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Questions tagged [okta]

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2 answers

AADSTS50107: Requested federation realm object does not exist, when integrating Okta as an IdP for AAD

I'm trying to set up AAD with Okta, and find that when users visit the App Embed link and it posts their SAML response to, they get an unhelpful error: ...
Falcon Momot's user avatar
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AWS SSO: Should I use Permission Sets or IAM Roles, or Both?

We have AWS accounts for dev, staging, and prod. We use AWS SSO via Okta, and define groups like "Developers" and "Support" in Okta. Developer group should have broad access to ...
Tom Harrison Jr's user avatar
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Encountering error": "Internal Server Error", Code 500 - Okta Authentication with AWS OpenSearch VPC + Nginx Reverse Proxy

I have a AWS Opensearch in VPC network. I am using Nginx reverse proxy to access Opensearch Dashboard (Kibana). My Curent setup is working fine. I tried to SAML Okta Authentication but getting ...
Gursharan Singh's user avatar
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troubleshooting radius auth with okta and AD

I am running Amazon Workspaces, and wish to use RADIUS based MFA for login. MFA would be provided by Okta. I have an AWS Managed AD with AD Connector connected to it. (I assume this is redundant, but ...
Geremy's user avatar
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Switch to a different AWS accounts in the UI

I currently have AWS configuration set up with my access key id and secret access key (i.e. I see this when going to 'aws configure' in the CLI). I then login through my company's OKTA to then access ...
KristiLuna's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Auth Mellon is not redirecting to IDP. Apache is returning 404 for /mellon

I am trying to enable auth mellon for on-prem weblogic app. I have apache httpd and auth mellon installed on RHEL 6.8. I followed instructions as per
user2961454's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Automating Account Creation

I’ll try to be brief. The current situation: If we have new hires, the HR will share the names with the IT department to create emails for them and give them access to OSS app (OKTA) that we’re using ...
Sana's user avatar
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