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Trouble with routing on VPN with Openswan IPSec

Good morning, I'm having trouble configuring access to the servers through a VPN. The client can connect to the VPN perfectly, but access to the servers does not work. The conf of my connection is ...
Alexssandro Gottschalk's user avatar
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NAT rules for VPN routing to public IP in local network

I'm trying configure a test VPN setup to route pings to an instances public IP. A corporate vendor we are connecting to has reserved all private space on their side. I'm not sure what NAT rules I need ...
Gavin's user avatar
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Policy based routing in linux based on destination address.

I am struggling with a scenario. Suppose we have two systems in same subnet A:- and B:- where B is further connected with C:- through Openswan. B can ping C but A cant ...
xs2rashid's user avatar
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Openswan server not routing traffic to LAN instances

I created an openswan instance which connected with AWS VPN and tunnel is up. I can ping from Openswan server to EC2 instance in VPC and EC2 instance can also ping Openswan private interface. But ...
xs2rashid's user avatar
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Openswan/IPtables: Faking a unique IP address over VPN tunnel

Context: I'm running a set of instances within the Google Compute environment. Each host has a single interface with single ip in the private range. I have external customers who ...
John's user avatar
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IPsec and pinging rightsubnets

I have been racking my brain about this. I have openswan running and I have been able to get tunnels up. Unfortunately, when I try to ping computers on my right subnet, I am not able to get any ...
confused's user avatar
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iptables DNAT packets into an openswan IPSEC tunnel

I have the following network setup: +-----------------------------------+ | | +-------...
Christian Anton's user avatar
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amazon ec2 instance going to a remote ip using openswan tunnel is up but no traffic being established on the remote ip

I having establishing a vpn tunnel to a remote peer/public ip using amazon ec2 openswan. The tunnel is up but no traffic has been seen on our side or the remote side? Is there I been missing? Please ...
Edmar's user avatar
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Iptables being changed without rebooting

I configured a tunnel between my network and a remote network with OpenSwan. On my tunnel endpoint, running on Ubuntu, I added iptables rules to disable source NAT (SNAT) when the destination was the ...
mdef's user avatar
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Translating IPTables rule to UFW

we are using an Ubuntu 12.04 x64 LTS VPS. Firewall being used is UFW. I have setup a Varnish + LEMP setup. along with other things, including an Openswan IPSEC VPN from our office to the VPS data ...
Dario Fumagalli's user avatar
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Openswan tunnel to remote public NAT'd host

Need help on this VPN set-up to work. Left-hand. EC2: eth0: (ie. NAT'd IP) eth1: Peer ip/leftid: Right-hand. Cisco: Peer ip: Peer ...
dcvpn's user avatar
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VPN iptables Forwarding: Net-to-net

I've tried to look elsewhere on this site but I couldn't find anything matching this problem. Right now I have an ipsec tunnel open between our local network and a remote network. Currently, the ...
Mike Holler's user avatar
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How can I create a host to host IPsec VPN if my server has direct Internet access and no LAN?

I have a Linux server (CentOS 5.5) that has direct access to the Internet with a fixed IP address. That is, the IP address is 200.29.X.Y. The gateway was given by the datacenter (200.29.X.Z) and the ...
juakonn's user avatar
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