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Questions tagged [mysql]

MySQL is an open-source database owned by Oracle. ServerFault topics include how to run the server. For more MySQL specific questions like backup/restore/recovery/configuration, is probably a better home.

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How to monitor wordpress websites individually deployed on an apache2 server?

Since last few weeks there are sudden downs to my EC2 machine and none of the websites become accessible and also ssh to machine stops working. please help me fix it. I have an EC2 machine where ...
Ranjeet Singh's user avatar
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MySQL via SSH tunneling refuses user credentials

I initiate an SSH tunnel like so: ssh -L 12345: remote_server Where 51874 is the port MySQL listens on (on the host, mapped to 3306 in a container) on remote_server. This works as ...
Torque's user avatar
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Issues with host and PHP [closed]

I'm with TSOHOST who have been bought out by i believe GoDaddy. I've found out they have moved all of my sites onto their new hosting. The issue im having is that the wp-admin part is working and i ...
Nathan's user avatar
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3 answers

Rook Ceph storage and MySQL space very big difference

Can someone please advise me what could be the cause of this condition? I have a Rook Ceph cluster on which MySQL database with 3x replication is stored. This database is used by me for development ...
JDev's user avatar
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phpMyAdmin Login Page Error: mysqli::real_connect(): Premature end of data in XAMPP

I'm encountering an error when logging in to phpMyAdmin on my local XAMPP setup. The login page displays the following errors: mysqli::real_connect(): Premature end of data (mysqlnd_wireprotocol.c:387)...
Misbagas's user avatar
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How to exclude `user` column from output of `ps`?

I want to get info about running processes and pass output to script. I have line shows the running MariaDB instance but its user is mysql. Is there a way to get all of ps waxfu output excluding ...
palmasd1's user avatar
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Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mysqli_connect() on Debian 12.5 with Apache2

I am trying to run my server with php 8.2 but it can't connect to my MariaDB database with mysqli. I have extension=mysqli in my php.ini When I do php -m | grep mysqli I get this: % php -m | grep ...
aaaaa's user avatar
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2 answers

How to deal with legacy clients (hardcoded IP) after server migration

I am currently preparing the migration of a mysql server to another infrastructure with a new IP. After migration the old server will be shut down. Everything seems to work so far with the new server. ...
Marc Fischer's user avatar
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1 answer

Mariadb - MySQL server has gone away after 1 second of sleep

I'm receiving errors from Mariadb. This is ok: $db = new mysqli(...); usleep(1000*1000); // 1 second is ok $db->query('SELECT 1'); This is not ok: $db = new mysqli(...); usleep(1001*1000); // 1....
rooobertek's user avatar
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Kubernetes MySQL Operator 8.4.0 not ready (stuck on start)

I have followed step by step the instructions to deploy the MySQL operator on Kubernetes. Following the instructions from the official page. Once deployed without errors, the operator is not in ready ...
dlbmusic's user avatar
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2 answers

How to debug 'Access denied' error for MySQL?

I am running a MySQL server (v14.14) on an Apple desktop on my LAN. I can access it from localhost and via a laptop, from a MySQL client. I'm now trying to add access from another client machine and ...
Mike Levin's user avatar
2 votes
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Can't start MariaDB after replacing 5.6 with 10.4

I have an old VM I use for dev testing - it runs CentOS 7.9 with nginx, PHP, and MariaDB. The MariaDB version was really old (5.6), but it was working well enough for me until today when I wanted to ...
OsakaWebbie's user avatar
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Firefox generating two sessions in PHP

I am trying to record session ID's in Mysql database using PHP. In firefox, when I load a page, it records two different session ID's at the same time. However, in Chrome it only generates a single ...
Qamar's user avatar
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2 answers

Not able to connect to MySQL from postfix

opensource community I am using Postfix, dovecot and Postfix Admin for my complete email setup I am using virtual users so I have installed postfix-mysql and dovecot-mysql Issue: My postfix service is ...
Sahil Pahuja's user avatar
2 votes
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Why is my Azure Database for MySQL slow at first

I created a SaaS product. I am using PHP 8.3 with a MySQL 8.0 database. Locally this is very fast! No frameworks etc are used. Production runs on Azure. I have the following setup on Azure: Database ...
Gerrit's user avatar
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Mysql filling up disk space, but storage not even on this disk

Have Mysql running on a server, with data, backups and logs each on their own disk. For 2nd time recently the root disk has filled up to 100% which gets cleared the moment that MySQL restarts. This ...
Mark Walker's user avatar
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While creating the MySQL Operator for Kubernetes I faced CrashLoopBackOff on pods

I am trying to create a MySQL Operator for Kubernetes, using the guide of MySQL official documentation( While doing the steps mentioned in the Document, ...
Sivaparan Sivakajan's user avatar
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MySQL Operator on Kubernetes Pods Stuck in Initializing State with "FailedBinding" Error

I'm trying to deploy MySQL InnoDB Cluster on Kubernetes using the Oracle MySQL Operator with the help of manifest files and kubectl. However, when executing the mycluster.yaml file, the pods are stuck ...
Tharsha Sivapalarajah's user avatar
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Postfix accepting email from incorrect domain

I have a postfix setup and it appears to be accepting emails for other recepients and forwarding them to an existing legitimate email. For example, we receive a spam email for [email protected], and postfix ...
Shuttleu's user avatar
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Why is MySQL service shutting down every day almost at the same time?

I read the log file to see if there is anything specific that triggers shut down, but couldn't find it. It happens at 1.30AM almost every day, And then I need to manually restart MySQL. There are ...
BenUK's user avatar
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Azure Wordpress Site Intermittent MySQL Issue

We are trying to figure out an issue where at least one of the Wordpress webserver IPs that Azure serves our site from cannot connect to our Azure MySQL database server The logs have continual ...
deflator's user avatar
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Free disk space of Zabbix server is less than 20% on volume /var/lib

Zabbix server's /var/lib free disk space is running low. See the picture below Checking the server, the ibdata1 file is causing the problem. See the picture below ...
Khurel Bat's user avatar
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How to remove a query from a MySQL master/slave setup that is causing the slave instance of MySQL to crash?

Specifically I have a query that is trying to grant privileges that for whatever reason is causing the slave MySQL instance to crash. As a result I can't even bring up the mysql console from the ...
user18969's user avatar
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2 answers

MySQL database deleted on AWS EC2 instance [closed]

I have a AWS EC2 Windows instance with XAMPP and a database. To enable global access to the database, I made its IP global. Additionally, I added a password to my phpMyAdmin. However, someone is ...
Mustafa Ahmad's user avatar
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mysql high CPU usage /usr/sbin/mariadbd

Our new VPS server for a wordpress website, have high CPU usage for mysql process, 50% CPU usage all the time. We don't have that many visitors and killing the process not working, there another new ...
Julash's user avatar
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Cannot create an open stack instance

I configure my environment with 2 controller 3 computer nodes in an OpenStack Wallaby Ubuntu 20.04.5 environment, and eventually I can't create an instance with an error when creating an instance on ...
김태웅's user avatar
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fail2ban iptables REJECT rules not working [duplicate]

I managed to setup fail2ban and monitor my mysql database logs because I am being brute force attacked through my database login. the database is in a docker container and fail2ban is on the host ...
SirHectorin's user avatar
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Entuity (monitoring SW) databse backup

If anyone is using quite obscure monitoring system named Entuity, I'm trying to find a good way of extending its database. Currently the system is using MySQL database. For some reason its setup to ...
J B's user avatar
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Permissions error in directories used by Docker and application I am developing

I have run a docker container mysql from my own application development on C#, and configured data persistence to this path: C:\ProgramData\Persistence\data\mysql When i start everything goes well ...
Francisco IA Lover's user avatar
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Enabling FIPS mode in MySQL Server 8.036+ on Windows

I'd like to enable the FIPS mode of my MySQL 8.0.36 community server instance running on Windows. I know the ssl_fips_mode option has been deprecated as of MySQL 8.0.34 but it should still work in ...
uwe's user avatar
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2 answers

Wordpress and MySQL on same EC2 instance, different subnets. One public one Private

My goal is to have a single EC2 instance containing both WordPress and its MySQL database on same VPC and have the WordPress available on the public subnet and MySQL on the private subnet. The purpose ...
manoman687's user avatar
1 vote
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Mysql Stuck at "Server shutdown in progress" state

My MySQL was not responsive and I tried restarting the MySql server. Now for more than 2 hrs, it's stuck at the "Server shutdown in progress" stage. I need to bring the service back as soon ...
Enihr's user avatar
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Upgrading mysql - can not start server 8.0.35 => 8.0.36

After upgrading mysql the server can not start? Upgrade apt update && apt upgrade 8.0.35 => 8.0.36 OS: Debian bookworm error Tablespace 123588, name 'sys/sys_config', file './sys/...
clarkk's user avatar
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What causes SSD write timeout over 120 seconds?

system:CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core) kernel:Linux 3.10.0-957.10.1.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Mon Mar 18 15:06:45 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux SSD:Dera cpu: 24 core memory: 128G ...
xianSheng Qian's user avatar
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Loading data with new lines into MySQL fails [closed]

I'm loading data into a MySQL database. It is a shared calendar that is used with the baikal calendar. I dumped the DB, and vim checked it and I can see recent events. When I load the data into MySQL ...
gstlouis's user avatar
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How can I disable SSL (TLS) in MySQL 8.0.36+?

If I use tls-version='' in the config file, I'm getting the following warnings in the log: [Warning] [MY-013595] [Server] Failed to initialize TLS for channel: mysql_main. See below for the ...
Maxim Masiutin's user avatar
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Low performance with mariabd and zabbix

I am having performance problems, with a mariadb database that I use for a Zabbix server, the MySQLTuner 2.5.3 error analyzer finds the following: could you advise me what values to set and in what ...
Dario Molfino's user avatar
-1 votes
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Mysql Error 1045 Access Denied: Using Password: FALSE

I'm using MySQL v8.0.35 with django and python. A website is used to access the database with both the website and database hosted on AWS. When the website tries to access the database in any way, it ...
Meep's user avatar
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3 answers

Upgrade mysql 5.6 to 8 not working on AWS Linux based EC2

I am working with EC2 for MySQL DB. The OS of EC2 is AWS Linux-based Ubuntu. The current version of MySQL is 5.6.50. I am going to upgrade it to 8.0. I tried to upgrade it with this command: sudo yum ...
Cardoso's user avatar
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Python Flask application + MySQL DB -> needing advice for the infra in AWS when latency is at stake

I have a Python Flask application and a MySQL DB with which the app connects to. The app provides RESTful APIs. There are around 10 pairs of (Flask and MySQL DB)s. Each pair has a unique url and ...
Zhuang Paulus's user avatar
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Why does MySQL server not respect bind_address?

Background I'm setting up a MySQL server. Its configuration file (my.cnf) does not have the bind_address option. As I understand from its documentation, its value defaults to *, which should make the ...
Christian's user avatar
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Using Clone for addInstance on MySQL Innodb Cluster uses 100% Memory

When trying to add a new node to a MySQL Innodb cluster using Cluster.addInstance() and selecting the Clone option, within 2 or 3 minutes the donor nodes memory usages hits 100% on a server with 36Gb ...
mwarble's user avatar
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MySQL `SELECT` query does not return the newest data

There are 3 servers: nginx server, fastapi server and mysql server. nginx server: web page on /admin/ fastapi server: api page on /api/select/ mysql server: stores the data (mysql version 8.3.0) /...
OrthoPole's user avatar
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Mysql client using reverse DNS instead of IPv4 address when connecting to remote db [duplicate]

I have a server on Hetzner. When using the MySQL client to connect to a remote db from cli of that server, it returns the error: Access denied for user 'user'@'' (...
SYSTEMD's user avatar
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Unable to connect to remote Dockerized MySQL container from local machine

I'm unable to connect remotely from my local machine, everything worked well but suddenly it won't let me to the mysql database anymore. I tried every possible combinations, but none of them worked ...
aspirinemaga's user avatar
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Why did our AWS Aurora RDS spike and lock up?

This morning our aurora mysql serverless 2 spiked and basically locked up. We have a writer/reader and a reader associated with the cluster. On the reader we had an intense select query. This is the ...
Harpua's user avatar
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Kubernetes pods Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket

I have a problem with MariaDB (mysqld.sock) I have the next architecture: Deployment for APP1 Deployment for MariaDB1 PV11 and PVC11 (/var/lib/mysql/), PV12 and PVC12 (/run/mysql/) NFS1 server. ...
Bob's user avatar
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Can't access MySQL DB after failed import

Set off a mysql import which ultimately failed due to HD space being maxed out. Since then, I'm not able to drop either the table it was being loaded to or the DB the table belongs to (only one table ...
Chris's user avatar
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How to import ibd files into a new mysql 8.0 installation on windows (mysql.ibd is lost)

I have a mysql server and its default database is called mysql. Suddenly it stopped and I did not start it and it gives me this error. 2024-02-05T22:10:06.810728Z 1 [ERROR] [MY-012179] [InnoDB] Could ...
roma salah's user avatar
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Is there a way to house one MySQL DB in one location and others in another?

Have any existing MySQL 8.0 server installation on a Ubuntu 22.04 machine. Existing works without issue, but looking to import a very large DB but doing so in its current data directory will max out ...
Chris's user avatar
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