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Using MySQL/MariaDB replication, how to know when the Replica is in a consistent state?

This is a question about MariaDB (mostly) and a replication that I am considering. For this replication, the Primary database is updated every minute by a process which can take about 15 seconds to ...
GingkoFr's user avatar
2 votes
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Is it possible to have MySQL/MariaDB bidirectional replication?

I am trying to install replication on several MariaDB servers. With no experience at all on this. I am wondering something. Would it be possible to have both servers acting simultaneously as master ...
GingkoFr's user avatar
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1 answer

How to add a new database on replication?

I have a mysql replication with two servers. There are actually 3 databases on it. On master : server-id = 1 log_bin = /var/log/mysql/mysql-bin.log expire_logs_days ...
erwann le guevedec's user avatar
3 votes
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How should I automate replication of a production MySQL db onto a read/write dev server for testing while also scrubbing the data first?

I know there are lots of variables here, and they're highly dependent upon the applications in the environment as well as the needs of the org. I read this post first, as the question was similar. [...
EdwinJ's user avatar
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Monitoring of MySQL replication and alerting when replication is not working

I have a question about monitoring of MySQL replication and in particular about alerting using Grafana/Prometheus. We have 2 MySQL(MariaDB to be exact) instances for which replication is configured: ...
Dmitry's user avatar
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MariaDB Master-Master replication with 3 servers, no ports open on master

I want three MariaDB database servers, one master and two "slaves". I want to be able to read and write on every server, and have this replicated on the other servers. I read on the internet ...
Niek van der Steen's user avatar
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MySQL 8 replication via non-ssl connecion

I'm trying to setup tiny master-slave environment with percona-server-server.x86_64-8.0.27-18.1.el8. A plan is to use non-ssl connections between the nodes as the servers will communicate in the LAN ...
varas's user avatar
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-1 votes
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MySQL replcating huge changing data

Hi I have a master MySQL server with 950 gb of data and slave has stopped for some reason and there is a difference of 80gb of data. so I started to setup new slave . Since the data is changing and ...
Damn devil's user avatar
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MySQL not saving to separate data directories

Lately I've been struggling with MySQL and it's data directory a lot. At first, I've tried docker for multiple instances but our company doesn't prefer docker no one knows why. So I come up with a ...
emir ko's user avatar
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AWS EC2 MySQL Replication: Config To Query Slave From Master

I have successfully set up a MySQL master-slave situation on separate AWS EC2 instances. The slave is running and is successfully replicating the master. So far so good. Now I want to be able to query ...
James Butler's user avatar
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2nd lvl slave can't conect to 1st lvl slave mysql replication

Simple exercise but not working. Help me plase. Context: Lptp1, Lptp2 -> Ubuntu20.4 both Lptp1 dbmaster, Lptp2 dbslavetwo, Lptp1 dvsubslave -> all Ver 8.0.24 for Linux on x86_64 (MySQL Community ...
Andrzej Więcławski's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to Mirror MariaDB schema into Mysql? [closed]

We are using MariaDB for our main service and Mysql on another for our ATM machines, I trying to fetch all the data and to have all the transactions available. I don't know if this is possible because ...
ikenas's user avatar
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keepalived delay before bringing ip up

Is it possible to configure a delay before bringing the virtual IP up in keepalived? Background: I have multiple Master/Master MySQL Setups. Only one Master is used at time. Keepalived is used for VIP ...
Mario Nette's user avatar
1 vote
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How to setup a master-slave connection with an invisible master? [closed]

I know, the question may sound weird at first but let me explain some things, I'm sure you will understand my problem after that: I have a raspberry pi recording all data from my weather station at ...
MeineHTMLCodes's user avatar
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Numbers of bricks is not a multiple of replica count - glusterfs

I have 10 servers and want to use all as storage so tried to create volume with following command but its throwing error gluster volume create gv0 replica 3 server1:/data/brick1/gv0 server2:/data/...
ImranRazaKhan's user avatar
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Mixing Galera and MariaDB/MySQL replication

reading about it online, it appears we can use both Galera replication and native MariaDB/MySQL replication together. Can anyone confirm that this is correct? I'm thinking of a scenario where Data ...
David Cunningham's user avatar
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2 answers

Problems with MySQL replication. Why binlogs grows so fast?

I have 2 MySQL servers: Master server: mysql version 5.7.14 Slave server: mysql version 5.7.14 in Docker container (from official docker hub). GTID-replication. I have two problems: Binlogs growth ...
Pavel's user avatar
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MariaDB/MySQL DB tracking another database

If I want to have two servers with one active and one hot standby (and each has it's own database on them), how do I get the secondary to track the primary and be quick/easy to deploy if the main ...
forkwasher's user avatar
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How to migrate a mysql master/master replication system to a new system

I am using a system with two machines running mysql in master/master replication. I would like to move the systems to new machines who are also doing master/master replication. Is it possible to do ...
Alex Lehmann's user avatar
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Will Mariadb replication master-slave setup work for Joomla/Virtuemart?

I have a Joomla/Virtuemart installation and i want to create a master-slave replication with 1 slave The Slave will be used as a failover in case there is something wrong with the master. The ...
Meni's user avatar
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What could be causing the Google Cloud SQL MySQL replica instances to be stuck on a "System lock" state, causing huge replication delays?

Let me explain the problem in detail, We have a Google cloud SQL setup(1 master, 1 failover replica and a read replica). From the last two days, we are facing replication delays on both the replica ...
techiewickie's user avatar
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MySQL: One database slave, multiple masters

My question is: Am I able to have one database server as slave to more than one master servers with different databases. So for example: DB-Server-1 contains database Apple DB-Server-2 contains ...
Bert's user avatar
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AWS transfer RDS mysql to another region without loosing data

I wanted to transfer my mysql databaes from us-east-1 (virginia) to eu-east-1 (ireland) without loosing any data. Also, I want to stop virginia after transfering database from one region to other ...
Arpit Vaishnav's user avatar
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Retry MySQL replication error instead of skip

I have replication error like Last_Error: Error 'Unknown column .. on my slave, because for some reasons the schema are not the same (we are using statement bases replication). Now, I've fixed the ...
Ryan's user avatar
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Wordpress MySQL replication logins

I'm setting up a Wordpress site that is being load balanced across two servers, for various reasons the customer does not want a standalone database server. We've setup Master/Slave replication ...
user2377521's user avatar
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mysql simple master-slave replication stops without any errors

mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.7.21-20 (it's Percona fork, if it's matter). Trying to make simple M-S replication, only 2 servers, different id-s. Replications starts normally, but after a while (several ...
Denis's user avatar
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MySQL replication not working

I have been trying everything I could find and my servers are not replicating! Can someone look at my config files and offer some guidance? My,ini master on Windows: # Other default tuning values # ...
DMonty's user avatar
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mysql to percona replication

Recently my employer was acquired by a bigger company and the new CTO wants us to move to their software stack. We have MySQL as the DB server, and they have Percona. So... what are the option to do ...
drookie's user avatar
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innodb-read-only prevent mysql replication? Table 'gtid_slave_pos' is read only

I set up a couple of maraidb v10.2.10 containers with the official docker image. Master can read/write and slave is read-only with this my.cnf. [mysqld] server_id=2 read_only=1 innodb_read_only=1 ...
kujiy's user avatar
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3k views not found in MYSQL 5.7.20

At the time I enter on mysql shell: INSTALL PLUGIN group_replication SONAME ''; the shell returns: ERROR 1126 (HY000): Can't open shared library '/usr/lib/mysql/plugin/...
BlueSeph's user avatar
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mariadb replication over ssh tunnel

I'm trying to do mariadb replication over a ssh tunnel. Here is my config. First, I created a ssh tunnel from my replication server(R1) to my Master server (M1). ssh -L 13306:localhost:3306 -p 22111 ...
ashutosh singh's user avatar
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Centos 7 , Master-slave replication iptables?

This is the iptables on my mysql_slave server: # sample configuration for iptables service # you can edit this manually or use system-config-firewall # please do not ask us to add additional ports/...
J.chen's user avatar
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Adding binary log to existing mysql server

I have a fairly large (~50m rows) database on a single Centos server. I want to set up replication but the existing database has no binary logs. Is there a way to retrospectively add binary logs so ...
Gaspode's user avatar
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What is best method for fixing a out of sync mysql slave when pt-online-schema-change, pt-table-sync, xtrabackup do not work?

We all know, there are several methods for syncing data from a mysql master to a slave. After reading many blogs about this issue, two common tools always come up: pt-online-schema-change pt-table-...
michabbb's user avatar
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MySQL slave-skip-errors = 0?

I'm migrating a cluster that has the following set for slave-skip-errors: slave-skip-errors = 0,1062,1053,1051 Of course, as these things go, nobody knows why it was setup like this or who did it, ...
Vladimir's user avatar
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mysql replication fail (no error)

I'm doing a replication on a mysql 5.6 server (master) to a slave in mixed mode. The thing is, i connect to mysql trought workbench, i execute querys and are replicated. But if another user connected ...
user362986's user avatar
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Setup MySQL replication of specific tables of a database to another mysql server

I have several production MySQL databases running on an RHCS cluster. I want to setup replication of one specific database, with only specific tables from that database, to another brand new mysql ...
user182030's user avatar
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Moving mysql slave

I am trying to move MySQL slave from old pc to new. Original slave is MySQL version 5.6.12 same as new slave(MySQL is part of wamp 2.4). Replication works fine at old machine. But when I stop slave, ...
martin's user avatar
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mysql master to master replication with one slave

I have 3 servers Server A master to Server B Server B master to Server A and Server C Server C slave to Server B When I add table to Server A, it replicated on server B but not in Server C When I ...
Fadzhli Azmandin's user avatar
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Why does MySQL Galera not replicate the user table?

I am running a 3 node MySQL 5.6 Galera Cluster. Everything is in sync and looks fine, but as I just found out the user table was not in sync. One particular user was not present on the other nodes ...
merlin's user avatar
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Set up keepalived for MySQL Master-Master replication [closed]

I managed 2 mysqld processes that listen for connections on different ports- 3306 and 3307 on localhost. I set up MySQL Master-Master replication. And now I want to set up keepalived for MySQL Master-...
Ал Шем's user avatar
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Filtered master-master replication-is it possible?

I got task to configure I think some sort of monster. My boss want to have two mysql servers. Let's say serverA and serverB have databases db1,db2,db3,db4. He wanted that serverA will be master for ...
B14D3's user avatar
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Is it possible to move MySQL to different hosting using replication?

I am considering switching to a new hosting provider and I would like to know if it is possible to achieve database (MySQL 5.6) migration without a huge downtime (= time to copy tens of GB of DB ...
Wapac's user avatar
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MySQL table only replication (Master->Slave)

I've set up two servers (one master and one slave db). I want to synchronize one single table of a whole database live (or with a delay of up to 5 minutes) in only one direction. I wanted to try the ...
kentor's user avatar
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mysql replication stops without errors

I have this issue with master to master replication setup. Replication stops without errors, but when I make: slave stop; slave start; it is working again. mysql --version mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5....
exxon's user avatar
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MYSQL replication - Security suggestions on replicate over the internet [closed]

I'm going to launch a new web service, but i have few funds to start this business. I was taking a look at OVH Dedicated Infrastructure servers, but such a service costs at least 250 $/month, too much ...
Jhon Zunda's user avatar
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Can't connect to MySQL 5.5 with SSL

I am trying to get MySQL SSL replication setup for two brand new RHEL 6.6 x64 servers. I have replication working without SSL, but I can't get it set up with SSL, and can't connect directly using SSL ...
Jamin's user avatar
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combine two mysql replication log files

So I use a master-master replication of a mysql database and load balance traffic between the two. This results in server A with a binlog of all it's transactions and Server B with a binlog of only ...
Joel's user avatar
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Replicating a linux web server

I'm planning on replicating a web server for high availability purposes. The server is running as a Ubuntu 15.04 virtual machine in Hyper-V and has MariaDB 10.0, Apache 2.4 and PHP-FPM 5.6 installed. ...
gijs007's user avatar
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Server with multiple replicate=do-db entries

I have a server that someone has setup which are acting as a master-master on both servers. Since they have been configured as both master on the same database, changes in one end has caused all sorts ...
supmethods's user avatar

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