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Questions tagged [nis]

The Network Information Service (NIS) is a client–server directory service protocol for distributing system configuration data such as user and host names between computers on a computer network.

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8 votes
4 answers

NIS failing to bind

I have a bunch of machines which authenticate via NIS to a central server. I just bought a new CentOS 6.2 client machine, and it can't authenticate. The following is a list of the classics people ...
Alex's user avatar
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8 votes
5 answers

Replacement for NIS/YP

The company that I am working for is embarking on replacing the current locally developed NIS/YP structure with LDAP. We already have AD in house for the Windows stuff and would like to consider ...
mdpc's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

do_ypcall: clnt_call: RPC: Timed out

faulters: Despite much troubleshooting in my NIS/YP setup, rebooting systems, restarting & debugging ypbind, putting nscd to run, a group of newly purchased systems regularly spam my email with: ...
David Ramirez's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

How do I replace an NIS master server?

I need to take down my current NIS master server because it is running on RHEL 4 which is too old for the auditors to approve now. I think I need to copy some files off the master over to a slave ...
RonFish's user avatar
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How can I change passwords on a Linux NIS master?

This seems like it should be simple, but if it is, I must be missing something. I have a Linux NIS master from which I would like to be able to change users' passwords (in cases of forgotten ...
asciiphil's user avatar
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Login using Active Directory in Linux using Kerberos 5

I have a problem with setting up auth for users on Linux (Fedora Core 15 to be exact) using Active Directory on Windows 2008 Server with installed support for UNIX systems. I've successfully setup ...
Migol's user avatar
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OSX 10.6 integration into NIS/netgroup/automount infrastructure

I have an existing infrastructure where accounts are maintained under NIS (yp) with no local unix accounts. Also, all the standard maps including hosts, mail aliases, netgroups, etc...are maintained ...
mdpc's user avatar
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5 answers

Common user accounts between linux machines

I have a base system with a few (currently two) VMs on top of it, all running Ubuntu Server. I have to keep adding my user account on each system when I bring a new one up, as well as giving it sudo ...
Jess's user avatar
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How can I tell which clients are connecting to a NIS/ypserv master server?

I don't have much experience working with NIS at all, as I came from an LDAP environment. I have a project to move a bunch of clients within a NIS domain to point at a new NIS master server. There's ...
Jason Antman's user avatar
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How do I create NIS groups with large userlists

I am trying to create a NIS group with a member list that exceeds 1024 characters. Now I can't do that because the database that NIS uses restricts the value part of the key/value pair to 1024 ...
David Mackintosh's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Enable NIS extensions (rfc2307) on Samba 4 AD after installation

I'm testing out our samba 4 migration process and when the initial forest/domain was created, it was created without using --use-rfc2307: sudo samba-tool domain provision \ --domain ...
MikeyB's user avatar
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2 answers

Disable nis login for a particular user on a particular machine

We have a nis server and a nis client in a domain. As part of the in-charge of a subdomain, I want to enable nis logins for only some users on a particular machine, and want to disable the rest of the ...
0fnt's user avatar
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0 answers

NIS client doesn't see group names

I have added a user to libvirt (id = 504) group on NIS server. On the client when I do group <user>, I get <user> groups: cannot find name for group ID 504 What should I do to get my ...
user186719's user avatar
3 votes
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NIS: which mechanism hides shadow.byname for unpriviledged users?

On some Linux box (SLES 11.1) which is a NIS client I can do as root: ypcat shadow.byname and get output, i.e. some lines with the encrypted passwords, amongst other information. On the same Linux ...
Mark Salzer's user avatar
3 votes
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Delaying NIS & NFS startup till after network interface is fully ready on Fedora 17

I've recently set up a fedora 17 server for our network, and I've been having trouble getting the NIS service to work on startup. Here's some logs from the system: Aug 21 12:57:12 cairnwell ypbind-...
obmarg's user avatar
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2 answers

Password rules for yppasswd

I have a NIS master-slave setup and I would like to improve the password rules/complexity for it. Seems like if I introduce new rules to the NIS Master they are applicable only from there. What I mean:...
grs's user avatar
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How to remove NIS server role from all domain controllers before upgrading to Windows server 2019

So we are currently have 4 2012R2 domain controllers with IDMU (Identity Management for Unix) and NIS server role installed. For NIS server role, one DC is in master mode, other 3 DCs are in ...
Root Loop's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

What NIS maps are needed for OSX 10.6 to authenticate?

What NIS maps are necessary for OSX 10.6 to authenticate? I have an ubuntu-sever sharing NIS, and from the OSX client, ypcat passwd, ypcat group and (as root) ypcat shadow.byname all work, and return ...
Kyle__'s user avatar
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3 answers

NIS / YP make - mail.aliases Callback timed out

I am trying to add the mail.aliases map to my Makefile on my NIS/YP server. I have added 'mail' to list of maps to build, and ensured that it is pointing to the correct aliases file (/etc/aliases). ...
JT.WK's user avatar
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2 answers

trying to find which static port for NIS or NFS service in firewalld

On our slave NIS server we have in /etc/sysconfig/network I've set YPSERV_ARGS="-p 944" YPXFRD_ARGS="-p 945" and OTHER_YPBIND_OPTS="-p 3000" in /etc/ypbind.conf and YPPASSWDD_ARGS="--port 946" in /...
RobbieTheK's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

command for list users in linux system

How can i list all the linux users when the ldap autentication is cofigured? I remember that there are one command to list the /etc/passwd files and the ldap users.
user avatar
2 votes
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NIS user not being added to NIS group

I have set up a NIS server and several NIS clients. I have a user and a group on the NIS server like so: /etc/passwd: myself:x:5000:5000:,,,:/home/myself:/bin/bash /etc/group: fishy:x:3001:...
Brian's user avatar
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Switch from NIS/NFS to LDAP/NFS/SMB?

I'm interested in moving from an NIS/NFS server (Ubuntu) to an LDAP/NFS/SMB on an Xserve. I've been able to get LDAP and the file sharing working, but now I'd like to actually import the existing user ...
Evan's user avatar
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Why does NIS map error prevent postfix from resolving local alias?

Postfix quit sending me mail from an Ubuntu 10.04LTS server. I spent an hour to two checking /etc/aliases, running and re-running sudo newaliases and sudo postfix reload, web searches for my issue etc....
nortally's user avatar
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Mac OS X 10.5/6, authenticate against by NIS or LDAP when both servers have your username

We have an organization-wide LDAP server and a department-only NIS server. Many users have accounts with the same name on both servers. Is there any way to get Leopard/Snow Leopard machines to query ...
Wang's user avatar
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Unix services on Windows Server 2008

Looking to remove a domain controller that is currently the NIS master for our identity management for unix service. Need to know how to migrate the master to a different Windows server. When you ...
tcnolan's user avatar
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0 answers

How to set up NIS client in Docker container?

I am setting up a Jenkins master inside a Docker container. The container runs on an Ubuntu 16.04 host, which itself is a virtual machine. We use NIS for authentication in Jenkins, but I cannot get ...
John McGehee's user avatar
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Root denied login if networking down (on NIS/YP environment)

My 70+ hosts network (mixed CentOS, Fedora) uses NIS/YP. If networking is working OK, then no major issues occur, normally a trouble-less operation. If connectivity is lost, either by a simple loose ...
David Ramirez's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

NIS - Proper Format for Multiple Hosts

I'm very new to working with NIS and have been tasked with reorganizing the files. Which is the proper delimiter that should be used for a NIS file with this format: username server1:server2:...
Brad Germain's user avatar
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Group membership not transferred from server to client

I have a Suse Version Server with home-partitions for every user and shared partitions for different groups. Groups and group rights (3775) are defined. When the group member is logged in at ...
Lutz's user avatar
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5 answers

How to synchronize users, passwords, hosts, etc without NIS

I am administering a very small solaris 2.6 network with 4 boxes total. Is it possible to use scp or similar to replace NIS for synchronizing users, groups, hosts, etc? This network is only a ...
joshxdr's user avatar
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Stop ypbind from automatically running

I want my linux client to stop using nis services. Can someone suggest how to do it. Yes, I've already searched on the web, and also on serverfault. As I've mentioned a couple of times on su/so/sf, ...
0fnt's user avatar
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Server-based homedirs and universal logon on a Linux network? (Other than with NFS+NIS?)

This question was kinda, sorta, already asked, but there's a security issue with the NFS+NIS setup that still bugs me: if you know somebody's username/uid, you can setup a *nix computer, create a user ...
JCCyC's user avatar
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4 answers

ssh via public key authentication for users administered with NIS

I'm experimenting with using NIS for centralizing the user management for a network of approx 20 servers. I've got an NIS client and server working, and can ssh to the client machine and successfully ...
Paul Dixon's user avatar
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1 answer

How to test that DNS from NIS is working?

In my /etc/nsswitch.conf have I set hosts: files nis dns With ypwhich ypcat hosts ypcat passwd can I verify that passwd and group are retrieved over NIS. Question How do I verify that DNS is ...
Sandra's user avatar
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What is required for LDAP authentication to work?

I would like to have LDAP authentication on a webpage. On a CentOS server the .htaccess looks like this Order deny,allow Deny from All AuthName "Only members" AuthType Basic AuthBasicProvider ldap ...
Sandra's user avatar
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Integrate LDAP into NIS

I have the task to implement a LDAP service for the typical use cases: User authentication, storing more information on users, storing information on machines, etc. Currently, we have a working NIS ...
ypnos's user avatar
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Neglected services on old DC - how to move to new DC?

We have installed a new Server 2012. The new server: DC3 (, has been promoted, and is now our main DC (includes : DNS, DHCP) Schema master DC3.domain Domain naming master ...
Saariko's user avatar
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NIS users suddenly can't login to SSH

I've recently added a new (client) server to my NIS. For a month or so this worked fine, but since today I suddenly can't login through SSH anymore. Some other services (e.g. IMAP) on the same server ...
dtech's user avatar
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2 answers

nobody user/group with NIS/NFS

Software overview Machine A(NIS server): CentOS 6.2 Machine B:(NFS server) CentoS 6.2 Client machines: OpenSuse 12.3, CentOS 6.4 and CentOS 5.6 Introduction and setup Machine A is an NIS server ...
Alex's user avatar
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How to have logs about users logins/logouts in a NIS server?

I have a NIS server in a Debian machine with several user accounts in passwd and shadow files. Also, I have 10 Ubuntu desktop boxes rununning as NIS clients. The users can login by binding to the NIS ...
M.G.'s user avatar
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NIS login: one user account multiple home directories possible?

I have a network of linux clients and servers that are used for numerical computations; and I'm using NIS for user authentication. After a successful login, every user lands in her / his home ...
memyself's user avatar
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how to install NIS client on windows server 2012?

how to install NIS client on windows server 2012? Can I do it or not? It seems only migrate it but no client
worldterminator's user avatar
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Basic NIS questions

I'm a software developer who finds himself the SA stuckee when one SA went on vacation right after the other one quit. We have a network of redhat/solaris machines with a solaris NIS server. I want to ...
John Gordon's user avatar
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Can I use netgroup at an NIS Client (Redhat) to restrict access to it?

Our company has a central NIS configuration that we are using to access our teams servers (Redhat)... The current configuration allows all valid NIS authenticated users to connect to our servers. We ...
sdmythos_gr's user avatar
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SAMBA+NIS on Linux with Windows 7/8/10 clients

I'm trying to figure out if it is possible to run a samba server on a Linux distribution with a NIS service and use them in conjunction with a Widnows 7/8/10 client to make it work as it's local ...
Jose_Sunstrider's user avatar
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How to create a custom NIS map?

I'd like to create a custom NIS map in order to be able to look up my own information using ypmatch and map between local and centralised usernames. How can this be achieved?
ralight's user avatar
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How to autostart `ypbind` on Ubuntu 14.04

It seems I need to use sysv-rc-conf to manage service startup/shutdown, but no scripts were added to /etc/init.d/ when I installed NIS. I would expect to either have /etc/init.d/nis or /etc/init.d/...
Alexander's user avatar
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2 answers

One of my NIS users can't login - why?

I've got an old Solaris 8 server as a client in a NIS domain. All users can login just fine except for one (user 'oracle'). It used to work but late last year "something" changed (I wasn't here at the ...
MLu's user avatar
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Need to put two NIS servers in yp.conf file

How do I configure 2 servers in yp.conf I tried : domain server server1 server2 but it seems to take the first one Tried: domain server server1 domain server ...
Eran Chetzroni's user avatar