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-1 votes
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How to monitor wordpress websites individually deployed on an apache2 server?

Since last few weeks there are sudden downs to my EC2 machine and none of the websites become accessible and also ssh to machine stops working. please help me fix it. I have an EC2 machine where ...
Ranjeet Singh's user avatar
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Azure Wordpress Site Intermittent MySQL Issue

We are trying to figure out an issue where at least one of the Wordpress webserver IPs that Azure serves our site from cannot connect to our Azure MySQL database server The logs have continual ...
deflator's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

mysql high CPU usage /usr/sbin/mariadbd

Our new VPS server for a wordpress website, have high CPU usage for mysql process, 50% CPU usage all the time. We don't have that many visitors and killing the process not working, there another new ...
Julash's user avatar
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2 answers

Wordpress and MySQL on same EC2 instance, different subnets. One public one Private

My goal is to have a single EC2 instance containing both WordPress and its MySQL database on same VPC and have the WordPress available on the public subnet and MySQL on the private subnet. The purpose ...
manoman687's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Unknown MySQL syntax error during the WordPress installation

I'm trying to install Wordpress on my local server according to instruction described on this page And now I'm stuck on this step: GRANT ALL ON wordpress_db.* TO 'wp_user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '...
ghostone's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Memory consumption on virtual server too large for applications being run

I have a Linux Ubuntu virtual server at Digital Ocean with the following specs: 1 vCPU, 2GB of memory, and 25GB of SSD storage. The server is running a single WordPress website with around 400 unique ...
Mike Hermary's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Exporting Wordpress Database from GCP

I am trying to create a local replica of wordpress database by exporting it on gcloud console (after logged in via gcloud compute ssh) but facing this problem. Is there a way out to resolve this or ...
Atul Vaish's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Connecting to MySQL on GCP CE instance (WordPress)

I installed WordPress from the Google Cloud Marketplace into a Compute Engine instance, and am trying to connect to the MySQL instance on that machine using DataGrip on my local machine (macOS). I can ...
serlingpa's user avatar
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Mysql crashing and resetting frequently? (XA crash recovery)

I have a Wordpress site that loads very slowly and crash sometimes (it gives a database connection error for a few seconds and then it works again), even having very few visitors (it's basically just ...
migueltic's user avatar
  • 113
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1 answer

Why would my WordPress website be so slow?

Goal: Make WordPress webpage load faster on local network. Currently pages load fine but take about 4-5 seconds to load. I want to cut that down to half the time or smaller. I have a two new VMs ...
Arvo Bowen's user avatar
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Wordpress wp-options table is huge, even after optimisation. Only dropping table and importing fixes

I run a number of Wordpress based sites. In each case, the wp_options table is growing massively within MySQL, hosted in Azure. In one case, phpMyAdmin shows the table size as 3Gb. If I export as an ...
Matt Doble's user avatar
1 vote
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MySQL memory usage crashing server

I just want to preface this with the fact I am new to server admin work like this, but am very interested and eager to learn. I'm hosting a small WordPress site on Digital Ocean, the site is ...
Misfit31287's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Multiple Website Lampp Stack [closed]

I currently have a Xampp on my local machine(ubuntu) for web developpment, this one is for study. Then I have, before the Xampp, a lampp stack with wordpress for work. After setting up Xampp my ...
Justin Mayer's user avatar
2 votes
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WordPress MYSQL DB BINARY LOG - Droplet/SERVER Volume Increasing rapidly

My WordPress website uses Nginx. Recently I have noticed that server volume has increased from 8GB to 40GB. I have found that the WordPress MYSQL Binary Log is taking more space. Each second, database ...
 Ibrahim EL-Sanosi's user avatar
0 votes
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WordPress unable to connect to MySQL from GCP Compute Engine VM

I have a Google Cloud Platform Compute Engine VM instance where I have Apache installed. I wanted to put WordPress on here and have the MySQL database created locally instead of using another GCP ...
dokgu's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

How I can stop the DNS server to transfer directly to my website when access phpmyadmin

I have 4 web servers on the same domain and when I access 51.32.xx.xx/phpmyadmin It is directly changed to how I can stop it to change because I cannot access To another MySQL ...
Thaer z's user avatar
  • 33
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0 answers

Export SQL as CVS with Matching ID's

I have an SQL database that I'm exporting as CVS sheets to import into a new WordPress website. CVS sheets to import into a new WordPress website. I downloaded the user.cvs which has the basic user ...
Kimberly's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to handle failover for wordpress woocommerce store?

I am working on a project with multiple WordPress + Woocommerce stores. We have 3 dedicated servers. As the traffic grows. Sometimes, the server is down. I am looking for a failover solution that ...
Philip's user avatar
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2 answers

Detect service which is trying to access MySQL database with root privileges

I have a server with MySQL database which is accessible by WordPress. In every 1-2 seconds I see the following in MySQL error.log [Note] Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' There is no password ...
Aleksandar Andrijevic's user avatar
1 vote
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Optimizing MariaDB Performance

I need a different set of eyes checking my MariaDB settings. During peak load times, the CPU can hit upwards of 600% or more, and slows down Wordpress application. I have used MySQLTuner to tweak a ...
Infinixd's user avatar
1 vote
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Wordpress-MySQL connection issue with Docker

I'm having trouble getting WordPress to talk to a MySQL database once I moved it behind a linuxserver/swag container to enable https. I'm using Docker version 20.10.2, build 2291f61 and docker-compose ...
Tuberculosis's user avatar
2 votes
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WordPress Issues with Cloud Compute

I'm very unfamiliar with Google Cloud Hosting so apologies for my ignorance. I spun up a VM with Wordpress on it and pointed my DNS to the IP. The machine was shut down and when came back up was ...
Anthony M's user avatar
0 votes
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Our WordPress Auction Website increases CPU Spikes hosted in dedicated server

We have hosted our WordPress website in the dedicated server(CENTOS 7.9 kvm [server]) with 8 CPU. Our website is auction based website. So normally 20 auctions will be in live. But our website reaches ...
HARI BASKER's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Extremely High TTFB on Wordpress website - Not dabase or server ... what else could cause it?

I'm running a Wordpress ecommerce website on a dedicated VPS with 4CPUs and 6gb RAM, so resources are not an issue . On top of this I have VestaCP installed, with a Nginx + Apache + Php-FPM server . ...
Optimus Servers's user avatar
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wordpress + nginx + mysql: issue in getting wordpress up and running (error cannot establish database connection)

I deployed a django app with nginx and gunicorn and yesterday I tried modified my setup to include a wordpress page as the landpage. I followed this tuto for the basic installations https://www....
Murcielago's user avatar
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How to install Wordpress from hosting service with mysql database from Compute Engine GCP?

I own a wordpress website ( that running well with hosting service (cpanel). So i want to create a new subdomain ( and install wordpress in there but for the database i ...
Rio Manik's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

How to diagnose what's causing InnoDB to run out of space? [duplicate]

Site used to go down frequently on a near daily basis and is on Digitalocean VPS Based on some suggestions I got on DO forum, I ran mysqltuner and increased innodb buffer pool size to 341M and innodb ...
Sam's user avatar
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Wordpress did not allow to save a new page

After a wordpress migration from Windows to Ubuntu posts and pages are not saved. It shows an error after pressing "publish" or "Save draft" saying I did not have permissions to ...
Diego Quirós's user avatar
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How to troubleshoot database writing process via admin-ajax.php in WordPress?

I have (live) and (staging) which both are identical WordPress sites sitting in a single EC2 server using Webmin with CentOS, MySQL, PHP. The issue is that when I perform the same ...
cilapo1541's user avatar
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Wordpress website hosted on nginx ubuntu isn't loading anymore

I just found out the Wordpress website isn't running anymore. When opening, it simply shows the text Error establishing a database connection. The wp website is the folder /var/www/...
Nikita Gupta's user avatar
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1 answer

product import is broke behind cloudflare

Im having trouble to resolve my database errors and how to optimize it. Coz of the slowness of my server (mostly querries i believe), my imports turns with a cloudflare error code. (Cloudflare blocks ...
execash's user avatar
1 vote
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Wordpress UPDATE queries on MySQL database stuck

I have an Amazon 24XL server 96 Cores 378 GB RAM Database size 5.7G Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch) PHP 7.3.16 mysql Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.3.22-MariaDB I have only one WordPress site where users read ...
Naqi's user avatar
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1 answer

AWS Lightsail Bitnami Wordpress Instance with MySql

I am used to shared hosting with a cpanel. I have just started learning VPC and can't seem to wrap my head around how lightsail Bitnami Wordpress (the one-click installation) instance work. MySql ...
Organic Heart's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to import/upload a WordPress database without access to Cpanel

I finished a WordPress project. I already uploaded all the files through FTP, now I have to import the database, but the client doesn't want to give me access to Cpanel. How can I import / upload the ...
gluesha's user avatar
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Adminer or mysql error: no connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it

I have been trying to set up using localbyflywheel, but when I open Adminer I keep getting this error: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it, what ...
user554395's user avatar
1 vote
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Apache runs several processes slows server, MYSQL can't connect, always fixed after reboot

My WordPress Web Server will run for 30 - 60 minutes (then go down, and run very slowly as a server, difficult to input using Putty, or KVM terminal), after a reboot it will run fine, then Apache will ...
Ian Arman's user avatar
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Mysql 5.7 keeps shutting itself off randomly in a day or two?

I have a DigitalOcean Ubuntu 16.4 machine with Nginx installed. Maybe it's related to Wordpress installation, maybe not. MySQL shuts itself down randomly. It has a 1GB swap file created. 1GB RAM. ...
RP McMurphy's user avatar
0 votes
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Cannot connected to virutal IP loadbalancer direct to mysql server

I can't connect to the Database server though virtual IP I follow this ...
Lê Minh Quân's user avatar
-2 votes
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Wordpress very slow due to database [closed]

My Wordpress website is running locally on a wamp64 3.1.9 installation with a MySQL server. Wordpress has 1 theme with no additional plugins. Loading is fast with an empty database. Yesterday I ...
DGRL's user avatar
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wordpress website showing http error 500

I have a Woocommerce (Wordpress) website hosted on Google Cloud. Suddenly the website started showing "504 Gateway Timeout Error". I rebooted the VM Instance from Google Cloud (GC) Console, Suddenly ...
beginner's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Wordpress/PHP - Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect()

I've installed Wordpress under ArchLinux on my VPS, configured the SQL backend and edited /usr/share/webapps/wordpress/wp-config.php. Unfortunately on trying to access pages I'm getting... 2019/06/...
slackline's user avatar
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Unable to pass the root MySQL password into an AWS ECS Fargate launch type WordPress deployment

I'm trying to figure out how to pass the root MySQL password into an ECS Fargate luanch type WordPress deployment. I'm working with this official AWS tutorial which provides this sample docker-compose....
dlanced's user avatar
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Slow Queries WordPress Site (500k visitors a month and 150k posts)

I'm running a WordPress site with 500k visitors a month and 150k posts with in average 100 pageviews every second. I am trying to figure out if the load on the server is normal or if there is ...
rccode's user avatar
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High CPU - mysqltuner assistance (wordpress)

I just migrated wordpress blog to new server. It has some 120K posts. The problem is It get struck, hang or even freeze during mysql operation. A single wordpress(without any plugin) create post ...
TELA's user avatar
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Issues with Wordpress container configured for external database host

I am trying to run the Wordpress container, configured to use an external MySQL database server like so: docker run --name wordpress1 -p 801:80 -e WORDPRESS_DB_HOST=MYDBSERVERIPADDRESS:3306 -e ...
A X's user avatar
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Is it necessary to export and import stored procedures, triggers and indexes while dumping sql database?

I use WordPress and I have always exported my database using the following command: mysqldump -u user_name -p database_name > backup.sql I never used --routines Just wondering if I am doing ...
Naser Mohd Baig's user avatar
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All administrator page login are not working and showing "Service Unavailable"

Let assume I have websites, and - working. - working. - working. - Showing the below error message. "Service ...
Jey Ganesh's user avatar
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ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)

I have a Linux server (Centos 7) running WordPress and another Linux server (Ubuntu) running MySQL. Communication between WordPress and the Database was working. However, after a web server reboot, I ...
Sammy's user avatar
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Wordpress MySQL replication logins

I'm setting up a Wordpress site that is being load balanced across two servers, for various reasons the customer does not want a standalone database server. We've setup Master/Slave replication ...
user2377521's user avatar
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Wordpress installation not accepting AWS RDS credentials

This is a strange one, I have an AWS EC2 instance setup where Im attempting to install Wordpress and use an RDS for the database. I can connect to the database from the instance just fine with mysql ...
goblin_rocket's user avatar