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2 answers

How to reset the admin password for Observium

How can i reset the password for the user admin with MySQL or a Observium script. MariaDB [observium]> select * from users; +---------+----------+------------------------------------+----------+---...
FaxMax's user avatar
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Grahping VMware VM's network traffic

We have a mixture of managed and unmanaged VMs within out VMware platform, For our managed VMs we use SNMP within the VM to graph the VM's network traffic which we then use for billing if the customer ...
Epaphus's user avatar
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Observium > Cannot retrieve processor/memory data from host

I have successfully setup an Observium monitoring server on a AWS EC2 instance to monitor other EC2 instances running Ubuntu. Hosts has been added successfully. I can run snmpwalk -v1 -c public 171....
Thomas Decaux's user avatar
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Using multiple instances of rrdcached on a single server?

I'm trying to figure out the best way to use rrdcached on a single server for multiple graphing tools. Currently I'm using cacti, observium and collectd on the same server (running CentOS 6.7) that ...
croax's user avatar
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Can Observium analyze network traffic?

I'm running a observium server analyzing my office devices, but I'd like to know if there's a way for observium to analyze the network traffic. English is not my main language, so I don't know how to ...
user208659's user avatar
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How to properly add syslog to observium server?

I have an Ubuntu server 16.04 where I've installed observium to monitor the server itself and this part is working fine, I can see the event logs. After that I have followed instructions on how to ...
iWizard's user avatar
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0 answers

Observium default snmp v3 communities for auto discovery

From the documentation I found it's possible to add multiple snmp v1 & v2 communities via the community array in config.php but I have a larger network with v3 only; Is there a way to define snmp ...
screenie's user avatar
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Adding Aruba switch to monitoring tool via SNMP protocol

I am trying to add few aruba switches to a monitoring platform observium but failing to do so. the coumminity string and the trap address are perfectly fine but it doesnot seem to work. It would be ...
biplab 's user avatar
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Postfix via Gmail SMTP Error with no cause

I'm trying to configure POSTFIX to send emails via, without any success. Iv'e tried following these two tutorials: https:...
Shaulliv's user avatar
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OID need to match exactly for SNMP to work?

I am trying to monitor a process on a Centos 7 server using SNMP, the monitoring system is Observium my collegue added proc java 10 1 to snmpd.conf and we know it's working on the server side because ...
msana's user avatar
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Virtual machine can't be reached via SNMP... Is it even possible?

I'm monitoring my work network via SNMP. Now, I have a virtual machine working as a DNS server so that I can access to them using hostnames (I'm using observium in another virtual machine, by the way)....
user206620's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Observium and SNMP

I have Observium installed but I can't seem to get the unix-agent to get MySQL, Apache and other statistics. I have the unix-agent enabled under the Poller Modules. I have also tested and ensured ...
Tiffany Walker's user avatar
-1 votes
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Observium not showing ubuntu icon before my ubuntu server [closed]

I just have set up snmpd, observium settings on my ubuntu machine, but sadly observium webpage shows linux icon before my ubuntu machine's name, not the ubuntu logo. Why is this happening, and how ...
UGO's user avatar
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