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Dovecot says user does not exist although it's in MariaDB database

I use a MariaDB to store users for Dovecot 2.2.10. The Dovecot keeps giving "Disconnected unexpectedly" errors, and I can't find a reason. Is there anything I could look at? Mail logs Aug 29 ...
岁月倾城197's user avatar
3 votes
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Linux port 25 is not working, and postfix unable to establish external connections at port 465, internal connection works with issues

I guess these are two typical issues, at least first one is. I'm trying to configure postfix dovecot on CentOS 7. First, the port 25 is open, but it is not accepting any outer connections. The ...
岁月倾城197's user avatar
-1 votes
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Postfix, Dovecot and Spamassassin unexpectedely fill-ups my disk usage

I am on VPS using CentOS 7, LAMP using Postfix, Dovecot and Spamassassin with Rainloop as my email client. When I have started Postfix using: systemctl enable postfix systemctl restart postfix ...
Emilia's user avatar
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stop opendkim from signing emails if it already has signature

I am signing all the emails for all domains that goes through my postfix MTA, but I need to custom sign some emails for some domain from my application, is it possible to stop opendkim from signing ...
Anil Bind's user avatar
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Postfix/Gmail smtp relay invalid credentials for relay

I have a centos7 vm running a postfix using gsuite SMTP relay without authentication on port 587. I am able to successfully send email from the server itself. When I try to send email using a client, ...
user3612897's user avatar
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Postfix + SASL SQLite gives auxprop error on CentOS 7

I am receiving an unknown password verifier(s) auxprop error when trying to use SQLite for SASL authentication in Postfix on CentOS 7. It seems that the SQLite SQL engine is not found. Contents of /...
tater's user avatar
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Postfix: Recieve emails in Mailbox in /var/spool/mail

I have a vps in contabo I installed a postfix mail server, OS Centos 7, but now postfix use an structure to save the emails and the mailbox in folders structures in a Maildir folder, but i dont need ...
Luis Alfredo Serrano Díaz's user avatar
11 votes
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Postfix error, SASL authentication failed; cannot authenticate to server, no mechanism available

I would like to set up postfix relay to my website hosting SMTP server, from my home server. It's Centos 7, set up using dynamic IP and dynamic DNS. Because of limited space in my hosting site, I ...
Firman Azis Rauf's user avatar
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4 answers

Postfix smtp relay can send emails but not relay other hosts

Use Case: We have several Eaton PDU/PSUs that don't support SSL/TLS authentication. I was tasked with building a SMTP relay server that can take the basic SMTP/25 emails and forward them to our email ...
Nathaniel Alconcel's user avatar
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Postfix - MX: Host not found error but dig and nslookup are OK

I had a working Postfix email server on Centos 7 when I decided to reconfigure my host networking (IP addressing, DNS, etc.), after reconfiguration, mail sending is no longer working. /var/log/...
Lester's user avatar
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Postfix doesn't work after some time

I'm trying to install a mail server on my CentOS 7. I install postfix along dovecot. I managed to make some configuration. When I tried the day before yesterday to test my server via telnet like ...
artaxerxe's user avatar
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Postfix not receiving external mail

I'm running Postfix 2.10.1 on the same server as my webserver so the domain is and it is receiving mail locally but not from any external networks. The server is running CentOS 7. For the ...
stripies's user avatar
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How to transfer Mail Server from Apple to CentOS using postfix

I would like to take the mailboxes from my apple server ("Old Server") and put them on my centOS server ("New Server"), without much if any downtime. They both have the same MTA: postfix. Now, not ...
Vaishal Patel's user avatar
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Postfix not sending emails (few problems detected)

Emails can not be sent to domains other than local. My mail server is placed behind proxy server. Ip of the proxy is: Just to mention that I can receive all emails sent to my mail server....
user48058's user avatar
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postfix: keeps appending domain name to sender

I've got two servers with the same setup. The first sends mails fine, the other one will not send mail. It appears the problem is the sender. When I send a local mail using: echo 'Message' | mailx -s ...
kasimir's user avatar
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clamd socket error in conjunction with amavisd (used for postfix) on CentOS 7

I can't seem to figure out a problem after a few hours of trouble-shooting and looking for similar cases. Like ohter email servers in the exact same configuration, the affected one is based on CentOS ...
cora's user avatar
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Postfix not sending mail but receive only in CWS

I am using a centos web panel and not able to send mail from postfix. But I can receive mail. I am getting the following error in a log file when I try to send mail from Roundcube postfix.service - ...
jay padaliya's user avatar
5 votes
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`connect to private/policy-spf: No such file or directory` when receive mail by postfix in centos 7

My system is centos 7 with postfix,dovecot,pypolicyd-spf, opendkim. I can send mail but cannot receive mail, I notice warnings as below: Feb 6 20:01:09 srv-8327 postfix/smtpd[20391]: warning: ...
kittygirl's user avatar
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CentOS 7 fresh installation having trouble sending emails to gmail

I have just setup a small VPS on using CentOS 7 to serve a few Wordpress sites. Apart from Nginx and PHP the server is completely fresh. The Wordpress setup went fine except when trying to ...
Chris's user avatar
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In postfix can I add message-id to another header?

I'm trying to PREPEND the message-id on another header using variable for example. /^From:/ PREPEND VAR_Message-id is this possible. excuse my ignorance i'm new to postfix
Jason's user avatar
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How to change UID,GID of user accounts while migrating from one server to another Centos 7 server

I have a mail server running with 1000 users. I want to migrate the server to Centos 7 server. Scenario 1 (Old server): user accounts UID start with 501 Scenario 2 (New Centos 7 Server) : user ...
Mahmud Riad's user avatar
3 votes
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Postfix: How to limit outgoing messages (smtp) while sender_dependent_default_transport_maps is enabled?

I would appreciate and thankful if anybody could suggest me regarding the following issue I am dealing with for the last 7 days. Current Condition: 1 working mail server (collocation) that host for ...
busythomas's user avatar
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incoming email in postfix centos 7 server not getting inbox

I'm using Centos 7 and postfix. While I can send email from my server but I can't read email because not getting emails in my postfix "maildir" than I command to check mail logs - [root@server ~]# ...
Azahar Uddin Ahmed's user avatar
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Postfix: What's my default Relay Host when sending via different relay hosts?

I know that this might seems to be a lame question but hey , let me give it a try ... Hi, I am hosting different domains and trying to configure postfix to send mails through sendgrid for certain ...
Fahad's user avatar
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Gitlab mails are not received

I've installed gitlab on a centOS 7 server with omnibus package but when I try to create an user on gitlab the mails are not sent. I've opened the post 25 with : sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=25/...
afdi2's user avatar
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sendmail send Authentication-Warning

Dears, I receive successful message from postfix/pip in Centos7 (delivered via spamassassin service) while it doesn't deliver email to user with sendmail Authentication warning log. you can find log ...
Faeze Ghorbannezhad's user avatar
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Postfix: forced reverse lookup for incoming connections

I see following maillog records when new mail comes to server connect from unknown [] client=unknown[] But that IP address is GMail IP and it has valid PTR-record which ...
Twissell's user avatar
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550 No RDNS entry for my ip (in reply to RCPT TO command)

Some recipients are making RDNS verification to my mail server and being refused. I have a CentOS VPS with my website and mail server for my business. Is there anything wrong here? I can provice my ...
Pedro Frazão's user avatar
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Postfix STARTTLS encryption before authentication

I'm trying my best to configure Postfix with STARTTLS using port 25. Now the problem is STARTTLS is not working on port 25. 250-VRFY 250-ETRN 250-XXXXXXXA 250-AUTH PLAIN LOGIN 250-...
David A's user avatar
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Postfix configuration CentOS 7

For configuring the Postfix service for my CentOS 7 servers, I edited the /etc/posfix/ and gave all required parameters. After the restart it shows these errors: [root@centos-s-1vcpu-3gb-ams3-...
user3789039's user avatar
1 vote
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Postfix is Still Sending out SPAM despite closing the Famous "Open Relay"

Lets pretend for a second there , my client's website is A couple of weeks ago our server was an open relay , we fixed that. And now after putting smtpd_relay_restrictions = ...
Fahad's user avatar
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In Postfix, how do I block sending emails to other domains while allowing forwarding of one email address?

I just installed PostFix on Cent OS 7. I want to set up mail forwarding from an admin address to my Gmail account but I also want to block all emails that are sent to emails that are not addressed to ...
Dave's user avatar
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How do I set up an MX record to route mail to my CentOS 7 Postfix server?

I'm trying to set up mail forwarding from my CentOS Postfix mail server to my gmail account and I want to be sure I'm creating the MX records properly before troubleshooting my PostFix configuration. ...
Dave's user avatar
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Monit adding hostname to mailserver and inventing a username

I'm brand new to Monit, trying to set it up on my CentOS7 VPS. I put the following settings in monitrc: set mailserver set alert [email protected] But the email fails, and the entry in ...
OsakaWebbie's user avatar
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CentOS 7 Postfix - Dovecot Temporary internal error

Server is connecting with outside clients with success. Autentication with success. Sending emails with success. The problem lies in the receiving. The e-mails arive to the machine but I guess they ...
Pedro Frazão's user avatar
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Opendkim fails to start on CentOS 7 (connect to Milter service inet:localhost:8891: Connection refused)

I've got issues with OpenDKIM not starting on my CentOS 7 (with Postfix) server since an update for OpenDKIM crashed a while ago. I've tried the following: service opendkim start Then it says: Job ...
Liv's user avatar
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Postix/Dovecot reject: Relay access denied

Under CentOS 7, I have set up Postfix and Dovecot. I have setup reverse dns, as sell as MX records, etc. I am able to send mail to the server fine. However, if I try to send mail from the server, I ...
Ivan's user avatar
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Postfix Centos7

I have 2 domains used hosted in same server. Eg: Domain A and Domain B Domain A used Google Apps mail server Domain B used server email(using postfix) I can send email from Domain B to gmail ...
Fida's user avatar
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CentOS 7 - Postfix failing to start

At the moment it's failing to start postfix. Here's the error I'm receiving: warning: unreasonable macro call nesting: "mydomain" warning: unreasonable macro call nesting: ", localhost." warning: ...
user8426498's user avatar
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Not receiving email : Relay access denied in Postfix (CentOS 7) [closed]

For some reason my Postfix mail server running on CentOS 7 stopped working recently, maybe because I updated the modules through Webmin, I don't know. I am able to send out emails but I am not ...
Caio Mar's user avatar
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CentOs/Dovecot/Postfix not receiving email from outside

I'm trying to set up my mail server but I'm having some problems with Postfix. In particulare i'm not able to receive email from external. This is the content of my /etc/postfix/ ...
paolo9785's user avatar
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Centos 7 Postfix install using MYSQL 5.7 which replaced mariadb

Sorry to disturb you, but I've a problem I can't seem to get around. I'm trying to install Postfix on a new server which was needed to move to for more space/memory, the old server had 256MB of RAM ...
mvwsupporter's user avatar
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Configuring antispam email gateway with mailscanner and postfix as relay server

I have configured mailscanner and postfix to receive emails, scan it using clamAV and forward it to a mail server inside my network. internet<----><----->
Kameshwar Thakur's user avatar
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How to read postfix maillog

My centos server is getting too many of the following log in the /var/log/maillog Apr 12 05:07:44 gaboli-vm-live postfix/error[5597]: AC01D2988FA6: to=<[email protected]>, relay=none, ...
Subhas Takhellambam's user avatar
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CentOS 7 - SMTPS on Postfix is not working right

First, I am a CentOS 7 newbie. I am running an email server on CentOS 7, I am currently having issue with setting SMTPS up on postfix. BTW, imap over SSL on port 993 is working fine. Port 465 and ...
WillyBoy's user avatar
-1 votes
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Postfix - Can't Send Email To Yahoo Server Only

Our server can not send email to yahoo only, dkim, spf working fine also ip clean from any blacklist. Another yahoo email are work best. Our server can send email to gmail, windows mail, yandex etc. ...
Hendra Setyawan's user avatar
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Delivering mail for some users to external SMTP while the domain is local on Postfix

I want to send mail to an outside Office 365 account with the same domain I have for local accounts. When I try to send mail to this address outside, Postfix rejects it with error "Account not ...
apv's user avatar
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Yum-cron fails to send email to root

I am trying to investigate an issue on one of our CentOS 7 servers, for which yum-cron fails to send an email to root with the result of the operations performed. It always give this error: Failed ...
Matteo Tassinari's user avatar
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Postfix : Weird incoming message bypass SpamAssassin

I have built a Postfix server on CentOS 7 this week. It is perfectly blocking spam, but I got some problems with some email address that bypass SpamAssassin : Jan 9 04:49:14 gauss postfix/qmgr[29958]...
user avatar
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Postfix / Dovecot on Centos 7 , Can't connect to Storage server

note: I did not install any of this manually, this was all installed via the Virtualmin sh install script. I have reinstalled by their script 4 times and have this same issue everytime. Yet no one ...
Kyle G's user avatar
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