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Postfix and rspamd: Disable bounce email

How do I disable non-delivery notification (bounce mail) in Postfix? I have setup Postfix 3.8.1 with rspamd 3.6. Spam filtering is working admin@host123456:~ $ wget
user2690527's user avatar
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How to make postfix sign non-delivery notifications with DKIM?

I have set up my "postfix" server to sign outgoing messages with DKIM and verified that it works correctly for SMTP users using authentication. However, "non-delivery notifications"...
mist's user avatar
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POSTFIX - sending mails. My mails sent outside bounce back compatibility_level = 2 command_directory = /usr/sbin daemon_directory = /usr/lib/postfix/sbin data_directory = /var/lib/postfix mail_owner = postfix myhostname = mydomain = aufy....
aufy's user avatar
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postfix time to time issue delivery temporarily suspended connection timed out

I have a Postfix installed on an Oracle Linux server. This Postfix is configured to receive emails from another Postfix server, which are sent externally through the Fortinet Cloud Email Security ...
Diads's user avatar
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Postfix - How to send bounces only to postmaster?

I have an internal Postfix server where bounces are intentionally discarded (not recommended in general but needed for my use case). I would like to enable it temporarily but only to the postmaster, ...
yair's user avatar
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What exactly is Return-Path and who sets it?

This article ( explains "Return-Path" as follows: When an email doesn’t make it to its intended destination, the ...
Myzel394's user avatar
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postfix configuration to prevent bounces when relaying to 3rd party (e.g. src -> my@work -> my@gmail)

i have an active mail relay that is using aliases as a main tool, at some point we started to get bounces for some emails. Source: Destination: ...
DrunkMice's user avatar
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postfix mail to relayhost gets bounced dsn=5.0.0: how to debug?

Postfix sends mail to relayhost, but relayhost bounces back with dsn=5.0.0 and no further details. Q: How can I debug this in detail so that I can find out where I made the mistake? Setup: smtp-client....
terano's user avatar
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Multiple problems when trying to set up a no-reply email adress

I have an email server setup using Postfix, Dovecot and MySQL with virtual mailboxes using PostfixAdmin. This was created following a tutorial, because I am fairly new to email servers, and everything ...
HiddeV22's user avatar
-1 votes
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Postfix: outgoing email error

Email send but not reached the receiver's mailbox, mainly for Google, Microsoft, and yahoo. Already checked blocklisted or not, but no blocked there. mail queue is mentioned below. C6A02490A1 11809 ...
Arijul Haque's user avatar
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Postfix: Bounce incoming email, but still deliver

I run my own mailserver but I am getting "spammed" by a certain individual. In order to try to discourage this person from sending me any more emails, I would like to bounce the incoming ...
Zippy1970's user avatar
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Postfix user login file

I am Linux centos for my email server. I have already tried with "tail -f /var/log/mail.log and /var/log syslog". Now where can I find my email users last 1 month login logs? Thanks
Hasan Zafrul's user avatar
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Postfix: how to accept then bounce emails for some domains (example:

All this is specific to domains with no incoming emails at all and with no available MX. A domain may not have any MX record, that's RFC-compliant, but may have a A record that doesn't point to any ...
Artur's user avatar
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Procmail not bouncing emails

I have a catch-all email address for my domain, however I want to block certain addresses from receiving mail. Before, I was doing it like this: :0 * ^(X-Original-To): [email protected] /dev/null ...
Mike's user avatar
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Privacy-friendly Postfix bounce messages for remote rejects

The topic of handling bounce message for remote rejects has been brought up at least three times (1, 2, 3), and it looks as if there is no real solution. I wonder, though, if the bounce template can ...
janeden's user avatar
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550-5.7.26 Unauthenticated email from domain is not accepted due on ERP only

I have made updates to our mail server to use DMARC. So after This our ERP system cannot send emails to or but Outlook sends emails with no problems. Below is the header for an ...
Ahmed Reda's user avatar
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postfix limit sending rate PER MX domain?

I know postfix can limit concurrent connections to recipient "domains", but I am sending emails to websites from different domains that may use the same email service (Google, Outlook, etc.) ...
rosstex's user avatar
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Why are some emails not reaching my inbox?

I'm very new. I set up email on my domain (postfix, dkim, dmarc, spf, dovecot... s-nail, Roundcube) by following reliable guides. I now have 9 addresses, 3 different FQDNs. Emails from all addresss' ...
harry young's user avatar
2 votes
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Postfix: How to check if my email headers are RFC5321/RFC5322 compliant?

We are running a Postfix MTA (version: 3.4.14, OS: Debian 10) and since a short time emails sent to a certain provider ( are not being accepted anymore (the emails are sent by an ancient ...
manifestor's user avatar
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Emails sending with postfix fail to outlook emails but success with gmail

I have set up postfix server. I am testing my email sending . i can send to gmail but all outlook mails are getting rejected, may i know how can i fix ? Any config i have to change ? Nov 27 10:35:15 ...
user602303's user avatar
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Postfix not receiving bounce mails

I am using Postfix to only send Mails out (via my noreply mail), which works great. I would like to use my support mail, which is running on the server of my mail provider, to receive user replies and ...
TesterOlaf's user avatar
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Postfix bounces incoming emails with uppercase recipient (unknown user)

I just installed Postfix on Debian minimum server and configured it as below: installation: installed it chose internet site set name to /etc/postfix/ configs: changed ...
Shahab Ouraie's user avatar
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Postfix Conf - Unknown user

Can't receive emails for virtual users but they can send. UNIX users that can receive and sent. What am I doing wrong? root@localhost: postconf -n append_dot_mydomain = no biff = no ...
Jason Frank's user avatar
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have postfix bounce all but procmail related non-delivery notification

Pardon me for reposting on serverfault; I mistakenly posted it originally on stackoverflow before, and was kindly reminded to post here..... Problem: I experience every now and then non-delivery ...
luke's user avatar
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Postfix working on separate server having issues delivering mail to a specific domain

I have the following situation. My main domain is pointed to a Hostgator account. Because of bad performance of the site, the client decided to give DigitalOcean a go, but leaving the e-mails on ...
Mihail Minkov's user avatar
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Not able to send mail using postfix-sendmail and getting bounced

The emails are not being sent to email addresses with as domain name. I have in Ubuntu system three users namely root, ubuntu & domainname. The following is the log(tail /var/log/...
Dushyant Joshi's user avatar
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How can I get my incoming mail working again?

We are using webmin and virtualmin the emails have been working great over the last couple of weeks using virtualmin but today suddenly they have stopped. I get this in my mail log: Jul 1 13:15:03 ...
stoneseraphim's user avatar
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How can I create a bounce email?

I run my own mail server, which (among other things) handles emails for one of my services. The service in question takes bookings and sends booking confirmation emails. The emails come from noreply@...
Ben Holness's user avatar
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Add sender to my exchange out of office mails which are sent via postfix with an empty sender

Out of office mails works internally but externaly the logs says : - it goes out of Exchange 2010 to go to Postfix (without any sender), - Postfix sends it out to the sender without any sender - the ...
Philipili's user avatar
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Setting Postfix for outbound email via SMTP with local root delivery for cron reports

I recently had to diagnose a couple of servers running Postfix which emailed results of rsync cronjobs when they returned a non-OK value. While Postfix was emailing the recipients on rsync failure, I ...
Chris Woods's user avatar
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What is wrong with this e-mail which is failing SPF(mailfrom) and DMARC?

This is a follow-up from "Why is my opendmarc failing pretty much everything that comes through?". I'm really struggling to understand what is going on. Outgoing mail is verified correctly by the ...
Morpheu5's user avatar
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Postfix: do not create bounce message for virtual_alias_maps with remote servers

I am using virtual_alias_maps to forward mail to remote mail servers (GMail, icloud). I have spam prevention in place myself (SPF checks, Before-Queue Content Filter etc), but often enough spam will ...
blueyed's user avatar
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how to stop postfix relay server to forward bounce/NDR emails to client

I have a setup with 1 pure mail server, lets call it mail, and 1 web server, lets call it web. When web sends out email to an external server it uses mail as relay. Both servers use postfix. mail has ...
Matthias's user avatar
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Emails dropped with "550 Action not taken (in reply to end of DATA command)"

In the past couple days, some emails from my server have been bouncing with this error. Nothing has changed on my end that I'm aware of. It doesn't seem to matter where the email is going-- they ...
felwithe's user avatar
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Postfix: Script to difference hard vs soft bounces

I followed the steps mentioned in the forum - how to collect bounces for triggering a script upon a bounce receipt. Now, I would like to classify the bounce depending on the status. It would be ...
Hariprasauth Ramamoorthy's user avatar
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How can i (re)send /var/mail/root (Original Mail)?

Our server was reconfigured and a lot of email as failed to be delivered. I found a thread to resend email from /var/mail/root here :
Yanick Lafontaine's user avatar
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Postfix: redirecting an email to local user (User unknown in virtual alias table)

My question is similar to others, but their answers were unhelpful. What I want to do: Send email from [email protected] and route incoming mail to [email protected] to multiple external (e.g. [email protected]) ...
nnnmmm's user avatar
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Zimbra server compromised - how to investigate

We have a zimbra email server and one of the email accounts was compromised. The problem we have now is that a lot of spams are sent from that server and we cannot identify which account is ...
Milos Cuculovic's user avatar
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Postfix error with remote mailserver - Error 550

i am new to mailservers and i think i totaly destroyed the config and i have no clue how to fix this mess. For my understanding things are "OK" but i think i'm missing something important. I replaced ...
Maaaark's user avatar
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Postfix email throttling for deferred queue

I have an issue with email sending speeds on postfix. the email to yahoo are getting throttled and getting suspended temporarily. I edited the configuration to slower down the speeds and add a ...
user432070's user avatar
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Setting up bounce handling by using [email protected] not working

I have a postfix server setup with alias using /etc/aliases in which we have: postmaster: root bounces: root also config in are: transport_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/transport transport ...
jision's user avatar
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Reject specific class of backscatter mails with postfix

I'm looking to reject email that is sent by mail servers thinking its a good idea to send back undeliverable messages for mails that couldn't have possibly come from my mail server. I also want to ...
Tomasu's user avatar
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Postfix - Bounced e-mail in mailq for non-exist email account

My postfix mail queue has quite a few bounced back e-mails; however, the recipient of the bounced back e-mail does not exist, e.g. @server_hostname.example.local, so it will never be delivered and ...
helpo11's user avatar
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Postfix - Mails from a specific server bounces

I just set up a mail server with Postfix, Dovecot and Mysql. I can sent/receive emails to/from Gmail, Hotmail etc. but mails sent from a specific Microsoft Mail Exchange Server (using Outlook) ...
Rasko's user avatar
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postfix message delivery status via web call

is there a way I can configure postfix (or any other mail solution) to call a url with the status of submission? example message with id 123efd was bounced it will call
phper's user avatar
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Is a Postfix "bounce back" equivalent to an "auto reply"?

I have a Postfix mail server with a catchall account. I had this catchall forwarding to another account on a separate machine/domain. I had to stop that, because I have a mail relay service in place ...
BuvinJ's user avatar
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Postfix 451 4.3.5 Server configuration error

So I'm running mail on my VPS, using Postfix + Dovecot. I am able to send, but not all mail comes in. Note: DOMAIN = my domain, but I blocked it for security reasons. The case: I want to use my mail ...
dnwjn's user avatar
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How to drop registration mail bounces to noreply@ mail address

On CentOS 7 Linux I run Drupal, which requires users to confirm their mail addresses. I have modified the postfix config files in the following way: /etc/postfix/generic: @www.localdomain noreply@...
Alexander Farber's user avatar
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How to resolve the same domain name mail rejection on postfix?

We have VPS and hosting two sites (2 domains). We are facing the problem when sending mail to configured domain name. For example, configured on the postfix, the same configured on the ...
Muthu's user avatar
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Disable bounce in Postfix after failed mail forwarding

I have some mailboxes in Plesk/Postfix that redirect to some external addresses. If Postfix fails to forward a message to these addresses, it bounces back to the original sender, who is a fake address ...
Antares's user avatar
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