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Questions tagged [nautilus]

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Access remote server with Nautilus through double SSH tunnel using SSHFS

I'm trying to access my work computer from home. We are supposed to SSH into a server, say and from there ssh into an xhost to to work, say xhost04 is not directly ...
D W's user avatar
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Access remote server with Nautilus through double SSH tunnel

I'm trying to access my work computer from home. We are supposed to SSH into a server, say and from there ssh into an xhost to to work, say xhost04 is not ...
D W's user avatar
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SVN - remote locations

im not sure this is the best place to ask this question, but i'm sure you will have insight.. I am using Ubuntu 11 and RabbitVCS for managing my SVN files. I really like the seamless integration to ...
Lee's user avatar
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Rename files for web

Do you know any smart script to rename files for web format? (replace all non ASCII characters, spaces, transliterate unicode chars, change case etc.) eg. my ójf ćżpd - ąąv - hźóż HŹŃÓKŁFU.jpg to ...
takeshin's user avatar
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Extract option missing from Files (Nautilus) after upgrade/conversion to AlmaLinux

I recently upgraded and converted my server from Centos 7 to AlmaLinux 8 via leapp, and after upgrading, I noticed that in the default Gnome3 file manager (nautilus), under Centos 7 I could right lick ...
Eric W's user avatar
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FTP Nautilus ( Ubuntu Filemanager ) overwrite File with empty content

I connect via ftp or fstp. When saving, it happens that an existing file is overwritten with empty content. I use nautilus and I have not started any tests because it is an online shop that is in ...
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