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3 answers

Rook Ceph storage and MySQL space very big difference

Can someone please advise me what could be the cause of this condition? I have a Rook Ceph cluster on which MySQL database with 3x replication is stored. This database is used by me for development ...
JDev's user avatar
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Why did our AWS Aurora RDS spike and lock up?

This morning our aurora mysql serverless 2 spiked and basically locked up. We have a writer/reader and a reader associated with the cluster. On the reader we had an intense select query. This is the ...
Harpua's user avatar
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Large WordPress E-Com Site - Very slow performance (High volume of Post Meta data and Order Data)

I have an e-com store running on WordPress (Together with using WooCommerce) - We've operated the site for around 4 years now, and in that time, our website has grown heavily in sales and customer ...
Jayjay95's user avatar
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MySQL Update Statement taking long time to update small table with 4 rows

I've got a ridiculously small table in MySQL that consists of four rows of data. Updating this table is taking a long time, often upwards of 50 seconds. CREATE TABLE log_CacheQueueEntity ( ID int(11)...
LinuxGnut's user avatar
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Mysql server eating all RAM (100GB) when load is running

I am using Mysql - Server version: 8.0.29 MySQL Community Server - GPL My server has 100GB RAM. Of it I allocated innodb_buffer_pool_size as 90 GB SET GLOBAL innodb_buffer_pool_size = 96636764160; I ...
santhosh's user avatar
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How to add a new database on replication?

I have a mysql replication with two servers. There are actually 3 databases on it. On master : server-id = 1 log_bin = /var/log/mysql/mysql-bin.log expire_logs_days ...
erwann le guevedec's user avatar
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Mariadb creates a subprocess after crash

We recently had a crash on our Mariadb server (10.6.5) on a Debian 9 VM. The process was restarted without error but now there's a second mariadb process like so : mysql 26718 5.1 42.4 15062644 ...
Ror's user avatar
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How to handle scaling upto 3k concurrent connections [duplicate]

So here's our use case: We have firmware that connects to server (simple php file - that takes post request) and add the data (350-500 bytes per request) to database. Now here's a issue we have 3k ...
Shamsudeen McHalwai's user avatar
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Undestanding how to connect remotely to a Mysql database

Even if I found many old questions around this topic, I'm still unable to connect to a mysql database remotely. Beside my own specific issue I'd like to point out what are my doubts, in hope to serve ...
Kay's user avatar
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2 answers

What database my applications will use if I have a locally installed database beside it's pod running on local Kubernetes?

I have installed mysql on my Ubuntu machine. I also have a locally running Kubernetes and deployed a mysql deployment on Kubernetes and can reach to that using kubectl exec -it mysql-b4769786-5hf4m sh ...
best_of_man's user avatar
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does it benefit if split multiple sites into multiple database in shared hosting env?

I have been wondering this for long time let's say I run a server where I hosted 2 PHP sites , they are both heavy on database query server is multi-core , let's say 4 core 8 thread with bunch of RAM ...
qtwrk's user avatar
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Is there a way to load data from blob column instead of file like LOAD DATA FROM (SELECT A.B FROM A) INTO TABLE TEMP FIELDS TERMINATED BY ' ' ENCLOSED BY '"' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n' instead of ...
HARI's user avatar
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ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (10060)

I've tried to look for a solution and there are many similar questions but somehow none of the solutions are working. I have a laravel app running on one of my ubuntu servers at IP. I ...
Afifa's user avatar
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Mysql is not starting in UBUNTU 20.4

Mysql fails to start in UBUNTU 20.4. i have no idea what the issue is. Almost i tried everything. nothing worked. sudo journalctl -u mysql.service -n 100 ------------------------------------------ ...
Seeking solution's user avatar
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mysql crashes when accessing database after upgrade from 5.5 to 5.7

After upgrading mysql from 5.5 to 5.7, one of innodb databases seems corrupted. mysqldump -u root -p mydatabase > mydatabase.sql Enter password: mysqldump: Error: 'Lost connection to MySQL server ...
peter's user avatar
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Unable to get subdomain to connect to MariaDB

So far I can reach the DB from the main domain lets say but connection from the subdomain lets say, don't work. I am currently running Nginx & Varnish & Apache ...
Sam's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How to find joins performed without indexes?

I run a WordPress website on Mariadb 10.6, and recently I saw an error Joins performed without indexes in Mysqltuner. Although the number is not very large, Mysqltuner recommends that you keep ...
Junuk 's user avatar
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Why my simple searching query is too slow?

I don't know why searching in my "cities" table is so slow. My query looking for a table "cities" located about 25km from the city. I use this simple query and the database takes ...
Sahasrar's user avatar
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Mysql database often stops and won't restart

Server: Linode Dedicated 4G Ubuntu 18.04, Webmin + Virtualmin Every now and then, mysql server stops and fails on restarting. Here is the logs I was able to find: Apr 11 20:54:57 bamboo kernel: [ 2082....
shenkwen's user avatar
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Are MySQL/MariaDB and Postgresql compatible?

I want to install multiple applications on my web server. For most of them, using PostgreSQL is possible or the only option. But in one of them's installation guide, only MariaDB is mentioned. If I ...
Yav's user avatar
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Best way to store database file on a NAS and run the server on a computer

I have a txt file more than 250go I want to create a database with that and access it by a python program that I'll be coding. I have a NAS server on my local network ( 1gbit network ) And I would ...
Eva exe's user avatar
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postfix container kubernetes - setting up encrypted secret, configmap for successful db connection

I am trying to run postfix as a container in k8s. The container starts (including the svcs) but my config maps and secrets don't want to play nice. I tried the following: setup the config map with ...
realShadow's user avatar
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Connect to an installed mysql db

I have installed on my application server mysql mysql Ver 8.0.23-0ubuntu0.20.04.1 for Linux on x86_64 ((Ubuntu)). My operating system on my VPS is Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS. To manage this database I ...
Carol.Kar's user avatar
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3 answers

Is it possible to host the database on one server, but the actual data on another? [closed]

We're planning to do AI research using an HPC. This HPC will use datasets that we've created. These datasets are fairly big subsets of the entire dataset (~1TB). All the data we've gathered from ...
Alex Osheter's user avatar
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1 answer

One user for all databases or different user for different databases?

I have multiple (Wordpress) websites that use different mysql databases. I would like to know if I should use different users for different databases, or just use one user (such as root) for all ...
peter's user avatar
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2 answers

What is the best & safe & fastes way to backup a large mysql database?

I have a mysql server running on a Debian server. I have a mysql database wich is 150GB... What is the best way to take a backup of it? I'll say: screen then mysqldump -u user -p database > ...
sav1sav's user avatar
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MySQL not saving to separate data directories

Lately I've been struggling with MySQL and it's data directory a lot. At first, I've tried docker for multiple instances but our company doesn't prefer docker no one knows why. So I come up with a ...
emir ko's user avatar
2 votes
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Can't create free-tier AWS RDS DB

I can't seem to create a 12-month free-tier AWS RDS DB running MySQL. According to AWS, the following requirements need to be met for a 12-month free-tier RDS DB: 750 Hours per month of db.t2.micro ...
jlnkls's user avatar
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Where is the advantage of a professional database (MySQL) over my system?

I have a website and I need to store data about customers, so I made the following system: I made on my server a folder that I called database. In it I created a folder called customers. In this ...
PugsAreCute's user avatar
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PhpStorm Laravel trying to connect to MySQL database throws Connection refused: connect

I am trying to set up a laravel project in phpstorm but fail at connecting to a mysql database. These are the steps I've taken so far: download and install composer, vagrant and virtualbox create ...
Artur Müller Romanov's user avatar
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MariaDB 10.3 Randomly crash

I'm facing a very weird issue with a mariadb database, randomly it crash with this error: free(): corrupted unsorted chunks 210804 20:05:16 [ERROR] mysqld got signal 6 ; This could be because you hit ...
NET-WATCH's user avatar
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Mysql server won't start after changing bind-address

I have two dropplets at digitalocean, one is for http server and another is for database. In mysql config /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf I have set bind-address to digitalocean private ip and ...
sitemapxml's user avatar
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MySQL Access log query Execution

We are trying to upgrade our MySQL servers from 5.7.26 to MySQL 8. We want to test all the queries which were executed in say 48 hours in the old MySQL instance, To execute on a new Instance with ...
karnish's user avatar
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How to handle failover for wordpress woocommerce store?

I am working on a project with multiple WordPress + Woocommerce stores. We have 3 dedicated servers. As the traffic grows. Sometimes, the server is down. I am looking for a failover solution that ...
Philip's user avatar
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Strange behaviour of MySQL on Windows (CPU 100% with simple query)

We run MySQL 8 on Windows 2019 server (Dell R420, 32 cores, 64GB, SSDs on Raid10). Every now and then, our website goes completely offline, as the CPU on the MySQL server is completely bottlenecked (...
Alex K.'s user avatar
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MariaDB 10.2.35 Memory Spikes

On an AWS EC2 T3.large instance I'm hosting a website built with the Cake PHP framework. It utilises the MariaDB version 10.2.35. I'm having an issue whereby the memory for the server is spiking. When ...
jsjw's user avatar
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Why is my database not deleted?

I have seen in several tutorial that the "DROP" command will drop the database, but it is not deleted. Why is my database not deleted ? mysql> DROP DATABASE www_example_com; Query OK, 645 ...
20f2c98f50's user avatar
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How to actually set up MariaDB replication/high availability

I'm setting up a high availability LAMP stack - so far, I have two servers with HAProxy running on both their frontends that own a floating IP. HAProxy redirects requests to backend Apache servers ...
forkwasher's user avatar
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how can i install Mysql alongside MariaDB without losing my data?

I am trying to install snort, barnyard2 and base that uses Mysql in the same machine where is MISP (platform sharing information) installed and that uses the MariaDB database. I do the following steps ...
switshain's user avatar
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Cannot back up my database

I am trying to backup my MySQL 8 database with the command line below but I got an error message. How to make the backup ? ubuntu@www-example-com ~ $ mysqldump -u root -p www_example_com > /var/www/...
20f2c98f50's user avatar
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How to install MySQL 8.0?

I will be moving my site from an Ubuntu 18.04 server to an Ubuntu 20.04 server On my old server I had installed MySQL this way : $ wget -c $ ...
Mathieu's user avatar
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How do I secure my PHP forms that communicate with my MySQL Server? [closed]

They are just the basic forms, they take in $input from the form and then store that directly in to the database, there is another form where it takes $input and searches for a hashed match for it. ...
cwstack's user avatar
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MySQL user has "usage" privileges but RW works

I have migrated Grafana from SQLite database to MySQL (in fact, MariaDB 10.3.22), so database is now located on a different machine. It is obvious that the software needs a database account now, so I ...
zsotrab's user avatar
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mysql storage filling up unexpectedly (RDS)

I am total newbie to database game. & I am using mysql 8.0 RDS 20GB free tier. I don't have much data on it.(just 300 Mb) But I always get a mail that you have exceeded 85% of storage limit.(...
NewGeek's user avatar
17 votes
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mariadb.service start stuck at activating

I just installed the mariadb in my ubuntu 19.10 by sudo apt install mariadb-server mariadb-client after when I am trying to start the server by sudo systemctl start mariadb.service shell get freeze I ...
Sarthak Kumar's user avatar
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Exported MariaDB dump different size

I'm trying to copy a database from a MariaDB server on another. I made a dump of the database on server A with : sudo mysqldump -u root -p --databases database1 > /var/tmp/database1.sql I created ...
Ror's user avatar
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How do I access my non-public AWS RDS MySQL database with MySQL WorkBench?

Trying to access my database in AWS with MySQL Work Bench, but the only way I'm able to access it is by making the database public and open to all inbound traffic. This is a huge security risk and I ...
Thomas Lewis's user avatar
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Open-Xchange Installation "The maximum number of contexts in every database cluster has been reached"

I'm currently trying to configure my Ubuntu Server with Open-Xchange for personal use. I've got Open-Xchange up and running (all the databases and users have been created, the site is reachable via ...
SimonC's user avatar
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Azure Database for MySQL servers: Location: service not available in this location for your subscription

I am trying to create an Azure DB MySQL server and under location I keep getting this error. " service not available in this location for your subscription." Could you guide me what needs to be ...
Sudeepti's user avatar
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How to create read replica from MSSQL to MySQL through RDS

I have a RDS instance with SQL Server Standard edition. This DB is used for transactions, I want to create read replica but I want the new replica to be MySQL/MariaDB or PostgreSQL. This is because we ...
Rodrigo Moreno's user avatar

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