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Issues with host and PHP [closed]

I'm with TSOHOST who have been bought out by i believe GoDaddy. I've found out they have moved all of my sites onto their new hosting. The issue im having is that the wp-admin part is working and i ...
Nathan's user avatar
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phpMyAdmin Login Page Error: mysqli::real_connect(): Premature end of data in XAMPP

I'm encountering an error when logging in to phpMyAdmin on my local XAMPP setup. The login page displays the following errors: mysqli::real_connect(): Premature end of data (mysqlnd_wireprotocol.c:387)...
Misbagas's user avatar
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Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mysqli_connect() on Debian 12.5 with Apache2

I am trying to run my server with php 8.2 but it can't connect to my MariaDB database with mysqli. I have extension=mysqli in my php.ini When I do php -m | grep mysqli I get this: % php -m | grep ...
aaaaa's user avatar
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Mariadb - MySQL server has gone away after 1 second of sleep

I'm receiving errors from Mariadb. This is ok: $db = new mysqli(...); usleep(1000*1000); // 1 second is ok $db->query('SELECT 1'); This is not ok: $db = new mysqli(...); usleep(1001*1000); // 1....
rooobertek's user avatar
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Firefox generating two sessions in PHP

I am trying to record session ID's in Mysql database using PHP. In firefox, when I load a page, it records two different session ID's at the same time. However, in Chrome it only generates a single ...
Qamar's user avatar
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3 answers

Why is my Azure Database for MySQL slow at first

I created a SaaS product. I am using PHP 8.3 with a MySQL 8.0 database. Locally this is very fast! No frameworks etc are used. Production runs on Azure. I have the following setup on Azure: Database ...
Gerrit's user avatar
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My PHP sites do not work with mysql router

I recently set up a mysql innodb cluster, and have configured mysqlrouter to sit in front of it. On my PHP applications, if I change the port from 3306 to 6446, the application hangs when it tries to ...
elyograg's user avatar
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MacOS MySQL Client Gets Stuck on Query That is a Certain Size

My MySQL client gets stuck on a query when the output is a certain size. When it's small enough, the query will successfully output. The client is connecting to a remote server (Ubuntu 18.04). When I ...
Grant Gordinier's user avatar
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Memory consumption on virtual server too large for applications being run

I have a Linux Ubuntu virtual server at Digital Ocean with the following specs: 1 vCPU, 2GB of memory, and 25GB of SSD storage. The server is running a single WordPress website with around 400 unique ...
Mike Hermary's user avatar
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Web server returning high number of 502 and 504s

We have a web application (LAMP stack) with traefik as a reverse proxy that is suddenly giving HTTP 502 and 504 errors on >50% of requests, both for static files and php scripts. In the traefik ...
bkane521's user avatar
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Remote MySQL server returning: MySQL server has gone away / Error while sending QUERY packet

I have 2 servers (both running Ubuntu 12.04) APP server running apache2, PHP7.2 and a CakePHP 2.0 APP DATABASE server running mysql 5.7 When I'am trying to insert into the database a big blob (...
updevs's user avatar
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Frequent server downtime and suspicious server hits to access random Pdf files

Our Server hosting PHP web application is facing frequent downtime Server Information [Nginx, FreeBSD] Web application [PHP 5.6, MYsql 5.7] I have gone through the Nginx logs and below are my findings ...
Ekky's user avatar
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which memory limit applies when php performs a MySQL query

If I run php as FPM, I can set my memory limit in php.ini or .user.ini. PHP can perform a MySQL query, and I can set memory limits in /etc/my.cnf for for instance the innodb buffer pool. If PHP runs ...
Guido Goluke's user avatar
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2 answers

CPU Usage 98% /usr/sbin/mysqld and server down

How to solve this issue. php codeigniter framwork Everyday our server goes down because of these issue. CPU usage 98 % Ram used 21 083 MB /usr/sbin/mysqld
majid lateef's user avatar
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Diagnosing mySQL Random CPU Spikes

Our organization has a fairly advanced (as in many moving pieces) web application that's been working great up until recently, yet no noticeable changes have been made. There is the Apache Web Server, ...
Johnathan Martin's user avatar
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PHP-FPM static max_children amount doesn't seem to matter much during stress tests

I've been stress testing PHP-FPM set up as static using wrk, with NGINX running on Ubuntu Server 22.04 for the past few days, writing down results for every scenario. When I look at them, it seems to ...
Medito Di Terra's user avatar
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Configure xenforo 1.2.9 Using phpmyadmin 4.x with php 5.6.4 on IIS 10, Windows Server 2019

Versions/Programs: xenforo 1.2.9, phpmyadmin 4.x, php 5.6.4, MySQL 8.0.32 IIS 10, Windows Server 2019 I am trying to host a local server for tinkering on an old computer I have. This server will be ...
Fictor's user avatar
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phpinfo not showing mysql, pages that require mysql connection is giving HTTP 500

I am running php 5.4.16 on a rhel 7.9 webserver (httpd 2.4.6). When doing phpinfo(), there is no mysql section. Php pages that require a connection to the mysql database are giving error 500. Example ...
demiglace's user avatar
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Nginx - Server dead when received many requests

we have a large Woocommerce website hosted on Google VM servers (E2 4vCPU + 32 GB RAM + 100 GB SSD Storage), recently we created a mobile application using flutter and WordPress -Woocommerce- API, but ...
mohammad's user avatar
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Unable to connect to server following phpMyAdmin upgrade from 5.1 to 5.2

Not sure to post on the right StackExchange forum. If not, let me know! Working environment: OpenSUSE Leap 15.4 MariaDB : mariadb Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.7.7-MariaDB PHP 8.0.25 (cli) (built: Oct 31 2022 ...
wiltomap's user avatar
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IIS FastCGI configuration for high concurrency

I am hosting, on Windows Server 2022, a web application that makes regular ajax calls to a PHP backend. The calls themselves are quite light, just pulling and pushing data from and to a MySQL db. Over ...
resle's user avatar
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1 answer

What might cause a PDO MySQL connection to be terminated?

Summarize the problem My PDO (MySQL) connection is disconnected during execution of the code. The connection is created successfully, but around 0.05% of the time the Error log reports a disconnection....
ipegasus's user avatar
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MySQL + php due to high CPU usage app crashing

Just recently the application that I maintain started crashing, mysql's CPU usage is 100%... or more :) The application itself is quite old and has a lot of slow queries but before blaming it I want ...
Maarduk's user avatar
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Blank page with 500.0 response for index.php when loging it

The page will work normally but as soon as you press login or sign-up, goes to a blank page and in element inspect you can see a 500 response from the server I've tried many different login/sign-up ...
SoapierGlobe421's user avatar
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Understanding slow queries from mysqldumpslow

I'm maintaining a system which sporadically (no exact time) but only at night causes the entire server to crash for a few seconds and the users seeing "Error Connection Refused" until the ...
Marcus Christiansen's user avatar
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Single Signon best practice for phpMyAdmin across multiple servers

I run a small web development company and we run multiple production servers, each with their own MySQL database server. I'm trying to figure out the best way of giving access to these separate MySQL ...
james-geldart's user avatar
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2 answers

Add to mysql db instead of restore

*EDIT/UPDATE I have an RPI4 with mysql. I need to collect all the data from the "zm" database, and ADD it to another database of the same name on another server, so NO data on the 2nd server ...
Ben's user avatar
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phpMyAdmin: change bind address of MySQL on phpmyadmin

How do I change the bind address of a mysql databse through phpmyadmin? I am new at this and really dont know what I am doing.
JBC's user avatar
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Page Loads Error

In my production Environment I'm observing a sporadic issue where pages are taking a long time to load. In the error logs we are seeing: PHP Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds ...
Santosh Baruah's user avatar
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Best practices to troubleshoot stuck php application due to internal curl calls to unresponsive endpoints

Recently I found myself with a website (Prestashop e-commerce on a Centos PHP-FPM /Apache / MySql machine ) that was down and not responding to web requests. After investigation, issue was due to an ...
gennaris's user avatar
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MYSQL is at 197% CPU usage ~ not allowing site to run

Spec: 8 GB memory / 4 vCPUs / 25 GB ssd Ubuntu 20.04 My website got hit with a DDoS recently and had this continuous high CPU usage error for 4 days and the site will not load up, I take a look using ...
ChimpyMonk75's user avatar
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Can't access phpmyadmin and local localhost:8000 with two errors for each of them

Recently reinstalled Ubuntu 21.04 on my computer and installed php8 and Nginx. I run the server for Laravel and when I go to localhost:8000 I got this error: Illuminate\Database\QueryException could ...
Mahdi Jafari's user avatar
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Is the slow down due to traffic every day near 12 pm

I checked the slow logs and I got only 4 queries in 2 hours and all of them were similar to this: "SELECT HEX(uhash) AS uhash, vehid, IF(deleted = 0 AND follow_price_drop = 1, 1, 0) AS ...
Sayaman's user avatar
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2 answers

What could cause blocked requests in IIS?

I'm using IIS on Windows Server 2016 with MySQL and PHP on two almost identical servers. I've recently noticed a slowdown on one of my two servers but it happens only when my site tries to execute ...
Vincent's user avatar
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PhpStorm Laravel trying to connect to MySQL database throws Connection refused: connect

I am trying to set up a laravel project in phpstorm but fail at connecting to a mysql database. These are the steps I've taken so far: download and install composer, vagrant and virtualbox create ...
Artur Müller Romanov's user avatar
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Mysqli access denied , using UNIX socket [duplicate]

I am trying to learn PHP, and I am setting up the database connection. On Mysql Workbench, I created a database called php, and created a table. Then I created the account "sam"@"...
Sam's user avatar
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Adjust server configuration [PHP, Laravel, mysql, nginx] for serve great number of user [duplicate]

I have a Laravel PHP webapp that shows analytics data in Angular frontend to users. User can only show content, plots and tables. I have written 3 laravel commands that hourly download and store data ...
Tenaciousd93's user avatar
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How to debug an unreachable (from the wan side) lemp server tunneling through an AWS based Openvpn-AS instance

Ive been wracking my brains out for weeks trying to debug a once perfectly functioning LEMP web server. I'm using a relatively complicated setup. Lets start with my setup from the beginning when ...
DanRan's user avatar
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MariaDB Error Reading Communication Packets

I have a problem. When I split my MariaDB from main server to another server (my database server is running MariaDB docker from latest tag) I got an error: Got an error writing communication packets ...
arash's user avatar
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Mysql in Nginx takes over 100% CPU

I have a Laravel application running on my Ubuntu 18.04 server and MySql 5.7. Sometimes, it is very slow. I have checked with "top" command and this is the result: Some times %cpu raises ...
pasluc74669's user avatar
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Long time running PHP script on Apache with separate MySQL server restarting without manual refresh

We're currently making a migration and experiencing a problem we're curious on solving correctly. Our setup is a separate web server running Apache 2.4 and a database server running MySQL 5.7. We have ...
Thomas's user avatar
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Multiple long running mysqld processes

today i've checked our server status with htop and i saw somethig that i could not believe. Could someone please answer me the following questions? Why are there so much mysqld processes? Why they ...
Tanktiger's user avatar
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Original php mysql extension for php56

First a note: Yes, I'm well aware this extension in deprecated and has a ton of security flaws, I'm duplicating a clients active server in docker for recovery and migration (after client's server was ...
Philippe's user avatar
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MariaDB 10.2.35 Memory Spikes

On an AWS EC2 T3.large instance I'm hosting a website built with the Cake PHP framework. It utilises the MariaDB version 10.2.35. I'm having an issue whereby the memory for the server is spiking. When ...
jsjw's user avatar
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PHP memory size exhausted in drupal

FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 536870912 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 137612647 bytes) Already I increase 2 times in php.ini file. But again ...
shoaib hasan's user avatar
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website server starting to get traffic

I have a website that's a lot like Bitly, a short url site and it has started to gain a lot of traction lately. The website is about 100MB and the mysql database around 6GB. I run the server on a VPS ...
Rizzzler's user avatar
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Preventative config settings to ensure long-running PHP scripts don’t create hanging MySQL transactions and failure

I’d like to know if there is a PHP/MySQL configuration option (or combination of options) that can prevent long-running PHP scripts in a small number of places from creating hanging and sleeping MySQL ...
Aaron Bushnell's user avatar
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Unable to load dynamic library 'mysqli' - Debian 10

I'm setting up a webserver, using Debian 10, Apache2, PHP7.3, MariaDB and PHPMyAdmin. When i start Apache2 it wil say: PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'mysqli' (tried: /usr/...
Zegert's user avatar
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mysql/apache/php over windows 10 or over dockers for windows

I would like to know what would be more efficient (speed and memory mainly), run apache/php/mysql windows 10 versions over windows 10 or also under windows 10 run apache, php and mysql dockers. I will ...
hamboy75's user avatar
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What is the best way to maintain application logs

We have an SaaS application (LAMP stack) hosted in-house, used by thousands of clients on daily basis. Application generates logs (whether an error occurs or certain events happens inside the ...
Saqib's user avatar
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