>/backup/CronBackup/cronBackupLog.log I have been through this page: ...
Dorian Waite's user avatar
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AWS : Replicate Amazon Elastic search and RDS

We are working on an AWS system where we are using Amazon RDS for database purposes and ElasticSearch for indexing. We have a requirement that we require weekly backup of both the services along with ...
Allscool's user avatar
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Azure Database For MySql - How to see the successful backup and restore logs?

I am using Azure Database for MySQL, vcore GpV2 and had opted for Geo-redundant backup during Database creation. According to the official documentation, Generally, full backups occur weekly, ...
Karan Desai's user avatar
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how to vps server backup local machine every month automatically(ubuntu)

I have a VPS Server with Ubuntu 16.04 Server from I want to backup its content to my local machine (Ubuntu 16.04), this task has to be repetead every month automatically (database and ...
VJ Ranga's user avatar
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Mysql/Mariadb backup from non-bootable system

My working server crashed, more precise, my HDD got bad sectors. What is proper method to make a backup from non-working server and restore it later on newly installed server? Any set of files I need ...
Gacek's user avatar
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Large mysql dump pipe to s3

Is there any problem in doing this with lots of data? mysqldump ... | gzip | s3cmd put - s3://bucket/file.sql.gz The MySQL dump is about 100GB in size. What happens if gzip or s3cmd can't process ...
John W. Nesk's user avatar
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Backup MySQL databases and users from files

I'm working on my VPS with Ubuntu 16.04 installed. Today while running sudo apt-get install git-core curl I have approached error: Setting up mysql-common (5.7.15-0ubuntu0.16.04.1) ... update-...
Gregy's user avatar
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5 votes
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How can I set up automated, encrypted backups of live MySQL databases on a Ubuntu VPS to Google Drive using Duplicity?

We're using DigitalOcean as our VPS provider. They have a tutorial on how to set up Duplicity for encrypted backups, but it doesn't cover database backups or the Google Drive endpoint. I found a few ...
alexw's user avatar
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19 votes
6 answers

Backing up a MySQL database via ZFS snapshots

I've found a number of sites talking about doing exactly this, but I'm missing a few important details. The general steps are Run FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK Take the ZFS snapshot Run UNLOCK TABLES ...
Andy Shulman's user avatar
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Simple MediaWiki backup

I am currently on contract with a small (<250 accounts) municipal water supply company. One of the things I'm doing is rewriting their ten-years-out-of-date procedures manual, and after some ...
Brian S's user avatar
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How can I export a database from phpMyAdmin when the "Export" tab is missing?

My Webhost has disappeared, possibly because the company has gone out of business. I no longer have access to cloud-based backups which my host created on a daily basis, however I still have access to ...
user1468810's user avatar
4 votes
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How to avoid VMware stunning a client during imaging with Veeam

Recently our MySQL server has been "going away" (ie. the client connection drops out). After weeks of trying different things (like adjusting packet size), we've discovered that it's our Veeam imaging ...
scipilot's user avatar
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3 answers

MariaDB taking ages to restore backup

So I did a mysqldump of a pretty huge db and I'm trying to restore it now using: mysql db_test < db_test.sql but it looks like it's not gonna end by the end of this year. It's been about an hour ...
sysfiend's user avatar
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Backing up MySQL MyISAM databases by copying the physical folders

I have a Windows Server 2008 R2 machine and on it I have 2 MySQL MyISAM databases. These databases are quite large as they are over 20GB in combined size. I update these databases once a week. (I ...
user3480610's user avatar
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Trouble getting automysqlbackup to keep connection to mysql server

I am trying to follow the instructions from the following page to set up backups for mysql. However, once I get to ...
user2850818's user avatar
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bacula catalog backup error

I have a Bacula (mysql) server on an Ubuntu-server machine. It backs up and restore without issues except for the catalog. Every time it runs the catalog backup it shows an error. My guess is that ...
blade's user avatar
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MySQL Backup Cron Job

I have a cron job which backup up my MySQL database by exporting it. The script includes the root password to get the job done. I get the message: Using a password on the command line interface can ...
Manngo's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Syncing MySQL backup with GIT tags

We have a large Yii2 / PHP application using MySQL database and versioned by GIT. The application is under continuous development as customer require new features. The database gets changed quite ...
WeSee's user avatar
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Best practices to backup mysql databases

This question concerns best practices for mysql backup with replication and large number of databases. I'm looking for your point of view and suggestions :) I - Current situation I have two databases ...
maxime_039's user avatar
3 votes
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Azure Backup VM with files and MySQL

I have an Azure virtual machine that I use to run my java web applications. These web applications make files in the filesystem and are constantly updating the MySQL database I have on the virtual ...
Ethan's user avatar
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Connect by mysqldump to a mysql server only allowing one ip

I have a cloud server with MySQL in it. In this moment, i can't connect from my pc to the server using any of the users. What it want is allow to use mysqldump with an specific user and only allow ...
Santiago Mendoza Ramirez's user avatar
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MySQL execute every query on a second server

I have a Web-application on a Linux Debian 8 Server saving in MySQL. I need a backup which is always the latest version(not even a minute behind) so the only way i could think off to archive this is ...
M41DZ3N's user avatar
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Need to do partial restore from a full xtrabackup

I'm using percona xtrabackup to do full DB backups on mariadb 10 and now i'm testing the restore. I want to restore just some databases (the important DBs) and ignore others (big archive DBs), ...
higuita's user avatar
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How to secure the db dump taken from daily run script

In one of my mysql slave servers I have written a daily run script, which 1) stops slave, 2) takes a db dump, 3) starts slave again, 4) encrypts it, 5) copies it to my s3-bucket. I am using aws-cli ...
Rajat Singhal's user avatar
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Why does XtraBackup tell me my MySQL database is corrupt?

I am trying to backup data on a MySQL Galera node with XtraBackup. Unfortunatelly the tool tells me, that ibdata1 is corrupt. After double checking I indeed found some myisam tables I have importet by ...
merlin's user avatar
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Advice on migrating RDS MySQL databases from one AWS account to another

I am currently planning a migration of AWS resources from one account to another. This includes several MySQL RDS instances. After some research it looks like a "dump and load" strategy is needed. My ...
NimbusScale's user avatar
3 votes
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Can I "flush and lock" an Oracle database to do a filesystem backup?

I'm using ZFS to take snapshots of running OpenVZ containers. For MySQL databases I can use flush tables with read lock to put them in a flushed & locked state. This will put the underlying files ...
Tobia's user avatar
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Doing a backup with mysqldump and drop it on another server (Bash)

I'm using a cron job to do backups hourly and now, I want to drop those backups on another server by default. My script is the following: mysqldump -u db_user -p db_password db_name| gzip > /...
Alejandro Araujo's user avatar
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Ubuntu broken machine (backup mysql via FTP)

I cannot access my virtual machine (ubuntu 14.04). The only way to connnect is via the FTP. I really need to backup all mysql databases from there. Is this possible to just copy the whole mysql ...
user3675773's user avatar
-4 votes
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Automysqlbackup how long does it keep the backups [closed]

I wonder that if you setup automysqlbackup with default config, how long does it keep the old backups? total 12 drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 2010-01-27 17:20 daily drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2010-01-...
dino22's user avatar
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Path to mysqldump on Azure VM?

I've set up a VM running MySQL Server (Community Edition) on Azure. My CMS (Perch) has a backup module, which uses mysqldump to back up the database. However, the default options don't seem to be ...
MassivePenguin's user avatar
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Backup MySQL with LVM, questions about the MySQL Session

I want backup my mysql database with lvm. I will do the backup with cronjob. Here the pseudocode Open mysql session Run SQL FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK Do backup lvcreate -l100%FREE -s -n mysql-...
user260137's user avatar
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R1Soft MySQL Failed to perform discovery on database instance

I am using R1Soft (5.8.1) for file backups on a few servers and have tonight been trying to setup a MySQL backup - I installed the driver etc and am setting up the policy but am getting an error. ...
bhttoan's user avatar
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how to use mysql database replication to backup a single database

Suppose I want to replicate a single database in mysql on my slave, the master might be creating and writing to multiple databases. is this possoible? or does the replication slave have to replicate ...
user12145's user avatar
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How many incremental backups to keep with Percona xtrabackup?

I'm looking to replace an aging and decidedly suboptimal mysqldump-based database backup strategy with Percona's Xtrabackup. This all looks pretty straightforward, except that I'm wondering: how many ...
Nate's user avatar
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s3cmd: on-the-fly backup

To do backups I created a script that makes an archive of all the folders I need to backup, sends it to S3 (through s3cmd) and then deletes it after upload has been completed. I'm looking for a way ...
MultiformeIngegno's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Percona XtraBackup: Getting an error regarding "Too many open files", how can I solve this issue?

I'm trying to backup using Percona XtraBackup and getting the following error: [root@ads-dev1 ~]# innobackupex /root/db InnoDB Backup Utility v1.5.1-xtrabackup; Copyright 2003, 2009 Innobase Oy and ...
Itai Ganot's user avatar
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MySql Replication Stored to Central Database

Hi I maybe looking with the wrong terminology. But i have a situation where i need to replicate / copy data to a centralized database. Shop1.dbshop - > Central.dbshop1 Shop2.dbshop - > Central....
Phoenix's user avatar

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