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Questions tagged [openwrt]

OpenWrt is a Linux distribution primarily targeted at routing on embedded devices.

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29 votes
2 answers

Why is the maximum length of OpenWrt’s root password 8 characters?

When I try to set root's password: root@OpenWrt:~# passwd Changing password for root Enter the new password (minimum of 5, maximum of 8 characters) Please use a combination of upper and lower case ...
Alan42's user avatar
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22 votes
6 answers

dnsmasq: mapping 2 MAC addresses to the same IP address

Is it possible to map 2 different MAC addresses to the same IP address? For my backup, I need to connect back from the server to the portable, and I would like to have the same IP both for the ...
sleepyMonad's user avatar
15 votes
6 answers

how to get a list of the connected wifi clients in OpenWrt 10.03?

how to get a list of the connected wifi clients in OpenWrt 10.03?
LanceBaynes's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Redirect DNS requests with OpenWrt

I've brought a wireless router to my office, because there's no free network socket near my place. Every normal computer that is connected via Ethernet cable normally gets an IP and DNS server ...
Nikolai Kim's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

How to serve custom dns to dhcp clients in openWrt? [closed]

I would like to serve custom DNS server to dhcp clients. How I can achieve that in openWrt?
pixel's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

Can't communicate between lan ports on openwrt router

I've got a WBMR-HP-G300H Buffalo Airstation router on which I've installed the lates OpenWRT software. All is working well (ADSL, WIFI etc) except for one niggle. I can't communicate between lan ...
ScaryAardvark's user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

OpenWrt Configuring Tagged and Untagged VLAN on the Same Port

I have installed OpenWrt on a MikroTik Routerboard RB750UP (AR7240 CPU with AR9330 built in switch). I have included additional details below, but my question is: How do I configure an untagged and ...
user173470's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Is SSLsplit the right tool to intercept and re-encrypt HTTPS traffic on a wifi router?

I'm looking to do a vulnerability research on products running on a variety of devices by intercepting their HTTPS traffic, but I don't want to modify the devices aside from installing a custom cert. ...
Andrey Fedorov's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

Gateway gets stripped from DHCP Reply through OpenVPN tunnel

I have a bridged OpenVPN setup. This is my server config: port 1194 proto udp dev tap0 ca /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/ca.crt cert /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/server.crt key /etc/openvpn/...
Compizfox's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

`ssh -NfR` equivalent with dropbear

I want to open a reverse tunnel in background. When using OpenSSH ssh -NfR 9022: <target> always worked. When I did that with dropbear on my router, it failed like this: # ssh -NfR ...
keks's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

openwrt: Use rdate with NTP servers?

I've noticed that some embedded devices (such as OpenWRT, which runs on Busybox) use rdate to set the system time, instead of NTP. Rdate is an older time protocol, and I'm having trouble finding any ...
Stefan Lasiewski's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

Does anyone use DD-WRT/OpenWRT etc. at their office? [closed]

Does anyone use any of the third party router/AP firmwares (DD-WRT, OpenWRT, Tomato, etc.) in an office environment? How many users does it handle well? How long have you been using it? I understand ...
hyperslug's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

OpenWRT - How to redirect all subdomains of a hostname, to the same host, so that it can be reverse proxied?

I have an OpenWRT router setup,, with search domain, local (as opposed to the default lan). I have a server setup,, with hostname, server.local. I have a workstation, 192.168....
Jack_Hu's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

What firmware to choose for ASUS WL-500GP v1

I've found several firmwares out there: OpenWRT, DD-WRT, Tomato and Oleg's. I'm wondering what is the best choice? Router is working in the home network (desktop through wires, laptop uses WiFi). ...
Vadym Stetsiak's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

qemu with tun virtual networking issues

I'm trying to setup a virtual networking environment using open-wrt qemu and vde2 The script to boot two qemu instances and conenct them together is the following IMAGE=/home/northpole/openwrt/trunk/...
ndp's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

strongswan VPN on OpenWrt

Hi I'm running Barrier Breaker version of OpenWRT and I have setup a VPN according to: I can connect to the VPN with my iPhone or Mac (to ...
Greg Pagendam-Turner's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How to configure totally open DMZ with OpenWRT?

I have OpenWRT router. I have NAS in my LAN, which i need to access from WAN and from all computers in the LAN. So, it should be accessible from any computer and it needs to access some of them, too. ...
Slavik's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

How to send mail from an OpenWrt router

I am using OpenWrt 10.03 and need to send "reports" from my router by email. I have installed sendmail: # opkg install mini-sendmail Then I used my ISP's smtp server: # echo -e "From: [email protected]\...
LanceBaynes's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Show delegated ipv6 prefix at command line in OpenWRT

In OpenWRT’s gui “LuCI“ the delegated IPv6 Prefix provided by the ISP is diplayed in the status page in overview. Normally it will be shown under “IPv6 WAN Status“ in the “Network“ section like IPv6 ...
karlsebal's user avatar
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2 answers

What protocols/ports to open for WinSCP

Which ports (and/or protocols) should be given priority for WinSCP to connect to a *nix machine? Details: I have a Windows client running WinSCP, which connects through a WRT54 router (running ...
pufferfish's user avatar
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Does Dropbear know what a ~/.ssh/config file is?

I want to ssh from one host (OpenWrt running Dropbear) to another host on the same LAN that is running open-ssh server and client. I converted the private open-ssh key of the other host to dropbear ...
FlexMcMurphy's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Route an IP from WAN to a host on LAN on OpenWRT

EDIT: I know how to use NAT, I specifically want the server to be reachable on two IP's, one private, one public, with the firewall of the OpenWRT in between, if feasible. At the office we have ...
Zsub's user avatar
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OpenWRT Barrier Breaker - Router does not route

I've upgraded my TP-Link 1043 router to OpenWrt 14.07. Everything is perfect, Wifi and LAN are bridged, LAN machines can access each other by name, I can SSH into the router, and the router can access ...
SzG's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How do I set up an IPv6 DMZ with iptables without a static allocation?

I have several networks which are on Comcast's residential network. I need to access those networks from a variety of environments, via an SSH proxy on one of the hosts. (As it happens I'm using ...
Glyph's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

OpenWRT USB attached disk spin-down

I use a couple of ASUS WL-500GP running OpenWrt Kamikaze 8.09.1 (2.4 kernel) as small office gateways and firewall. Now I would like to attach USB disks to cache local backup-data during office-hours ...
rkthkr's user avatar
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1 answer

Force to use specific DNS provider at network

OpenDNS offers a quite simple way for internet filtering by categories. Of course who could get the correct IP address can easily bypass the filter but it would be enough for my expectations. The ...
osiixy's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

OpenWrt configuration on the remote server

I have 11 openwrt-based accesspoints in the building. Sometimes I need to add a virtual network with custom password. I don't like to iterate through accesspoints to change parameters. This is ...
ChewbaccaKL's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Assigning a hostname of the fqdn assigned to a dhcp client with dnsmasq?

I'm aware that you can assign static DNS entry names by doing the following in dnsmasq.conf: address=/wiki.leerdomain.lan/ ptr-record=wiki.leerdomain.lan/ and then ...
leeand00's user avatar
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OpenWRT Dynamic VLAN

I'm setting up an wireless AP with OpenWRT to support dynamic vlan's, provided by a RADIUS server. I found a guide on which I followed, and with some extra research I'm almost there. The ...
Frank Vermeulen's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

OpenWRT + OpenVPN client forwarding from lan to vpn not working

I've OpenWRT router with Backfire 10.03.1-rc3 (arch:brcm 2.6 kernel) I've set up an OpenVPN client connecting my router with workplace lan, and it works nicely, I can connect from router to networks (...
canni's user avatar
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3 votes
5 answers

Recommendation for easy to use router and setup to handle multiple VLANs, to avoid multiple DHCP servers conflicting

I'm trying to setup a network in which each computer must not be able to see the others on the network, only the router. The people involved don't necessarily know each other and don't necessarily ...
user23815's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Wireless Multicast Forwarding on OpenWRT

Good day! We need to connect an STB device over wi-fi to the router. STB uses multicast only. Using udpxy is not possible. Original firmware forwards multicast over wi-fi using mac changing technique....
igorv's user avatar
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2 answers

openwrt uses a single interface bridge?

My understanding of bridging is that it ties together two interfaces at layer 2. I am looking at a Ubiquiti Nanostation2 running OpenWRT that has an ethernet port 'eth0' and a wifi port 'ath0'. The ...
timbo's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How to route host traffic over lxc?

Some info updated: Last login: Wed Aug 31 18:10:24 2022 root@pve:~# ip route default via dev vmbr0 proto kernel onlink dev vmbr0 proto kernel scope link src 192.168.132....
Ken Kin's user avatar
  • 31
3 votes
0 answers

Tunnel only specific port over OpenVPN on OpenWRT-Merlin

My Asus RT-AC87U router is running OpenWRT-Merlin. OpenWRT-Merlin allows you to set up an OpenVPN client and disable NAT so that you have to manually configure the routes for this VPN. How do I do ...
Redsandro's user avatar
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3 votes
0 answers

forward vpn traffic from tun1 to tun0

I've been banging my head on this for a while and gave up trying to figure it out. My knowledge about routing and iptables is just too limited to understand this it seems. I have configured a split ...
user3704759's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Macvlan-interface and PPP-session

I need to pick up two PPP-sessions on the same interface with different MAC-addresses (on some device with openWrt). I decided to check macvlans. I created an interface with another MAC-address. ...
someuser's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Ingress filtering in Linux traffic control: Redirect traffic to IFB device

I have an openwrt router and I want to shape incoming traffic in order to classify all the traffic addressed to a certain IP address in my home network as low priority. For that purpose I want to ...
Dani Camps's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

iptables not dropping by IP and port?

I have about 4 IP addresses that keep hitting a port on my network randomly I'd like to block. So I added the rules like this to my OpenWRT router: iptables -I INPUT -s FIRST_PUBLIC_IP -p tcp --dport ...
Nathan's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

How to make a cron script for cleaning up a log file? [closed]

I don't usually do this kind of stuff, so I just have to ask. How do I make a script which checks a log file, lets say it's named log.txt, grabs everything but the first 100 000 lines from it to a new ...
Guy395's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to give a server a static IP address with OpenWRT/LuCI?

I have an OpenWRT router and a small home network on I have a server which has the static IP How can I set up an A record in OpenWRT/LuCI for it, to give it a DNS name? ...
GaryO's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Why does Firefox show SSL_ERROR_BAD_CERT_DOMAIN with a self-signed wildcard certificate, but other browsers do not?

I assigned a self signed wildcard certificate to an OpenWRT (LEDE) router LUCI (uHTTPd) system. The CA which signed this certificate got added to all browsers as trusted certificate authoritiy. It ...
Michael Uray's user avatar
2 votes
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Returning HTTP status 204 for GET /generate_204 using uhttpd?

To deal with the Android captive portal detection for my specific setup, I need to return an HTTP status code 204 whenever I get a GET request for /generate_204. I currently use uhttpd as my webserver,...
Markus A.'s user avatar
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How to enable transparent HTTP/S redirection through proxy using iptables?

My current setup consists of the following elements: A router flashed with OpenWRT with two interfaces: eth0 is the access to the gateway and eth1 manages the local network ( A box (...
Rerito's user avatar
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Is it possible (how?) to Route incoming UDP packets with one target IP to a destination IP that is resolved through a DNS query for a static URL?

I have a set of mobile devices that are configured to send UDP messages to an IP-address that is set in their SRAM. They don't have the capability to either store a URL, or resolve a URL to an IP ...
darkhipo's user avatar
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2 votes
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How to block devices connecting to a specific wireless interface from accessing the internet?

I have configured my OpenWRT WiFi router with two wireless interfaces: wlan0 and wlan0-1. My WAN ethernet interface is eth0.2. How do I prevent devices that connect to wlan0-1 from accessing the ...
KevinM's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Finding ip address from mac addess

I have router in bridge mode which is installed Openwrt and I want to find IP address of devices which are connected to the router. Since router is in bridge mode, I can not find IP from DHCP leases, ...
Enes Aldemir's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

connect to server in seperated lan (using openwrt)

I am using openwrt with the following setup: --------------- | |--- LAN1 WAN 194.X.X.X ---| openwrt-box | ...
cyoborg's user avatar
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2 votes
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How do I configure routing in this mesh scenario?

I've setup the following scenario All the routers are openwrt routers, and they are connected either via cable (Rout1 <> Rout2), or via wireless (Rout2 <> Rout4) I would like to be able to ...
Mascarpone's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Buffer limit for nginx?

I'm using nginx on an embedded platform (OpenWRT) as a reverse proxy in front of an IP camera, and I'm having an issue where the camera is pushing data to nginx more quickly than nginx is able to off-...
mikepurvis's user avatar
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