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How to exclude `user` column from output of `ps`?

I want to get info about running processes and pass output to script. I have line shows the running MariaDB instance but its user is mysql. Is there a way to get all of ps waxfu output excluding ...
palmasd1's user avatar
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Mariadb - MySQL server has gone away after 1 second of sleep

I'm receiving errors from Mariadb. This is ok: $db = new mysqli(...); usleep(1000*1000); // 1 second is ok $db->query('SELECT 1'); This is not ok: $db = new mysqli(...); usleep(1001*1000); // 1....
rooobertek's user avatar
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Can't start MariaDB after replacing 5.6 with 10.4

I have an old VM I use for dev testing - it runs CentOS 7.9 with nginx, PHP, and MariaDB. The MariaDB version was really old (5.6), but it was working well enough for me until today when I wanted to ...
OsakaWebbie's user avatar
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Mysql filling up disk space, but storage not even on this disk

Have Mysql running on a server, with data, backups and logs each on their own disk. For 2nd time recently the root disk has filled up to 100% which gets cleared the moment that MySQL restarts. This ...
Mark Walker's user avatar
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mysql high CPU usage /usr/sbin/mariadbd

Our new VPS server for a wordpress website, have high CPU usage for mysql process, 50% CPU usage all the time. We don't have that many visitors and killing the process not working, there another new ...
Julash's user avatar
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MariaDB Crashes on Startup with Let's Encrypt Certificates

It seems I'm encountering an issue while setting up secure connections for my clients to connect to my database server on Debian 12. Every time I attempt to start MariaDB, it crashes with a Private ...
sidboy55555's user avatar
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Monit and MySQL/MariaDB Checksum

I have Monit monitoring MariaDB but when a minor MariaDB update is rolled out Monit fails to monitor as the Checksum has changed: Checksum failed Service mysql_bin Description: checksum failed, ...
neilgee's user avatar
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3 answers

MariaDB using more memory than expected

We're running MariaDB server 10.6.16 from the RPM repository on a AlmaLinux 9.3 system with 48 GiB memory (no swap space) and 32 CPU cores. We're ...
stepping stone AG's user avatar
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MariaDB/MySQL TDE extract/recover key from running server, when keyfile is lost?

If I have a MariaDB Server encrypted with the File Key Management Encryption Plugin (TDE / Transparent Data Encryption), is it somehow possible to extract the key from the running server? To my ...
Nuramon's user avatar
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mariadb-connector-odbc v3.1.20 "t_nobigint" unit test fails for big endian

In mariadb-connector-odbc v3.1.20 under test/types.c, unit test t_nobigint fails for big endian s390x. I am pretty sure it's because of the way hex decimal(byte conversion) took place in big endian. I ...
shubham's user avatar
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Tyring to access MariaDB running in a docker container on a remote machine

I can't seem to remotely connect to my database, via SSH tunnel. I'm relatively new to all this, so I was hoping someone might be able to give me some pointers. I've got a cloud server on which I've ...
newjunkcity's user avatar
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Live database migration MariaDB 10.5 to MySQL 8.0

I need to move a busy OLTP database from self hosted MariaDB 10.5 to Google Cloud SQL for MySQL 8.0 with minimal downtime. The source is a self managed VM instance in Googles Cloud with replicas, ...
Claus Koch's user avatar
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Backing up a MySQL/MariaDB database via ZFS snapshots without errors

So I am using zrepl to take snapshots of my production machine and replicate them to a backup server. This also includes MariaDB, it's in it's own dataset with recordsize=16k I've been testing the ...
Bento's user avatar
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MariaDB not starting after a server restart

I'm running a LEMP stack for my websites and they were running fine. Monitoring showed that the server wasn't responding to the pings, I restarted it. Now MariaDB service isn't running, my websites ...
Ali's user avatar
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Can sleeping dockerized mysql processes cause high system load?

I'm in the process of finding out what could cause a huge system load at night. Icinga2 reports a CRITICAL state at 2:15 am: load average: 49.23, 24.50, 10.24. I've checked the syslog and found ...
digijay's user avatar
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mariadb 10.3 not sending CA certificate, so clients can't verify the server [duplicate]

I've partially successfully installed a Let's Encrypt certificate for mariadb 10.3.34 I've configured a user with REQUIRE SSL and that works fine with local command line. Server system is Ubuntu 20.04....
Danny's user avatar
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MySQL Update Statement taking long time to update small table with 4 rows

I've got a ridiculously small table in MySQL that consists of four rows of data. Updating this table is taking a long time, often upwards of 50 seconds. CREATE TABLE log_CacheQueueEntity ( ID int(11)...
LinuxGnut's user avatar
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Mariadb active passive failover doesn't work with HAProxy

What is wrong with my HAProxy config? This thread kind of similar, but still not the same: Haproxy mysql failover load balancing I have an active-passive Mariadb galera cluster. Today on the master ...
Badb0y's user avatar
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Connecting to MariaDB server: ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to server at 'handshake: reading initial communication packet', system error: 11

I am trying to connect to an AWS hosted (RDS) MariaDB database (engine version 10.6.14). The database is hosted on a private subnet but it's accessible through a bastion host. I use an SSH tunnel to ...
Benoît Fayolle's user avatar
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Getting below error on ActiveMQ "Classic" message broker log. I'm looking for some solution to find the root cause and fix for this issue

Getting below error on ActiveMQ "Classic" message broker log. I'm looking for some solution to find the root cause and fix for this issue. Sep 6 16:10:46 SERVER activemq_db8159[1168628]: ...
unknown's user avatar
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MariaDB randomly crashes

I've encountered a peculiar issue related to my MariaDB database instance (version 10.2) that causes my MariaDB service to stop unexpectedly. I've attempted to investigate the problem by regularly ...
Harry Potter's user avatar
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MaxScale doesn't connect to Galera Cluster

I am working on a distributed HA cloud system and I have a Galera Cluster with 3 separated servers in Docker Swarm. It works as expected. I have 3 separated services for the Galera members due to ...
milanbalazs's user avatar
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MariaDB 10.3.38 does not start after change from MySQL 5.7.41

I replaces MySQL 5.7.41 with MariaDB 10.3.38 on Ubuntu 20.04. Unfortunately MariaDB does not start by itself over systemctl: sudo systemctl status mariadb ● mariadb.service - MariaDB 10.3.38 database ...
Clueless's user avatar
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Using MySQL/MariaDB replication, how to know when the Replica is in a consistent state?

This is a question about MariaDB (mostly) and a replication that I am considering. For this replication, the Primary database is updated every minute by a process which can take about 15 seconds to ...
GingkoFr's user avatar
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Is it possible to have MySQL/MariaDB bidirectional replication?

I am trying to install replication on several MariaDB servers. With no experience at all on this. I am wondering something. Would it be possible to have both servers acting simultaneously as master ...
GingkoFr's user avatar
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mysqld[1108] [Warning] Aborted connection 7466 to db: 'unconnected' user: 'unauthenticated' host: ''

I am running Ubuntu Server 20.04. It is a LEMP server running Mariadb. When I run the command sudo service mariadb status I get the following warnings: Jul 28 00:18:59 mysqld[1108]: ...
DanRan's user avatar
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MariaDB / MySql Warning after Netdata installation. "Access denied for user 'netdata'@'localhost' (using password: NO)" How to fix?

I have configured Netdata on an Ubuntu 20.04 Server LEMP server, according to this tutorial. After installation, I run the following command sudo systemctl status mariadb.service which ...
DanRan's user avatar
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MariaDB Not Starting

I left it here, reverting to an outdated backup, as I needed to get the system up and running. If there are new answers and things to try, I will try so that the issue can be resolved. I shut down the ...
Sukru Ozdemir's user avatar
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SQL Error (1114): The table 'global_priv' is full

I can no longer add users to my database. I only get the error: SQL Error (1114): The table 'global_priv' is full I researched this issue, and the my.ini config for innodb_data_file_path did not have ...
Codesmith's user avatar
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TeamCity upgrade fails with "Can't take exclusive lock when db lock is not held"

When upgrading to TeamCity 2023.05 (using the Docker image), I received the error "Can't take exclusive lock when db lock is not held" and the detailed instruction: <pre>java.lang....
vpetersson's user avatar
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How to back up mysql/mariadb database as mysql root when using unix socket for sql access in a bash script?

I am running Ubunutu Server 20.04. I have secured mariadb by using the unix socket for authentication, which means, I need to enter sudo mysql to be able to access mysql as root. 1) If I enter mysql -...
DanRan's user avatar
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2 answers

Bad configuration MariaDB / MySQL

I currently have a LAMP on a dedicated server but with serious problems with MariaDB (MySQL). I have installed a website with 100k daily pageviews and due to the need for the queries it is necessary ...
damian ventura's user avatar
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Setting up Slack Alerts for Monit monitoring MySQL

Trying to set up Slack alerts for Monit and MySQL/MariaDB but stuck in writing a MySQL check script. I have the monit successfully working if MySQL is stopped and receive email alerts - but want the ...
neilgee's user avatar
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MariaDB 11.0.2 fails to start after upgrade from 10.11.4

I am on Debian Bullseye and just upgraded (or at least attempted to upgrade) MariaDB from 10.11.4 to 11.0.2. Unfortunately, the service fails to start now. All I'm getting through systemctl status ...
Chaeska's user avatar
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Synchronizing load balanced Linux servers

I want to load-balance two dedicated linux servers, I'm planning to do that using round robin DNS, but I can't find a way to synchronize the servers to be identical. The servers are running a perl ...
Tunis0101's user avatar
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MariaDB - Emulate MySQL 5.7 version number?

I have been running MariaDB 5.5 on a linux server for several years. Yesterday, I upgraded to MariaDB 10.11.3. Now, my backup software has stopped backing up the databases, reporting an error that &...
Ryan Griggs's user avatar
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Starting MySQL standalone works but as windows service it fails

I have an xampp-portable directory that contains mysql/mariadb. The xampp directory is located directly on d:, so path is d:\xampp and mysql is d:\xampp\mysql I want to run mysql as windows service so ...
Michael's user avatar
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How to add a new database on replication?

I have a mysql replication with two servers. There are actually 3 databases on it. On master : server-id = 1 log_bin = /var/log/mysql/mysql-bin.log expire_logs_days ...
erwann le guevedec's user avatar
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Replicate mysql database when target server is MariaDB 10.5 (where mysql.user is a view)

I have a sync script that does a mysqldump on the mysql database on a source server, then imports that dump on the target server, followed by privelege flush. Systems are CentOS 7. In MariaDB 10.5, ...
elyograg's user avatar
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Mariadb creates a subprocess after crash

We recently had a crash on our Mariadb server (10.6.5) on a Debian 9 VM. The process was restarted without error but now there's a second mariadb process like so : mysql 26718 5.1 42.4 15062644 ...
Ror's user avatar
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Is it possible that MariaDB caches the host depending on user and password?

I have a weird issue with my MariaDB in my application. I use Prisma NodeJS library to connect to MariaDB. The problem looks like this: I have localhost and a remote server with the same username/...
jcubic's user avatar
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How to parse MariaDB version banner?

I encountered this form of MariaDB DB version via banner: 5.5.5-10.3.38-MariaDB-log What is the version of the MariaDB? Is it 5.5.5 or 10.3.38? If one of them, what is the meaning of the other? (I ...
Gari BN's user avatar
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EC2 instance randomly crash

My EC2 instance kept crashing, here is the syslog, can server admin expert share some insight?
Shawn's user avatar
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MySql: ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' although password is okay

I run Debian 11 with mariadb and everything worked fine. Just yesterday I saw that different commands, such as "/etc/init.d/mariadb reload" or "mysql -u root" bring the error: ...
afriend's user avatar
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MariaDb High Cpu %300

Hi mariadb consumes a lot of cpu. The settings are here. Server features CPU 6 cores/ 12 threads @ 3.4 GHz (4.8 GHz) RAM 32GB DDR4 • ECC Server Grade Disk Drive 2 x 480GB SSD SATA Software RAID [...
Fuat Yavuz's user avatar
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fail2ban inside official MariaDB docker image

I am running a docker image mariadb:10.9.2-jammy I noticed with that I get a lot of brute force logging attempts cluttering my logs when I do docker logs mariadb Is it possible to implement something ...
jotyhista's user avatar
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Mariadb instance won't start, what are some troubleshooting steps?

An existing mariadb instance that has existed for a number of years and been through multiple upgrades over the years will not start anymore. Running on Linux Mint I just noticed that it was down and ...
Greg's user avatar
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InnoDB: Assertion failure in file .../padding_for_CPACK_RPM_BUILD_SOURCE_DIRS_PREFIX/mariadb-10.4.13/storage/innobase/btr/ line 7940

Every hour one MariaDB version 10.4 database stops responding and I see this output in the log file: Feb 9 10:00:02 maria55 mysqld: 2023-02-09 10:00:02 0x7f72547a5700 InnoDB: Assertion failure in ...
Eugene van der Merwe's user avatar
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MariaDB I/O Limit

I have a server with MariaDB 10.6. The mysqld process uses 100% of DSK with very high I/O. I tried to set these values but it didn't have any affect: innodb_io_capacity = 100 innodb_io_capacity_max = ...
Maor Bari's user avatar
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debian 11 + mariadb remote connections

I'm having trouble getting mariadb to accept remote connections on Debian 11 on a fresh installation. I've changed bind address to bind-address: From the same server, I can telnet into port ...
Aaron A's user avatar
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