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Questions tagged [nmcli]

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2 answers

How do use nmcli to enable DHCP forIPv4 and IPv6 on a specific interface?

I recently switched an interface from not being managed by NetworkManager to being managed but it does not get an IP. I would like to know what is the correct way to use nmcli to enable DHCP on this ...
sorin's user avatar
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nmcli set static ip address without the DHCP?

I want to assign a static IP address for the eth0 interface without the DHCP allocating a dynamic address. i tried setting the method to manual but that did not help and i end up with 2 IPs on the ...
HAK's user avatar
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nmcli eqivalent of ip route add command for interface routing

I can add route over the interface using ip route add command, for example: ip r a dev main-br How to achieve the same using nmcli?
slawek's user avatar
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Centos7 / NetworkManager - how to reload route files?

How can I reload the running NetworkManager routing configuration from the route-XXX files in a Centos/RHEL7 server? I have a few servers which get routes updated directly via the /etc/sysconfig/...
André Fernandes's user avatar
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Get uuid of connection after adding it using nmcli

I would like to add VPN connections to multiple machines and let them activate automatically when when using the default ethernet connection. However I need the UUID of the VPN connection I just added ...
Septatrix's user avatar
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Difference between network bridges created by `ip` and `nmcli`

I notice that the bridges created by ip command and nmcli command are distinct: # Create a bridge via ip command and name it br-ip ip link add dev br-ip type bridge # Create another bridge via nmcli ...
Douglas Su's user avatar
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Assign each NIC an ip range or subnet

I have a manjaro linux server with at least two network interface controllers (NICs) and would like to route all traffic going to certain IP address ranges or subnets over one, and everything else ...
danba's user avatar
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Load balancing and failover using nmcli

I would like to use nmcli (NetworkManager, on CentOS) to balance the load from the subnet across the two gateways (.3 and .1) on the subnet. These two gateways are ...
Shunyata Kharg's user avatar
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Adding default gateway using nmcli - Centos 8

I am trying to add 2 default gateways on my Centos8 server with different interface names and metrics. I have a route file for each interface with the route "default via metric ". This is not working ...
ram's user avatar
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Removing config defaults for a slave interface of a bridge

I am running Fedora 31 and am having trouble with NetworkManager. I tried to make a bond of two ethernet interfaces and then put the bond in a bridge, yet the bond is getting an IPv4 address with DHCP ...
John Tate's user avatar
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Adding multiple IPs on same physical interface - but with different logical interfaces (CentOS 8 + NetworkManager)

I'm adding a secondary IP to my CentOS 8 server running NetworkManager. I would previously have done this with ifcfg-style configuration files, but I'm trying to embrace the future and the direction ...
Saustrup's user avatar
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Make IP route and routing rules permanent using nmcli on RHEL 8 / Rocky 8

I have a network interface for which I would like to configure routes. # ip address show br_10G_V888 6: br_10G_V888: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP group ...
Nicolas De Jay's user avatar
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Routing with nftables (Fedora33, nmcli, brctl)

A/ Host (Fedora 33) with Ethernet if eth0. ip and B1/ Kvm guest with if vnet0 enslaved to virbr101. ip (manual routing, static IP) or B2/ Kvm guest with if vnet1 ...
asoundmove's user avatar
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The routing metric is changed after a while for eth0 and eth1, automatically

I'm working on an platform that NetworkManager is gracefully embedded into its image. There are two separate eth0, and eth1, along with a 4G modem, all of which work fine. We use NetworkManager to ...
SAP's user avatar
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Bridge network for qemu KVM is not activated

I am creating a kickstart for Rocky 9.3 for deployment. These hosts will have virsh (qemu) to host multiple VMs per host. All these hosts have MAC based DHCP for ens9f0. I am using below to create a ...
Amin Persia's user avatar
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Centos Network Manager -nmcli How to revert to previous status of network or remove properties of network?

I'm a newbie in network, so please understand me. I have a bond network, but I added a bridge network to the bond as master using nmcli con modify bond0 master br0 but after that, I lost IP address ...
farmboy's user avatar
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Routing setup with nmcli does not seem to work correctly

I have an ec2 instance with 2 interfaces (ens5 and ens6) attached both using the same subnet. ens6 has a private IP assigned along with eip. I am trying to route out this interface but seems ...
Andy Smith's user avatar
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Use `nmcli` to add `IPV6ADDR_SECONDARIES`

In my CentOS server, for compliance reason, I cant directly access the file /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 but I can use nmcli to configure that file. My problem is that I need to add this ...
Samul's user avatar
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On Ubuntu, with nmcli, how to properly enter a valid password for wifi connection with 802-1x, without plaintext password saving

In my company, a Wi-Fi access point with 802-1.x authentication has been setup. I can successfully connect to the access point with the nmcli command line like this nmcli device wifi connect "...
Covot's user avatar
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tun0 configuration via script using nmcli

Background For work I have to use Appgate SDP which is a VPN client. It creates a tun0 device, adds a bunch (300+) routes and is supposed to setup the DNS servers with domain search for tun0. At some ...
John the Ripper's user avatar
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Is possible set static IP between 2 devices with nmcli

I have a computer that has a wireless connection and has an ethernet. I need to communicate with a connected device through a local network created between my computer and this device (communication ...
Joey Fran's user avatar
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Configure static IP scope via nmcli

Like it was written here by MCFurry I haven't been able to find a way to configure scope link using nmcli. I'm trying to setup a network bridge on a server using nmcli. The bridge should have ...
elysch's user avatar
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Routing between 2 networks on Linux

My system topology: On an ubuntu machine with 2 ethernet ports (eth0, eth1) i have connected another ubuntu machine as client and an OCRCamera (also client). the requirement is that the main ubuntu ...
Yves Halimi's user avatar
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Why is NetworkManager in disabled status?

ubuntu 20.04 server host Tell me why when getting nmcli status nmcli general I get STATE CONNECTIVITY WIFI-HW WIFI WWAN-HW WWAN disconnected unknown enabled enabled enabled ...
Vadim's user avatar
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nmcli connection import type wireguard writes additional default route - How to avoid it?

At start I have: [root@client ~]# ip ro | grep default default via dev eth0 proto dhcp metric 100 When i say nmcli connection import type wireguard file /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf I get [root@...
Sebastian Pereira's user avatar
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Interface bonding on GRE tunnel with nmcli

I have two Ubuntu server-based routers and I'd like to bond (in broadcast mode, since I only care about redundancy) a radio link (where the radio equipment is connected to an Ethernet port) and a LTE ...
RH6's user avatar
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Virtual Box network routing

My setup: I have 2 virtual box machines that run CentOS, Server1 and Server2. Server1 is configured with 2 network interfaces which are enp0s3 and enp0s8. enp0s3 is connected to VM NAT network with ...
Anton Stafeyev's user avatar