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Questions tagged [password]

A password is a collection of characters that is used, usually in conjunction with a username, as a means of authentication.

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753 votes
9 answers

How to automate SSH login with password?

How can I automate SSH login using a password? I'm configuring my test VM, so heavy security is not a consideration. SSH chosen for acceptable security with minimal configuration. ex) echo password | ...
Eonil's user avatar
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217 votes
8 answers

How to setup passwordless `sudo` on Linux?

How can passwordless sudo access be setup on either RHEL (Fedora, CentOS, etc) or Ubuntu distributions? (If it's the same across distros, that's even better!) Setting: personal and/or lab/training ...
warren's user avatar
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215 votes
1 answer

SSH use only my password, Ignore my ssh key, don't prompt me for a passphrase

This is a question regarding the OpenSSH client on Linux, MacOSX and FreeBSD. Normally, I log into systems using my SSH key. Occasionally, I want my SSH client to ignore my SSH key and use a ...
Stefan Lasiewski's user avatar
195 votes
6 answers

how to disable SSH login with password for some users?

On Linux (Debian Squeeze) I would like to disable SSH login using password to some users (selected group or all users except root). But I do not want to disable login using certificate for them. edit:...
Stepan's user avatar
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144 votes
4 answers

Is my password compromised because I forgot to hit Enter after ssh username?

I've just tried logging into a Fedora (release 13 Goddard) server using SSH (PuTTY, Windows). For some reason the Enter after typing my username didn't go through and I typed in my password and hit ...
Jonas Heidelberg's user avatar
64 votes
9 answers

Is it OK to set up passwordless `sudo` on a cloud server?

I love the idea of accessing servers via keys, so that I don't have to type in my password every time I ssh into a box, I even lock my user's (not root) password (passwd -l username) so it's ...
Dmitry Pashkevich's user avatar
63 votes
7 answers

How to change my MySQL root password back to empty?

When I'm working locally, I don't really need to enter my password to access my database. I changed my root password when I first installed MySQL, but I don't know how to change my password back. What ...
Andrew's user avatar
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62 votes
6 answers

How to pass password to scp command used in bash script? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Connect through SSH and type in password automatically, without using a public key I have a bash script that makes dump of DB then copies file from one server to another but ...
chubbyk's user avatar
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62 votes
9 answers

Tool to test a user account and password (test login)

Yeah, I can fire up a VM or remote into something and try the password...I know...but is there a tool or script that will simulate a login just enough to confirm or deny that the password is correct? ...
TheCleaner's user avatar
  • 32.8k
62 votes
19 answers

Best Practise and Solutions for Sharing Passwords [closed]

We have various passwords that need to be known to more than one person in our company. For example, the admin password to our internet routers, the password for our web-host, and also a few "non-IT" ...
Stewart's user avatar
  • 925
61 votes
9 answers

How do you recover you RDS master user username?

Resetting the RDS master user's password is simple enough, but how do you find your master users username?
mkirk's user avatar
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59 votes
40 answers

How do you manage your passwords?

Obviously seeing as how many of us here are system administrator type people, we have a lot of passwords strung out across numerous systems and accounts. Some of them are low priority, others could ...
49 votes
7 answers

Disable password complexity rule in Active Directory

Where do I go to disable the password complexity policy for the domain? I've logged onto the domain controller (Windows Server 2008) and found the option in local policies which is of course locked ...
Daniel Revell's user avatar
43 votes
9 answers

How to hide a password passed as command line argument?

I'm running a software daemon that requires for certain actions to enter a passphrase to unlock some features which looks for example like that: $ darkcoind masternode start <mypassphrase> Now ...
q9f's user avatar
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42 votes
4 answers

Allow linux root user mysql root access without password

On cPanel when I am logged in as root and type "mysql" without hostname and password it gives me direct access to mysql root user. I would like to do this for one of my non-cpanel server where the ...
user1066991's user avatar
38 votes
4 answers

ssh: "Agent admitted failure to sign using the key"

I'm trying to set up password-less login with ssh on Ubuntu Server, but I keep getting: Agent admitted failure to sign using the key and prompt for password. I have generated new rsa keys. Before ...
takeshin's user avatar
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37 votes
5 answers

What's the default username and password for an Ubuntu Live CD?

What's the username and password for an Ubuntu Live CD image? I ask because I've recently copied the contents of an Ubuntu based live ISO (easypeasy, the ldistro for nwtbooks) onto a hard disk drive, ...
Amandasaurus's user avatar
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37 votes
5 answers

How secure is a bluetooth keyboard against password sniffing?

In a situation where an admin will enter sensitive information into a keyboard (the root password), what is the risk that a bluetooth keyboard (ship by default with Mac systems these days) would put ...
jhs's user avatar
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34 votes
4 answers

Check if user password input is valid in Powershell script

I am working with a Powershell script that adds scheduled tasks to systems in our domain. When I run this script, it will prompt me for my password. I sometimes fat finger the password and the process ...
Doltknuckle's user avatar
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32 votes
4 answers

Authentication Order with SSH

When I login via ssh with -v I see that ssh is authenticating the following way debug1: Authentications that can continue: publickey,gssapi-with-mic,password,hostbased I would like to change the ...
oz123's user avatar
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31 votes
7 answers

What would you do if you realized your email hosting provider could see your passwords?

We received an email last year from our hosting provider regarding one of our accounts- it had been compromised and used to deliver a rather generous helping of spam. Apparently, the user had reset ...
Austin ''Danger'' Powers's user avatar
30 votes
22 answers

Password best practices

Given the recent events with a 'hacker' learning and retrying passwords from website administrators, what can we suggest to everyone about best practices when it comes to passwords? use unique ...
p.campbell's user avatar
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29 votes
2 answers

Why is the maximum length of OpenWrt’s root password 8 characters?

When I try to set root's password: root@OpenWrt:~# passwd Changing password for root Enter the new password (minimum of 5, maximum of 8 characters) Please use a combination of upper and lower case ...
Alan42's user avatar
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27 votes
2 answers

How to change in postgresql password of the user using SQL

How to change in postgresql password of the user using SQL. I have user (alex) and his password (e.g. pass) i need to change using sql statement his password to NULL...
user avatar
26 votes
9 answers

Is packet sniffing for passwords on a fully switched network really a concern?

I administer a number of linux servers that require telnet access for users. Currently the user's credentials are stored locally on each server and the passwords tend to be very weak and there is no ...
mmcg's user avatar
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24 votes
3 answers

Wget: Is there a way to pass username and password from a file?

Is there a way to pass the username and password from a file instead of the command line via --user and --password? Background: I want to run wget via cron and don't want the username/password show ...
casper's user avatar
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23 votes
16 answers

Why is it bad to have a weak mysql user password?

I was presented with an argument to the tune of "you don't need a strong mysql user password because in order to use it, they'd already have access to your server." We're talking about a 4 digit ...
Citizen's user avatar
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23 votes
5 answers

Temporarily increasing sudo's timeout for the duration of an install script

I'm trying to write a script that will install a bunch of software and I'd like to not have to run everything as root, so I'd like to be able to prompt for a password and then go about the install, ...
Arelius's user avatar
  • 367
22 votes
2 answers

Why are md5 passwords hashed differently?

I've been wondering for a while, why does running "echo 'helloworld' | openssl passwd -1 -stdin" yield different results every time?If I put any of the hashes in my /etc/shadow I can use them as my ...
Peter's user avatar
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21 votes
3 answers

useradd not encrypting passwords in /etc/shadow

I stumbled accross this problem when trying to create new FTP users for vsftpd. Upon creating a new user with the following command and attempting login with FileZilla, I would get an "incorrect ...
BadToTheBone's user avatar
20 votes
14 answers

Should I force my users to change passwords every n days/weeks/month?

Question says it all. We are designing a system where security is very important. One of the ideas someone had was to force users to change passwords every 3 months. My take on this is that while its ...
Iznogood's user avatar
  • 320
20 votes
5 answers

Windows Server 2008 R2 RDP login paste password

Is there any utility out there that allows me to paste the password in my clipboard to Windows Server 2008 R2 RDP login screen as if I'm typing the characters directly from the keyboard? I login a lot ...
user avatar
18 votes
9 answers

User password age/complexity policy

Has anyone got any resources for determining a reasonable password policy for my users? My personal leaning is to ratchet up password complexity and allow them to change them less often as a kind of ...
Kara Marfia's user avatar
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18 votes
4 answers

How can a standard Windows user change their password from the command line?

On Windows Server 2008 R2, I have a standard (non-administrator) local user (not an Active Directory account, though the server is in a domain) who has access to the server only via PowerShell ...
elijahbuck's user avatar
18 votes
1 answer

Is PermitRootLogin=prohibit-password still necessary when PasswordAuthentication=no?

Our server cluster has remote root access enabled for rescue purposes, and we generally set PermitRootLogin prohibit-password in /etc/ssh/sshd_config because LDAP users can still login using password. ...
iBug's user avatar
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18 votes
4 answers

How do I setup sshd on Mac OS X to only allow key-based authentication?

I have a Mac OS X machine (Mac mini running 10.5) with Remote Login enabled. I want to open the sshd port to the Internet to be able to login remotely. For security reasons I want to disable remote ...
Christian Berg's user avatar
18 votes
10 answers

Password Manager that allows syncing accross platforms [closed]

I use OS X, Linux, Solaris and windows for work and from home. There are good tools that allow me to manage the many logins/passwords required platform independently. But mostly they expect me to ...
lexu's user avatar
  • 920
18 votes
4 answers

How to manage a web servers SSL private key protection (password vs. no password)?

We have a discussion in my company's security group about what's the worse of the following options to manage SSL private key. The web server needs access to the private key for the encryption ...
chmeee's user avatar
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18 votes
3 answers

Change user password on other domain command line

I'd like to change user's password using cmd.exe on domain account. I tried net user user_name * /domain but it doesn't work, because my user is on another domain. How can I specify, to which ...
Fka's user avatar
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17 votes
3 answers

Is there a safe way to store passwords used for ssh by a script?

So first, I know, I should use key auth with SSH. No need to explain me that. Issue here is that I have a (big) bunch of servers, and I need to have a script be able to connect each of these. I use ...
wokati's user avatar
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16 votes
11 answers

Is there a standard method of proving password security to non-mathematicians?

My client has a server that is being subjected to brute-force login attempts from a botnet. Due to the vagaries of the server and the client's client, we can't easily block the attempts through a ...
Porks's user avatar
  • 163
16 votes
5 answers

Can I change a user password in Linux from the command line with no interactivity?

I have a specific use case where I would really like to be able to change a user's password with a single command with no interactivity. This is being done in a safe fashion (over SSH, and on a system ...
Paul Hoffman's user avatar
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16 votes
9 answers

Web interface to allow users to change their Active Directory password

I have a few web applications that use Active Directory to authenticate. What I would like to be able to do is provide a simple web page that would allow users to update their AD password. This wasn'...
csexton's user avatar
  • 487
16 votes
7 answers

Storing rarely used single-purpose passwords

How do you handle the storage of passwords that, by nature of their usage, you can't expect administrators to memorize? Such as: Administrator/root password when everyone logs on using their own ...
boflynn's user avatar
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16 votes
11 answers

Password Management System for multiple SysAdmins?

I'm interested in best practices and potential open source projects that would allow my organization to securely store multiple passwords and allow multiple administrators to access them. I'm ...
Aaron Brown's user avatar
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15 votes
7 answers

Non-Expiring password on Linux server

I'd like to set up an account on a linux server and make the account's password never expire. I'm having difficulties figuring it out with the passwd man page. Could someone please help me out?
Nate's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

Update password for scheduled task

I have a scheduled task that needs to run as a service account. The service account's password resets every 100 days, so I need to update the password for the scheduled task. I cannot figure out how ...
UserXIII's user avatar
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15 votes
5 answers

Why on Windows 7 does "wrong password" take a long time to appear?

Why does it take a long time for Windows 7 to show the failed login message when the wrong password is entered when it almost instantaneously lets you login if the password is correct? Is it only me ...
Biswanath's user avatar
  • 253
15 votes
4 answers

How can I reduce the verbosity of certain Ansible tasks to not leak passwords into syslog?

Sometimes I would like to use Ansible's lineinfile or blockinfile modules to write a password into some configuration file. If I do so, the whole line or block, password included, ends up in my syslog....
aef's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

How to set postgresql user password in bash script

I want to set a password for the default Postgresql server user, postgres. I did it by using: sudo -u postgres psql # \password postgres I want to do this step in many machines, so I would like to ...
saji89's user avatar
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