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Questions tagged [port-443]

Port 443 serves to establish a secure HTTP connection, a.k.a. HTTPS.

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19 votes
2 answers

Although 80 and 443 are system ports, how are most web servers able to bind to them anyway?

Running a web-service that binds to port 80 usually doesn't require sudoer privileges. Since ports 80/443 are system ports, meaning they can only be used by privileged users, how come those services ...
adaml's user avatar
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1 answer

Can't access https despite port 443 is opened

This is my first time setting up a server and I've just installed a SSL cert. I have also made some changes to the iptable to allow access to 443. Below is the output of iptables -L target prot ...
Gino's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Apache 2.4 updated, now throws: Cannot define multiple Listeners on the same IP:port

I've just updated Apache to 2.4.3 on my AWS instance (running Linux AMI). After the update finished, Apache crashed with the following: Starting httpd: AH00526: Syntax error on line 5 of /etc/httpd/...
Edmond Tamas's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Open port 80 when using HTTPS?

I'm going through some tutorials right now and I don't understand this one thing. Why do I have to open port 80 when I use HTTPS? Isn't port 443 enough? Or is port 80 open to handle the redirect from ...
Nepo Znat's user avatar
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2 answers

How can two IIS7 domains share SSL port 443 on one IP?

I have two domains: and I also have two GoDaddy SSL certificates (one cert for each domain). I only have one IP. I'm running IIS 7 on a Windows Server 2008 R2 standalone ...
Andrew's user avatar
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Unable to configure apache to listen to port 443 in Ubuntu

I’ve setup Certbot on Ubuntu, the certificate was created successfully outputting the following: Congratulations! Your certificate and chain have been saved at: /etc/letsencrypt/live/
Dan382's user avatar
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Redirect HTTP to HTTPS getting Connection Refused

I want to redirect https requests to http on an apache server. I have updated my .htaccess file as described in this previous question: Redirect HTTPS to HTTP However, this doesn't work and gives (...
williamsdb's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Connecting to a HTTP URL over port 443

Is it possible to connect to a HTTP URL (for example, over port 443? Or only HTTPS URLs (for example, can be connected through port 443? I have a proxy ...
SpikETidE's user avatar
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4 answers

How to block SKYPE when it's using port 80 & 443?

How to block SKYPE when it's using port 80 & 443 in a network. ( better if I can do it by using ISA 2006 and without disabling web) I know if users can't install skype they wont be able to use it. ...
Thilina's user avatar
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1 answer

I am unable to access services on the WAN IP from within the network

Normally, this would not be a desired configuration, but I am setting up a NextCloud server, and to validate the domain, it requires that it be able to access it through the public IP address. No ...
Hubert Oliver's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How do I open 443 port in Ubuntu?

I am currently having some problems at work when having our web under ssl and using the 443 port. I found this website that checks the status of your server. It says that the 443 is closed. Port 443 ...
Jotaeme's user avatar
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What can cause SSL/443 port blocking regularly within a specific timeline?

I run on CentOS 6.x in dedicated rackspace cloud hosting and recently I installed SSL and enabled https access for my website. 443 port is enabled in iptables and APF firewall as well. But every 18-20 ...
taras's user avatar
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2 answers

Nginx HTTPS connection to port 443 refused

So I've setup LetsEncrypt on my Nginx server but cannot connect over https. If I run curl Then I get the error curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 443: ...
Bencc's user avatar
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nginx reverse proxy address/port already in use

I have an nginx reverse proxy, and I would like to have it forward traffic on to several sites, and listen on port 443 for all of these services. I've seen this done several places, and seems like ...
trueCamelType's user avatar
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how to handle multiple apps via port 443

I am not an expert by any means in regard to apache (in our case Oracle's version of apache, OHS) and redirecting input within httpd.conf. We have multiple applications deployed on WLS 10.3.5 on the ...
tcarlson's user avatar
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Nginx: non-www site inaccessible via SSL (connection refused)

I'm trying to get a site secured with SSL, using nginx on Ubuntu 14.04. Here's what my server block file looks like: server { listen 80; listen [::]:80; server_name www....
smerg's user avatar
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Correctly opening port 443 to the internet

I need port 443 open to the internet on my server. When I check internally via netstat -tulpn | grep "nginx", I see that nginx is indeed LISTENing on that port. However, trying nmap -p443 ...
Hassan Baig's user avatar
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3 answers

Git Bash Default Port 22 to 443

How I can change my git bash default port 22 to 443.Why I want to change?Our local internet policy not allowed to use that port and I got my error of bad file with fatal error when I am cloning to a ...
Thanyaw Zinmin's user avatar
1 vote
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Apache how to have 2 virtual host https?

I'm trying to configure 2 domains (A and B) in the same server with different certificates. The domain A works fine, it has it's own certificates and rules to redirect to it. If I try to access to ...
Oscar Vazquez's user avatar
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Configuring a reverse proxy to an external server through SSL while tomcat also uses SSL

I have two Amazon EC2 instances, call them A and B. A runs Apache and Tomcat. On server A, Apache only uses plain HTTP. Tomcat listens on 8443, but I use iptables to redirect requests on 443 to 8443 ...
hsnm's user avatar
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How to setup 404 nginx config for default host on port 443

For the past few weeks I am hunting for a solutions to setup 404 nginx config for default host on port 443. And no solution so far. To clarify the question properly. Lets take as example ...
Ajay Singh's user avatar
1 vote
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Nginx ssl port 433 not open/listening (refused to connect) [duplicate]

I'm running nginx 1.6.2 on Linux and using CloudFlare origin certificates for HTTPS, I have installed the certificate and key in (for example) /path/to/certs and run chown 600 root on the directory ...
Luke Moll's user avatar
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Virtual hosts with port 80 & 443 not working

I can't figure out why I can't connect to my VPS. httpd.conf: i added: Listen 80 listen 443 NameVirtualHost *:80 NameVirtualHost *:443 <VirtualHost *:80> SSLEngine off ServerAdmin ...
Waterlilly's user avatar
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Empty sshd_config file

I run a Centos 5 server with a LAMP stack. I was told this morning that the server was down not serving web content. I then tried to restart httpd but it failed due to another process was listening on ...
Thomas's user avatar
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Ubuntu 14.04 apache won't load https on 443, iptables blocking 443?

On an Ubuntu 14.04 server I'm trying to get https running to get SSL for a website (server will be replaced in couple of weeks). Website works fine on http, but can't get it running on https. ...
Stefan's user avatar
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2 answers

Trying to open port 443 on Debian Linux. What am I doing wrong?

iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT followed by a netstat -tln shows tcp 0 0* LISTEN tcp 0 0 ...
instamattic's user avatar
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How do I change the listen port for Nextcloud in Docker?

I recently installed Nextcloud via Docker using the default commands in various tutorials. After doing so, I realized that I need Nextcloud to listen on different ports than 443 and 80 via Docker. ...
Hubert Oliver's user avatar
0 votes
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Apache Server security issues

our security auditor scanned our system and here is what come up on the apache server : -Server header: Apache exposed on port: 80 -Server header: Apache exposed on port: 443 Here are some lines in ...
xarj's user avatar
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2 answers

Working with port 443 only and blocking port 80

We're trying to harden firewall settings for a computer. We allowed only port HTTPS (443), NTP (123) and DNS (53). Now we fail to send POST requests to a web api application unless we open port 80. ...
Yaron Adler's user avatar
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2 answers

Remote Desktop Gateway and HTTPS website on same server - possible?

We have an IIS server running a website with HTTPS access on the server already. We need this server to provide remote desktop gateway services to other servers on the network. Today I installed ...
pilau's user avatar
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1 answer

Not going to the correct website root directory when using https

We have 2 sites hosted on an Apache server. everything with port80 is working fine, but when we try to connect using https we are redirected to the first document directory of port443 regardless of ...
Ken's user avatar
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Regarding 443 port issue

I have node.js application Client-end Back-end. My domain is assigned to client-end on port 3000 and is for my data base port:3001 I was getting HTTPS errors for both the ...
Syed Emon's user avatar
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Port 80, 443 and 2875 monitoring in zabbix

Im monitoring port 443 and port 80 on zabbix With simple check and i put List item [http,,443] instead of [https,,443] is that will perform the correct monitoring for port 443?? What will happened ...
Nahel T Shaweesh's user avatar
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cURL error 7: Failed to connect to localhost port 443: Connection refused

OS version: Ubuntu 20.04 x86_64 Plesk version: Plesk Obsidian Hi, I am running XenForo Forum on my Plesk which running behind Cloudflare. I get following erro log, which is showing me that ...
Adem Aga's user avatar
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Traceroute - Header Link CURL result Issue

We have systematic CURLs run every 15 mins - 2 hours from this system and logging their status. Every other CURL for the past 2 months has succeeded except this. Is there a way to identify why this ...
samtech 2021's user avatar
0 votes
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Output iptables drooping 443 even when rule allows it

Output iptables drooping 443 even when rule allows it This are my current rules INPUT DROP [2:406] :FORWARD DROP [0:0] :OUTPUT DROP [0:0] :DOCKER - [0:0] :DOCKER-ISOLATION-STAGE-1 - [0:0] :DOCKER-...
Robby Ramirez's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Ubuntu Server / Apache not listening to port 443

I'm having trouble reaching my site through https after executing the certbot script. That process finished without issues, the message was: Congratulations, you have succesfully enabled https://...
Carlos's user avatar
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0 answers

Google Cloud VM instance not listening on port 443

In the settings for the Virtual Machine (Debian), I selected "allow https traffic". After installing Apache2, I tried to access the web server through https but it doesn't work. What needs to be done ...
alexx0186's user avatar
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HTTPS issues using cloudflare and ubuntu 16.04 LEMP WordPress

First, let me say that I am new to sysadmin stuff, and this is a site I am using to gain practice and experience. I have an SSL through cloudflare, and i have uploaded it to /var/ssl/ssl.pem and /var/...
Aaron's user avatar
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Opening port with IP tables and UFW doesn't appear to open port

I have attempted to open port 443 on a server I'm working on (Ubuntu 16.04): /sbin/iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 443 -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT The port doesn't appear to be open: ...
Peter David Carter's user avatar
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Cannot connect to a site with a self-signed certificate

So we've just set up a site with IIS 8.0, that is normally accesible via port 80 and no certificate requirement. we've created a self signed certificate we've set up site bindings through port 443 ...
kekkec's user avatar
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Windows azure vm refusing connection port 443

I am deploying my sailsjs app using forever in windows azure. And it is taking forever to get my server up and running. Initally it was working fine when it was http but I changed to SSL with self ...
Muhammad Raihan Muhaimin's user avatar
-1 votes
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Python - socket.error: [Errno 98] Address already in use [closed]

I'm currently attempting to setup a SiriServer (that's beside the point) on Xubuntu 12.10 x64, when I run the server python returns error socket.error: [Errno 98] Address already in use. The ...
Dustin's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Interpret URL correctly which port is the webserver listening to? [closed]

I have a webserver running which i didnt install. The URL to reach the webserver is I took a look at the respective service unit and noticed its listening on port 7535 (--port=...
alessio's user avatar
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1 answer

Must I setup SSL certificate if my server is listening on only port 443 with Nginx?

I am using Amazon Load Balancer to receive requests on Port 443. Then I am sending off these request to my EC2 server on port 80. If I try to send the request on port 443 to EC2 nginx error.log file ...
user3563059's user avatar