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Questions tagged [php-fastcgi]

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fastcgi_cache_valid vs. fastcgi_cache_path "inactive" parameter?

If I've config fastcgi_cache_path /opt/nginx levels=1:2 keys_zone=TEST:100m inactive=40m; .. fastcgi_ignore_headers Cache-Control Expires Set-Cookie; fastcgi_cache_valid 30m; How long will my cache ...
Ryan's user avatar
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nginx logs php-fpm's stderr output cut off at seemingly random positions

Ever since I started using a PHP library that produces a long call chain it's been increasingly difficult to debug issues caused by it because my error logs end up containing output like this: (some ...
SeinopSys's user avatar
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4 votes
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Nginx Downloads PHP instead of Rendering

I'm trying to move a Wordpress site to Nginx from Apache. When I go to the main site, it renders as expected. When I click on a post, it tries to download index.php instead of processing/rendering it. ...
dkusleika's user avatar
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Setting up php7.0-fpm + Apache and multi-user pools: Only 1 site works

I am using Ubuntu 16.04, Apache 2.4.29 and php7.0-fpm. I am trying to create separate pools for multiple users and websites, so that they run under a separate user and each site is protected in case ...
peppy's user avatar
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web page shows me timeout gateway error FastCGI

I proceed to explain the problem and scenario a bit complex for my limited knowledge. initially I thought it was some problem associated with the performance of my scripts and queries, so I created ...
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nginx fastcgi_cache_path write access for other users

I'm using a nginx webserver with the fastcgi caching. The fastcgi_cache_path is set to an sub directory of the webroot of each virtual host from nginx. (eg. /var/html/user01/httpdocs/nginx_cache ... /...
vuenoob's user avatar
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PHP FastCGI reading php flags from .htaccess? How?

I'm doing some changes on a website hosted on a managed dedicated server from Hetzner and I found that somehow some php flags set in .htaccess are passed to PHP running as fastCGI. As far as I was ...
Augusto's user avatar
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Routing to subdirectory as new route with nGinx

Here is my current server block (below). I have a separate wordpress blog installed on /blog and need to route /blog to the directory "/home/forge/". I've tried a few options ...
Lewis Boyles-White's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

php-fastcgi status: "No input file specified"

# grep pm.status_path /etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/www.conf pm.status_path = /fcgi-status nginx config: location ~ ^/(fcgi-status|ping)$ { access_log off; allow; deny all; ...
Putnik's user avatar
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How compile PHP modules/extensions from source

I have set-up multiple PHP versions on single apache ubuntu instance using below tutorial. Both PHP versions working fine but php-geoip and ...
adminz's user avatar
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PHP 8.2 FastCGI + IIS 10 recommended settings

We are currently using PHP with IIS (until we can get a Linux server) I haven't found a single post on the internet that has some recommended settings, especially Max Instances and Instance ...
pileup's user avatar
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How do I get debug logging out of php_fastcgi in a container?

I am running a container built from this Dockerfile. It's running a basic PHP application. In front of it I have Caddy. A lot of people put nginx in front of PHP. I don't and I won't. So if your ...
Paco Hope's user avatar
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FROM php:7.4-fpm-alpine app.dockerfile results in fastcgi error when adding sh file to run as an entrypoint

I am using AWS ECS Faragate to generate and deploy docker containers into tasks. I'm using the docker image FROM php:7.4-fpm-alpine for my app container. I have been working on a workaround for cron ...
cwiggo's user avatar
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What is the proper value of "fastcgi_split_path_info" in Nginx virtual host when using php 7.4 with "cgi.fix_pathinfo = 1" on Nginx v1.25.1 Mainline?

BACKGROUND: I am running a LEMP server with Ubuntu Server 20.04 with Nginx v1.25.1 Mainline and php7.4-fpm. In my virtual hosts file I am trying to set the proper and working fastcgi_split_path_info ...
DanRan's user avatar
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2 answers

Nginx downloads source code instead running it with PHP-FPM over Docker

I'm creating PHP backend app using Docker alpine-nginx, I need to redirect all requests starting with /api to run www/index.php file as it's built on MVC framework. Proxy_pass works great for the rest ...
sjiamnocna's user avatar
0 votes
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Extending an existing location configuration instead of overwriting it

What I have I have Nginx configured to handle the .php files for all virtual hosts, and everything works fine. location ~ \.php { include snippets/fastcgi-php.conf; keepalive_timeout 0; ...
ᴍᴇʜᴏᴠ's user avatar
0 votes
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Nginx (Ubuntu 18.04) FastCGI sent in stderr: "Primary script unknown" while reading response header from upstream

Well... I know there are so many simular questions asked. But in order to make this post to be somehow userful for community once being solved I would like to list up a working Nginx + PHP-fpm conf ...
0LEg's user avatar
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Multiple Projects under single Domain Nginx

I have two projects with the different path locations that need to be configured under a single domain with separate upstream PHP 7.1 and HHVM. I am trying to achieve the goal with nginx alias ...
Aftab Naveed's user avatar
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Stylesheets not loading on Apache2.4 with PHP 5.6 on FastCGI

I have Googled my heart out looking for an answer to this but cannot find one! I know it seems like a Stack Overflow sort of question but I didn't have these problems before I ran it through fastCGI ...
Wildcard27's user avatar