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Kubernetes MySQL Operator 8.4.0 not ready (stuck on start)

I have followed step by step the instructions to deploy the MySQL operator on Kubernetes. Following the instructions from the official page. Once deployed without errors, the operator is not in ready ...
dlbmusic's user avatar
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Using Clone for addInstance on MySQL Innodb Cluster uses 100% Memory

When trying to add a new node to a MySQL Innodb cluster using Cluster.addInstance() and selecting the Clone option, within 2 or 3 minutes the donor nodes memory usages hits 100% on a server with 36Gb ...
mwarble's user avatar
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mysql bind-address change from to server's IP Address breaks websites

I'm trying to setup mysql replica. On master when I change bind-address value in my.cnf to server's IP address some of websites break as they are using as database host value. There are few ...
Vaughn's user avatar
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xtrabackup - copying my.cnf file from source to replica when there are different linux distros on source and replica 4. Configure the Replica’s MySQL server Copy the my.cnf file from the Source ...
Vaughn's user avatar
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mysql SSL is required but the server doesn't support it

i generated these files in my master machine : openssl genrsa 4096 > ca-key.pem openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -days 9999 -key ca-key.pem > ca-cert.pem openssl req -newkey rsa:4096 -days ...
sina kzm's user avatar
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connection refused mysql with telnet

i have 2 machines that can see each other and ping my issue is i want to telnet from slave machine to master machine and this is what i get: slave@slave:~$ telnet 3306 Trying 192.168.1....
sina kzm's user avatar
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Can AWS NLB be used to load balance requests to Read Replicas?

This article from Nginx describes how Nginx TCP load balancing can be used against MySQL cluster. In the first diagram, I would like to replace the Nginx LB with AWS NLB where, the MySQL cluster runs ...
cogitoergosum's user avatar
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Is there any way to encryption password?

I'm trying master-slave replication in MySQL, and I have a question about plain text passwords. When I created an account on the master server I tried select * from mysql.slave_master_info; and the ...
game streamer's user avatar
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Using MySQL/MariaDB replication, how to know when the Replica is in a consistent state?

This is a question about MariaDB (mostly) and a replication that I am considering. For this replication, the Primary database is updated every minute by a process which can take about 15 seconds to ...
GingkoFr's user avatar
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Is it possible to have MySQL/MariaDB bidirectional replication?

I am trying to install replication on several MariaDB servers. With no experience at all on this. I am wondering something. Would it be possible to have both servers acting simultaneously as master ...
GingkoFr's user avatar
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why mysql bin logs are not expiring even though expiry was set

I am using 5.7.37-log MySQL Community Server. my mysqld.cnf looks below: server_id = 11 log_bin = bin.log log-bin-index = bin-log.index binlog_format = row max_binlog_size = 100M socket = mysql.sock ...
santhosh's user avatar
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Using AWS Blue/Green deployment, how do I modify the staging database?

AWS has rolled out a Blue/Green Deployment feature for RDS, allow you to create a staging (green) database that's in parallel with your production (blue) database. Their documentation specifically ...
Paranoid Altoid's user avatar
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How to fix MySQL 8 replication error 1062 after system reboot?

after a system reboot my replication stopped suddenly. So I'm trying to bring the slave back to the most current state. To do this I create a dump from the master's database and import it on the slave,...
Lars's user avatar
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Real time synchronization of databases with different data structure

I'm rewriting a legacy web application. At some point in time, I want old and new app, to work in parallel, on databases with different structure (both mysql). The troublesome part is that the ...
Maarduk's user avatar
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Is it possible to manage read/write requests on AWS RDS?

We are planning to create a read replica on our MySql Database on RDS but we want to manage this on AWS. Does AWS has a solution that manages requests and redirect them if write to the master ...
xxlali's user avatar
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How to MySQL replicate or cluster to setup a failover scenario?

after a massive data problem from my provider in GER, I'm now forced to deal with failover scenarios. But there are a few questions that I can't find any real answers to. So I hope someone can help me ...
Lars's user avatar
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Promote to Master a MySQL slave that has its own slaves

MySQL standby & chained replication Having the current setup (not using GTID) (see link to image): PRODUCTION NODES: MASTER (A) -> SLAVE (A1) + SLAVE (A2) STANDBY NODES: -> SLAVE (B) (with ...
MGS's user avatar
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Running MySQL server as slave for one DB and master for another

I have two MySQL server having master-slave replication for DB1. The slave server holds DB2. Because the slave server is not so powerfull I want to run analytics upon DB2 on the third server. Is it ...
Ralfeus's user avatar
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Correct way to put a MySQL replicated environment safely into maintenance mode?

I need to perform some maintenance on our master/slave/slave MySQL cluster. The maintenance involves optimising three tables, at least one of which is being locked for a duration of approximately 2 ...
motorleague's user avatar
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MySQL Replication Master => Slave => Master

I have set up MySQL master-slave replication successfully. But I realized it doesn't work if I would like to simulate the real-world case. Here is my scenario: Make sure the data have been fully ...
ITnewbie's user avatar
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MySQL 1 schema, 1 filesystem

This is a ''general'' question. Hear me out. Let's say I have a MySQL standalone or even a 3 or 5 nodes cluster. Would it be a good practice to have 1 filesystem per schema ? For example, schema{1..5} ...
yield's user avatar
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MYSQL: Many slave servers with smaller resources or less with larger resources

I want to create High availability with Master Slave replication (for Select query). I am wondering which one is better: Having smaller resources slaves but more servers or Having larger resources ...
yodann's user avatar
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2 servers, 2 databases on each, 1st server 1st db master and 2nd slave, 2nd server 1st db slave, 2nd master, is it possible?

I have 2 MySQL/MariaDB servers each of them with its own database and I would like to set up a continuous backup on each other via replication. Is it possible to make 1 DB master and 1 slave on each ...
Eugene's user avatar
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Update MySQL replication server position

I have been trying to set up a replication of a large DB (90GB) I have created a backup using mysqldump --single-transaction I have then restored that on the replication server. I have then enabled ...
jLynx's user avatar
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Error 'Character set '#255' is not a compiled character set and is not specified mySQL

Okay, I've hit a brick wall and have run out of ideas. Master: 8.0.25-0ubuntu0.20.04.1 Slave: 5.7.33-0ubuntu0.16.04.1-log Getting error with show slave status\G: Last_SQL_Errno: 22 Last_SQL_Error:...
Aninemity's user avatar
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keepalived delay before bringing ip up

Is it possible to configure a delay before bringing the virtual IP up in keepalived? Background: I have multiple Master/Master MySQL Setups. Only one Master is used at time. Keepalived is used for VIP ...
Mario Nette's user avatar
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MySQL hangs on SELECT from table with blob fields

I managed to create a mysql InnoDB cluster with three nodes and a router everything works great but when i try to run a select query from the table below from a another server it freezes, but it works ...
mbouzahir's user avatar
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Solving slave MySQL: waiting for the slave SQL thread to free enough relay log space

My slave MYSQL server has stopped syncing with the following status output. Could someone please suggest me a course of action to solve the problem? The database is around 400G so starting from zero ...
wmac's user avatar
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MySql Slave Error_code: 1032; handler error HA_ERR_KEY_NOT_FOUND; the event's master log mysql-bin.00116, end_log_pos 8631

I have Active-Passive-Master-Master replication setup in Mysql with version 5.7. I found the below error in MySql2 (passive Master server) but the status show it's in sync with Master server (mysql1). ...
Sam89's user avatar
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Master-Slave replication with additional selective replication

Using MySQL 5.6 Enterprise is it possible to have a normal master/slave replication between a master and slave with full replication then a second slave server to only have certain tables?
user595315's user avatar
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Mysql slave stoped and fail to initialize relay log

A couple of days ago I setup a slave MySQL server (Mysql Community Server 8.0.21). So far we only use it for backup using mysqldump. I did notice that he was using too much memory, but I did not mind ...
user avatar
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Failed mysql replication [closed]

After we realize that our backups (dump) where taking too long, and an incident where the VPS provider shutdown our database vps for 2 hours, we decided to try replication (not going to remove backup, ...
user avatar
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Replicate_Do_DB and Replicate_Wild_Do_Table - Replication does not work

I have been tasked to set replication up on a slave host. The master database is a "data store" where tables are dropped, recreated, and reloaded on a daily basis. My initial setup of the ...
A B's user avatar
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MySQL 5.7 on Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS does not recognize any configuration-variable

I am trying to create a master-master replication between two databases, one being an RDS instance with MySQL 5.6.44 on AWS the other one being on an Ubuntu-Server running MySQL 5.7 (I was unable to ...
user540468's user avatar
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MySQL 8.0 replica going out of sync with error on executing statements

I have this configuration: Master running MySQL 5.5 with log file format: STATEMENT Slave running MySQL 8.0 - connected to (1) master. Log file format: ROW Another Slave running MySQL 8.0 - connected ...
aviv's user avatar
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MySQL master slave replication issue

I have enabled filtered replication in MySQL. Only one table is being replicated from master to slave using replicate-do-table option and the replication is going smooth. Today morning I have noticed ...
DBAJJ's user avatar
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How to decide right time to start using read replica in MySQL

I have an ecommerce website with around 30,000 daily users with over 50,000 sessions. We are using RDS m5.xlarge instance. We are not facing any issues as such in read or write operations on day to ...
Abhinav's user avatar
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missing data in master-to-master replication with mysql instances

I am using MySQL 8. I have two masters which are configured as master-master replication with the following configuration in my.cnf. The configuration is identical, except server-id. It seemed to be ...
user826323's user avatar
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Cannot connected to virutal IP loadbalancer direct to mysql server

I can't connect to the Database server though virtual IP I follow this ...
Lê Minh Quân's user avatar
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MariaDB / MySQL single master multiple slave odd behavior

I am trying to setup replication from a single Master server to multiple slaves. I followed the traditional steps... On Master: Updated my.cnf file: log-bin = /var/log/mysql/master-bin log-...
rexdepot's user avatar
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Does LOCK TABLE block replication?

I have a master and a database MySQL with the following setup: AWS RDS MySQL Version 5.7.26 GTID enabled and strictly enforced I have a process that does a LOCK TABLE over one of the tables in the ...
Javier Holguera's user avatar
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Should I use public IP or private IP for connecting servers within the same VPC?

I have 2 Linux servers on AWS. Both servers are in the default vpc (aws default vpc). Both of these servers have their own Elastic IP. I also have a webServer which is inside the same vpc. I want to ...
Hooman Bahreini's user avatar
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Amazon Aurora read-only slaves slowly increase to 100% CPU and die

We have a master database instance hosted on AWS Aurora (mysql) and have many read-only slaves being replicated from it. The master and the 4-12 autoscaling slaves are currently of db.r4.4xlarge size ...
Gary Willoughby's user avatar
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write master's slave thread lag flapping

if I have two mysql hosts pointed at each other: host A and host B: ------> hostA(write co-master) | | | -----> hostB (read-only co-master) why would hostA ever show replication delay when ...
Ethan Shrago's user avatar
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MySQL Cluster -> Galera MariaDB Cluster Replication not working, but no errors

I am setting up a database migration between a 2-node master cluster running MySQL Cluster 7.2 (MySQL 5.5) and a 2-node slave cluster (plus arbitrator) running MariaDB 10.3 with Galera clustering. I ...
Brian Bauman's user avatar
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InnoDB Cluster - MySQL 8.0.13 upgrade to 8.0.14 on Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS - Cluster creation fails

With the recent upgrade of MySQL from 8.0.13 to 8.0.14 on Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS, I started getting an error by the time I issue the dba.createCluster('mycluster') after following the procedure to create ...
zzpdr's user avatar
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Can I put the MySQL binlogs on a slow disk?

We have only 450 GB nvme space on our master server and the binlogs are using a lot of space, even if they are kept for only two days. Does writing the MySQL binlogs to a slower disk (like a remote ...
the_nuts's user avatar
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MySQL Replication don't run after configuring

I'm practicing mysql replication with 2 Centos 6.9 64bit virtual machine. Setting process was fine but after I insert data to master server, Anythings happens in slave. MASTER SETTING mysql.cnf ...
Thế Hải Nguyễn's user avatar
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MySQL replication, prevent hackers from deleting the main database and the deletions being replicated

I have a setup of a master/slave MySQL servers. My concern is that if the master database is hacked and the hackers delete tables or drop databases entirely, all the changes would be propagated to the ...
Patrick De Amorim's user avatar
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Promoting MYSQL Slave to MYSQL Master

I have a MySQL setup with one master (M1) and one slave(S1). Due to some unforeseen issue I need to promote my slave server to master and demote master to slave. My MySQL version is 5.6 in Linux. ...
Anand Shrestha's user avatar

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