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49 votes
9 answers

How fast is

I wonder if it is tied to my NIC at all or if the OS or driver intercepts and immediately returns data sent to the loopback address? Does the signal actually travel to my NIC then the NIC returns it?
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30 votes
4 answers

Our wi-fi at work is ridiculously slow, will adding more range extenders improve it?

At work, we have two wireless networks (e.g., Work1 Work2); the Work2 is used downstairs and Work1 is used upstairs. However, both are notoriously slow. The connection is better when we are wired in, ...
john's user avatar
  • 477
18 votes
6 answers

Why the discrepancy between Speedtest and Wget?

My customer complains about low internet speeds. When measured with speeds are acceptable. Periodic measured downloads are 10% to 30% of the nominal speed. I cannot explain that. Some ...
Johannes Linkels's user avatar
18 votes
3 answers

Troubleshooting Network Speeds -- The Age Old Inquiry

I'm looking for help with what I'm sure is an age old question. I've found myself in a situation of yearning to understand network throughput more clearly, but I can't seem to find information that ...
Univ426's user avatar
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17 votes
12 answers

Will a higher bandwidth Internet connection lower ping response time?

It sounds obvious that a faster connection lowers latency... But I wonder: I am working remotely on a host the other side of the world - light can only travel so fast (1 foot in a nano second) and we ...
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11 votes
1 answer

SSH keys: ed25519 vs RSA performance demystified

It is claimed that ed25519 keys are better than RSA, in terms of security and performance. In terms of security, I understand that 4096 bits RSA keys are practically unbreakable for the foreseable ...
a06e's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Debugging slow transfer rate from server

I'm trying to explain this as simple but documented as possible. This is not exclusive to this server or my current ISP. I've seen the same exact issue over the years while being with different ISPs ...
Francisco Zarabozo's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

What type of hardware is required for a Gigabit connection?

Just in case the question I am asking is unclear or hard to understand, I am basically asking whether or not the type of hardware in a machine (such as a router or server) matters when using a gigabit ...
joeldesante's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

AWS - how to serve faster to oversea users

We have our infras relying on AWS in the us-east-1 region. (EC2, CloudFront, RDS, ElastiCache) We are now having more and more users from the APAC. Users start to complain about network speed to our ...
Chris Lam's user avatar
  • 283
5 votes
3 answers

Why is scp much slower than http?

I have an instance on Amazon EC2 which holds a large-ish file (~180MB). I need to copy that file to my local machine, so naturally I tried scp. After trying multiple times only to get max speeds of 20-...
Felix's user avatar
  • 380
5 votes
1 answer

socat tun device very low throughput

I was tinkering around with socat and tried to use socat for creating a TUN device for tunneling between two debian stretch servers. However, throughput seemed very low and comparing with iperf ...
1gd_1bs37coua9dd's user avatar
4 votes
5 answers

How to throttle your own internet connection? [closed]

I am writing a website and want to test its speed on slower internet connections. I have the unfortunate first world problem of downloading at 100mbps, how can I throttle my own computer's internet ...
darkAsPitch's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Does Gigabit degrade all ports to 100 megabit if there is a 100 megabit device attached?

Our company is buying some HP Procurve managed gigabit switches to replace some of our core switches. However, we aren't able to upgrade all of our switches from 100Mb to Gigabit switches. I think I ...
goodman's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

Why do some VPN clients slow down the network connection even when they are not it use?

I work as an I.T. consultant, and I often have to install various VPN clients on my computer in order to connect to customer's networks; beginning in March 2020, I started always working from home for ...
Massimo's user avatar
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4 votes
0 answers

Not sure I really get 10 Gbit between our servers on the 10 Gbit network

We have a 3 Unix (1 Ubuntu 2 Redhat) servers connected via their 10 Gbit network cards to a 10 Gbit switch (our IT person made sure we got the correct cables). We experience some odd behaviour when ...
Robin's user avatar
  • 61
3 votes
4 answers

rsync with multi-core server should go faster than it goes. Am I wrong?

I'm launching a rsync simple command between two servers. Both servers have two eth interfaces on bonding. When I send a big file from one server to the other with rsync I reach 130M/s transfer rate....
Marc Riera's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Testing network connectivity on a server with Gigabit Ethernet

I have a box with Gigabit Ethernet, and I'm unable to get past about 200Mbps or 250Mbps in my download tests. I do the tests like this: % wget -6 -O /dev/null --progress=dot:mega
cnst's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

Continuous Bandwidth / Throughput Meter

I am building a wireless link between two points using Wireless-N standard. To determine the best position of the antennas, there is a signal strength indicator on the antennas. The problem is the ...
Adrian Godong's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Test network transfer speeds with rsync from a server with limited storage

I want to test transfer speeds from server A to server B, but server A has limited disk space (<50GB) and because the network speeds are fast within the same data center, transferring 50 GB may be ...
philshem's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Remote Access Server for design software

I am thinking about setting up a server for multiple clients to log in to (2 at the same time max), so that people away from the office can use our (resource hogging/CPU intensive) design software ...
Reid's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How to limit the download speed after first N mb in Squid?

In my network, when someone is downloading big files, the internet speed is going down for everyone else. So what I want to do is, when someone starts downloading a file, he will download first 5 ...
ysakiyev's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Can Wireshark help determine cause of latency in remote-desktop connection?

We have a small Remote Desktop farm using Windows Server 2008. We have a gateway and two servers. Most of our users have no issues, but we have two or three that get 1-2 second latency when typing. ...
Joe Davenport's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

FTP transfers slow on a long fat pipe

We've recently gotten new internet - 100Mb/s fibre - and have been complaining bitterly to our new ISP about transfer speeds to some FTP servers in the USA (300ms away). To one server in particular, ...
Steven Hook's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

What tools should I use to assess bandwidth for web server farm..?

I'm contemplating moving datacentre and I need to know the size of pipe I'll need in order to get a quote. Currently I'm charged on GBs of traffic per month (currently about 42GB inbound - so ...
qryss's user avatar
  • 133
3 votes
1 answer

VMWare ESXi slow file copy to guest

When I copy a file from a physical Windows 7 machine over to a Windows Server guest on a VMWare ESXi the file copy is fast for a few seconds but then drops down to a crawl of 3Mbps. Everything is on a ...
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2 votes
5 answers

How to diagnose network speed issues in a Microsoft environment?

I have inherited a Microsoft network / environment with all of the usual culprits: Active Directory, Exchange, Terminal Server, 50 clients, File & Print Server - standard enough office essentials. ...
Rob Burke's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Estimate if the network throughput is reached

I have 2 processes communicating over TCP/IP as following: process A sends 20 KB of data to process B and after some calculations process B sends the response (2KB) back to A. When I run both ...
AdelNick's user avatar
  • 121
2 votes
1 answer

How do I speed up memory mapped files over network? [closed]

Memory mapping a file on a SMB file share causes it to be transferred in its entirety before the call returns. For large files, this causes the application to lock up for a long period of time. How do ...
Ansis Māliņš's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Apache 2.4 on Windows slow to respond to initial first request

I started serving pre-compressed Brotli files on my website They work; but ever since then, Apache is having response issues along all VirtualHost setups (not just ...
MeSo2's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Slow network speed on ESXi hosts

I have been dealing with this problem for about half a year (had the luxury of time) and hadn't managed to crack it, so I finally resigned and came over here to ask for help from others not just ...
LANeo's user avatar
  • 23
2 votes
2 answers

DRBD weird speed dips

couple of weeks ago I made a test setup for DRBD on couple of servers. The speed was fixed 90MB/800Mb as per my config for initial sync. Now I have reinstalled the OS (CentOS 7.4) to do final install ...
bakasan's user avatar
  • 103
2 votes
2 answers

Linux Experts Riddle: Network output of 10MB/s on 10GB/s NIC

I have two CentOS 6 servers. I am trying to transfer files between them. Source server has 10GB/s NIC nd destination server has 1GB/s NIC. Regardless to the command used nor the protocol, the ...
user150324's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Test site speed

I am test driving an Akmai CDN architecture and before committing to buy, I would like to gauge the real performance gain from the acceleration feature. What would be the best MO for doing speed ...
Elad Lachmi's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Why nfs transfer speed is slower than http?

Consider I have a large file on my nfs server. The server and my desktop is connected by 100mbps network. If I mount a directory on my desktop and then try to copy a big file to local fs I have speed ...
galadog's user avatar
  • 156
2 votes
5 answers

How to check for bottlenecks in Windows Server 2008 R2

I recently switched out a 10 year old server for a brand new server in a small office and upgraded from Windows Server 2000 to Windows Server 2008 R2. After the switch was complete and some ...
Philip Koury's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

LAN speed fluctuations

I am totally out of my depth here, but hopefully someone can at least tell me if what I am seeing is "normal" or not. I am in the process of migrating a VM from one ESXi host to another via ...
Gordon's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Poor network performance on Server 2008 machines

I have a network consisting of about 40 Windows 7 machines (physical) and 2 servers (Virtual, ESX) which are Server 2008 Std ed (one is a SBS 2008 but they're the same 'under the hood'). Network is a ...
user229774's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Server co-location in Hong Kong [closed]

We are building a website that need to be dedicatedly hosted at some point. We are physically located in Australia, but the colocation/dedicated hosting is ridiculously expensive in Australia, ...
zhou's user avatar
  • 21
1 vote
4 answers

Basic traceroute question - good traceroute, but connection times out?

Basic question: if I get a decent ping between hops in a traceroute reading, BUT I'm unable to connect to the host via FTP, what does that imply? By connecting via FTP, I simply mean using FileZilla ...
Ray's user avatar
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1 vote
5 answers

Converting MBps to k/s

We're diagnosing a speed problem between our shenzhen office and our asset management server. It seems stupid, but I need to get the data in the same format. How do i convert the MBps that isp's ...
user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

1 file transfer capped at 5Mbps; two parallel file transfers capped at 10Mbps. How come?

We have a case of file transfer speed capping (maximum speed) as follows: 1 file transfer capped at 5Mbps; 2 parallel file transfers (same file) capped at 10 Mbps What can explain such a behavior? ...
Steven's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I find my peak bandwidth usage over a period of time?

I am about to change Dedicated Server providers. My current provider says the uplink is 500M. The (potential) new host offers by default a 100M uplink and charges an extra $100/Month for a Gigabit ...
TecBrat's user avatar
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4 answers

Increase speed of small office MySQL server

I work in a small development team - PHP/MySQL app. Each in-house developer has Apache/PHP installed and is accessing a Windows 7 box with MySQL 5.1 installed. Box is 32bit, Pentium D, 4GB ram, ...
jaredsten's user avatar
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4 answers

Speed of a dedicated NAS device vs Windows Server fileshare

I work in a smallish company - about five people in the office, with another fifteen or so scattered around the country accessing network files via VPN. We don't worry too much about quotas or things ...
Margaret's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Network speed between 2 EC2 instances in VPC

I setup a vpc and launched 3 EC2 instances all in subnet. I am wondering how these instances connected to each other, 100mbit, 1000mbit?
Optimus's user avatar
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2 answers

How much the distance and ms can affect on the download speed?

Let's consider A (client) and B (server) where A makes download from B. How much can a bad routing from A to B affect the download speed ? A traceroute from A to B returns a path that is 10 hops ...
Prix's user avatar
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5 answers

Should I worry about the speed trans-atlantic web access for my users?

Obviously it's just one factor in the mix, but if I host a site here in the UK knowing that the majority of my users are in the U.S., how much weight should I give concerns about access speed for ...
T.J. Crowder's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Cheapest solution to monitor gigabit internet connection performance [closed]

I want to perform speedtest-cli performance tests of the internet connection of a fibre connection which is advertised to 1Gbps at regular intervals, say every hour, for one year. I have been looking ...
Mikkel Rev's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Cisco Router or Switch Limiting Internet Speed (Huge Slowdown)

I work in a very small office where we have approximately 5 office desktops wired to the internet through what appears to be CAT5 mixed with CAT5e wiring. The wires flow in this order: Desktops > ...
Anthony's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How can I increase link speed between two webservers?

There is server A in which there is no physical access, in a datacenter around 500Km away. This server is not ours but we are using one of its webservices. And there is the company's server in our ...
Odys's user avatar
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