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Questions tagged [mysql]

MySQL is an open-source database owned by Oracle. ServerFault topics include how to run the server. For more MySQL specific questions like backup/restore/recovery/configuration, is probably a better home.

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1 answer

XAMPP mysql (Mariadb) has become unreliable

I have used XAMPP for years in Windows without any problems, but lately, it has become unreliable due to mysql (MariaDB). In XAMPP Control Panel mysql sometimes starts alright, sometimes it will crash ...
Mica's user avatar
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Applying MySQL binlogs that are too large

I am trying to recover a MySQL crash. I have data as of Monday and binlogs since then, and want to apply the binlogs as the combination would be a complete set of the data. The trouble is that ...
MaKR's user avatar
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MYSQL use too much disk (read / write)

I have big problem with my server. I am using Ubuntu linux version 22.04. The problem is in the write / read disk (light for the disk is all the time ON) when I have turn on apache (PHP) and MYSQL. ...
Jure's user avatar
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2 answers

Percona MySQL 8.0.25-15 filling up slow log with headers only

Has anyone experienced an issue where when the slow log is enabled with the following options: root@(none)> show global variables like "%slow_query%"; +-----------------------------------+...
Vladimir's user avatar
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Why does my Docker MySQL lose privileges for some users?

I am using the mysql 8 image in a docker compose file. Periodically I discover that the mysql user I set up for a database no longer has privileges on that database. The user still exists and has ...
brad.bulger's user avatar
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Create SSH tunnel and route MySQL traffic through using NGINX reverse proxy

My company's goal is to route MySQL traffic through an SSH tunnel, but using a reverse proxy through NGINX. We created a Linux box in our Azure environment, but are struggling to complete the process. ...
Sam Taber's user avatar
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1 answer

Passing a user input to an ssh command

I'm currently trying to create a shell script that will execute a mysqldump on a remote mysql database and then copy the output file back to my local machine. The problem I'm running into is that I ...
pbuchheit's user avatar
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My PHP sites do not work with mysql router

I recently set up a mysql innodb cluster, and have configured mysqlrouter to sit in front of it. On my PHP applications, if I change the port from 3306 to 6446, the application hangs when it tries to ...
elyograg's user avatar
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0 answers

MacOS MySQL Client Gets Stuck on Query That is a Certain Size

My MySQL client gets stuck on a query when the output is a certain size. When it's small enough, the query will successfully output. The client is connecting to a remote server (Ubuntu 18.04). When I ...
Grant Gordinier's user avatar
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Which is the correct capability in Courier SMTP config to get user's password (encryption type)

MySql: 8.0.34-0ubuntu0.22.04.1 I have followed this guide: Postfix With Courier IMAP Mail Server Installation (unfortunately they do not answer questions). I had to change the encryption method for ...
Andrés Chandía's user avatar
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Disable auto reconnect for remote client connections in mysql

I use below version of MYSQL in my DB server. root@XXXXXX-test-server:~# mysql -V mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.6.16, for debian-linux-gnu (x86_64) using EditLine wrapper root@XXXXX-test-server:~# ...
Dhanushka Ekanayake's user avatar
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1 answer

MariaDB 10.3.38 does not start after change from MySQL 5.7.41

I replaces MySQL 5.7.41 with MariaDB 10.3.38 on Ubuntu 20.04. Unfortunately MariaDB does not start by itself over systemctl: sudo systemctl status mariadb ● mariadb.service - MariaDB 10.3.38 database ...
Clueless's user avatar
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Using MySQL/MariaDB replication, how to know when the Replica is in a consistent state?

This is a question about MariaDB (mostly) and a replication that I am considering. For this replication, the Primary database is updated every minute by a process which can take about 15 seconds to ...
GingkoFr's user avatar
2 votes
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Is it possible to have MySQL/MariaDB bidirectional replication?

I am trying to install replication on several MariaDB servers. With no experience at all on this. I am wondering something. Would it be possible to have both servers acting simultaneously as master ...
GingkoFr's user avatar
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Getting broken pipe error after spending significant time idle in mysql command line

I often spend a lot of time in my MySQL console - managing databases, making sure the integrity is in tact and browsing through recent records for possible vulnerabilities. Whenever I am active with ...
Dimitar Veljanovski's user avatar
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1 answer

Unknown MySQL syntax error during the WordPress installation

I'm trying to install Wordpress on my local server according to instruction described on this page And now I'm stuck on this step: GRANT ALL ON wordpress_db.* TO 'wp_user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '...
ghostone's user avatar
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1 answer

Unable to connect to my server

I'm unable to connect to my own server, which has a MySQL database which I want to access. I correctly opened the 3306 port on the router and called my internet provider that confirmed so. But when I ...
Zep's user avatar
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3 answers

4 unicode chars appear as first few characters in file which don't seem to show in vim

vi data.sql : -- MariaDB dump 10.19 Distrib 10.4.28-MariaDB, for Win64 (AMD64) But when I do head -n 10 data.sql I get the first line as ��-- MariaDB dump 10.19 Distrib 10.4.28-MariaDB, for Win64 (...
anjanesh's user avatar
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1 answer

mysqld[1108] [Warning] Aborted connection 7466 to db: 'unconnected' user: 'unauthenticated' host: ''

I am running Ubuntu Server 20.04. It is a LEMP server running Mariadb. When I run the command sudo service mariadb status I get the following warnings: Jul 28 00:18:59 mysqld[1108]: ...
DanRan's user avatar
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MariaDB / MySql Warning after Netdata installation. "Access denied for user 'netdata'@'localhost' (using password: NO)" How to fix?

I have configured Netdata on an Ubuntu 20.04 Server LEMP server, according to this tutorial. After installation, I run the following command sudo systemctl status mariadb.service which ...
DanRan's user avatar
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1 answer

Memory consumption on virtual server too large for applications being run

I have a Linux Ubuntu virtual server at Digital Ocean with the following specs: 1 vCPU, 2GB of memory, and 25GB of SSD storage. The server is running a single WordPress website with around 400 unique ...
Mike Hermary's user avatar
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H3C server requirement [duplicate]

I am searching for a server that can best fulfill my requirements. I need it specifically for the best DB I/O performance for a 10-million record database. I am looking for generation-specific details ...
sysdev's user avatar
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MySQL server slows down 24 hours after reboot

I have a MySQl server which slows down every 22-24 hours after restarting mysql. After restarting mysql it starts working properly and after about 20 hours it starts to slow down. I increased the ...
Goku__'s user avatar
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1 answer

MySQL doesn't start on Ubuntu 22.04; unknown variable 'mysqlx-bind-address='

I'm facing an issue with installing MySQL server on Ubuntu 22.04. When I try to start the MySQL service using the command sudo service mysql start, I get the following error message The error message ...
SAAD 34's user avatar
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MariaDB Not Starting

I left it here, reverting to an outdated backup, as I needed to get the system up and running. If there are new answers and things to try, I will try so that the issue can be resolved. I shut down the ...
Sukru Ozdemir's user avatar
-1 votes
3 answers

how to design a sql query to have sub-columns in the result?

I tried several sql queries but it does not meet my expectations because in the result I cannot have sub-columns i need to design a sql query for the following result (have sub-columns in the result): ...
user11665472's user avatar
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Why is my Default Apache Guacamole Web Client Admin Login Creds Invalid?

I'm currently setting up an Ubuntu server to run an Apache Guacamole RDP Gateway, and for some reason, when I try to login to the web client, it's giving me an invalid login error when I use the ...
gigoiy's user avatar
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1 answer

Connection to Mysql database failing from different clients

I work with an ETL tool called airbyte to move data from various data sources to our main data warehouse. I am also asking this question in the airbyte slack channel, but would like to ask it here as ...
von_Olivenbaum's user avatar
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Web server returning high number of 502 and 504s

We have a web application (LAMP stack) with traefik as a reverse proxy that is suddenly giving HTTP 502 and 504 errors on >50% of requests, both for static files and php scripts. In the traefik ...
bkane521's user avatar
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1 answer

Remote MySQL server returning: MySQL server has gone away / Error while sending QUERY packet

I have 2 servers (both running Ubuntu 12.04) APP server running apache2, PHP7.2 and a CakePHP 2.0 APP DATABASE server running mysql 5.7 When I'am trying to insert into the database a big blob (...
updevs's user avatar
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2 answers

Why /var/lib/mysql takes too much space whereas actual db is small enough

In my server Db takes too much space: Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/root 58G 58G 461M 100% / tmpfs 966M 0 966M 0% /dev/shm tmpfs 387M ...
Dimitrios Desyllas's user avatar
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Why is mysql-server not installing correctly?

I just launched a brand-new t4g.nano instance on AWS EC2. The first thing I typed in is apt update; apt upgrade; apt install mysql-server-8.0. Here's the full log: $ ssh -i ~/downloads/*.pem ubuntu@[...
Ryland Goldman's user avatar
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I am not able to install MySQL on Amazon Linux

Step #1: – Remove previous installed packages and clear cache I did Step #1. Step #2: – Setup Yum Repository I did Step #2. Step #3: – disable all repositories in mysql repo file. I did Step #3. Step #...
jerseypizza's user avatar
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SQL Error (1114): The table 'global_priv' is full

I can no longer add users to my database. I only get the error: SQL Error (1114): The table 'global_priv' is full I researched this issue, and the my.ini config for innodb_data_file_path did not have ...
Codesmith's user avatar
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1 answer

TeamCity upgrade fails with "Can't take exclusive lock when db lock is not held"

When upgrading to TeamCity 2023.05 (using the Docker image), I received the error "Can't take exclusive lock when db lock is not held" and the detailed instruction: <pre>java.lang....
vpetersson's user avatar
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1 answer

How to back up mysql/mariadb database as mysql root when using unix socket for sql access in a bash script?

I am running Ubunutu Server 20.04. I have secured mariadb by using the unix socket for authentication, which means, I need to enter sudo mysql to be able to access mysql as root. 1) If I enter mysql -...
DanRan's user avatar
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2 answers

Forward default mySQL port to a different port for outgoing traffic to a specific IP or Domain

We're using a hosted mySQL Database server which generates a port other than the default 3306, which we have no control over. We'd like to not have to make changes to our existing connection scripts ...
blueionRich's user avatar
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2 answers

Bad configuration MariaDB / MySQL

I currently have a LAMP on a dedicated server but with serious problems with MariaDB (MySQL). I have installed a website with 100k daily pageviews and due to the need for the queries it is necessary ...
damian ventura's user avatar
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Setting up Slack Alerts for Monit monitoring MySQL

Trying to set up Slack alerts for Monit and MySQL/MariaDB but stuck in writing a MySQL check script. I have the monit successfully working if MySQL is stopped and receive email alerts - but want the ...
neilgee's user avatar
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MariaDB 11.0.2 fails to start after upgrade from 10.11.4

I am on Debian Bullseye and just upgraded (or at least attempted to upgrade) MariaDB from 10.11.4 to 11.0.2. Unfortunately, the service fails to start now. All I'm getting through systemctl status ...
Chaeska's user avatar
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1 answer

Lost Local Connection to MySQL DB that resides in AWS RDS

The MySQL DB residing in AWS RDS was made to connect with resources in the same VPC. I always had to make it publicly accessible in order to connect to it through MySQL Workbench 8.0 CE in Windows 11. ...
Learning Equals Success's user avatar
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1 answer

Docker compose - flyway not connecting to mysql

I'm trying to dockerize a microservice built with Spring Boot that uses the MySQL database and Flyway. When I run the microservice through the IDE, the flyway manages to connect with MYSQL, but when I ...
Gustavo Cruz's user avatar
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Synchronizing load balanced Linux servers

I want to load-balance two dedicated linux servers, I'm planning to do that using round robin DNS, but I can't find a way to synchronize the servers to be identical. The servers are running a perl ...
Tunis0101's user avatar
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Multiple MySQL versions using Homebrew on macOS giving Error - Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket

I am trying to set up multiple MySQL versions using Homebrew. I have already been using MySQL 8.*, which is running fine. However, due to some old project requirements today, I have installed another ...
pixelngrain's user avatar
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Frequent server downtime and suspicious server hits to access random Pdf files

Our Server hosting PHP web application is facing frequent downtime Server Information [Nginx, FreeBSD] Web application [PHP 5.6, MYsql 5.7] I have gone through the Nginx logs and below are my findings ...
Ekky's user avatar
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1 answer

Mysql server eating all RAM (100GB) when load is running

I am using Mysql - Server version: 8.0.29 MySQL Community Server - GPL My server has 100GB RAM. Of it I allocated innodb_buffer_pool_size as 90 GB SET GLOBAL innodb_buffer_pool_size = 96636764160; I ...
santhosh's user avatar
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MariaDB - Emulate MySQL 5.7 version number?

I have been running MariaDB 5.5 on a linux server for several years. Yesterday, I upgraded to MariaDB 10.11.3. Now, my backup software has stopped backing up the databases, reporting an error that &...
Ryan Griggs's user avatar
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Exporting Wordpress Database from GCP

I am trying to create a local replica of wordpress database by exporting it on gcloud console (after logged in via gcloud compute ssh) but facing this problem. Is there a way out to resolve this or ...
Atul Vaish's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Issues with AWS Aurora MySQL engine version "5.7.mysql_aurora.2.10.3"

Is anyone else experiencing problems after recent automated AWS Aurora MySQL database engine updates? (specifically "5.7.mysql_aurora.2.10.3") Over the weekend our web servers started ...
Michael Engelbrecht's user avatar
-1 votes
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How can I stop my MySQL server from going down?

I have a website based on a MySQL server on an Ubuntu machine. Every several weeks, one of my users complains that the site does not work, and I find out (using service mysql status) that it is ...
Erel Segal-Halevi's user avatar