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2 answers

How to deal with legacy clients (hardcoded IP) after server migration

I am currently preparing the migration of a mysql server to another infrastructure with a new IP. After migration the old server will be shut down. Everything seems to work so far with the new server. ...
Marc Fischer's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Loading data with new lines into MySQL fails [closed]

I'm loading data into a MySQL database. It is a shared calendar that is used with the baikal calendar. I dumped the DB, and vim checked it and I can see recent events. When I load the data into MySQL ...
gstlouis's user avatar
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How can I fix this Mysql login?

I have installed MYSQL community edition on Windows server, I also added the Environment variable to execute the mysql command. The scenario is: When I try to connect to mysql using the CMD I get the ...
sysalam0's user avatar
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2 answers

Starting MySQL standalone works but as windows service it fails

I have an xampp-portable directory that contains mysql/mariadb. The xampp directory is located directly on d:, so path is d:\xampp and mysql is d:\xampp\mysql I want to run mysql as windows service so ...
Michael's user avatar
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Configure xenforo 1.2.9 Using phpmyadmin 4.x with php 5.6.4 on IIS 10, Windows Server 2019

Versions/Programs: xenforo 1.2.9, phpmyadmin 4.x, php 5.6.4, MySQL 8.0.32 IIS 10, Windows Server 2019 I am trying to host a local server for tinkering on an old computer I have. This server will be ...
Fictor's user avatar
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1 answer

How to tell which versions of TLS MYSQL (windows) is using?

I have another question about a pair of servers that I cannot turn off TLS 1.0/1.1. Even though IISCrypto showing them off and made right reg entries. The servers run an IIS10/PHP7.4/MySQL8 stack. ...
blankip's user avatar
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0 answers

Receiving "SSH tunnel creation failed: open failed" from datagrip when testing connection

When attempting to connect to a remote mysql server through an ssh tunnel using datagrip on windows 10 as the client, I receive "SSH Tunnel Creation failed: open failed". I am able to ...
Spencer Stewart's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

MySQL impossible suspicious connections

I have a MySQL Community service binded locally to "bind-address=", bind that suppose no expose it to the internet. I can't connect externally. However i'm receiving constantly on ...
OMendoza's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Using MySQL raw disk on Windows?

I'm having trouble getting MySQL 5.7 to use raw disk (a block device, bypassing the filesystem) for its data. My understanding of the documentation is that basically, first time mysqld is executed, ...
myxal's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

DESC command doesn't show columns properly

enter image description hereAfter using DESC command my terminal is full of "-". My friends when they log into my sql acc see everything properly. I tried on second desktop, virtual machine ...
Konrad's user avatar
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I can't set the default options for the mysql command (v8.0.19) client in Windows 10. How can I fix this?

When I run mysql --verbose --help I get values that are different to those that are in my my.ini file. In particular, the following properties are set in my my.ini file (based on the recommendations ...
mal's user avatar
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MySQL high CPU usage after changing server IP address

Having a very odd problem. MySQL has been installed on a clean brand new Windows Server 2019. It is MySQL 5.7.29. We also have an old server that is running MySQL as well. If I change the new/clean ...
Lenard Bartha's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Is there safe way to shutdown MySQL server while it's doing task?

The database server of MySQL is doing some task around 12 hours now even though I haven't made any query during the time. The CPU doesn't make any significant acitivity but the hard disk is in 100% ...
hbadger19042's user avatar
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phpmyadmin not displaying picture from database

I have a phpmyadmin setup and all is fine and well but I can't seem to get the interface to display the pictures from the database, What could be the issue ? I've enabled the gd2 extension in php , ...
James's user avatar
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mysql will slow after a couple of hours and need restarted to work

i have a windows 7 server just have mysql installed. i will connect to it on a local network after a while of working server response slowly and cant answer requests correctly.. my clients have up ...
peiman F.'s user avatar
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Can't connect to mysql after ipconfg /release

I am not able to connect to mysql server local and remote and it throws the below error. Platform on windows. ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading authorization packet', ...
Vidya's user avatar
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WAMP Server: Apache PHPMyAdmin login screen not showing

I have recently setup a WAMP server (Windows, Apache, MySQL, PHP) and i'm having trouble setting up PHPMyAdmin. I didnt use XAMPP for any of this, i installed the services directly onto the server. ...
David Aeberhard's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Can I see the actual collation (of e. g. Latin1) as used in for instance MySQL or Windows? The order of characters, not the name

I searched, and all I find is descriptions of the names, and the selection of collations. For example: _Zulu 0Alpha Alpha alpha usually sorts this way (on US Windows, most SQL servers etc.), ...
Jacob Bruinsma's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to have WSL think it is in the past? [closed]

I am developing PHP/Apache/MySQL based code on my Windows 10 laptop via Windows Subsytem For Linux. I am working on some code that is time related. It has a mix of PHP date commands, and MySQL "NOW()"...
Hippyjim's user avatar
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1 answer

How to rotate mySQL query logs on Windows

I'm seeing conflicting (or complementary) answers on how to rotate mySQL logs and want to know if each method is sufficient in itself, or if I need to use a combination of both. One method, suggested ...
jschmitter's user avatar
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1 answer

How to back up MySQL data files directly (physically) yet consistently on Windows?

MySQL comes with "dump" commands and utilities that convert a database to text form and store that text somewhere on disk. For a large database, converting to text can be a slow operation and generate ...
David Spector's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Python/MySQL on Windows. Problems with openssl

I have a MySQL Server set up to use SSL and I also have the CA Certificate. When I connect to the server using MySQL Workbench, I do not need the certificate. I can also connect to the server using ...
Silencer310's user avatar
14 votes
4 answers

How to install and start multiple MySQL instances on Windows 2012

I just installed MySQL 5.7 on Windows 2012 VM. I am trying to create and run multiple instances but very frustrated that such a simple thing is not working. I installed MySQL in C:\Program Files\...
Frank Martin's user avatar
-3 votes
2 answers

Godaddy dedicated server randomly timeout users on just 400-500 Active users [closed]

We have Godaddy's Dedicated server. but we are facing problems with this server. after on 400-500 active users server randomly timeout or kill users. we this it's error with IIS. We did conversation ...
Abhishek Sharma's user avatar
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Connect PHP to MySQL using Native Windows Authentication

Can PHP applications connect to MySQL using Native Windows Authentication? More context... I'm setting up a PHP Web application (MediaWiki) on Windows and I would like to use the credentials of the ...
fstarnaud's user avatar
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2 answers

Flush Privileges in My SQL gives HY0000 Unknown Error

When I try to run FLUSH PRIVILEGES; in MySQL I get this error: Error 1105 (HY000): Unknown error I am running the very latest version of MySQL 5.7 in Windows Server. Does anyone have any idea why ...
A X's user avatar
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2 answers

Fatal error: mysql.user table is damaged. Please run mysql_upgrade

I resized an Azure VM and now the MySQL DB running in Windows inside the VM is dead. I am seeing the below fatal error on startup. I tried to run mysql_upgrade as it suggests but that just errors ...
A X's user avatar
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Enabling SSL in MySQL when using Windows as a server and client

I wanted to enable SSL on the connections to my MySQL server that I installed in a Windows machine, so I googled "use ssl mysql windows". The first result is this simple and straightforward guide. ...
user1623521's user avatar
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Can't open and lock privilege tables: Table 'mysql.user' doesn't exist

I installed MySql and when i try to start it , it stop with error 3534 here is my error from log 2016-05-19T19:29:20.416636Z 0 [ERROR] Fatal error: Can't open and lock privilege tables: Table 'mysql....
FezZ's user avatar
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"Committed Bytes In Use" is high when there are plenty of "Available Bytes"

My windows computer keeps showing low on memory message so I used performance monitor to check memory status. The results are: Commit Limit: 25,758,334,976 (bytes) Committed Bytes: ...
YantingChen's user avatar
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Duplicate mysql datadir on Windows

I have a development server running Mysql 5.1 (together with other services). During an urgent cleanup I found, using SequoiaView, two identical mysql data folders. C:\ProgramData\MySQL\etc.... is ...
usr-local-ΕΨΗΕΛΩΝ's user avatar
10 votes
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Can't open and lock privilege tables: Table 'mysql.user' doesn't exist - Trying to run second instance of myslq

On a Win7 box. I downloaded mysql-5.7.9 and I am attempted to run it as its own self contained instance along side another instance of an old version that is already running. I installed a new ...
red888's user avatar
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Allowed memory size of (whatever) bytes exhausted - Windows PHP

I have been trying to find advice on troubleshooting this issue for while but have been unable to find anything which relates to my situation. I am running PHP 5.6.0 on a brand new Windows 2012 R2 ...
superphonic's user avatar
3 votes
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Recover mysql database innodb 'table doesn't exist'

Our server crashed last week and we lost a lot of information. We were able to recover .frm files for the tables, ib_logfile0, ib_logfile1 and ibdata1 but no .ibd. I've tried the innodb-force-...
FabioG's user avatar
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2 votes
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TeamCity Connection Timeout

I set up a TeamCity server yesterday, and it was working fine until this morning when I restarted it. I didn't change any settings anywhere, but I keep getting this message in the teamcity-agent log ...
KrazyTraynz's user avatar
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PHP installation issue on a Windows Server hosted in the Azure cloud

I am trying to setup PHP and MySQL on a Windows Server that is currently in Azure cloud using the information from this blog post [
shamon shamsudeen's user avatar
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Unable to Create MySql 64-bit System DSN on Windows

I have a very similar problem to "Unable to Create System DSN," but none of the fixes suggested there have worked for me. System: Windows 7 64-bit Enterprise. I'm trying to create a DSN to use ...
sdjuan's user avatar
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Testing MySQL 32-bit ODBC connection via CMD

I'm going to make a batch script to do some basic troubleshooting. Among other things, I want to test 32-bit MySQL ODBC's for connectivity. This script will run locally on each workstation. There ...
Ken Ash's user avatar
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PHP & MySQL config for IIS server under heavy load

I am running a PHP/MYSQL website on Windows Server 2012 using IIS 8. I had performance issues on my old server with the CPU spiking above 100% during peak times. So I've just upgraded my server to a ...
Vincent's user avatar
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Timed windows server event to prepare csv file for third party FTP collection

I hope this is posted in the correct forum. I have a Windows 2008R2 web server that runs MySQL. I need to execute a SQL script against the mysql database to create a CSV file, and save to a defined ...
user2462433's user avatar
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MYSQL - lacked sufficient buffer

I'm getting this error on my MYSQL Server Version is 5.0.4: An operation on a socket could not be performed because the system lacked sufficient buffer space or because a queue was full When I ...
user avatar
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How to run mysql prompt in windows powershell ISE?

I want to use PowerShell ISE tab to be able to connect mysql client and tun sql statements, however as soon as I connect to client using following command - >mysql.exe --defaults-file=<abc.xnf&...
irsis's user avatar
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MySQL for Windows Memory Allocation

I am running some queries on some large tables. I tuned my settings so that innodb_buffer_pool_size = 16G and when I look at show variables, I see that 16G is allocated to the instance. I am running ...
Christopher's user avatar
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Finding and removing old mysql-bin files

I am running a MySQL server on Windows 8. The MySQL directory requires 118 GB of space and has a lot of 1 GB mysql-bin files that haven't been modified for years according to the file system. All of ...
eComEvo's user avatar
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Error changing mysql 5.6 default port

I've changed my.ini with port=3308 but after restart the service mysql 5.6 is working in the same default port 3306. I've tried in mysql 5.5 and it worked fine. C:\Archivos de programa\MySQL\MySQL ...
Joe's user avatar
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BGINFO with MySQL for storing computer information

We are trying to set up BGinfo to record network computers' information in a centralized database. We intend to set up BGinfo to start up for all users and record logon and logoff time plus setting up ...
Eric's user avatar
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5 answers

MySQL Startup Error - Root element missing

I have had MySQL installed for about 2 months on Windows Server 2003 R2. On start up we get presented with an error that says "High Severity Error - root element missing" followed by another high ...
sbdthru's user avatar
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MySQL, bind-address, Windows, Error 1067 my.ini

I trying to set alternate IP for gain access to MySQL Server (accessing from a PC with IP in the file: my.ini MySQL starts without problem, when in the configuration file, in the ...
joseluisbz's user avatar
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Mysql-proxy randomly overloads the system until I kill it

I'm using mysql-proxy 0.8.3 on a Windows 7 system. Sometimes, I get the following debug message in the log : (debug) .\chassis-event-thread.c:254: recv() from event-notify-fd failed: Unknown ...
berty's user avatar
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Did Cut and Paste of MySQL Database Files Between Servers and the Paste was Canceled

I was moving MySQL Databases between two Windows Servers and the paste action was canceled. I noticed that the original Databases were partially transferred and there were some incomplete databases on ...
Aaron's user avatar
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