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Changes done in mysql backend database not getting reflected neither on frontend website nor inside the server [closed] I've curled inside the server itself and still the updated data was not received. I've: ...
achhainsan's user avatar
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MariaDB not starting after a server restart

I'm running a LEMP stack for my websites and they were running fine. Monitoring showed that the server wasn't responding to the pings, I restarted it. Now MariaDB service isn't running, my websites ...
Ali's user avatar
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Frequent server downtime and suspicious server hits to access random Pdf files

Our Server hosting PHP web application is facing frequent downtime Server Information [Nginx, FreeBSD] Web application [PHP 5.6, MYsql 5.7] I have gone through the Nginx logs and below are my findings ...
Ekky's user avatar
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1 answer

PHP-FPM static max_children amount doesn't seem to matter much during stress tests

I've been stress testing PHP-FPM set up as static using wrk, with NGINX running on Ubuntu Server 22.04 for the past few days, writing down results for every scenario. When I look at them, it seems to ...
Medito Di Terra's user avatar
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Nginx - Server dead when received many requests

we have a large Woocommerce website hosted on Google VM servers (E2 4vCPU + 32 GB RAM + 100 GB SSD Storage), recently we created a mobile application using flutter and WordPress -Woocommerce- API, but ...
mohammad's user avatar
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How do I install latest iRedMail with existing Nginx

How to keep the current Nginx websites running intact when installing iRedMail?
takeshin's user avatar
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12 votes
5 answers

Is it a good idea to open up a database port for everyone?

Okay, so I'm completely new to the server stuff, but I have a VPS running with MySql. I want to create a mobile app with Python, but I need access to a database that's available for everyone. So now I ...
Refilon's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Unable to get subdomain to connect to MariaDB

So far I can reach the DB from the main domain lets say but connection from the subdomain lets say, don't work. I am currently running Nginx & Varnish & Apache ...
Sam's user avatar
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How to host an app for multiple customers?

I built a web app with NextJS that I sell b2b, where users (my clients customers) can check in to a location. They provide their name and get a check in number. The app shows client related ...
PhilHarmonie's user avatar
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Can't access phpmyadmin and local localhost:8000 with two errors for each of them

Recently reinstalled Ubuntu 21.04 on my computer and installed php8 and Nginx. I run the server for Laravel and when I go to localhost:8000 I got this error: Illuminate\Database\QueryException could ...
Mahdi Jafari's user avatar
1 vote
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MySQL / Web Server Bottleneck

I’m trying to determine a MySQL / Web server bottleneck. I have three servers. A Web server running Nginx, a remote MySQL server with my Wordpress DB and another remote MySQL server storing our data. ...
aimee's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Adjust server configuration [PHP, Laravel, mysql, nginx] for serve great number of user [duplicate]

I have a Laravel PHP webapp that shows analytics data in Angular frontend to users. User can only show content, plots and tables. I have written 3 laravel commands that hourly download and store data ...
Tenaciousd93's user avatar
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Cannot make mysql database connection from php

I am not being able to make database connection from php. I'm getting HTTP 500 Internal Server Error while making database connection. My PHP code: <?php $servername = "localhost"; $...
Shudarsan Regmi's user avatar
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How to debug an unreachable (from the wan side) lemp server tunneling through an AWS based Openvpn-AS instance

Ive been wracking my brains out for weeks trying to debug a once perfectly functioning LEMP web server. I'm using a relatively complicated setup. Lets start with my setup from the beginning when ...
DanRan's user avatar
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Mysql in Nginx takes over 100% CPU

I have a Laravel application running on my Ubuntu 18.04 server and MySql 5.7. Sometimes, it is very slow. I have checked with "top" command and this is the result: Some times %cpu raises ...
pasluc74669's user avatar
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2 answers

Extremely High TTFB on Wordpress website - Not dabase or server ... what else could cause it?

I'm running a Wordpress ecommerce website on a dedicated VPS with 4CPUs and 6gb RAM, so resources are not an issue . On top of this I have VestaCP installed, with a Nginx + Apache + Php-FPM server . ...
Optimus Servers's user avatar
1 vote
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wordpress + nginx + mysql: issue in getting wordpress up and running (error cannot establish database connection)

I deployed a django app with nginx and gunicorn and yesterday I tried modified my setup to include a wordpress page as the landpage. I followed this tuto for the basic installations https://www....
Murcielago's user avatar
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Reocurring error! the server quit without updating pid file

Dedciated Server Linux Cenos 6 Apache + Nginx We have had this issue happen several times now and happening after server has crashed or shut down the server quit without updating pid file After this ...
jt9489's user avatar
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Getting 499 status from nginx log upto 2 minutes in every 3 hours interval, when memcache restarts

I have two Application servers served by an another haproxy load balancer server. The application servers are connected with a memcache server and a mysql database server. I am observing in every 3 ...
Md. Shahriar Hossain's user avatar
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Accessing HA Clusters using multiple floating IPS

I have set up two highly available clusters which are used to load balance traffic to NGINX and MySQL respectively. The clusters use NGINX and ProxySQL as the load balancing software, to make them ...
beaver559's user avatar
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How to set Firewalld rules on first time and don't harm your self?

I'm running the server on CentOS and Nginx (nodejs application). I am experiencing too many connections to my mysql database and website goes down. My iotop log shows me that mysqld is taking to much ...
Nastro's user avatar
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"fastcgi_read_timeout" doesn't stop mysql queries

I have a problem with long mysql queries. My NGINX server has a line in fastcgi section to limit script execution: server { location ~ \.php$ { <..> fastcgi_read_timeout 60; ...
Gediminas's user avatar
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0 answers

Wordpress website hosted on nginx ubuntu isn't loading anymore

I just found out the Wordpress website isn't running anymore. When opening, it simply shows the text Error establishing a database connection. The wp website is the folder /var/www/...
Nikita Gupta's user avatar
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1 answer
255 views is missing on ubuntu 18.04

I am trying to configure hhvm, nginx and mysql in my ubuntu 18.04 system following the following tutorials Tutorial: How to install Facebook’s HHVM on Ubuntu 18.04 How To Install HHVM with Nginx on ...
Prafulla Kumar Sahu's user avatar
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Server crash (Error 500) repeatedly (running nginx + gunicorn on EC2 instance)

Okay, so I'm really confused about what's happening here. I've had my server up and running for about a month and everything was fine. The server was getting very little traffic (about 50-100 requests ...
user1101329's user avatar
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Nginx not responding from outside the remote box

My website (Django/nginx/gunicorn/mysql) which is hosted on a remote box was working fine, until I decided to restart remote box for some reason. So after the restart, in the remote box when I say ...
deman23's user avatar
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How to use Mysql Workbench to figure out why scripts are so slow?

I have a laragon environment on a fairly decent machine: I have a simple hard coded web application (no frameworks), with a Bootstrap4+jQuery front-end. On page load, it does a few very simple and ...
BrownChiLD's user avatar
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Mysql 5.7 keeps shutting itself off randomly in a day or two?

I have a DigitalOcean Ubuntu 16.4 machine with Nginx installed. Maybe it's related to Wordpress installation, maybe not. MySQL shuts itself down randomly. It has a 1GB swap file created. 1GB RAM. ...
RP McMurphy's user avatar
1 vote
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mariadb 5.5 innodb keeps opening files up to 200k until system hangs completely

Mariadb 5.5 is installed on CentOS and serves a database in the total volume of around 40GBs (as measured per database files on a disk) and 506 tables. This database is being queried by php-fpm, and ...
Ilja's user avatar
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PHP application with remote MySQL and nginx load balancers ends up with a huge page load execution time

I was reading and trying to set up a proper load balancer with PHP application using nginx. Now from the documentation I understand that I need to run on every server instance PHP and nginx, then use ...
Newbie's user avatar
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Was this a hacking attempt? (Docker container -> MariaDB)

since i am completely new to web hosting and setting up web servers, please excuse my dumb questions ;) Yesterday i uploaded my web application on digitalocean. The application is a very simple ...
chickenshifu's user avatar
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Yet another PDO could not find driver issue

I've been working for the last two nights to set up my own LEMP server on Amazon ec2. I'm not a server expert so it's been slow going, and the latest error "could not find driver" is given when ...
Mike Willis's user avatar
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MariaDB opens lots of files causing PHP-FPM to fail

There is a problem I'm dealing with that under a known traffic (e.g. reaching 300 concurrent users) server doesn't handle more incoming requests due to open files. This is the current limit: $ cat /...
rev's user avatar
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Very high load on nginx server and crashes occasionally

I have a active site built in Codeigniter on ngnix server with medium traffic. Occasionally the server cpu usage becomes very high and site crashes. After running top it looks like mysql is causing ...
user7408587's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Having Trouble Setting Subdomains On NGINX

I'm currently setting up OpenMediaVault on my Rock64 Single Board PC which is based off Debian and is configured through the web GUI running from NGINX on port 80. I'm currently trying to install ...
willowen100's user avatar
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Slow Queries WordPress Site (500k visitors a month and 150k posts)

I'm running a WordPress site with 500k visitors a month and 150k posts with in average 100 pageviews every second. I am trying to figure out if the load on the server is normal or if there is ...
rccode's user avatar
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3 answers

MySQL Error: Can't create thread to handle new connection(errno= 11) triggered by many Gunicorn API requests

I'm running Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS on a hosted Virtual Server with a MySQL DB 5.7.23 and a Gunicorn web server, which is providing the web application with an API. Everything is running properly, however ...
SebastianB's user avatar
2 votes
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Mariadb 1000% CPU [closed]

I have a big problem with my site (Laravel based), I have from 1000 to 1500 contemporary visitors, and I have a problem with mariadb, practically when people use filters, and other options that ...
ZioBomba's user avatar
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Configure Apache 503 sensitivity

I Currently have a service with a very high traffic (about 1000 connections/second, and this is not reducable with optimization anymore). Until 1 week ago, I was at AWS and had twiched some of my ...
Bastian Jakobsen's user avatar
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404 Not Found with nginx and php

I got inside the browser: 404 Not Found nginx/1.13.10 and in the logs I got: $ ls logs/ nginx-access.log nginx-error.log $ cat logs/* - - [27/Mar/2018:02:11:35 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" ...
user977828's user avatar
-1 votes
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Configure nginx for mysql remote access

I have a VPS and I'm trying to have remote access to my mysql databases. I granted root privileges to any IP address GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'root'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'password' WITH GRANT ...
João Pimentel Ferreira's user avatar
1 vote
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Duplicated version of a local (WordPress) site isn't available online in an Nginx environment

In my Ubuntu 16.04 Nginx environment I tried to create an online test version of a local WordPress site. The original site works fine and is accessed in HTTPS (the lock favicon is green in all pages). ...
Arcticooling's user avatar
1 vote
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Nginx + PHP FPM + MYSQL servers going down when too much traffic

We currently have some servers hosting a e-commerce platform in Digital Ocean, we tried to optimize how much we could, but was not enough, site is going down when too much traffic, like 800~1000 users....
Gabriel de Souza's user avatar
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MySQL server with Nginx

I'm currently running nginx on my server to serve a static website at I'm using a proxy pass to a node server to serve my api at I want to install and run MySQL on ...
nikolaevra's user avatar
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Wordpress site still works when I shut down MySQL

I entered 'service mysqld stop' via SSH and noticed my site was still running. Better yet, it was running faster than ever. "Shutting down MySQL....... SUCCESS!" Anyone know why this is possible?
linoa1's user avatar
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Using NGINX to serve images from multiple storage servers

I'm working on a project similar to Imgur but for clients only. I'm using NGINX as my webserver and PHP-FPM/MYSQL to handle the rest. One speed bump I will eventually run into is running out of server ...
i228's user avatar
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Very high SQL CPU on wordpress because of 404 request

I'm running a Wordpress site with Nginx, MariaDB, PHP-FPM and getting bombarded by a lot of different 404 request from a lot of IP (~10.000 different IP per hour requesting random URL which results in ...
minhng99's user avatar
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I am trying to install icehrm on the host . I am getting "Primary script unknown" in nginx error.log

I am trying to install and configure ICEhrm . However I was successfully able to unzip the file. Here is my app/config.php file <?php ini_set('error_log', 'data/icehrm.log'); define('...
user399570's user avatar
1 vote
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PDOException (1045) SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Laravel 4.2 MySQL 5.7

thanks for reading my question, I had been working on this error since a week reading questions in ServerFault, Stackoverflow and AskUbuntu but couldn't figure out the problem. I have Lubuntu 16.04 (...
Luis Lopez's user avatar
-1 votes
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MYSQL Log Files Eating Disk Space

I have a server that has recently had some issues and after rebooting it last night, we are back at it again today. I noticed today however that the disk is completely full. So I used the du command ...
Tyler C's user avatar
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