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Slow apache restart or gracefull when tee is in use

I have this in each virtual hosts in my Apache HTTPD confs: CustomLog "|$tee -a /www/domainX/logs/apache/acces_log" combined On servers with more than 100 domains, there is an issue with ...
Pavel's user avatar
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Docker-in-docker/Gitlab-CI Cannot use docker command running on Kubernetes Cluster

From subject my gitlab-ci cannot use docker command. With ERROR: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at tcp://localhost:2375. Is the docker daemon running? This is my gitlab-ci.yml image: docker:...
Nutsakorn Bass's user avatar
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Error while deploying a cluster on openstack

Error waiting for instance (f6572108-772b-4680-861a-ef3534968616) to become ready: unexpected state 'ERROR', wanted target 'ACTIVE'. last error: %!s()
Prince Pranav's user avatar
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Azure Devops AgentPools to perform this action: Administer Permissions

I Have Azure DevOps on-prem Version Azure DevOps Server 2020 Update 1.1 I have a project collection administrator privilege. when I try to create a new agent pool or add an agent to the current agent ...
Ahmed Sobeeh's user avatar
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Create Salesforce CICD Pipeline Using Azure DevOps

A client has an Azure DevOps subscription and they're looking to use it for automated builds and releases with their Salesforce app they're using. The previous dev team was only using Azure Repos as ...
jrd1989's user avatar
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