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6 votes
1 answer

IPsec VPN site-to-site: How should I configure the ipsec.conf files on both sites to get the tunnel up?

What I am trying to do is to create a site-to-site IPsec VPN between my network and my friend's network. We both have a router and two computers on each router, with all computers running Linux. So I ...
Deneb's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

IPSec + L2TP + NAT-Traversal does not work for multiple clients behind same nat

I have recently configured a VPN server hosted in AWS EC2. Details: Centos 6.4, openswan, xl2tpd, NAT-traversal. The configuration works great for a scenario when only one user connects form a given ...
Fentik's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Connecting to a FortiGate VPN from a remote Linux machine via OpenSwan

Here's the setup: I have a FortiGate unit on a business network, which has a FortiGate VPN set up. Machines on a remote network that can run FortiClient (Windows and Mac machines) have no problem ...
user2892724's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Openswan Cisco ASA 9.1 -- cannot resopnd to IPsec SA request because no connection is known for

Ok, so I have a simple VPN IPSEC setup with a single Linux host that has a public IP address and a loopback interface of On the right side I have a Cisco ASA 5505 9.1. the issue is the ...
Jim's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

IKE Phase 1 Aggressive Mode exchange does not complete

I've configured a 3G IP Gateway of mine to connect using IKE Phase 1 Aggressive Mode with PSK to my openswan installation running on Ubuntu server 12.04. I've configured openswan as follows: /etc/...
Isaac Sutherland's user avatar
2 votes
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ipsec IKE phase 1 failure

I have a wireless gateway that supports site-to-site IPSec. I have configured openswan on Ubuntu Server 12.04 (left side of the tunnel) with the following /etc/ipsec.conf: version 2.0 config setup ...
Isaac Sutherland's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

openswan and xl2tpd tunnel not working?

Since weeks i want to setup l2tp tunnel with xl2tpd and openswan in debian wheezy, the external interface is ppp0 with dynamic ip and the internal interface is eth0 with ip address l2tp ...
shams's user avatar
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