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Questions tagged [mysql-cluster]

MySQL Cluster, which is a distinct product from MySQL Server, is the industry's only real-time transactional relational database combining 99.999% availability with the low Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of open source. It features a "shared-nothing" distributed architecture with no single point of failure to assure high availability and performance, allowing you to meet your most demanding mission-critical application requirements.

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6 votes
2 answers

MariaDB Cluster vs Percona Cluster for MySQL

What are the advantages and and disadvantages between the two? I've only been able to find information on these two implementations without any specifics on clusters. I'm currently implementing a ...
wathou6's user avatar
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Database scalability with write-heavy application

I have a write-heavy application. The application is best compared to surveys - the customer creates custom questionares and this is saved to the database. Most of the requests are from their users ...
Luke's user avatar
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Is MySQL Cluster appropriate for a small, low-volume multi-homed system?

I'd like to multi-home a proprietary web-based application for a relatively small user base with modest dataset size. Scalability is not as much of a concern as extremely high availability. The ...
dlo's user avatar
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I/O high on DRBD disk drbd10 on stacked site

We have 4 Redhat Boxes Dell PowerEdge R630 (say a,b,c,d) having the following OS/packages. RedHat EL 6.5 MySql Enterprise 5.6 DRBD 8.4 Corosync 1.4.7 We have setup 4-way stacked drbd resources as ...
Manu's user avatar
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Add MySQL as a resource to pacemaker

I am trying to enable fail over strategy using pacemaker on a mysql Master-Master replication on two virtual machine running openSUSE 12 created by VritualBox. I managed to complete the mysql dual-...
mrz's user avatar
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0 answers

mysql client slow login strace

I am experiencing an issue with slow connections/logins to a loaded mysql server, even when connecting via the unix socket file (CentOS 6.3). Queries are completing very quickly -- (0.00 sec) in this ...
carillonator's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Why mysql cluster does not use multiple cores of the CPU?

I have a problem with the ndbmtd process. When I use following configuration I expect both cores on our server with Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU G6950 @ 2.80GHz will be fully utilized. Unfortunately this ...
John's user avatar
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3 answers

MySQL-Cluster or Multi-Master for production? Performance issues?

We are expanding our network of webservers on EC2 to a number of different regions and currently use master/slave replication. We've found that over the past couple of months our slave has stopped ...
Phillip B Oldham's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Transform Galera cluster into single node mariadb server

We want to get rid of all cluster features on our galera cluster (currently consisting of three virtual machines). The connection between the nodes is not stable enough so the cluster is much slower ...
Christopher Thonfeld-Guckes's user avatar
3 votes
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MySQL Multi-Master Replication vs. MySQL Cluster

I need a MySQL database that is fast and supports many connections. Most of the connections will only be reading, but a few will be reading/writing. All connections will need to read and write at ...
Brad's user avatar
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1 answer

MySQL on VMware for High Availability

Given a choice between the current database-level HA options for MySQL, like Master-Master, Cluster, or Galera, and vSphere HA for the machine running the MySQL master, which would you use or combine ...
Terence Johnson's user avatar
3 votes
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MySQL Replication 'Catchup' UPDATES keep newer record

I've got two MySQL clusters that have Master-Master replication setup between them. Most tables are log based, with only inserts and selects, so they don't have any problems with the replication. ...
giggsey's user avatar
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2 answers

MySQL Binary Logs more than 15 GB

Binary log in one of my server has grown more than 15 GB even after setting the max size to 1 GB. The MySQL server is as well not starting. Can anyone highlight what might have caused it ? Thanks.
Reena's user avatar
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MySQL Cluster. Have I Chosen the Wrong Data Engine?

We currently have a database running in production that's using MySQL 5.5 with InnoDB tables. As an evaluation, I've setup a MySQL Cluster (7.3) with MySQL (5.6) which has 2 Data Nodes, 2 SQL Nodes, ...
paiego's user avatar
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1 answer

How to MySQL replicate or cluster to setup a failover scenario?

after a massive data problem from my provider in GER, I'm now forced to deal with failover scenarios. But there are a few questions that I can't find any real answers to. So I hope someone can help me ...
Lars's user avatar
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2 answers

What would be a stable, failproof, scalable galera cluster implementation

Context: We are using a MariaDB Gallera cluster with (only) 2 master nodes for a web application. Last night we had a power failure and now we can't seem to recover the data and found out the database ...
Malitta N's user avatar
2 votes
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ndb cluster table is full

I'm using ndb cluster au to install with simpletest and high write load opstions. The cluster started successfully. Then I edited create-minimal-mysql.sql file by replacing InnoDB with NDBCLUSTER and ...
supper aban_89's user avatar
2 votes
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Failed to allocate nodeid for API at <ip-address>. Returned error: 'No free node id found for mysqld(API)

i have configured mysql-cluster in centos 7 Management Node db1 = Data Nodes db2 = db3 = SQL Nodes db4 = db5 = output for ...
Karthi Keyan's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

MySQL Replication A->B->C

I was setting the MySQL Replication for master -> slave/master -> slave and Replication for master -> slave its works fine but when i have enable this option in my.cnf log-slave-updates=1 for ...
nonus25's user avatar
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MySQL cluster not working in ubuntu

I have a problem while installing and configuring MySQL cluster running on Ubuntu 10.10 This is configuration for Cluster management [NDBD DEFAULT] NoOfReplicas=2 DataMemory=10MB IndexMemory=25MB ...
Firman's user avatar
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Mysql cluster strange behaviour

I have 2 mysql clusters on two different servers with management node on each of them. It went down someway. I ran following commands to start the cluster: Start the management node on srv1: srv1: ...
Champion's user avatar
2 votes
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When trying to delete a table from NDB Cluster, I get the error "4243: Index not found"

In a Linux-based NDB-cluster consisting of 7 API nodes, 1 Management node and 4 NDB nodes, I am trying to drop a table. When I try to drop the table using MySQL Client, I receive the following error:...
Luc van Donkersgoed's user avatar
2 votes
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Mysql cluster Vs basic Mysql db setup(not cluster)

Why mysql cluster requires more ram as compared to basic mysql db setup (no cluster)? What is the ideal ram requirement for a mysql cluster with 2 mysql servers on 2 different hosts ?
Champion's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to create a multiple mysql replication

My question is about to create a mysql replication server. Here i have multiple slaves and i want replicate all respective database into multiple master server . Que is that how could i set multiple ...
aditya Mehta's user avatar
1 vote
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Redundant FreeRADIUS + MySQL

I’m working on some web service having it’s AAA implemented by FreeRADIUS + MySQL on Debian. The problem I’m working right now is HA & scalability of RADIUS. If the FreeRADIUS machine or MySQL ...
Aleksa's user avatar
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1 answer

MySQL Cluster on SSD

We are planning to implement a four node MySQL Cluster and are considering using SSDs as the storage. We would like to get a high level of performance and very low latency on disk IO from the small ...
somecallmemike's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Scaling MySQL Database

What are the methods or tools used to scale mysql database. We have mysql database that is increasing in size daily. We just allotted a fix hard drive size on it so my concern is that we will need to ...
Jonar's user avatar
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2 answers

Will InnoDB or NDB cluster boost performance

We have fairly large MySQL database (about 35GB total) and topping about 900qps. Performance is not a big issue for now, but the project is growing constantly and I'd rather start thinking about ...
Deniss Kozlovs's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I achieve ACID on multiple physical front-end servers

I'm looking for a way to have several physical front-end servers with ACID data access. In a setup where several servers gets load-balanced using DNS-round robin, the problem is that whatever server ...
Gustav's user avatar
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mysql cluster with PHP

I have a very common LAMP stack with about 6-7 machines with PHP and Apache and a few machines with MySQL server (master+slave, sharding) I am exploring options of moving to MySQL Cluster. I couldnt ...
Sparsh Gupta's user avatar
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MySQL cluster: 20Tb x 3K tables

Over the next 2-3 years we will be scaling up data collection for a project. As a result the amount of data will grow 10-fold. Our current MySQL installation can keep up with the 2Tb of data but for ...
ethrbunny's user avatar
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Adding MySQL servers/ data nodes into database clustering without restarting mysql cluster

I currently have mysql clustering up and running. For high scalability is there a way to include either mysql node, data nodes, or management nodes without restarting the entire cluster. I wish to ...
dwyane johnson's user avatar
1 vote
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Mysql Cluster not working on Ubuntu

I am unable to setup MySQL Cluster on ubuntu servers. As a starting point I started from the link but I am not successful and the tar ball version I download is 6.3.45. As I wanted to test the mysql ...
user53864's user avatar
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Mixing of localhost (default for [NDBD]HostName) with other hostname(X.X.X.X) is illegal

I'm trying to create a mysql cluster configuration between two servers has mysql server 5.5 installed. on the main server I execute the ndb management server using the following command: ndb_mgmd -f ...
ufk's user avatar
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2 answers

Working setup for MySQL HA & LB

I have to setup High Availability and Load balancing for web(apache-tomcat+mod_jk) and MySQL(where all clients info is stored) server which are running on the same machine(ubuntu server). First I am ...
user53864's user avatar
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MySQL cluster question

I am thinking about using MySQL cluster, but I am curious if it supports big databases - around 50-60GB or what is the limit (mainly Radius telco accounting are stored). What would be architecture ...
John's user avatar
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How could I connect MySQL Server (on a EC2 ) from another EC2?

I create two instances on EC2 (CentOS 7). I am trying to deploy MySQL InnoDB Cluster. When I add instance (slave) I found master cannot be connected. I can use GUI tool on my local to connect the ...
Rukeith's user avatar
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1 answer

Compare between MYSQL cluster and MYSQL server

I have created a MYSQL cluster using network speed 100-megabit Ethernet 2 Data Node (3G RAM) 1 Management Node (3G RAM) 2 SQL Node (3G RAM) 2 HAProxy with heartbeat cluster to balance between SQL ...
Steve's user avatar
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Duplicating data between two Percona Xtradb clusters using MySQL replication

We currently have a 3 node Percona Xtradb cluster running in a single data center. We want to add fault tolerance in case of disaster to prevent reliance on a single data center and synchronize our ...
user209180's user avatar
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Benchmark MySQL Cluster using flexAsynch: No free node id found for mysqld(API)?

I am going to benchmark MySQL Cluster using flexAsynch follow this guide, details as below: mkdir /usr/local/mysqlc732/ cd /usr/local/src/mysql-cluster-gpl-7.3.2 cmake . -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/...
quanta's user avatar
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Purpose of "computer" section in MySQL Cluster 7.2?

According to the cluster documentation, you can either define data nodes with: [ndbd] NodeId=n HostName= or [ndbd] NodeId=n ExecuteOnComputer=m [computer] Id=m HostName= I don't see ...
internetdotcom's user avatar
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MySQL cluster for Drupal?

We have a pretty busy site based on Drupal and I was thinking of introducing some form of clustering for HA and Load balancing. However, says: Drupal supports MyISAM ...
Debianuser's user avatar
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Amazon AWS mysql RDS Cluster with outside AWS?

I'm now using AWS RDS multi-AZ with great results, the problem is that I want my infrastructure fault tolerant between regions. I'm looking for some kind of tool to make a cluster with RDS and my ...
enedebe's user avatar
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How to achieve high availability with MySQL cluster?

This question is not about how to install the servers nor its capabilities, but more of a design question. So I have a cluster of MySQL servers. I also have a DNS record "". The ...
Poni's user avatar
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3 answers

looking for MySQL failover and loadbalace setup for clusting

i have setup my clusting for 3 mysql servers, 1 master and 2 nodes what i need to do right now its setup a failover system and loadbalace setup. Can sombardy link to a good article about that? i use ...
ParisNakitaKejser's user avatar
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Using Clone for addInstance on MySQL Innodb Cluster uses 100% Memory

When trying to add a new node to a MySQL Innodb cluster using Cluster.addInstance() and selecting the Clone option, within 2 or 3 minutes the donor nodes memory usages hits 100% on a server with 36Gb ...
mwarble's user avatar
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Running Initialization Script After Setting Up Aurora Serverless Cluster v2 Using Terraform

We have successfully created an Aurora Serverless Cluster v2 using the terraform-aws-rds-aurora Terraform module. Now, we want to run an initialization script after the cluster setup to create ...
Anirvan Ray's user avatar
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Promote to Master a MySQL slave that has its own slaves

MySQL standby & chained replication Having the current setup (not using GTID) (see link to image): PRODUCTION NODES: MASTER (A) -> SLAVE (A1) + SLAVE (A2) STANDBY NODES: -> SLAVE (B) (with ...
MGS's user avatar
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MySQL hangs on SELECT from table with blob fields

I managed to create a mysql InnoDB cluster with three nodes and a router everything works great but when i try to run a select query from the table below from a another server it freezes, but it works ...
mbouzahir's user avatar
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openstack aodh charm remains in waiting state “'shared-db' incomplete”

please I need your help, We are running a platform built on the openstack framework(Rocky). Recently we decided to install the Aodh service on our platform so as to enable autoscaling with Heat. Our ...
Godswill Ogbu's user avatar