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Permissions error in directories used by Docker and application I am developing

I have run a docker container mysql from my own application development on C#, and configured data persistence to this path: C:\ProgramData\Persistence\data\mysql When i start everything goes well ...
Francisco IA Lover's user avatar
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MySQL Database refusing connection to user with USAGE privileges

I have a user 'salesman'@'%' trying to connect to my database with USAGE privileges on *.*, and SELECT privileges on one view within the database. Whenever I try to connect to the database whether via ...
o0V0o's user avatar
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Synology DS420+, mariadb permission denied in /volume1/logs/mysql

I would like to put the MariaDB logs in an easily accessible place (without having to go through the ssh), but I couldn't do it. My current configuration is as follows: [mysqld] general_log ...
Nomanoclass's user avatar
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MariaDB 10.8.x Strict Mode always ON?

I'm installing MariaDB on a new Debian 11 server and transferring my projects but I have a problem. STRICT MODE is always ENABLED on MariaDB. I check many sites, and try to add the string sql_mode=...
Алексей Бунак's user avatar
1 vote
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MySQL ERROR 1045 Access denied for 'nova'@'controller'

Description I installed Openstack Wallaby using OpenStack Installation Guide, all command and configuration is on my Github. This LAB is running on VirtualBox and I have another LAB with the same ...
Hojat Gazestani's user avatar
2 votes
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MySQL user has "usage" privileges but RW works

I have migrated Grafana from SQLite database to MySQL (in fact, MariaDB 10.3.22), so database is now located on a different machine. It is obvious that the software needs a database account now, so I ...
zsotrab's user avatar
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Adminer denied acces for user

sorry about my English, my knowledge about server is very small... I have on my computer to install Mysql, Adminer, php-7.3 and Apache2. I to try a data bank to build, but to come to this warning, ...
dsaj34v's user avatar
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log file is access denied even I am an administrator

I try to open a mysql slow log file in windows server 2012 R2. Even I open notepad as administrator, it still says "access denied". I check the mode of the file in powershell and found that the file ...
want_to_be_calm's user avatar
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1 answer

Is it possible to allow mysql connection only from specific folder?

Is it possible to allow mysql connection only from specific folder? I want to make sure that connection to database is only from my secure folder. This folder has php script which will make mysql ...
ernest1a's user avatar
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mysqld: Can't create/write to file '/home/mysqltmp/ibXXX' Permission denied

My main volume is a 20GB SSD disk mounted on /. I have a 4TB HDD mounted in /home. So to save space I want to set the mysql temporary directory to /home/mysqltmp. However when I set to this directory ...
NeDark's user avatar
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Granting privileges for a user doesn't appear to apply even after flushing

I'm working on creating a test system and need to grant a user remote database access. I'm doing this with the following: mysql> SHOW GRANTS for codingo; ERROR 1141 (42000): There is no such grant ...
Michael A's user avatar
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Write permission error in /tmp in python call to MySQL on Centos 7

I have a python (3.6 anaconda distribution) scrip on Centos 7 which at some point executes a simple query of the following structure import MySQLdb cursor = cnn.cursor() # cnn is the open ...
Hayk's user avatar
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2 answers

'/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (13 "Permission denied") when accessing the socket as non mysql user

I am trying to connect to local mysql server I use for development The server starts fine, but I can not connect to it as a non-root user. [root@somepc ]# mysql -u [someuser] -p[somepass] ERROR ...
nelaaro's user avatar
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Change pureftpd mysql users default permissions

I would like to know how is it possible to change default permissions for MySQL Pureftpd users. I want to do that because I would like that my users can access a directory that belong to an other unix ...
KaAzZ's user avatar
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user permissions in MariaDB

I have a MariaDB 10.1 instance (Debian GNU/Linux 9 testing/unstable). It is meant to be a local network database server and nothing else. For resons beyond the scope of this question, that server must ...
Lucio Crusca's user avatar
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2 answers

MySQL Wont Start with Datadir Change [duplicate]

I'm trying to change the datadir for mysql. When I try to restart the service it hangs for 10 minutes, then fails to restart. Here are the steps I took to change the dir: sudo service mysqld stop ...
chris85's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Flush Privileges in My SQL gives HY0000 Unknown Error

When I try to run FLUSH PRIVILEGES; in MySQL I get this error: Error 1105 (HY000): Unknown error I am running the very latest version of MySQL 5.7 in Windows Server. Does anyone have any idea why ...
A X's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

MySQL /nonexistent home vs "No directory, logging in with HOME=/"

The preinst script in the Debian/Ubuntu packages for MySQL sets the default home directory for the MySQL server to /nonexistent, presumably as a security measure - the MySQL server has its own datadir ...
Synchro's user avatar
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How to change MySQL user permission temporarily (Per Connection)

I do not know if it is possible at all or not. What I want is that, when a certain connection is established, the user not be able to modify data with that connection. This is the scenario: ...
Ormoz's user avatar
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MySQL system account unable to write to logs on CentOS 6.7

I have a CentOS 6.7 server with MySQL 5.1.73 installed. I am trying to enable replication which fails because "mysqld_safe" cannot write to "/var/log/mysql/mysql-bin.index"; even though the directory ...
justacodemonkey's user avatar
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2 answers

Denying access for specific host to specific database on mysql

We have a production MySQL server with the following grants: mysql> show grants for the_db; +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
John Hunt's user avatar
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-3 votes
1 answer

How to set default file permissions? [duplicate]

I have ran these codes: sudo chown -R / sudo chmod 755 / And now my server is not working. I need to get backup copy of MySQL database How can I fix it?
Aykhan's user avatar
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3 answers

Mysql, Sequel Pro: access denied, but connecting with terminal is OK

I created a user 'vasya'@'%' with all priveleges on some dbs on a remote server. When I ssh to the server I can mysql -u vasya -p without any problems. However when I try to ssh tunnel via Sequel Pro ...
Lex Podgorny's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to login to a server as a mysql user in order to stop the mysql server?

I have a linux server instance hosted by RunAbove where I log in as an 'admin' user using an ssh key. I need to change the mysql root password on the server manually. I'm following directions given ...
luqo33's user avatar
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2 answers

User with grant permissions cannot grant permissions for new user with and new database

I am using: mysql 5.5.43-0 on ubuntu 14.04.1 I try to create a new admin-user (admin) who is allowed to do the following things: a creating new users (dbuser1) with password - (permission "create ...
Stephan's user avatar
1 vote
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How to change permission of users in RDS?

We have created a MySQL RDS instance on AWS called "lolbob" and while dumping our data over port 3306 using the user that was created during instance creation (also called "lolbob") it fails because ...
Mr. Developerdude's user avatar
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freebsd cannot start mysql for the first time

I am having the same issue as this person serverfault link but the solution completely does not work for me. I cannot start mysql5.5 for the very first time. At first start of mysql with cd /usr/...
mine's user avatar
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1 answer

Can't grant MySQL privileges to Debian system maintenance user

I have a dedicated Debian 7 server running multiple websites with MySQL as the database server. When I tried to install the latest updates, MySQL couldn't be updated because the server failed to stop. ...
Kaivosukeltaja's user avatar
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1 answer

mysql grant select to ONE table on ALL database

I have many tables with the same table structure. I want to create a user which can access one table in all of those databases. We are adding new databases frequently, so a wildcard would be preferred....
Jared Green's user avatar
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MySQL user:pass in roundcube php config

Is it considered bad practice to have a MySQL query with user:pass as plaintext? I'm doing this right now (in nginx/roundcube to modify my dovecot passwords) but it seems strange because if I had ...
rottweilers_anonymous's user avatar
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Disallowing interactive login for specific mysql users

I want to create some mysql users for different web sites but disallow interactive connections for them. If a evil-user get the mysql login credentials of a website, creating a conexion from ...
ABu's user avatar
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Allow mysql user to be used just by specified user

Currently any system user can run: systemuser$ mysql -u mysqluser -p (assuming he knows the password). Is there a way to deny mysql (cli) to use particular mysql user? eg. systemuser$ mysql -u ...
Sfisioza's user avatar
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Password less mysql access to specified user/script only

In addition to this question: Performing root mysql operations in bash scripts I'd like to ask how to limit/allow this action (performing root administrative actions): mysql --local-path=mypath -e "...
Sfisioza's user avatar
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Performing root mysql operations in bash scripts

What is a good practice to execute root operations on mysql databases in bash scripts? For example, I want to create new database and grant privileges, I have to use: mysql -u $ROOT -p"$ROOTPASS" -e ...
Sfisioza's user avatar
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4 votes
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MySQL permission errors

It seems that on a Ubuntu 14.04 machine the user mysql cannot access anything. It is not writing logs nor reading files. Witness: - bruno():mysql$ cat /etc/passwd | grep mysql mysql:x:116:127:MySQL ...
dotancohen's user avatar
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Percona startup fails: mysql can't access directory for file creation

I found a few questions and suggestions for similiar problem, unfortunately nothing seems to work for me, so please excuse me if this is double (and point to right source)... Server is Fedora Beefy ...
zencodism's user avatar
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suPHP and Apache DBD : change GID only

(Note: if you're familiar with suPHP setups and want to skip the question's details, you'll find a quick explanation of what I'm trying to achieve at the end) I am currently setting up a machine to ...
John WH Smith's user avatar
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phpmyadmin not working after mysql update

i followed this guide to update my mysql form 5.1 to 5.5. After lots and lots of command and headache, i was able to upgrade mysql. i checked the version via terminal. But now there is another ...
Kanav's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using Password:YES) [closed]

root@test-2:/usr/local# mysql -u root -H -p Enter password: ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
sivashanmugam's user avatar
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Mysqldump not working with SELECT, LOCK TABLES, SHOW VIEW, EVENT, TRIGGER privileges

My system: CentOS 6.5 + MySQL 5.6 I have created a backupuser for mysqldump: CREATE USER 'usr_backup'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'XXX'; GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'usr_backup'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY "...
user217247's user avatar
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Using Jenkins to access mysql files on the same instance

I have a Jenkins installation and running mysql server on the same box. One of my jenkins jobs is supposed to tar up the /var/lib/mysql folder but I get the following error tar: /var/lib/mysql/...
Paul Sheldrake's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Which MySQL users are necessary?

My MySQL server has a number of strange users which I did not add. Are these all necessary? 'root'@'' 'root'@'localhost' 'root'@'SERVERNAME' 'root'@'::1' ''@'SERVERNAME' ''@'LOCALHOST' If ...
Myforwik's user avatar
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6 votes
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How to grant and revoke rights to tables using phpMyAdmin

Is phpMyAdmin capable of granting rights (permissions) on certain tables to users or roles? When I look at the page of a database table there is no "rights" tab. I have only found a place where I ...
Holger Jakobs's user avatar
-2 votes
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mySQL upgrade caused root ownership of files [closed]

I recently upgraded mySQL to 5.5 on my Centos box. It failed on restart as some of the files had taken root ownership instead of being owned by mysql user/group. Its working now, after 30 mins of ...
Pickledegg's user avatar
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MySQL - Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

I'm pulling my hair out trying to decipher why every time I do a fresh install of mysql on OSX and import a database, the minute I restart the mysql instance I'm prompted with the message: Access ...
TheCodingArt's user avatar
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Importing old mediawiki SQL dump MAMP

I've been tasked with importing an SQL database to setup up with a local mediawiki website (v1.14). We were sent a SQL file with an image file to upload to the local site. After setting up mediawiki ...
TheCodingArt's user avatar
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4 answers

Should all files in /etc/mysql be owned by root or can mysql own them?

In the standard mysql setup on debian squeeze all files in /etc/mysql are owned by root. Can it be changed, so that mysql is the new owner or does it have a reason why they should stay by root?
mryvlin's user avatar
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Best way to recover mysql from a "chmod -R 777 /" with databases intact

Question: What is the best way to recover mysql (or worst case: migrate away) from a "chmod -R 777 /" with databases intact? System: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS MySQL 5.5.24 64 bit Amazon EC2 cloud server. ...
robertb556's user avatar
11 votes
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vsftpd - PAM - MySQL and pam_mkhomedir to create directories

I've been successfully using vsftpd with virtual users connecting with PAM to my mysql DB. Now I'd like to automate creation of user directories with successful vsftpd connection. Here is /etc/pam.d/...
Tom's user avatar
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automysqlbackup - dumped files permissions

I'm using automysqlbackup, here is the default cron entry created #!/bin/sh test -x /usr/sbin/automysqlbackup && /usr/sbin/automysqlbackup My files are stored here /var/cache/...
Pierre de LESPINAY's user avatar