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Questions tagged [mysql]

MySQL is an open-source database owned by Oracle. ServerFault topics include how to run the server. For more MySQL specific questions like backup/restore/recovery/configuration, is probably a better home.

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firewall-cmd to drop existing connections

I want to use firewall-cmd to temporarily block mysql port 3306, including existing connections. However after I remove MySQL service, only new connections are blocked. The existing connections are ...
GoYun.Info's user avatar
5 votes
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Proper way to override Mysql my.cnf on CentOS/RHEL?

Context: I'm porting an opensource server software (and writing associated documentation) from Debian/Ubuntu to CentOS/RHEL. For the software to run correctly, I need to add a dozen of specific ...
Matthieu FAURE's user avatar
5 votes
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MySQL is using too much memory, and never freeing it

MySQL is using too much memory, and never freeing some of it. Despite show full processlist show that all threads are aslept, memory usage is too high. Also I see that some mysql commands (via htop) ...
Jonas's user avatar
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MariaDB using much more memory than it should

We are using MariaDB 10.3.32 on a Ubuntu 20.04.4 machine with 6 GB of memory, about 20 applications running on it. Databases are all InnoDB. Even with mostly default settings (see on the bottom), ...
rofire's user avatar
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Multiple files found for the same tablespace ID

After a management over-sight, the hard disk utilization of the mysql server went to 100%. In panic, I shut down most of the services - including mysqld, which I guess caused this problem. ...
Lawrence's user avatar
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MySQL (InnoDB) - processes waiting on futex

Currently troubleshooting a MySQL server spending a lot of time in futex syscalls. All databases are InnoDB and seeing high load on my 16 core machine, and slightly more than half of CPU time is in ...
beefsack's user avatar
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2 answers

Large lag on mysql replication (Relay_Log_Pos and Exec_Master_Log_Pos does not increase)

Today my two slave's (one mysql 5.1 and second MariaDB 5.5, master is mysql 5.1) started lagging. Similar situation are quite often with lags rises to even 10000 seconds, because slaves have worse ...
B14D3's user avatar
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Amazon RDS: Sudden increase in Read IOPS and Throughput

I am using Amazon RDS to host the databases for my website. I am using the large instances for both my master and my read replica. Everything was running smoothly until suddenly the Read IOPS, Read ...
j0nes's user avatar
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mysql client slow login strace

I am experiencing an issue with slow connections/logins to a loaded mysql server, even when connecting via the unix socket file (CentOS 6.3). Queries are completing very quickly -- (0.00 sec) in this ...
carillonator's user avatar
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mysqld_safe Can't log to error log and syslog at the same time. Remove all --log-error configuration options for --syslog to take effect

When I'm trying to install MySQL 5.5 community edition on my Ubuntu 10.04 by compiling the source code, I met the following problem: $ fg % 1 sudo ../bin/mysqld_safe --basedir=/usr/local/...
photon's user avatar
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3 votes
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MySQL - Select queries 10x slower on Azure VM vs on-prem VM

We have been working on a project to migrate a MySQL database from an on-premise Linux server to a Windows VM on Azure (IaaS). (There's a specific reason because of which we have gone with the IaaS ...
Sridharan Srinivasan's user avatar
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MySQL 8 InnoDB taking a long time to start

I upgrade some month ago from Ubuntu 18.04 to 20.04. So MySQL upgrade from 5.7.33 to 8.0.23. I notice after the upgrade that MySQL is slow to start. 2021-02-24T09:20:16.972632Z 0 [System] [MY-013172] [...
Inglebard's user avatar
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MariaDB table has a metadata lock, but no blocking thread

I have a MariaDB 15.1 installed on a Debian system: $ mariadb --version mariadb Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.4.14-MariaDB, for debian-linux-gnu (x86_64) using readline 5.2 A script regularly loads data into ...
monday's user avatar
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MYSQL wait_timeout and maxlifetime

A few months ago I acquired a VPS and a few days ago I decided to install MYSQL in it, and I am having some errors regarding Minecraft / Spigot plugins that require MYSQL. The error it gives me in ...
Axel Benitez's user avatar
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MariaDB empty user in user table

I have an issue with a couple of users in the database. I noticed this when tried to add a new user, the CREATE USER, GRANT and FLUSH PRIVILEGES get executed correctly and SHOW GRANTS FOR 'reporte' ...
mariofix's user avatar
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mysqlx reported: failed at ssl configuration

I have MySQL 8 with the mysqlx plugin enabled running on a standalone server that will never allow access to 3306 from outside the instance and have no worries about security within the instance. I ...
oucil's user avatar
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attempting to restart mysql after a fresh reinstall

I'm attempting to restart mysql using: sudo service mysql start I had followed some steps to reset the password and it didn't work neither am I able to start it again. The error message: Loaded: ...
FabricioG's user avatar
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how to use old MySQL data directory for a new MySQL installation

I have my Mysql data in a EBS volume in aws, I need to point my Mysql to point to that directory instead of /var/lib/mysql. These steps i followed by this doesnot change the datadir sudo systemctl ...
The Keeper's user avatar
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How to Solve unknown_ca error on WSO2IS-5.7 when using MySQL RDS as backstore?

I've tried to install an instance on AWS using aws RDS as my datasource through the mysql-connector-java-5.1.45-bin.jar with jdbc url jdbc:mysql://< instance>.< zone>
Gennady A.'s user avatar
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MariaDB on Windows - InnoDB hang on table conversion to MyISAM

This is a bit of a strange one (and a big post, sorry), i am working with a customer who runs MariaDB on Windows (Server 2008 R2). They have several large MyISAM tables (up to 30 GB each, 200+ ...
localhost's user avatar
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Mysql cannot start - Could not find valid tablespace file for

My mysql service is currently unable to start with the error InnoDB: Could not find a valid tablespace file for 'wowcher/temp_import'. I think I know what the issue is. I have a PHP script which ...
Edward144's user avatar
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When configuring rsyslog to log to mysql DB, what is purpose of SystemEventsProperties table?

I've configured rsyslog on my servers to log to a remote mysql DB. I did this essentially by following the rsyslog wiki and it essentially creates two tables: mysql> show tables; +----------------...
drewyupdrew's user avatar
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MySQL Multi-source replication from 5.6 masters to 5.7 slave

In MySQL 5.7 multi-source replication is finally available. Is it possible to use several MySQL servers running version 5.6 as multiple masters for a single MySQL slave running 5.7? Or do you have to ...
Henrik's user avatar
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Recover mysql database innodb 'table doesn't exist'

Our server crashed last week and we lost a lot of information. We were able to recover .frm files for the tables, ib_logfile0, ib_logfile1 and ibdata1 but no .ibd. I've tried the innodb-force-...
FabioG's user avatar
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Update Mac OS X Snow Leopard Server to Yosemite

I have a Mac Pro (Model Identifier: MacPro5,1) running OS X 10.6.8. The machine serves to the web a couple of MySQL databases (v. 5.0.92) as well as a Redmine installation (with a Subversion ...
Sebastian Sulger's user avatar
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combine two mysql replication log files

So I use a master-master replication of a mysql database and load balance traffic between the two. This results in server A with a binlog of all it's transactions and Server B with a binlog of only ...
Joel's user avatar
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mysql service status doesn't show started when it is started by monit

I installed monit on my Ubuntu 14.04 server and configured it to monitor mysql with the below config in monitrc. check process mysqld with pidfile /var/run/mysqld/ start program = "/etc/...
salmandem's user avatar
3 votes
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High CPU on MySql Fusion-io server

I've just finished reading this old Q&A which had some really good detailed information on a similar setup to ours, though unfortunately our problem (now) is not with replication. MySQL ...
Jordan's user avatar
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MySQL exits without any output

Having a strange issue. Some time ago MySQL exited suddenly when I was creating a table (I think), and I shelved the issue until now. It seems to start, but nothing happens and it exits: 141031 18:40:...
A__A__0's user avatar
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MySQL keeps getting “connect” commands 100X per minute

My server was having performance issues, things loading slow, pages not loading, etc so I ran the "top" command after logging in via SSH. I noticed the CPU kept jolting up to 40%, on and off, when ...
chris's user avatar
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OpenLDAP with MySQL works but need schema advice

So, I have downloaded the latest source of OpenLDAP, compiled with —-enable-sql, messed around with the slapd.conf, configured the odbc files, added the tables to my current DB, spend a week debugging ...
Nic's user avatar
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mysql binlog error "ERROR: Error in Log_event::read_log_event(): 'Found invalid event in binary log', data_len: 341, event_type: 2 **"

I am new in mysql binary log and replication .Please help me sort this issue. I am using mysql version 5.0.95 and now facing errors in binlogs. Some of querries in binary log as unknown event and ...
user202785's user avatar
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System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection.Open() takes a second for every db call

My experience is with LAMP stacks and not so much with .NET on Windows, but I've been given the task of trying to debug a slow site and I've run into a dead end after Googling everything I can think ...
Matt R. Wilson's user avatar
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can 'Percona MySQL Data Recovery' be used to recover dropped tables if the datadir filesystem is mounted as /

according to Percona: Unmount the filesystem or make it read-only if... You have filesystem corruption OR You have dropped tables in innodb_file_per_table format If I have innodb_file_per_table ...
Tom Geee's user avatar
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MySQL Replication 'Catchup' UPDATES keep newer record

I've got two MySQL clusters that have Master-Master replication setup between them. Most tables are log based, with only inserts and selects, so they don't have any problems with the replication. ...
giggsey's user avatar
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Cannot connect to MySQL on RDS (Amazon Web Services) from my laptop

I'm having some trouble connecting to a MySQL 5.1 server on an RDS instance on AWS from my laptop. The detailed description of the problem is here:
Bruno Reis's user avatar
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InnoDB erratic performance

I'm doing some tests with a really simple InnoDB table (named Test) with the following structure: Id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT UserId int(10) NOT NULL Body varchar(512) COLLATE ...
user257938's user avatar
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What are some reasons why a MySQL index would be 12X the size of the table?

So we have a table that has two indexes one on the primary key and one other index on another column on the table. The index size is currently 12X larger than the table itself. What are some reasons ...
Jon's user avatar
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Server uses 100% swap after fresh mysql installation

I set up a new server with 220G RAM and Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS. After installing MySQL I changed the mysql config to: innodb_buffer_pool_size = 170G innodb_buffer_pool_instances = 64 ...
Zystrix's user avatar
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Connecting to MariaDB server: ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to server at 'handshake: reading initial communication packet', system error: 11

I am trying to connect to an AWS hosted (RDS) MariaDB database (engine version 10.6.14). The database is hosted on a private subnet but it's accessible through a bastion host. I use an SSH tunnel to ...
Benoît Fayolle's user avatar
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XAMPP mysql (Mariadb) has become unreliable

I have used XAMPP for years in Windows without any problems, but lately, it has become unreliable due to mysql (MariaDB). In XAMPP Control Panel mysql sometimes starts alright, sometimes it will crash ...
Mica's user avatar
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After upgrade Ubuntu 18.04 to 20.04, MySQL server is not starting

I upgraded Ubuntu 18.04 to 20.04 The process upgraded MySQL 5.7 to 8.0 It instantly started to throw errors in error logs [ERROR] [MY-013379] [Server] Server upgrade started with version 80033, but ...
Tauras's user avatar
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Improving mysqltuner recommendations

Problem with mysql under Ubuntu 20.04.0 in a CPU optimized droplet of 32GB RAM with 16 cores. I have 25 sites installed on this server. I have around 100k pages views daily and during peaks around 300 ...
mayomalo's user avatar
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Digital Ocean MysQL with high load average but no queries

My website is down because it cannot communicate with my MySQL database. My database is inside the Digital Ocean server. My CPU, Load Average and memory is in the highest values right now: Despite ...
Dinidiniz's user avatar
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MySQL keyring component configuration

I am having the exact same issue as described by user nerdgeekdork here: MySQL keyring component (not plugin) not loading on server startup I have tried setting up the component in the same way, as ...
Four Candles's user avatar
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MySQL keyring component (not plugin) not loading on server startup

Problem: There is no indication mysqld is actually reading the server manifest and/or the keyring component configuration file. Any help would be greatly appreciated. System Info: Ubuntu 20.04 ...
nerdgeekdork's user avatar
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MariaDB high %sys load on AMD compared to Intel

we have run into a issue with MariaDB and AMD Epyc 7402. We also have much less potent Intel servers that do not suffer from this problem, using exact same configuration (we are using ansible). Under ...
Integral's user avatar
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Jira upgrade 8.19.0 cannot connect to mysql 5.7.35

I have confluence and jira running on a standalone server. I just upgraded confluence - no problems. It runs connected to mysql and is up as we speak on the latest version. I just updated jira but it ...
John's user avatar
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How to stop unstoppable mysql-server package on Ubuntu 20.04

So I purged and then tried to install mysql-server package on Ubuntu 20.04, it doesn't let for some configure problem. I found out that it doesn't even stopped and it seems that it automatically runs ...
Gediminas's user avatar
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Mysql consume lots of space in ubuntu 20.4

I need help regarding my application deployed in ec2 instance using T3 medium and Ubuntu 20. My problem is, I encountered a server error twice, it happens 3 months after each error. Prior to server ...
rai's user avatar
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