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Questions tagged [outofmemoryerror]

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34 votes
2 answers

How to read oom-killer syslog messages?

I have a Ubuntu 12.04 server which sometimes dies completely - no SSH, no ping, nothing until it is physically rebooted. After the reboot, I see in syslog that the oom-killer killed, well, pretty ...
Grant's user avatar
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9 votes
5 answers

How to reliably take Java Heap Dumps?

My team is running into difficulties when trying to take good heap dumps triggered by OutOfMemoryErrors. For specific reasons we are currently taking the dumps with jmap called from a bash script ...
karlcyr's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

memory&swap are full, can't ssh; any option other than physical restart?

by mistake, i executed some applications that used all memory (and i think swap) on my ubuntu server and its now crashed, SSH doesn't work and freezes. Do you know any other options other than ...
Ehsan's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

What causes PermGen OutOfMemoryError on JBoss?

What is the underlying cause of a PermGen OutOfMemoryError in JBoss? I am running JBoss AS 4.2.2 in my development environment, and this occurs after redeploying my web application a large number of ...
Peter Hilton's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

How is this even possible? PHP memory error -- allowed memory size / bytes exhausted

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 1540673 bytes) in /home/appdev/glicious/Nutrition.php on line 41 If you haven't noticed, 134217728 is two orders of ...
David Cowden's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Mysql crashing, oom-killer, out of memory, tuning issues?

I just moved all of my websites to a new server with 4GB RAM. Almost immediately, mysql started crashing, and at one point, didn't reboot which caused a major outage (since I didn't notice until ...
runningonplants's user avatar
3 votes
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Is it safe to continue working during btrfs balance operation?

I have a rocks cluster system with a NAS using a btrfs file system in a RAID 10 configuration. Recently we have been facing "no space left on device" errors that I have finally tracked down to ...
Abs's user avatar
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1 answer

Out-of-memory kernel (3.2.0) panic (Debian 7.3) even though offending process was killed

While attempting a backup of a pretty large folder (450G) to a 2TB drive that's in that server solely as a backup destination rdiff-backup (version 1.2.8 - last marked stable) caused a kernel panic. ...
Mörre's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Postgres child process eating up a lot of memory

We have a postgres 9.0 instance that is running on a pretty beefy machine (96G of RAM/24 cores). IN the recent weeks we have experienced crashes due to child processes of postgres being killed with ...
Bartosz Radaczyński's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Strange PHP error: "Allowed memory exhausted"

I tried to set up a new local XAMPP installation recently, and wanted to install the Luna Forum software on it. But after finishing the installation, I got prompted with this error: Fatal error: ...
a25bedc5-3d09-41b8-82fb-ea6c353d75ae's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

What is oom-kiler and why is it happening ? Should I avoid it?

I have a server that is now having "invoked oom-killer" many times a day ! I never saw that and even after reading tons of forums on Internet I'm still puzzled : is it a big problem ? Why is it ...
db_ch's user avatar
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0 answers

What is using (kernel) memory?

I know this kind of questions about memory usage have been asked several times, but unfortunately none seem to answer our current problem. We are currently running an AWS EC2 instance with the ...
mitsos1os's user avatar
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Lack of OutOfMemory Exceptions in Tomcat 7

This is an odd question. I'm a Sys Admin and I've been maintaining several Tomcat instances for a few years now. We have been running our webapps in Tomcat 5, 5.5, 6, and now 7. I have monitoring ...
ConfusedAdmin's user avatar
2 votes
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Apache2 process eating too much memory on 512MB VPS

I am running an Ubuntu VPS with 512MB memory. It is just the development server and so literally no traffic. Despite of that, every now and then I keep on getting Memory Exhaustion messages and my ...
gentrobot's user avatar
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I want to run MongoDB on OpenVZ, but crashes expected — what can I do about it?

My Server is hosted on HostEurope, a virtual server uname -a prompts Linux 2.6.18-028stab095.1 #1 SMP Mon Oct 24 20:15:15 MSD 2011 x86_64 GNU/Linux They ...
Mario Bertschler's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

oom_reaper: MongoDb out of memory

We run a small mongodb replica set on three bare metal servers (no virtualization, no docker/kubernetes) with Debian 11 and mongodb 5.0.6: machineA: 128GB RAM, 1TB disk, PRIMARY machineB: 128GB RAM, ...
mr.simonski's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

How to deal with out of memory issues on multi user systems?

When a process tries to allocate more memory than available, it is usually very hard to handle this situation in a good way. In some cases programs might be able to free non-essential memory (e.g. ...
lumbric's user avatar
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Why Kernel Low memory zone is less then 896 MB?

In my system Lowmem of kernel (NORMALZONE) is 597424 kb length. As far as I learn, it should be about 890 MB at max. Why this system uses ~590 MB? Is it tunable? I a asking this because, I'am facing ...
seaquest's user avatar
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Native memory allocation (mmap) failed to map bytes for committing reserved memory

I am running a download server in AWS t2.micro instance & I have configured max heap of 512 MB & min heap of 256 MB for my java process. I am performing a migration kind of process in a single ...
Aarish Ramesh's user avatar
1 vote
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Weeding out the OOM and consecutive mysqld crash

I am trying to weed out the out of memory issue that seems to be hitting mysqld service. The service dies totally randomly - sometimes once a week, sometimes every two days. My VPS has 6GB of RAM and ...
Jovan Perovic's user avatar
1 vote
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Courier IMAP 4.6 can't allocate memory when opening INBOX

I've got courier-imap 4.6.0-2.1ubuntu1 running on Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS on a virtual/cloud LAMP machine with 1GB RAM. There is a particular (unmaintained) email address which has 100,000+ emails, all in ...
Jon's user avatar
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MySQL (MariaDB) crashing

Good morning - I have reviewed a previous post regarding changing the performance schema to "Off in the configuration settings. It looks as though our configuration is already set to this. So not sure ...
impact0's user avatar
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Jenkins build fails with OOM: unable to create new native thread

I am setting up a jenkins instance on a VServer with 2GB RAM and nothing else running (usage < 200MB) running CentOS 6.7. When starting a jenkins build on said instance, I always get this error ...
reggaemuffin's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Tomcat 5.5: "Exception processing JAR at resource path" leads to java.lang.OutOfMemoryError

We have an old server running Tomcat 5.5. Yesterday we deployed a war file, and then it started to crash. Looking at I found some and then java.lang....
Hikari's user avatar
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2 answers

Out of Memory Errors on Windows 2008 Virtual Machine

I have a server which is configured as follows: Physical Server (16GB RAM): Windows Server 2012 Standard Edition with Hyper-V Role installed 2 VMs running on this host server: 1 x Windows Server ...
user180685's user avatar
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Linux: cuda (pytorch) does not allocate available vram

I am trying out pixray/clipit but cuda fails to allocate the remaining 1GiB of my graphics card. My graphics card is "Nvidia GTX 1660 super" which has the same amount of RAM as the "...
france1's user avatar
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1 answer

Apache karaf out of memory error

I am working on a virtual server from a local online hosting service where I would like to run an apache karaf instance. During start-up of the server, I get out-of-memory exceptions: Exception in ...
Beginner's user avatar
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2 answers

MySQL and Apache are running out of memory

Can you help me how can I figure which SQL query makes my MySQL running out of memory? So, running dmesg command in console, I get following result: [root@dmzemf httpd]# dmesg -T | grep 'Out of ...
user48058's user avatar
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httpd hogging all memory until server crash

The server in question is used for processing data into reports, it has three cron jobs which execute every minute to check the process queue and if anything is found they'll keep running until the ...
Shardj's user avatar
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memory usage reporting by kernel in log when task is killed due to OOM

My task inside Docker container are getting killed due to OOM. Here is a log from /var/log/messsages. Feb 17 19:01:24 ip-10-0-1-85 kernel: [16211.346602] uwsgi invoked oom-killer: gfp_mask=0xd0, ...
Aldarund's user avatar
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System-managed pagefile uses all available space, allocated physical memory unused

The problem: Something on our virtualized database server is using massive amounts of our pagefile. We noticed it about a week ago when the OS drive went from 30+GB of free space to around 500KB of ...
wmb's user avatar
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CentOS webserver memory overflow - cannot log in

Few days ago, my CentOS 6.2 webserver with ISPconfig 3 went down to the extent I wan't able to log in via SSH nor using a console. The console was full of messages "out of memory, killing process, ...
Jan Svab's user avatar
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Committed memory on my tomcat server

I have a problem to configure JVM on my server. The server is a machine runs on AWS with 8G of RAM and 8 CPU. There is only tomcat6 with solr on the server. Actually I have configured JVM like that: ...
sahid's user avatar
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239 views 3.5 application intermittently throws OutOfMemory exception when reading a 16MB text file on Windows Server 2003 / IIS 6

I have an 3.5 application running on Windows Server 2003 and IIS 6.0 that when my code reads a 16MB file I sometimes get an OutOfMemory exception. Usually if you try to perform the same read ...
thelsdj's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I allocate more memory on my server?

I am pulling down real estate properties from the Toronto Real Estate Board and I am using a LAMP stack with PHRETS on a 2GB Digital Ocean VPS. When I pull down the properties, I run some processes on ...
Michael Lynch's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Rackspace Ubuntu 12.04 apache2 causing Out of memory

After less than 2 hours uptime, my Rackspace server (1CPU 1GB RAM 40GB) memory is used up by /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start which ends up killing my wordpress site. QUESTION 1: Why is this happening ...
zabumba's user avatar
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4 answers

Ubuntu 7.04 VM Runs Out of Memory

I keep a Ubuntu 7.04 VM running at to host a few web sites, e-mail lists, etc. It was working flawlessly for a long time. I don't patch it or really pay attention to it. Recently (past ...
Brian Spolarich's user avatar
0 votes
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Java memory is limited but it still uses way to much RAM

I read a lot but what I read so far did not make much sense, so I am asking here a new question about Java and memory. So I am starting a Java app with the following CLI arguments -Xms48m -Xmx96m -...
schube's user avatar
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Idle Jenkins takes up approx 700 MB of RAM

I just did a fresh install of jenkins master on a private virtual server having 1 GB of RAM. I have not yet installed anything else besides Jenkins on that server. I reduced the number of executors to ...
u123's user avatar
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Memory errors despite plenty of headroom (Ubuntu VPS)

I'm getting all sorts of memory-related errors from python and php, plus segmentation faults - yet the output of free -m constantly shows plenty of spare memory - i.e. greg@greg-brown:~$ free -m ...
Greg's user avatar
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Php5-fpm too much memory usage nginx and ubuntu 11.04 32bit

I recently got vps with 512MB ram. I install nginx 1.2.4 with ph5-fpm and a simple wordpress installation . I currently have no traffic as its in development mode.But still It shows 495MB used and 80% ...
Abhishek's user avatar
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Tomcat on port 80 fails due to OutOfMemoryError while Tomcat on port 8080 works

I have a linux server ( Ubuntu 11.10 x64 ). I run Tomcat on port 80 with root user. It has only one application ( about 8Mbs ). Whenever I start the tomcat, I get OutOfMemoryError. (Purpose of this ...
erdimeola's user avatar
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RedHat 6 VM with 8 GB RAM - who uses the memory? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Why does Red Hat Linux report less free memory on the system than is actually available? after freshly rebooting the VM "top" indicates about 0.5 GB out of 8 GB RAM are being ...
Ulrich Post's user avatar
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Gentoo server with suPHP cannot create child processes - out of memory

The exact error message is this: 12)Cannot allocate memory: couldn't create child process: /usr/sbin/suphp for <php script file> This is not a VPS, it's a generic Gentoo server. There is 1G of ...
user183037's user avatar
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Tomcat crashes again and again because of "Out of Memory" error"

Tomcat crashes again and again because of "Out of Memory" error". I wanted to know the exact reason why memory usage is increasing. Below is the cataline.out file errors. Stack trace of tomcat when ...
Ramesh Kumar's user avatar
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Out of memory: Killed process (apache2). apache2.service: A process of this unit has been killed by the OOM killer

My website was suddenly taken down and the root cause was clearly that it ran out of memory, as revealed by the graph below and the logs from /var/log/syslog on the server that I found from the time ...
Jaime Montoya's user avatar
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OOM killing programs when used memory is at 30%

I am getting a bit crazy about this one: I am getting quite often processes killed by the kernel because of OOM. I see that free reports 14 GB used out of 14 GB, but when I add up the RSS of all the ...
chronos's user avatar
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I upgraded Debian 10 to Debian 11, then Debian 12. Why does previously used commands now say out of memory?

I upgraded two low end vps systems only used for mail and dns from Debian 10 to Debian 11 then to Debian 12. No issues during either upgrade for either system. I have a cron that rsync's the vmail ...
Sym's user avatar
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Almalinux 9 Failed to allocate memory

I have SingleStore DB CLI (Cluster in a Box) deployed in a AWS EC2 Instance r6i.4xlarge with Almalinux 9 OS. At the moment of load data by pipelines the following error appears: line 34: ER_MEMSQL_OOM ...
Alexis Cruz's user avatar
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Why does Varnish eat up all memory despite having both transient and malloc limits?

I'm using Varnish to cache static files in front of an Apache2 webserver. It's a mix of small files (CSS/JS/images) and large files (from 200 MB to 2 GB). I've limited both transient and malloc ...
Woodgnome's user avatar
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