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MySQL Update Statement taking long time to update small table with 4 rows

I've got a ridiculously small table in MySQL that consists of four rows of data. Updating this table is taking a long time, often upwards of 50 seconds. CREATE TABLE log_CacheQueueEntity ( ID int(11)...
LinuxGnut's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Mysql server eating all RAM (100GB) when load is running

I am using Mysql - Server version: 8.0.29 MySQL Community Server - GPL My server has 100GB RAM. Of it I allocated innodb_buffer_pool_size as 90 GB SET GLOBAL innodb_buffer_pool_size = 96636764160; I ...
santhosh's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Anybody familiar with the Shoretel database?

I have a copy of the local db from our old shoretel voip system... which is no longer in service. I've been tasked with trying to locate information pertaining to calls to and from specific numbers ...
boog's user avatar
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Configure xenforo 1.2.9 Using phpmyadmin 4.x with php 5.6.4 on IIS 10, Windows Server 2019

Versions/Programs: xenforo 1.2.9, phpmyadmin 4.x, php 5.6.4, MySQL 8.0.32 IIS 10, Windows Server 2019 I am trying to host a local server for tinkering on an old computer I have. This server will be ...
Fictor's user avatar
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3 answers

How to grant persmission for this sql?

How to grant permission for this? Thank you for your help! ERROR is : ERROR 1142 (42000) at line 2: CREATE command denied to user '@'localhost' for table 'student' CREATE TABLE STUDENT( ID INT ...
bigstreet's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Why my simple searching query is too slow?

I don't know why searching in my "cities" table is so slow. My query looking for a table "cities" located about 25km from the city. I use this simple query and the database takes ...
Sahasrar's user avatar
1 vote
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MySQL is 100% CPU over the past week, no idea why, details below

I'm trying to work out why MySQL is hitting 100% over the past week: It's a server that does network/server monitoring called LibreNMS. Top: Here I access MySQL and look ...
Andy White's user avatar
2 votes
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MYSQL is at 197% CPU usage ~ not allowing site to run

Spec: 8 GB memory / 4 vCPUs / 25 GB ssd Ubuntu 20.04 My website got hit with a DDoS recently and had this continuous high CPU usage error for 4 days and the site will not load up, I take a look using ...
ChimpyMonk75's user avatar
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Has anyone here tried using ZWAMP as a dedicated SQL instance for long-term data collection?

By "ZWAMP", I mean this product, especially its MySQL implementation. What I'm really aiming to learn here are the inherent, hardware independent, data storage size, complexity, and duration ...
boxcartenant's user avatar
1 vote
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Strange behaviour of MySQL on Windows (CPU 100% with simple query)

We run MySQL 8 on Windows 2019 server (Dell R420, 32 cores, 64GB, SSDs on Raid10). Every now and then, our website goes completely offline, as the CPU on the MySQL server is completely bottlenecked (...
Alex K.'s user avatar
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1 answer

Could facebook minimize the number of servers if they used a faster database rather than MySQL? [closed]

Facebook needs 30,000 Servers to run. Seriously that's a lot! Facebook is old. It uses MySQL. I was wondering if they started with a much faster and efficient database, my question: 1. What database ...
user1034912's user avatar
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11 votes
6 answers

Cannot set SQL_MODE to Mysql 8

I have to set a persistent custom SQL MODE persistent to my server. I added this line in /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf [mysqld] ... sql-mode = STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO,...
Tobia's user avatar
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1 answer

sql injection "Slep"

how to determine ip address or url address logs ? i have this in my mysql-slow-query /usr/sbin/mysqld, Version: 5.5.62-0ubuntu0.14.04.1-log ((Ubuntu)). started with: Tcp port: 3306 Unix socket: /...
Ghita Dan's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

XAMPP on Catalina - Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/opt/lampp/var/mysql/mysql.sock' [closed]

i installed xampp to make a local website. i finished the website and tried to export the db to switch to production and i noticed that the DB in php my admin seemed to be empty ( which couldn't be ...
rita1989's user avatar
1 vote
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AWS Performance Insight Huge Load from "Other" SQL

Engine: MySQL 5.7.26 Looking at my AWS Performance Insight metrics, I noticed that most of my Database load consumes the query marked "Other" Can I check what is hidden under this label? Screenshot:
wyrkos's user avatar
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1364 - Field 'aim' doesn't have a default value

1364 - Field 'aim' doesn't have a default value Query: INSERT INTO mybb_users (`username`,`password`,`salt`,`loginkey`,`email`,`postnum`,`threadnum`,`avatar`,`avatartype`,`usergroup`,`...
Umair's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

MySQL using ridiculous amount of memory to import 1-2GB SQL files

I have a MySQL server running on an Ubuntu 18.04 machine via Docker. The machine has 32 GB of RAM. I have about 300 1-2GB SQL files which need importing into a database on the server, into a single ...
Billy's user avatar
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0 answers

Query Failed: Lost connection to MySQL server during query (Remote connection stable issues)

i've been reading a lot about this and didin't find any solution, that's why i am creating this topic. First im going to give you my dedicated server specifications root@...
Kuba Witek's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How likely is a Split Brain situation when dealing with Galera clusters?

Assuming I have a server setup where a quorum vote is always satisfied, how likely will a Split Brain situation occur with Galera? My understanding is Galera does its best to avoid it, but does that ...
Phil's user avatar
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1 answer

How to migrate a MySQL 5.7 database to MySQL 8.0?

Currently I have a Drupal 8 site in production with a database on MySQL 5.7 How to migrate a MySQL 5.7 database to MySQL 8.0? Do I just need to export my Drupal 8 database from MySQL 5.7 and import ...
fgtr's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

linux mysql convert .sql.tar.gz to csv

I have a .sql.tar.gz file tht ws generated by mysql export is there any command in linux to convert this sql.tar.gz file to csv? Thanks
Born vs. Me's user avatar
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Granting privileges for a user doesn't appear to apply even after flushing

I'm working on creating a test system and need to grant a user remote database access. I'm doing this with the following: mysql> SHOW GRANTS for codingo; ERROR 1141 (42000): There is no such grant ...
Michael A's user avatar
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4 answers

Joins performed without indexes: 5568

I was trying to do mysql optimization. Yesterday the CPU usage was 100%. I am trying to optimize with mysqltuner but this time I gave a mysqltuner warning. I have a high-traffic db. 500-600 ...
Tota1907's user avatar
2 votes
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Mysql high cpu usage (over 600%)

The server has 8core CPU and 22 GB of ram. Every day receives many requests from users, and recently a replication mechanism has been activated, with an implementation of a db master and a slave. Now ...
anto's user avatar
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1 answer

mariadb in chroot gives Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' even though password is set

I have a script that runs mariadb in a chroot, its a qemu-arm-static rasoberrypi chroot but I don't that that should change much. The script installs and then sets the password for mariadb root user, ...
GuySoft's user avatar
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1 answer

execstop mysql error on stop and restart

prerequisite: os: kali-linux 2018.1 uname -r: 4.14.0-kali3-amd64 mysql version: mysql Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.1.29-MariaDB problem: yesterday i had setup an apache server with this help, https://www....
user239612's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

MySQL replication not working

I have been trying everything I could find and my servers are not replicating! Can someone look at my config files and offer some guidance? My,ini master on Windows: # Other default tuning values # ...
DMonty's user avatar
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1 answer

How to debug a SQL script containing INSERT statements with failing subqueries?

I have three tables in my database: tbl_object, tbl_tag adn tbl_object_tag_xref. tbl_object and tbl_tag only have the two columns id and name. tbl_object_tag_xref matches objects to tags and vice ...
Michael Palm's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Is using MySQL Workbench over the Internet safe?

Let's say I have a server with an SQL Database somewhere on the other side of the planet. Is it safe to establish a connection over the Internet? e.g. with MySQL Workbench. I'm asking because I heard ...
technical_difficulty's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How to convert a MyISAM .sql dump into InnoDB?

Can I convert dumped .sql MyISAM database into InnoDB engine before importing it to my MySQL server? Unfortunately, importing the current .sql file takes ages to complete.
Jakub Pastuszuk's user avatar
1 vote
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Foreign Key Constraint Error 1005 erno 121

I'm racking my brain trying to get this table created. Other tables create just fine in mariadb 10 with similar constraints. I've run it through debuggers with no success. ERROR 1005 (HY000) at line ...
user417568's user avatar
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MySQL account has password, but only logs in without it

I am running Windows Server 2012 R2 trying to host a Drupal site. Because it is Drupal, I am trying to connect to a MySQL server rather than a MSSQL server. I created a new schema as well as a new ...
Blake Morgan's user avatar
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How can I encrypt the passwords of all datasets in my mysql table?

I am running an ProFTPD Server with a MySQL backend for user authentication. The passwords for the users are currently in plaintext. And my goal is, that all the users have encrypted passwords ...
Wubi's user avatar
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Ticketing System Logic

Currently we have a ticket management system and like all ticketing systems it needs to assign cases in a round-robin manner to the agents. Also, at the same time the agent can apply their own ...
Ayush's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Flush Privileges in My SQL gives HY0000 Unknown Error

When I try to run FLUSH PRIVILEGES; in MySQL I get this error: Error 1105 (HY000): Unknown error I am running the very latest version of MySQL 5.7 in Windows Server. Does anyone have any idea why ...
A X's user avatar
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Insert multiple sql files

I've 297 sql files, I want import them to mysql but it must be in different databases. I tried: find . -name '*.sql' | awk '{ print "source",$0 }' | mysql -u <db_user> -p --batch -D <...
Kaan Kölköy's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

MySQL stopped running on Ubuntu: Can't change to run as user 'mysql'. How to save data?

Today out of the blue stopped running MySQL on a Ubuntu server. When I try to log in there, I get this error: ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/...
user984621's user avatar
1 vote
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Alias with all users in mysql table for postfix/dovecot

I have a table with users for my mail server. This table for imap authenfication in dovecot: +-------------+------------------+-------------------+------------------+------+------+--------------------...
Piduna Valeriu's user avatar
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Get password for all failed MySQL logins

Im having issues trying to figure out what is the cause of a failing SQL login. The password seems correct to me, but it still isnt working. I want to see what exactly the user login is sending when ...
Dan Hastings's user avatar
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3 answers

How to find a word in SQL? [closed]

Lets say you are filtering on rows in a column that contains the word Engineer in a phrase. How can I exclude words like 'Engineering' or 'Engineered' or 'Engineers' when I wouldn't know all the ...
exxboast7's user avatar
-1 votes
4 answers

MYSQL - is `localhost` faster than domain name (i.e. ) [closed]

Some hosting providers doesn't have localhost as mysql hostname, instead they give-out as host-name to be used in applications. Could there be any difference in performance, as they,...
T.Todua's user avatar
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Import outdated MySQL dump using console

I have a mysql dump file created by outdated MySQL version. I have no access to that server (console). If i use this command on my current server: mysql -u user -p dbname < dump.sql I get this ...
Croll's user avatar
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Concurrent MySQL processes

I have a file, let's call it a.php, which executes a long cycle of iterations, each one of them makes some queries to the database. To complete the cycle, it takes quite some time (some hours). My ...
aur0n's user avatar
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MySQL unable to repair, dump, upgrade table (simply crashes)

I need to backup one of my databases from MySQL (Running MariaDB). The issue is that aside from all of my other databases that backup perfectly fine, this database has issues backing up and crashes ...
user1952811's user avatar
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Elasticsearch River JDBC - Avoiding 'SELECT *'

I'd like to syncronize some MySQL tables to an ElasticSearch index, you know, for search. But almost every examples I can find show a big bad fat "SELECT * FROM", it's OK for an example, but I'm in ...
Mandark's user avatar
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MySQL user:pass in roundcube php config

Is it considered bad practice to have a MySQL query with user:pass as plaintext? I'm doing this right now (in nginx/roundcube to modify my dovecot passwords) but it seems strange because if I had ...
rottweilers_anonymous's user avatar
1 vote
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MySQL CREATE command denied to user

I have a script system that refuse to be installed because of error that breaks installation. I tryied to import the data by import the data via .sql file at phpmyadmin and it still cant import. ...
StackBuck's user avatar
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update time and create time of tables is showing null in mysql

The columns update_time and create_time is having the value NULL in the information_schema Tables of MYSQL. How can the value be NULL?. Can anyone please explain?
arvind babu's user avatar
5 votes
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How to get mysql.sock file, mistakenly deleted from "/mysql/tmp/"

I was stuck with a PDO Exception PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2) in lock_may_be_available() (line 167 of home/../includes/...
GIRI's user avatar
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Crossserver SQL Procedures Failing Mid Process

Really need help understanding whats happening. We have two LANs at work with a shared subnet between them acting as a bridge (migration from A > B underway) we recently migrated the server subnet ...
HashHazard's user avatar