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MySQL Database errors with deadlock when restoring backup

we recently wanted to switch from a single MariaDB server to a replicated Percona XtraDB instance. For this purpose I set up an XtraDB cluster in our kubernetes cluster with 7 nodes distributed across ...
Tobias Grether's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Percona MySQL 8.0.25-15 filling up slow log with headers only

Has anyone experienced an issue where when the slow log is enabled with the following options: root@(none)> show global variables like "%slow_query%"; +-----------------------------------+...
Vladimir's user avatar
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Installing XtraBackup on Centos 6

I’m trying to install XtraBackup on centos 6 using this guid but i get these errors: Error: Package: perl-DBD-MySQL-4.013-3.el6.x86_64 (C6.10-base) Requires: Error: ...
h0mayun's user avatar
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Big performance gap between two similar servers in mysql-percona 5.6 ubuntu

I cannot figure out reason of performance difference between two (three?) similar percona 5.6 instances. I prepared some tpcc-like benchmarking using sysbench and among 3 similar servers, one is ...
atapidriver's user avatar
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how to take mysql xtrabackup to a remote server

I have a server running with mysql with huge db of 1 TB. Now, I want to take full backup through percona xtra backup, because incremental backup is easy with percona xtrabackup. Now,if I initiate ...
Ravi Teja RVN's user avatar
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MySQL 8 replication via non-ssl connecion

I'm trying to setup tiny master-slave environment with percona-server-server.x86_64-8.0.27-18.1.el8. A plan is to use non-ssl connections between the nodes as the servers will communicate in the LAN ...
varas's user avatar
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Can't restore master/slave replication from Percona backup (slave server)

A slave is restored from a master backup created with Percona xtrabackup On the master binlog is set to expire in 14 days and this backup is less than 24 hours old my.cnf (master) expire_logs_days = ...
clarkk's user avatar
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Mysql 5.7 slave poor performance with 5.6 master

We recently reinstalled 3 of our mysql servers running in master slave with percona 5.7 and ubuntu 18.04 instead of oracle linux 7. These servers are currently connected to a mysql 5.6 master. And ...
Jan Willem Mannaerts's user avatar
1 vote
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My innodb new rows disappear mysteriously

I used percona server 5.7 as my database on AWS. The problem is there's sometimes rows disappear mysteriously without a clue. My Backend using Node.JS already got inserted id from auto increment but ...
Paiboon Panusbordee's user avatar
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Get rid of debian-sys-maint instead of root in MySQL 8

We've recently upgraded from MySQL Percona 5.7 to 8 and we're in the phase of transitioning from mysql_native_password to caching_sha2_password. As far as I understand, the only way to upgrade the ...
Tolsadus's user avatar
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Does mcafee mysql audit plugin not work on Percona Server 5.7.27-30?

My environment is 5.7.27-30-log Percona Server on CentOS 7.4. When I installed this plugin (audit-plugin-percona-5.7-1.1.7-866), I got the following error messages. mysql> INSTALL PLUGIN AUDIT ...
kanpai's user avatar
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Can not stop mysqld after database upgrade

I have an old Galera cluster (MySQL 5.5) that I am upgrading to Percona XtraDB (MySQL 5.7) on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. I have successfully imported the database with xtrabackup and synced the cluster - so ...
koenig's user avatar
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Mysql docker on centos not working

I use centos as server and I use docker-compose like: mysql: build: ./DockerFiles/Mysql ports: - ${LOCAL_PHP_IP}:${MYSQL_PORT}:3306 privileged: true environment: ...
Alireza Rahmani Khalili's user avatar
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changing from percona to mariadb without losing data

i have a production server running with percona. but i don't really like it anymore and i'm more used to mariadb. can i change from percona to mariadb without losing any data or having compatibility ...
Joe Silencio's user avatar
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automysqlbackup failes with ERROR 1045 (18000) Access denied ... after password change

I have two almost identical ubuntu database servers, and automysqlbackup was happily running on both of them on using Percona 5.7 databases. On one of them I have changed the database root password....
P Burke's user avatar
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2 answers

Tune Percona Server 5.7

I am using a 4 core ubuntu cloud server with 8gb and ssds. There I have only one database for a Magento store which is about 2GB size. Last month after some changes I made it seems that database ...
G. G.'s user avatar
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Fastest way to move Innodb database from one server to another

I understand I can use mysqldump or xtrabackup to move InnoDB from one db to another. Considering I am okay with server down time, are there better way to move InnoDB database? I have tried copying ...
Ryan's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Increasing the number of connections MySQL 8 can handle (Debian 9 server) and auto restart event scheduler

I have a Debian 9 server (12 CPUs, 80GB of RAM), running Percona server for MySQL 8.0, about 1100 clients per second, the load is not very high around 0.3 to 2.30 Latested numbers from show engine ...
Luciano Serra's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Entire proxmox Xen Node has grey question marks + database container gone

Firstly, i've recently taken on the management of a proxmox cluster which I have had no experience managing previously (i'm completely new to cluster management, but not too bad at linux). pve-...
David's user avatar
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1 answer

How to monitor mysql status variables and push to slack?

I've been trying to find a free way to monitor mysql status variables and push a slack notification when certain variables hit a threshold (ie: large number of connections). At the moment, all the ...
David's user avatar
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-2 votes
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How to run pt-kill on CentOS Server [closed]

So, I have downloaded pt-kill file with: wget Now, I tried running it, but everything is not working? How do you run this file?
Wolfdog's user avatar
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Recover a failing node on Percona 5.5.41-37.0-55

I have a 3 node percona cluster of where 1 of the nodes has, because of a server crash, InnoDB log sequence problems. 180425 17:32:53 InnoDB: Error: page 151555 log sequence number 12431827692 ...
japaveh's user avatar
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Having trouble updgraring mysql (Obsoleted By: Percona ... )

I'm trying to upgrage mysql 5.1 to 5.5. Following this link step by step : But yum -y update mysql* gives me errorrs....
Deckard's user avatar
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Connect MySQL using SSL only with the --ssl-ca option

I copied the ca.pem from server (Percona default 5.7 Ubuntu deb) able to make a secure connection with mysql --ssl-ca=/var/lib/mysql/ca.pem -u root I find that the options --ssl-cert and --ssl-key ...
Ryan's user avatar
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mysql to percona replication

Recently my employer was acquired by a bigger company and the new CTO wants us to move to their software stack. We have MySQL as the DB server, and they have Percona. So... what are the option to do ...
drookie's user avatar
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centos yum remove mysql will remove core components

Centos 7 x64, mysql-community 5.7 is installed from mysql57-community repo. I am in the process of switching from mysql to percona. However, the first step is scary when I try to uninstall mysql. ...
Reed's user avatar
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mysql tries to connect to localhost at startup, [Note] Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)

When I start/restart the mysql service, I always see this row in the log: 2017-07-19T17:35:02.379166Z 5 [Note] Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO) What is it trying to ...
the_nuts's user avatar
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how to speedup SELECT BENCHMARK(1000000,ENCODE('hello',RAND()));

I would like some ideas for speeding up the the query below: SELECT BENCHMARK(1000000,ENCODE('hello',RAND())); Currently, I've been playing around with the my.cnf option and I can execute this in 9....
peixotorms's user avatar
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MYSQL: Aborted connection to db: 'unconnected' user: debian-sys-maint' host: 'localhost' (Got timeout reading communication packets)

I recently migrated all my logs to a new service, where I could see a recurring bug in mysql. The message is the following: Aborted connection <NUM> to db: 'unconnected' user: debian-sys-maint'...
Gonzalo's user avatar
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Percona-Server-shared my.cnf file conflicts with file from package mysql-community-server-5.5

I'm trying to install Percona Toolkit on the server where there is already mysql-community-server5.5.52 is running. I require pt-table-checksum and pt-table-snc utility, so I ran: yum install ...
user3637899's user avatar
6 votes
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mysqldump: The 'INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SESSION_VARIABLES' feature is disabled

When I try to run mysqldump on a Percona Server 5.7.17-12, I get this error: # mysqldump -u backups -pxxxx -h --single-transaction --quick dbname mysqldump: [Warning] Using a password on ...
the_nuts's user avatar
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Percona xtradb cluster 1 node consuming memory

I've installed percona xtradb cluster on 3 nodes and all is good until i noticed that 1 node is consuming memory much more the other nodes So i decided to stop all traffic going to this nodes and ...
user177174's user avatar
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Is there a way to load large BLOBs without restarting MySQL?

I'm trying to move the last few databases off an older mysql server, but one in particular has me stumped: ERROR 1118 (42000) at line 595: The size of BLOB/TEXT data inserted in one transaction is ...
jldugger's user avatar
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mysqladmin not waiting for full shutdown (or debian init.d script broken?)

I'm running Percona MySQL server 5.6 (from packages) on debian wheezy (same behavior on jessie). Unfortunately I always get this: # service mysql stop [FAIL] Stopping MySQL (Percona Server): mysqld ...
turbophi's user avatar
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Will running mysqldump on one Percona XtraDB cluster node affect performance on the others?

I have a Percona XtraDB cluster with 3 nodes. Only one of these nodes is connected to by the application that uses the database. I would like to perform 'hot backups' simply using mysqldump on one of ...
rgvcorley's user avatar
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Activating PAM configuration for Percona

I'm trying to configure Percona with LDAP support via PAM including group mappings and restriction. My Percona authentication setup is as follows: INSTALL PLUGIN pam SONAME ''; create ...
HonoredMule's user avatar
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Percona 5.7 restarting and drop my connection

i have fight with this bug a long time now, when i run scripts to MySQL (Percona) i disconnect me, and when i try to import a mysql dump from a live server its here disconnect me to. So what i'm ...
ParisNakitaKejser's user avatar
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Percona mysql-server on ubuntu 16.04

Issue: Can't install Percona mysql server. Platform: Ubuntu 16.04 x64 Server is an Openvz container. Memory: 1.5GB installation method apt-get install percona-xtradb-cluster-server-5.6 Source: ...
fatninja's user avatar
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Percona XtraDB Cluster 5.6 does not start

All the good days. I want to run for test purposes Percona XtraDb Cluster on ubuntu 14.04. The basis here took these two articles
dlarchikov's user avatar
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MySQL creates huge files every night, bringing down the server

I have an Ubuntu 12.04 LEMP server with shop app ontop, running MySQL 5.5 as DB (currently since this problem started I've already switched to Percona with no success). So, current facts: every night ...
TiGR's user avatar
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Error enabling TokuDB - Percona Server not running with jemalloc enabled

I have installed: Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.13.0-63-generic x86_64) Percona Server 5.6.26-74.0-1.trusty Percona Server TokuDB 5.6.26-74.0-1.trusty libjemalloc1 3.6.0-2.trusty In /etc/mysql/my....
Patrick's user avatar
-2 votes
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How does one add commands to nrpe.cfg for Percona MySQL plugins on NRPE client? [closed]

How do you add commands to nrpe.cfg for Percona MySQL plugins on NRPE client? To configure percona-nrpe plugins for mysql you will have to do 3 things viz : 1. define commands in command.cfg 2. ...
Ashish Karpe's user avatar
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Percona: What are the implications of changing repl.commit_order?

I'm currently doing some trials of Galera Cluster with Percona 5.6. I've progressed to testing a 2 node cluster on baremetal. With repl.commit_order set to 0 (off) the TPS performance as measured with ...
phil-lavin's user avatar
4 votes
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99% disk IO spikes with Percona

So we have a server that has seemingly random spikes in disk I/O, going up to 99.x% at random times and for no obvious reason, staying high for a while, and then going back down. This didn't use to be ...
user avatar
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Installing php-mysql on centos 6.5 fails due to conflicts when percona client 5.5 also installed

Some background: I'm writing a Chef cookbook to set up a LNMP stack for local development. It requires the php-mysql library for PHP 5.4 (using the php package). We're using the yum-remi repository ...
Derek's user avatar
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Percona cluster signal 11

We have a percona cluster that is randomly getting signal 11's on different cluster nodes. I've exhausted everthing I know. Here's the .err file with the signal 11. We're running Server version: 5.6....
BradleyH's user avatar
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MySQL/Percona Server sudden CPU usage spikes

I've got some trouble with Percona Server 5.5: suddenly abnormous MySQL CPU usage caused the system to become unresponsive as it was eating up all CPU with a large number of threads. It's a 24 core ...
Tsolen's user avatar
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Can't add Nodes to Percona XtraDB cluster

In my case, I have two nodes in cluster, but when I use $service mysql bootstrap-pxc to start XtraDB cluster, I found nodes were not added to cluster. I also check /var/log/mysql/error.log, but no ...
technoob's user avatar
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InnoDB “Table xx Is Full” during database alterations

I am running Percona Mysql Server 5.6.14-56 on CentOS 6.3 64bit. Server has plenty ram (96gb) and storage free. File system type: ext4 dev/sda6 ext4 1093623528 56576512 981494148 6% /...
Mr.Boon's user avatar
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Percona Server & MySQL server on the same server on different ports

I have MySQL installed from ports, running and listening on port 3306. On the same server I have Percona Server compiled from sources, running and listening on port 3307. Here are the process list ...
Kirzilla's user avatar
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