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Questions tagged [mysql]

MySQL is an open-source database owned by Oracle. ServerFault topics include how to run the server. For more MySQL specific questions like backup/restore/recovery/configuration, is probably a better home.

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1 answer

PuTTY Reverse Tunnel to MySQL

I have: A local Windows 10 PC running MySQL Server 8.0.33 on port 33060. A remote Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS VPS running MySQL Server 8.0.33 on port 3306. I want to create a reverse tunnel using PuTTY on my ...
Tyler's user avatar
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Connecting to MySQL on GCP CE instance (WordPress)

I installed WordPress from the Google Cloud Marketplace into a Compute Engine instance, and am trying to connect to the MySQL instance on that machine using DataGrip on my local machine (macOS). I can ...
serlingpa's user avatar
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1 answer

which memory limit applies when php performs a MySQL query

If I run php as FPM, I can set my memory limit in php.ini or .user.ini. PHP can perform a MySQL query, and I can set memory limits in /etc/my.cnf for for instance the innodb buffer pool. If PHP runs ...
Guido Goluke's user avatar
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1 answer

Maximum possible memory usage

recently my MYsql CPU usage is 120% and this is the mysqltuner can you please suggest for me a solution ? [root@server1 ~]# mysqltuner >> MySQLTuner 1.8.3 - Major Hayden <[email protected]&...
Misha's user avatar
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Why does MySQL 5.7 inside a docker container always crash?

I have a MySQL 5.7 docker container that was provisioned via a docker-compose file, the file looks like this: version: '3' # Run command: docker compose --env-file .env.local up services: # ...
Budianto IP's user avatar
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Starting MySQL standalone works but as windows service it fails

I have an xampp-portable directory that contains mysql/mariadb. The xampp directory is located directly on d:, so path is d:\xampp and mysql is d:\xampp\mysql I want to run mysql as windows service so ...
Michael's user avatar
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1 answer

How to add a new database on replication?

I have a mysql replication with two servers. There are actually 3 databases on it. On master : server-id = 1 log_bin = /var/log/mysql/mysql-bin.log expire_logs_days ...
erwann le guevedec's user avatar
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After upgrade Ubuntu 18.04 to 20.04, MySQL server is not starting

I upgraded Ubuntu 18.04 to 20.04 The process upgraded MySQL 5.7 to 8.0 It instantly started to throw errors in error logs [ERROR] [MY-013379] [Server] Server upgrade started with version 80033, but ...
Tauras's user avatar
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2 answers

Mysql stopped working on Ubuntu 22.04. Failed to upgrade server. Error

I have a basic DigitalOcean droplet (1gb ram and 1 cpu) that has a few websites on it. There are a couple nodejs sites and a couple of Wordpress sites. All are pretty low traffic. It normally works ...
Steve K's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

There is no replication in a HA Cluster

I had the problem of unrelated data aborting in a HA cluster and my Mysql resource was in standalone on both nodes, I managed to solve the problem and both nodes are synchronized, the problem now is ...
Iván Jf's user avatar
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Setting mysql using ansible in ubuntu remote machine

I have written one ansible playbook for installing MySQL server in ubuntu remote machine but is not working here is the yaml code --- - name: setting mysql in ubuntu hosts: web01 become: yes ...
Nikhil Chopra's user avatar
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vsftpd with MySQL 8 - login not working

I try to set up vsftpd using MySQL database for login users via pam.d I have this config in /etc/pam.d/vsftpd: # Standard behaviour for ftpd(8). auth required item=user sense=...
netdjw's user avatar
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2 answers

CPU Usage 98% /usr/sbin/mysqld and server down

How to solve this issue. php codeigniter framwork Everyday our server goes down because of these issue. CPU usage 98 % Ram used 21 083 MB /usr/sbin/mysqld
majid lateef's user avatar
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How to set individual mysqld parameters using the bitnami/mysql Helm chart?

We're using the bitnami/mysql Helm chart. We'd like to upgrade max_allowed_packet from the default 16M value to 64M. From what I can read in the README, it looks like the only way to pass custom [...
BenMorel's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

DRBD Cluster nodes not configured (StandAlone)

I have a HA cluster with two nodes, node one is the primary and node 2 is its mirror. I have a problem in the mysql resource since my nodes are not synchronized drbd-overview Node Principal: 0:home ...
Iván Jf's user avatar
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1 answer

why mysql bin logs are not expiring even though expiry was set

I am using 5.7.37-log MySQL Community Server. my mysqld.cnf looks below: server_id = 11 log_bin = bin.log log-bin-index = bin-log.index binlog_format = row max_binlog_size = 100M socket = mysql.sock ...
santhosh's user avatar
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Diagnosing mySQL Random CPU Spikes

Our organization has a fairly advanced (as in many moving pieces) web application that's been working great up until recently, yet no noticeable changes have been made. There is the Apache Web Server, ...
Johnathan Martin's user avatar
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MySql Service Not Starting in cluster with DRBD

I have a high availability cluster with two nodes configured, after a maintenance carried out by an external company when restarting the system my mysql resource stopped working. when executing the ...
Iván Jf's user avatar
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Slow MySQL 5.7 on Windows Server 2019

MySQL 5.7 standard install with standard my.cnf (server) one table 20mb size Dell R210II Windows Server 2019 Xeon 1230 v2 16gb ram 1 queries executed, 1 success, 0 errors, 0 warnings Query: CALL ...
Olaman's user avatar
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Replicate mysql database when target server is MariaDB 10.5 (where mysql.user is a view)

I have a sync script that does a mysqldump on the mysql database on a source server, then imports that dump on the target server, followed by privelege flush. Systems are CentOS 7. In MariaDB 10.5, ...
elyograg's user avatar
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2 votes
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Extremely slow MySQL writes in Ubuntu (ext4) guest on Promox 7.3-3 (ZFS) host

I'm trying out Proxmox 7.3-3 as a hypervisor and managed to install it using ZFS on my NVMe (Samsung_SSD_970_EVO_Plus_2TB_S6S2NS0T505403V) I also installed a Ubuntu 22.04 VM and its filesystem is ext4 ...
bilogic's user avatar
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PHP-FPM static max_children amount doesn't seem to matter much during stress tests

I've been stress testing PHP-FPM set up as static using wrk, with NGINX running on Ubuntu Server 22.04 for the past few days, writing down results for every scenario. When I look at them, it seems to ...
Medito Di Terra's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How should I automate replication of a production MySQL db onto a read/write dev server for testing while also scrubbing the data first?

I know there are lots of variables here, and they're highly dependent upon the applications in the environment as well as the needs of the org. I read this post first, as the question was similar. [...
EdwinJ's user avatar
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1 answer

Mariadb creates a subprocess after crash

We recently had a crash on our Mariadb server (10.6.5) on a Debian 9 VM. The process was restarted without error but now there's a second mariadb process like so : mysql 26718 5.1 42.4 15062644 ...
Ror's user avatar
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-2 votes
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How to fix MySQL installation in Ubuntu:20.04 Docker container

invoke-rc.d: could not determine current runlevel invoke-rc.d: policy-rc.d denied execution of start. ... Cannot stat file /proc/3352/fd/0: Permission denied Cannot stat file /proc/3352/fd/1: ...
Olivier OUYA's user avatar
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Hardening the security of a backup shell script of a web-server with mysql database

In the case of a simple web-server with a MySQL database, the script has to dump the database, copy the web-server files and tar everything together. Then a NAS server Rsync the tar file via a "...
Danilo Steps's user avatar
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1 answer

mysql NDB backup fail

I'm trying to abort a backup on a NDB cluster like this: ndb_mgm> abort backup 2304081512 Abort of backup 2304081512 ordered But there is no change, the backup seems to be stalled : ndb_mgm> ...
Julien's user avatar
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Is it possible that MariaDB caches the host depending on user and password?

I have a weird issue with my MariaDB in my application. I use Prisma NodeJS library to connect to MariaDB. The problem looks like this: I have localhost and a remote server with the same username/...
jcubic's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Anybody familiar with the Shoretel database?

I have a copy of the local db from our old shoretel voip system... which is no longer in service. I've been tasked with trying to locate information pertaining to calls to and from specific numbers ...
boog's user avatar
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How to parse MariaDB version banner?

I encountered this form of MariaDB DB version via banner: 5.5.5-10.3.38-MariaDB-log What is the version of the MariaDB? Is it 5.5.5 or 10.3.38? If one of them, what is the meaning of the other? (I ...
Gari BN's user avatar
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EC2 instance randomly crash

My EC2 instance kept crashing, here is the syslog, can server admin expert share some insight?
Shawn's user avatar
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Azure App Service to Azure MySQL Flexible Server Latency

I have an old ASP.NET MVC website I've moved to Azure that runs super slow on there. I've set up: App Service (Standard S1 plan) Azure Database for MySQL flexible server (Burstable, Standard B1ms - ...
scgough's user avatar
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Using AWS Blue/Green deployment, how do I modify the staging database?

AWS has rolled out a Blue/Green Deployment feature for RDS, allow you to create a staging (green) database that's in parallel with your production (blue) database. Their documentation specifically ...
Paranoid Altoid's user avatar
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MySql: ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' although password is okay

I run Debian 11 with mariadb and everything worked fine. Just yesterday I saw that different commands, such as "/etc/init.d/mariadb reload" or "mysql -u root" bring the error: ...
afriend's user avatar
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How to handle scaling upto 3k concurrent connections [duplicate]

So here's our use case: We have firmware that connects to server (simple php file - that takes post request) and add the data (350-500 bytes per request) to database. Now here's a issue we have 3k ...
Shamsudeen McHalwai's user avatar
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How to reload MySQL 8 and update SSL certificates

What is the correct way to update MySQL 8 SSL certificates without having to restart the service? With PostgreSQL, you can do a reload using "systemctl reload postgresql", for example.
Diogo Braga's user avatar
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MYSQL Server fails to start with no logs - Ubuntu on WSL

I'm running Ubuntu in WSL on Windows 10. I'm trying to get an owncloud server going but I've been unable to get mysql working. When I run sudo service mysql start it takes it's time before reporting: [...
Mark Deven's user avatar
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Monitoring of MySQL replication and alerting when replication is not working

I have a question about monitoring of MySQL replication and in particular about alerting using Grafana/Prometheus. We have 2 MySQL(MariaDB to be exact) instances for which replication is configured: ...
Dmitry's user avatar
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MariaDb High Cpu %300

Hi mariadb consumes a lot of cpu. The settings are here. Server features CPU 6 cores/ 12 threads @ 3.4 GHz (4.8 GHz) RAM 32GB DDR4 • ECC Server Grade Disk Drive 2 x 480GB SSD SATA Software RAID [...
Fuat Yavuz's user avatar
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Undestanding how to connect remotely to a Mysql database

Even if I found many old questions around this topic, I'm still unable to connect to a mysql database remotely. Beside my own specific issue I'd like to point out what are my doubts, in hope to serve ...
Kay's user avatar
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fail2ban inside official MariaDB docker image

I am running a docker image mariadb:10.9.2-jammy I noticed with that I get a lot of brute force logging attempts cluttering my logs when I do docker logs mariadb Is it possible to implement something ...
jotyhista's user avatar
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Ubuntu can't start/configure mysql-server after upgrading ubuntu from 18.04 to 20.04

I've got a problem with Ubuntu that I can't resolve. I was upgrading my Ubuntu from 18.04 to 20.04 and during the installation process and error occured: apparmor parser error for /etc/apparmor.d/usr....
jakub_pietrzyk's user avatar
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MySQL information_schema table fragmentation

I noticed that the data_free of the information_schema table in MySQL is getting huge, e.g., information_schema.PROCESSLIST. Is it possible to resolve the fragmentation of this table? I could not run ...
rihm's user avatar
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How do I make systemd wait for a service to finish shutdown before shutting down another one?

I have two services: mysql and liferay. Liferay start depends on mysql but liferay's shutdwon also depends on mysql. The problem is that systemd will shutdown mysql before liferay's shutdown is over. ...
ferdez's user avatar
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Configure xenforo 1.2.9 Using phpmyadmin 4.x with php 5.6.4 on IIS 10, Windows Server 2019

Versions/Programs: xenforo 1.2.9, phpmyadmin 4.x, php 5.6.4, MySQL 8.0.32 IIS 10, Windows Server 2019 I am trying to host a local server for tinkering on an old computer I have. This server will be ...
Fictor's user avatar
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postfix delivery location has changed for new users

I have run my postfix/dovecot server for 6 years with out config change. I have just noticed recently that new users emails are getting delivered to another location. current users are going to /home/...
Ben's user avatar
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phpinfo not showing mysql, pages that require mysql connection is giving HTTP 500

I am running php 5.4.16 on a rhel 7.9 webserver (httpd 2.4.6). When doing phpinfo(), there is no mysql section. Php pages that require a connection to the mysql database are giving error 500. Example ...
demiglace's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Is Software RAID1 faster on a larger SSD?

I am evaluating 2 CentOS servers, in terms of performance of reading and writing to the database. The database sits on an SSD RAID1 pair, with MySQL 5.7 on each server. Server 2's specs are a bit ...
janman05's user avatar
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Mariadb instance won't start, what are some troubleshooting steps?

An existing mariadb instance that has existed for a number of years and been through multiple upgrades over the years will not start anymore. Running on Linux Mint I just noticed that it was down and ...
Greg's user avatar
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Will disk compression impact the performance of a MySQL database?

I've recently setup a TrueNAS storage server and hosted on it is a MySQL database. It's about 3GB; I'm not too concerned with how much space it's utilising. By default, TrueNAS enables LZ4 compression ...
Baa's user avatar
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