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Questions tagged [mysql]

MySQL is an open-source database owned by Oracle. ServerFault topics include how to run the server. For more MySQL specific questions like backup/restore/recovery/configuration, is probably a better home.

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mysql bind-address change from to server's IP Address breaks websites

I'm trying to setup mysql replica. On master when I change bind-address value in my.cnf to server's IP address some of websites break as they are using as database host value. There are few ...
Vaughn's user avatar
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MariaDB Crashes on Startup with Let's Encrypt Certificates

It seems I'm encountering an issue while setting up secure connections for my clients to connect to my database server on Debian 12. Every time I attempt to start MariaDB, it crashes with a Private ...
sidboy55555's user avatar
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xtrabackup - copying my.cnf file from source to replica when there are different linux distros on source and replica 4. Configure the Replica’s MySQL server Copy the my.cnf file from the Source ...
Vaughn's user avatar
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Monit and MySQL/MariaDB Checksum

I have Monit monitoring MariaDB but when a minor MariaDB update is rolled out Monit fails to monitor as the Checksum has changed: Checksum failed Service mysql_bin Description: checksum failed, ...
neilgee's user avatar
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MariaDB using more memory than expected

We're running MariaDB server 10.6.16 from the RPM repository on a AlmaLinux 9.3 system with 48 GiB memory (no swap space) and 32 CPU cores. We're ...
stepping stone AG's user avatar
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MariaDB/MySQL TDE extract/recover key from running server, when keyfile is lost?

If I have a MariaDB Server encrypted with the File Key Management Encryption Plugin (TDE / Transparent Data Encryption), is it somehow possible to extract the key from the running server? To my ...
Nuramon's user avatar
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mariadb-connector-odbc v3.1.20 "t_nobigint" unit test fails for big endian

In mariadb-connector-odbc v3.1.20 under test/types.c, unit test t_nobigint fails for big endian s390x. I am pretty sure it's because of the way hex decimal(byte conversion) took place in big endian. I ...
shubham's user avatar
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Changes done in mysql backend database not getting reflected neither on frontend website nor inside the server [closed] I've curled inside the server itself and still the updated data was not received. I've: ...
achhainsan's user avatar
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Tyring to access MariaDB running in a docker container on a remote machine

I can't seem to remotely connect to my database, via SSH tunnel. I'm relatively new to all this, so I was hoping someone might be able to give me some pointers. I've got a cloud server on which I've ...
newjunkcity's user avatar
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How to be sure to keep all the logs regarding a MySQL table data but filter Google Cloud SQL maintenance queries logs made by localhost GCP SQL?

I enabled the flag General_log for a Google Cloud SQL MySQL instance to get all the queries logs in Google Cloud Logging. I get all the queries users make, but also all the queries made to probe and ...
jwtrees's user avatar
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Not able to connect to local MySQL install after using Docker and MySQL image to connect to secondary DB on external drive

Huge appreciation for help in advance. Using Ubuntu 22.04 and MySQL 8. I have a legacy MySQL DB on an external hard drive as well as a local install on my Ubuntu machine, both using MySQL 8. I set up ...
Chris's user avatar
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Large WordPress E-Com Site - Very slow performance (High volume of Post Meta data and Order Data)

I have an e-com store running on WordPress (Together with using WooCommerce) - We've operated the site for around 4 years now, and in that time, our website has grown heavily in sales and customer ...
Jayjay95's user avatar
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Live database migration MariaDB 10.5 to MySQL 8.0

I need to move a busy OLTP database from self hosted MariaDB 10.5 to Google Cloud SQL for MySQL 8.0 with minimal downtime. The source is a self managed VM instance in Googles Cloud with replicas, ...
Claus Koch's user avatar
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Mysql bind-address local subnet only

I am trying to allow users on my local subnet to log into my MySQL server. The server is running Ubuntu 23.10 and MySql version 0.0.35-0ubuntu0.213.10.1 The Clients are 2 iMacs with macos Sonoma 14.2....
James Martin's user avatar
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Stuck in MySQL upgrade, but can't run old version to fix

Upgrading MySQL to version 8.2 is failing with the following error: 2024-01-16T22:04:31.970007Z 4 [System] [MY-013381] [Server] Server upgrade from '80100' to '80200' started. 2024-01-16T22:05:05....
Jerry's user avatar
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Cannot start mysql anymore after fsck because of Apparmor permission and winbindd

We are on Ubuntu 20.04 and had several restarts and ran fsck. Now mysqld refuses to start: Jan 16 12:40:01 example audit[1427]: AVC apparmor="DENIED" operation="connect" profile=&...
Alex's user avatar
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mysql: ask for password interactively when using docker exec

Usually you would run the MySQL client to import an SQL file like this: mysql -uexample_user -p example_database < filename.sql It will then ask for the password and after the correct password was ...
AndreKR's user avatar
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Backing up a MySQL/MariaDB database via ZFS snapshots without errors

So I am using zrepl to take snapshots of my production machine and replicate them to a backup server. This also includes MariaDB, it's in it's own dataset with recordsize=16k I've been testing the ...
Bento's user avatar
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MariaDB not starting after a server restart

I'm running a LEMP stack for my websites and they were running fine. Monitoring showed that the server wasn't responding to the pings, I restarted it. Now MariaDB service isn't running, my websites ...
Ali's user avatar
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How do I get systemctl to run mysql after installing with dnf?

I installed mysql using sudo dnf install community-mysql When I type which mysql I get /user/bin/mysql When I try to run it using systemctl start mysql or mysqld or mysql80 it doesn't recognize any of ...
mcadio's user avatar
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Can sleeping dockerized mysql processes cause high system load?

I'm in the process of finding out what could cause a huge system load at night. Icinga2 reports a CRITICAL state at 2:15 am: load average: 49.23, 24.50, 10.24. I've checked the syslog and found ...
digijay's user avatar
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MySQL Client taking more than 14 sec to be connected

IN our on-prem server we have installed mysql 4 node cluster 2 for mgmt and 2 for datanode. All are physical server with 1TB ram and 64 core processor. When a user trying to connect to mysql server ...
Basudev Rout's user avatar
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Ansible - community.mysql python module errors

I am trying to use Ansibles community msql modules to setup an external database. However, I get the following error message when I try to create a database: failed: [target] (item=db_name) => {&...
Patrick Reinboth's user avatar
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How can I fix this Mysql login?

I have installed MYSQL community edition on Windows server, I also added the Environment variable to execute the mysql command. The scenario is: When I try to connect to mysql using the CMD I get the ...
sysalam0's user avatar
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mariadb 10.3 not sending CA certificate, so clients can't verify the server [duplicate]

I've partially successfully installed a Let's Encrypt certificate for mariadb 10.3.34 I've configured a user with REQUIRE SSL and that works fine with local command line. Server system is Ubuntu 20.04....
Danny's user avatar
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MySQL Database refusing connection to user with USAGE privileges

I have a user 'salesman'@'%' trying to connect to my database with USAGE privileges on *.*, and SELECT privileges on one view within the database. Whenever I try to connect to the database whether via ...
o0V0o's user avatar
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Slow MySQL inserts on one specific machine - what might be wrong with it?

My application runs in docker, so I can be sure it's always the same version of MySQL, same DB structure, same collations and so on. I run it on several machines. On all of them my benchmark script ...
Paflow's user avatar
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MySQL Update Statement taking long time to update small table with 4 rows

I've got a ridiculously small table in MySQL that consists of four rows of data. Updating this table is taking a long time, often upwards of 50 seconds. CREATE TABLE log_CacheQueueEntity ( ID int(11)...
LinuxGnut's user avatar
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yum install mysql-devel causing openssl11-devel conflicts with 1:openssl-devel-1.0.2k-24.amzn2.0.10.x86_64

I am tring to install RMysql Package however it throughs below error - which says mysql libraries are not installed. I tried installing them using the yum command but there is a conflict with openssl....
surpavan's user avatar
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Proxy Error - Java Web Applications / Glassfish / MySQL / Apache

I have some Java Servlet Web applications running on Glassfish, on an AWS Linux server. The applications are integrated with a MySQL database, installed on the same server. Also, access management is ...
EduOK's user avatar
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have_openssl and have_ssl changed to disabled

after i created prerequisite files for having connection with mysql using SSL with commands: openssl genrsa 4096 > ca-key.pem openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -days 9999 -key ca-key.pem > ca-cert....
sina kzm's user avatar
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mysql SSL is required but the server doesn't support it

i generated these files in my master machine : openssl genrsa 4096 > ca-key.pem openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -days 9999 -key ca-key.pem > ca-cert.pem openssl req -newkey rsa:4096 -days ...
sina kzm's user avatar
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connection refused mysql with telnet

i have 2 machines that can see each other and ping my issue is i want to telnet from slave machine to master machine and this is what i get: slave@slave:~$ telnet 3306 Trying 192.168.1....
sina kzm's user avatar
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Postfix Dovecot connection with MySQL8 SSL mode disabled

I have a production running installation of Postfix 3.1 and Dovecot. Recently upgraded to a new version of MySQL, passing from 5.6 to 8 hosted in a new server. The problem now is that postfix and ...
Sergi's user avatar
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2 answers

Docker Mysql container: Connection Refused

So I have the following docker-compose.yml and .env file. version: "3" services: cx_cache: container_name: ${APP_NAME}_cache image: redis:7.2.2-alpine networks: - ${...
mondo's user avatar
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Mariadb active passive failover doesn't work with HAProxy

What is wrong with my HAProxy config? This thread kind of similar, but still not the same: Haproxy mysql failover load balancing I have an active-passive Mariadb galera cluster. Today on the master ...
Badb0y's user avatar
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Importing mysql database into Oracle OCI Ubuntu instance

I recently spun up a Ubuntu instance on Oracle OCI ( to host a Laravel application. I need to be able to import a large-ish mysql database, but every time I try, it hangs up ...
mpemburn's user avatar
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Script is not taking systemctl commands

I have created a custom service to {start|stop|restart|reload|force-reload|status} for StoneDb(A MySQL modified version), but when checking the status then I get this error: Which is clearly means ...
H Aßdøµ's user avatar
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E-Mails are not storing. Postfix, Dovecot & MySQL

I am trying to set up a mail server with Postfix & Dovecot using MySQL to store the aliases, domain & user. The issue is, users are not receiving emails. According to the log files, the ...
Noaah's user avatar
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MySQL Database errors with deadlock when restoring backup

we recently wanted to switch from a single MariaDB server to a replicated Percona XtraDB instance. For this purpose I set up an XtraDB cluster in our kubernetes cluster with 7 nodes distributed across ...
Tobias Grether's user avatar
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Can AWS NLB be used to load balance requests to Read Replicas?

This article from Nginx describes how Nginx TCP load balancing can be used against MySQL cluster. In the first diagram, I would like to replace the Nginx LB with AWS NLB where, the MySQL cluster runs ...
cogitoergosum's user avatar
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Is there any way to encryption password?

I'm trying master-slave replication in MySQL, and I have a question about plain text passwords. When I created an account on the master server I tried select * from mysql.slave_master_info; and the ...
game streamer's user avatar
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MySQL getting overwhelmed after restart after an apparent crash

I found my site dead this morning, with every request timing out. systemctl restart nginx made no difference - but systemctl restart mysql did. Last night I set a long-running UPDATE query running. ...
Codemonkey's user avatar
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Connecting to MariaDB server: ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to server at 'handshake: reading initial communication packet', system error: 11

I am trying to connect to an AWS hosted (RDS) MariaDB database (engine version 10.6.14). The database is hosted on a private subnet but it's accessible through a bastion host. I use an SSH tunnel to ...
Benoît Fayolle's user avatar
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Getting below error on ActiveMQ "Classic" message broker log. I'm looking for some solution to find the root cause and fix for this issue

Getting below error on ActiveMQ "Classic" message broker log. I'm looking for some solution to find the root cause and fix for this issue. Sep 6 16:10:46 SERVER activemq_db8159[1168628]: ...
unknown's user avatar
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Replicating foreign keys with AWS DMS Full load Ongoing replication - MySQL

I am using AWS DMS Full Load Ongoing Replication (CDC) to replicate data from a MySQL RDS to an on-prem MySQL server (both of them running MySQL 8). Before starting the replication process I'm dumping ...
Mircea's user avatar
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MariaDB randomly crashes

I've encountered a peculiar issue related to my MariaDB database instance (version 10.2) that causes my MariaDB service to stop unexpectedly. I've attempted to investigate the problem by regularly ...
Harry Potter's user avatar
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Fluentd logs not sent to Elasticsearch on K8s

I have a cluster in VirtualBox to learn kubernetes. I have a deployment that contains MySQL and phpMyAdmin. I created a DemonSet that has the fluentd image and collects the logs to transmit them to ...
VBE's user avatar
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MaxScale doesn't connect to Galera Cluster

I am working on a distributed HA cloud system and I have a Galera Cluster with 3 separated servers in Docker Swarm. It works as expected. I have 3 separated services for the Galera members due to ...
milanbalazs's user avatar
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Can’t start mysql - error.log constantly written

Recently my sites hosted on an Ubuntu server started to display "Error establishing a database connection". Connecting to the server, it looks like mysql is being restarted constantly (3s ...
Sulli's user avatar
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