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Slow MySQL inserts on one specific machine - what might be wrong with it?

My application runs in docker, so I can be sure it's always the same version of MySQL, same DB structure, same collations and so on. I run it on several machines. On all of them my benchmark script ...
Paflow's user avatar
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Slow MySQL 5.7 on Windows Server 2019

MySQL 5.7 standard install with standard my.cnf (server) one table 20mb size Dell R210II Windows Server 2019 Xeon 1230 v2 16gb ram 1 queries executed, 1 success, 0 errors, 0 warnings Query: CALL ...
Olaman's user avatar
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2 answers

Will disk compression impact the performance of a MySQL database?

I've recently setup a TrueNAS storage server and hosted on it is a MySQL database. It's about 3GB; I'm not too concerned with how much space it's utilising. By default, TrueNAS enables LZ4 compression ...
Baa's user avatar
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MariaDB I/O Limit

I have a server with MariaDB 10.6. The mysqld process uses 100% of DSK with very high I/O. I tried to set these values but it didn't have any affect: innodb_io_capacity = 100 innodb_io_capacity_max = ...
Maor Bari's user avatar
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Are there any big performance boost when upgrade from Ubuntu 16.04 to 22.04?

If I run the server as MySQL database. (Assume using the same MySQL version). Are there any big performance boost when upgrade from Ubuntu 16.04 to 22.04?
Ryan's user avatar
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Performance improvement for Innodb - High CPU

I have a dotnet application that has a high-traffic connection to the MySQL database. It's an application that stores IoT data. It connects to the database approximately 50 times per second. In these ...
Taylan Yuksel's user avatar
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Apache crashing because of high memory usage

CPU[|||| 3.3%] Tasks: 71, 155 thr; 1 running Mem[|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||1261/1875MB] Load average: 0.00 0.02 0.01 ...
Sayaman's user avatar
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High CPU usage by Apache/MySQL

I have a problem with CPU usage on the website that uses WordPress, Apache, and MySQL. During the day, from time to time, CPU usage by MySQL and Apache goes up to 2400% (I have 24 cores in total), the ...
a b's user avatar
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3 votes
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MySQL - Select queries 10x slower on Azure VM vs on-prem VM

We have been working on a project to migrate a MySQL database from an on-premise Linux server to a Windows VM on Azure (IaaS). (There's a specific reason because of which we have gone with the IaaS ...
Sridharan Srinivasan's user avatar
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500 Gateway with EC2 m5.2xlarge

I have an EC2 m5.2xlarge with wordpress and the following server configuration: How is possible to receive a 500 Gateway Error for importing a csv with 50 users (45 ...
Ponzio Pilato's user avatar
1 vote
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Storing BLOBs in mysql database

There's a lot of opinion about storing BLOBs in a database and I wonder if there is any actual investigation or figures on the matter. We have an application that stores images related to various ...
Michael restore Monica Cellio's user avatar
2 votes
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RDS MySQL Insights: Top Query "commit"

We are trying to reduce the load on our AWS RDS instance by going through the performance insights. The top SQL statement listed in the insight is "commit": In particular, the commit ...
Simon Ninon's user avatar
2 votes
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MYSQL vs. InnoDB [closed]

mysqltuner output. -------- Storage Engine Statistics ----------------------------------------------------------------- [--] Status: +ARCHIVE +BLACKHOLE +CSV -FEDERATED +InnoDB +MEMORY +MRG_MYISAM +...
Nasir Mahmood 's user avatar
1 vote
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Intermittent KVM performance issues causing performance glitches

We are currently hosted on a hosting provider that allows us to set up multiple virtual machines using KVM, where each virtual machine runs on it's own physical box (ie: one hypervisor, one VM with ...
Kendall Bennett's user avatar
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My.ini issues with server trying to host multiple connections

I am hosting a game server on a dedicated host. all my ini information and screenshots along with my task manager please assist with this issue ______ # Example MySQL config file for small systems. #...
True RP's user avatar
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AWS Performance Insight Huge Load from "Other" SQL

Engine: MySQL 5.7.26 Looking at my AWS Performance Insight metrics, I noticed that most of my Database load consumes the query marked "Other" Can I check what is hidden under this label? Screenshot:
wyrkos's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

Buy new VPS just for Mysql or upgrade current one and keep the whole stack on the same server [duplicate]

This is not a question about capacity planning, its about mysql performance over local network vs on the same virtual machine (where it needs to share cpu with other processes) I have a wordpress+...
Nocte 1337's user avatar
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jdb2 spike every hour for few seconds

I get IO hang up every hour on the exact same time on my Ubuntu 18.04 server. iotop indicate that jbd2 spike to araong 30% around this time. The hangup last only few seconds. I started noticing this ...
Kusal Arthanayake's user avatar
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3 answers

Fastest possible configuration for a local MySQL database, no security needed?

We have a local Optiplex PC setup to run our shared MySQL MariaDB database with no way to access it from the outside world. It doesn't have any critical data that needs to be protected. Basically, no ...
Ben's user avatar
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MySQL (MariaDB) is running at 100% CPU utilization after adding an index

I attempted to add an index to a date field in a table (MyISAM) having about 4,000 rows, using PHPMyAdmin. PHPMyadmin froze, finally timed out. Now, even after rebooting the server, the MySQL (...
Ryan Griggs's user avatar
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Server response take time when same User open 2 same links

I am providing API service, My Site response is Fast, but when user open 2 same links at same time, then the server open the request and holds it from 20-50 seconds... Using WHM-Apache, mySQL. ...
asad app's user avatar
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MySQL 500% CPU Usage and Crashes Server

My dedicated server is a XEON E3 1240 V3 8GB DDR3 1TB HDD SATA (4 cores @ 3.4 GHz), which I've had for a couple of days only and just finished migrating about 20 wordpress sites to it (each database ...
user544095's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Why are database queries running so much slower on AWS RDS?

I've been working on performance-sensitive features. I've been developing locally, running a MySQL server on my Mac. One key query runs in about 1.2 seconds on my machine, which is in the acceptable ...
fnsjdnfksjdb's user avatar
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mysql will slow after a couple of hours and need restarted to work

i have a windows 7 server just have mysql installed. i will connect to it on a local network after a while of working server response slowly and cant answer requests correctly.. my clients have up ...
peiman F.'s user avatar
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-3 votes
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MYSQL just using 1GB [closed]

My System just uses 1GB of Ram but i get a lot of nginx 504 Errors and i guess mysql is the bottleneck any hints welcome htop output
Markus K.'s user avatar
-1 votes
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Can my server handle 12,000 database requests per-minute? [duplicate]

First of all, Apologies if this is a silly question. I've never really had to manage servers and databases, on a "large-scale", that is. ANYWAY, on to the question. I am trying to figure out if our ...
Joe's user avatar
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Apache-PHP slow page in one virtual host causes performance degradation or timeout on other

I have multiple PHP applications running under different virtual host on an Apache server. Each application uses MySQL as backend. Each application uses different MySQL servers in the same data center....
Rohith's user avatar
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Mariadb 1000% CPU [closed]

I have a big problem with my site (Laravel based), I have from 1000 to 1500 contemporary visitors, and I have a problem with mariadb, practically when people use filters, and other options that ...
ZioBomba's user avatar
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What is a "normal" latency/performance of inserts on mariadb or mysql?

Hadn't used MySQL family for years. Now need to move from OracleDB to either MariaDB or PostgreSQL. So on a similar "hardware" (Openstack VM: RHEL 7.3, 4HT cores of 2.5GHz Xeon E312xx, "local" SAN &...
Vlad's user avatar
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Does TRUNCATE take a long time on huge tables 10gig+

I wonder if it is a good idea to use phpMyAdmin's empty feature on a table with ~12gb on a production server. I don't want to cause too much lag but need to free some disk space. This needs to be ...
bobble bubble's user avatar
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MySQL perf bad on SSD-based server. Small tables. MySQL config? RAID?

I have a couple of servers in an industrial setting (air-gapped network) that do some fairly light telemetry gathering. We generate about 10GB of telemetry history in ~30 days. All telemetry goes ...
Kyle's user avatar
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Improving SQL speed - Can SSD and more RAM be effective?

I'm running a website on a VPS package on nomral Hard drive, and 3.25 GB RAM. I created a test page and realized that by simply including an SQL command such as: SELECT Name from table where Name IN ...
rockyraw's user avatar
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Mysql process goes over 100% of CPU usage, what should I do?

# curl -L | perl perl: warning: Setting locale failed. perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings: LANGUAGE = (unset), LC_ALL = (unset), LC_CTYPE = "UTF-8",...
Mister Gan's user avatar
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How to speed up final stage of xtrabackup with lots of tables?

I have a MySQL 5.5 database with thousands of tables and heavy write workload. I need to use xtrabackup to take online backup (create a slave from production server with minimum downtime), but the ...
Deinlandel's user avatar
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Server performance affected by MySQL memory consuption and CPU usage

Everyday during the peak time my server getting slow or down. Our hosting provider insisting us to upgrade the server but I think some performance tuning issue is there. Adding the process ...
Jyothish's user avatar
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Check manual page of check_sql always giving a warning status

I've installed OMD and activated the Check_mk interface and Nagios engine. It works like a charm except for one thing. I can't properly check my SQL. Here is what I've done so far: Created a new ...
Bert's user avatar
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Performance issue with fresh install MySQL 5.616-1~exp1 (Ubuntu) on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

I've recently started on a new company and I'm currently setting my dev environment. We're using Ubuntu 16.04 and MySQL 5.6 Everything was right until I launched the tests (using mvn test). After ...
Alfergon's user avatar
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How come website be random slow? Open sleep processes?

My website is randomly very slow by high MYSQL CPU, and I have no idea what the problem is. Hopefully I will come closer to the solution with this post. If I check the mysql processes, I see a lot of ...
Ernst Wemmers's user avatar
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Database files and the system swap space on the same disk?

Why is it problematic to configure the database files and the system swap space on the same disk? What can happen?
Julia Garbaruk's user avatar
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Is it advised to close MySQL connection after every query

I have some sort of web crawler with PHP, which crawls the web and stores information about the pages in the database, now the thing is, loading pages takes a lot of time, and on top of that my script ...
AL-Kateb's user avatar
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MySql high latency

I try to connect with PHP to a MySql Server and it took in average 2 seconds to establish the connection. We host our Database in Germany (Frankfurt) and the PHP-Application in Singapore. We're ...
Pawel's user avatar
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10 votes
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MySQL extremely slow on very simple SELECT queries

We have a simple web application running on a virtual machine that saves its data in a MySQL 5.5 database with the InnoDB engine. Everything worked fine for around three years, but suddenly it became ...
tabb's user avatar
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RDS performance on alter table

I'm doing some performance testing on RDS with MySQL 5.5 My test consists of running liquibase changesets (mostly alters, some updates, some create table) on big table ( most tables have millions of ...
Jean-François Croteau's user avatar
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Debugging MySQL performance issues

I work on a WordPress site that gets roughly 100K page views per day. We use Varnish for a caching layer. Recently, we've been running into a problem where, seemingly at random, MySQL performance ...
DiscoInfiltrator's user avatar
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For MySQL performance, all things being equal, does single threaded processor performance matter more or overall performance?

Say I have two servers, both with the same RAID 10 SSD HDD, 128GB Ram, etc.. I'm trying to figure out which server to get. There is a significant price difference between these two following setups, ...
Mark's user avatar
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MySQL performance problems after hardware upgrade and move to VM

Recently we've ran some (security) updates on our servers and rebooted the machines. Our development server did not came online anymore due to a problem with the GPU (integrated in CPU). We've ...
Matthijs's user avatar
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MySql ignores memory settings

I'm using MySql community server 5.6 on Ubuntu 15.04, I have /etc/mysql/my.cnf (no other config files). I've made changes to it and restarted MySql. When I use such query SELECT @@key_buffer_size (...
heroin's user avatar
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Which memory settings to use for this MySQL server? [duplicate]

I've been looking in a lot of places so far but I couldn't find any articles about how much memory to allocate to MySQL based on server size. I am about to deploy a website on a relatively small ...
jonnybravo's user avatar
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Reduced performance in mysql after upgrade to 5.6.27

Our application was using MySql version 4.0.24 for a long time. We are trying to migrate it to version 5.6.27. But, on testing the performance on 5.6.27, even the simple selects and updates are 30-40% ...
Sri's user avatar
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MySQL overloading CPU at 100%+

My site appears to be getting over 1 million visits today, usually about 20,000 and for me it seems to be near-unresponsive. I've done some sleuthing and optimised Apache, fixed a bug with PHP ...
Kohjah Breese's user avatar

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