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Questions tagged [performance-counters]

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7 votes
2 answers

What is the (*) in Windows Performance Counters

Take the following counter for example: \LogicalDisk(*)\% Free Space Where can I find what can be plugged in place of the *? I know sometimes it's _global_ and other times it can be _total_. I ...
Paul Fleming's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

How to send Windows Performance counters to Logstash + Kibana?

I would like to setup monitoring for system resources on my Windows servers. I've noticed a common configuration in Linux is to use collectd daemon to get system metrics information. From collectd ...
angaran's user avatar
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ZFS ARC size vs target size

I am trying to understand the inner workings of the ZFS ARC. However, I am confused with several things: actual (zfs:0:arcstats:size) vs target size (zfs:0:arcstats:c). I understand that actual size ...
Guest's user avatar
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What performance counter is used to display total RAM usage on a Windows 2008 server?

I'm trying to use the Performance Counters so I can log the total RAM usage on a particular machine. I've got a sneaky feeling that it's maxing out (due to some bad code) ... server has a heart attack ...
Pure.Krome's user avatar
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How to tell a Performance Monitor Data Collector Set to regularly generate Reports?

In a nutshell, my goal is to do a long-time recording of several performance counters. My steps I took until now were: Some days ago I've created several user-defined Data Collector Sets in Windows ...
Uwe Keim's user avatar
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32bit SQLServer with AWE NOT enabled. Buffer Cache Hit Ratio High, Disk Read Queue VERY HIGH, WHY?

We have a "SQLServer 2005 SP3 32bit Enterprise Edition" running on a 32 bit Windows 2003 32bit Enterprise Edition 12GB RAM with AWE enabled using RAID5(5 pysical disks). We tuned AWE to enabled and ...
chenwq's user avatar
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Measuring Only Page Faults That Reach the Disk

I would like to measure "truly" hard page faults, i.e. page faults that result in a disk IO. It looks as if Memory\Page Reads/sec might do the trick, but as was explained in this answer, the page ...
Helge Klein's user avatar
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Investigating Citrix app server "slowless"

Currently have a client stating that the 5 users on a 2cpu, 4gb mem app server are experiencing slowness and often, locking up for moments at a clip. Framework is a VM running in vSphere 5.5 [intel ...
soMuch2Learn's user avatar
4 votes
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Query performance counters from powershell

I am trying this script to query performance counters in different localized windows server versions. ...
Frane Borozan's user avatar
3 votes
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Are Windows performance counter data points providing snapshots or averages of the prior interval?

I am wondering specifically about the "Process/% Processor Time" counter. If you set it to an interval of say 10 seconds, are the data points a snapshot of what the CPU utilization is at that 10 ...
Snow Doggy's user avatar
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Perfmon counters are not restarted after reboot

The question has a long history, and I went through all previous questions (1, 2) but neither of them answers the question why the standard way doesn't work? If I don't want to use logman how can I ...
Suncatcher's user avatar
3 votes
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Performance counter to show real IIS response time

What performance counter should I use to display current average IIS response time? ASP.NET counters correctly show the time spent in ASP.NET, but real latency is much bigger, which is confirmed by ...
ovolko's user avatar
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2 votes
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Windows command line tool for disk IO monitoring

I am looking at extracting disk IO statistics on Windows 2003 upon occurrence of some events, e.g. a long full GC occurring that is waiting a long time for CPU resource. I have read that Process ...
louis xie's user avatar
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How can I configure a performance monitor to create directories that do not require elevation to access?

I have some performance counters that write to CSV files in the default location (%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Perflogs). The directories that it creates are "special." When I attempt to browse into them, explorer ...
mojo's user avatar
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3 answers

Getting Intel SR-IOV Virtual Function counters

After some research on Intel SR-IOV, I've realized that there is no convenient way to get the VF counters while VF interface is being attached to a VM (for example to a QEMU/KVM VM with a Libvirt ...
Evgeny's user avatar
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Using Perfmon on Windows Server 2008 R2 Which counter value should be used for physical memory usage?

I am attempting to use Performance Monitor to set up a relevant User Defined Dataset on a Windows 2008 R2 Server. This is to track the performance costs incurred by an application that my team is ...
Christian's user avatar
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3 answers

SAN spec'ing and IOPS counters

I'd like to make sure that I'm measuring IOPS correctly across Windows and Linux servers. We're busy trying to figure out which SAN would best suit our environment and measuring IOPS across our ...
Athanasios's user avatar
2 votes
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Performance Counters: Page Reads/sec higher than Disk Reads/sec

Comparing the values for the Windows performance counters Page Reads/sec and Disk Reads/sec I noticed that page reads are consistently higher, which is strange, as it seems that page reads should be a ...
Helge Klein's user avatar
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Execute ps1 script when CPU threshold is meet

I'm looking for a function similar to Debug Diagnostics Collector. Where you can setup a performance (or any counter) trigger (eg. above 50% CPU over 50 seconds). Once condition of a trigger are ...
Luke's user avatar
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How do I create performance counter instance names for two different iis applications

I have several iis servers setup visibly identically in different environments (Dev/Test/Staging/etc). Within iis, I have an app pool "MyApplicationAppPool" and three web applications running within ...
rkierner's user avatar
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How to monitor MSMQ perfomance counters for different roles in windows cluster

By default it is not possible to view perf counters for clusterd instance of MSMQ in windows cluster. The solution is to create a registry key NetNameForPerfCounters and assign role name to it. This ...
Aleksey Komarov's user avatar
2 votes
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How to make Perfmon automatically track same process for IIS with multiple sites?

I'm doing performance/load testing of my IIS6/Win2K3 server. I setup perfom by adding performance counters for the specific site I'm interested in (ie. w3wp#7). The problem is -- I have to ...
tresstylez's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

What performance statistics can I use to determine if hyperthreading will improve performance?

There are several questions asking if disabling hyperthreading will improve performance (e.g. like this). The answer (as it is to all performance questions) is of course "profile it on your workload"....
dave's user avatar
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Count instances of application using Windows Performance Counters

I have a terminal services server that runs instances of a thick-client application and serves them up to users via RemoteApp. In order to do some capacity planning I would like to continuously log ...
Shane Wealti's user avatar
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2 answers

How to clear/reset the top-commands TIME counter

To find a performance problem I use "top" commands TIME column in cumulative mode (which is important for me because it also captures all the small executed child processes) When any changes in the ...
Achim's user avatar
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2 answers

which performance counters mainly matter for windows server performance?

We have a website which is sometimes performing slowly, and / or completely hangs. I have setted up temporarily the default system performance data collector in Performance Monitor, to see if this ...
Karl Cassar's user avatar
1 vote
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Performance Counter - % Disk Time and Avg. Disk Queue Length

% Disk Time - How often is the disk busy? If it's busy almost all of the time, and there is a large queue, the disk might be a bottleneck. This value is displayed as a percentage and is capped at 100%....
GJ.'s user avatar
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Performance counter categories appear as numbers. How do I fix this?

I'm on a server (VM) and I have errors accessing performance counters (category does not exist). When I open Perfmon and try add a counter, I see this list of numbers in the list of categories. How ...
Bernhard Hofmann's user avatar
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3 answers

Permissions required to create a performance counter

I'm trying to grant an application running as a service on a Windows 2012 R2 machine to create performance counters. I tried to add the service account the application is running under to the "...
gigi's user avatar
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Using Powershell to get a group of specific perfmon counters

I'm trying to set up a script that generates blg files every set amount of time, using powershell. I know this can be done using perfmon XML templates, but for this specific project I have to do it ...
Reaces's user avatar
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Windows: Determine number of cores from a performance monitor file?

Is there any way to determine how many cores a particular machine's CPU has based on a Performance Monitor file I have? Additionally, can we see if hyperthreading is enabled? For a period of high ...
Dave Clarke's user avatar
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"Committed Bytes In Use" is high when there are plenty of "Available Bytes"

My windows computer keeps showing low on memory message so I used performance monitor to check memory status. The results are: Commit Limit: 25,758,334,976 (bytes) Committed Bytes: ...
YantingChen's user avatar
1 vote
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What's the difference between Memory\Pool Paged Bytes and Process(_Total)\Paged Pool Bytes

(Be gentle with me, I'm a developer, not a server guy) I'm looking at some issues with custom code I have, and I'm tracking pool usage on a Windows Server 2008 machine. I'm confused about some ...
weloytty's user avatar
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Which value of HDD avgqu-sz is critical?

This is my graph of HDD avgqu-sz from different app machines: App caches data in memory and every n minutes are data flushed to filesystem + every m minutes are data (re)loaded from filesystem in ...
Jan Garaj's user avatar
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Event ID: 2002 Source: IIS-W3SVC-PerfCounters on Windows Server 2012

My server is showing on Event Viewer this error every hour. Log Name: Application Source: Microsoft-Windows-IIS-W3SVC-PerfCounters Date: 03/10/14 9:07:42 Event ID: 2002 Task ...
Ederson's user avatar
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2 answers

No permission to access SQL server perfmon counters

My DBA team doesn't have access to SQL server 2005 standard performance counters. What is the required permission that they should be granted? I found some registry entries, but they already have ...
user avatar
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Event log and performance counters correlation

Anyone else often having a need to correlate multiple log sources such as event log or various log files with performance counters when troubleshooting Windows machines? For example, we had a case of ...
njadric's user avatar
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Strange behavior of the ASP.NET Applications Request/Sec performance counter

I have an application that is using GZIP compression, which is implemented in a third-party library. This library has a significant impact on processor utilization. When I disabled this library and ...
UserName's user avatar
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CPU performance counter not working in Windows 10 guest, VMWare ESXi host

CPU performance counters are not working inside my Windows 10 guest virtual machine. I run a bare metal VMWare ESXi (6.5) host. As can be seen from the screen shot all other non-CPU performance ...
Matt's user avatar
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what does TCPV4 connections established perfmon counter mean?

We have around 60 windows based SMTP servers behind a load balancer. Out of these one server is taking significantly less traffic (1/10th) when compared to remaining servers. From perfmon, I see high '...
Ravi's user avatar
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XenServer 6.5 Zeroed Performance Metrics for IOPS

In one of my XenServer 6.5 pools, I'm adding some graphs in XenCenter to measure my iSCSI storage IOPS and throughput performance and I'm getting no response. The graph is actually responsive, but ...
Maurício Mota's user avatar
1 vote
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Why am I getting performance counter errors?

I am trying to write C# code to access a computer (XP sp2) remotely to find out if a process is running. I don't know much about performance counters other than what I've been reading in the past ...
Alamb's user avatar
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Local performance counters show up when adding remote counters in PerfMon

I'm trying to get performance counters of machine A (server running Windows Server 2008 R2 64-bit) in PerfMon. PerfMon is running on machine B (another server used as a desktop). The goal of this is ...
xxbbcc's user avatar
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How do I make Performance Monitor always log the time AND date?

I have been using Performance Monitor to keep an eye on Non-Paged Memory usage over the last few months. From the csv files generated I have been creating graphs to make it easy to pin point problem ...
Developer's user avatar
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Performance Counter for tracking 503 - Server Unavailable from IIS

I have an ASP.NET 4.0 Web Service running on IIS 6.0. I am trying to locate the appropriate Performance Counter to track 503 responses. I have limited "Web site connections" to 1 for testing ...
Jeff Swensen's user avatar
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ASPNET WMI class not available

I need to extract the ASPNET\Requests Queued performance counter from some IIS servers via WMI. The WMI class for this sort of thing appears to be contained in Win32_PerfFormattedData_ASPNET_ASPNET. ...
Nexus's user avatar
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graph performance monitor windows and linux

We are using Munin to get graphs of our servers. (such as CPU load, I/O, available disk space, etc. ) Munin gives us last 24h, last 7 days, last month and last year. The good thing with Munin is ...
Patrik's user avatar
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How to find the current number of https connections to IIS?

I recently enabled https for my site that runs on IIS. I'd like to know how many of my users are using https vs http. Google is directing search users to the https site, but most ...
Lone Coder's user avatar
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How to customize Windows "Performance Monitor"?

I'm wondering if that's possible to set a customized action counter that is not listed as one of the counters? e.g. a batch script that measure a time for running my application, and then notify the ...
user986086's user avatar
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Monitor daily, weekly and monthly bandwidth usage totals in Windows Server 2008 R2

I need to be able to monitor and report on total bandwidth usage (in and out) on a windows 2008 server. This is so that i can cost the usage fees i am likely to incurr when moving to another ...
Wendell Urth's user avatar