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opendkim not singing my outgoing emails ubuntu 20.04

i'm following this tutorial to integrate opendkim and sign my emails,i'm not much in ubuntu but i configured everything as the tutorial but the emails is sent without dkim signing I'm hitting the wall ...
Amir Eix's user avatar
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Postfix - can't send emails to gmail addresses via terminal

I have the following errors when trying to send emails to gmail addresses via my terminal: sudo tail /var/log/mail.log Jul 19 13:19:44 ubuntu-4gb-fsn1-1 postfix/cleanup[5780]: B4B8C5F4A3: message-id=&...
Run's user avatar
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Postfix on IPV6: no MX host for has a valid address record

I have my new cloud server running on ipv6 only. I have set the AAAA mx record. Postfix installed with the following config: $ sudo nano /etc/postfix/ smtpd_banner = $myhostname ESMTP $...
Run's user avatar
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How to set up a postfix relay server for Google Workspace(gmail)?

There is a need to make a relay server for the company's corporate mail. The need arose due to the presence of some google ip in the spam lists, and this sometimes leads to the fact that letters end ...
Tarik's user avatar
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Postfix relay error "mail for loops back to myself"

Good afternoon. There is a mail server (smtp relay) on ubuntu 22.04. This is the core of the server. There are mail accounts on Google Workspace, and the transfer of outgoing letters from these ...
Tarik's user avatar
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Gmail reports SPF issues with emails sent from Thunderbird via postfix

This question is similar to the following question in the Mozilla forum. However, the answer given there to this question doesn't address the issue that I am seeing. Question in Mozilla forum: https://...
HippoMan's user avatar
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postfix-gmail problems: This mail is unauthenticated, which poses a security risk to the 550-5.7.26 sender

Can someone help, who had that problem too? Postfix and Dovecot is freshed installed and configurated for SSL but if i try to send an email to my gmail account i get that error msg. Diagnostic-Code: ...
trash2's user avatar
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Unable to send emails from Postfix via Gmail (connect to Connection timed out)

I want to configure a Ubuntu Linode VPS to send log information from Fail2Ban, Apache ModSecurity and other monitoring tools to my email address. However, I don't want to configure a whole email sever:...
LeperAffinity666's user avatar
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Use postifx on server proxmox1 to send email from server p1

I have server proxmox1 configured to send emails through GMail server. Here is the relevant part of my /etc/postfix/ : smtpd_relay_restrictions = permit_mynetworks permit_sasl_authenticated ...
ballatom's user avatar
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Postfix to gmail relay - preserving the sender's address

Relayed emails come 'from' [email protected], not [email protected], so I cannot reply. I have several domains and am using Postfix to relay emails sent to [email protected] on to [email protected] as ...
Megalomatt's user avatar
5 votes
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Forwarding to Gmail account via Postfix: SPF record with a hard fail

I run a Postfix server which forwards one address to a gmail address. # /etc/aliases localuser: [email protected] This works since several months. But if a sender has a SPF record with a hard ...
guettli's user avatar
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Strange delayed bounce to Gmail user sending to an alias on my system that expands to other Gmail addresses

Config: Postfix on a Linux machine, static broadband address but because it's residential service, the provider will not provision reverse DNS PTR records for us. We're working on alternatives, but ...
Kellarnen's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to configure Postfix with new gmail authentication?

Gmail past month has disabled the classic authentication method called "non secure access". Before basically it was enough to configure SMTP and access credential in ...
AndreaF's user avatar
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gmail is rejecting my e-mails to a recipient with a gmail address with a 550-5.7.26

I have a fairly straight forward email setup using postfix. Within my house running on a raspberry-pi to which my router forwards all ports. I have a postfix instance that can see incoming mail. A ...
akc42's user avatar
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For smtp relay, what is required for postfix to authenticate to gmail's smtp server?

I build websites within a private home-office network. Locally hosted website are development versions of sites that I build for clients. I want the websites that I am building to be able to send ...
bob.dobbs's user avatar
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Alternative to Gmail Postfix relay

I have been using Gmail as a Postfix relay for years. Works perfectly. But it seems that on May 30th 2022 this will be disabled by Google. They will not allow us to use "less secure apps" ...
user34814's user avatar
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Postfix simply send message to gmail, if ISP blocks port 587?

I cant get a simple test message out of my Ubuntu VM to my gmail for reporting. I've followed several guides to set up an App Password in /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd, using port 587, disabled firewall, ...
alchemy's user avatar
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tls negotiation failed the certificate doesn't match the host

I'm tryin to setup Gmail send-as to send email via my SMTP server over TLS and I get "tls negotiation failed the certificate doesn't match the host" ever since I renewed my lets encrypt cert....
eng3's user avatar
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Configure Postfix to prevent improper mail forwarding/duplication

I'm trying to reconfigure my Postfix mail server to stop it from improperly relaying mail to addresses that are listed as recipients but don't have my server's domain. Say my mail server's domain is ...
deezy's user avatar
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Gmail failing to accept TLS

I recently set up a postfix mail server. Testing it with other domains, everything seems to work well. However, when my server tries to send messages to gmail, they are marked as spam, with the red ...
Onion's user avatar
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Gmail connection error pop3 on dovecot postfix server

I configured a Dovecot Postfix mailserver on Ubuntu with letsencrypt certificates. It runs fine on mail clients like MacOS mail both in imap and pop3. No errors. However after adding two accounts to ...
Klodder's user avatar
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Cannot use my postfix smtp to send mails from gmail

I have a postfix/dovecot setup on ubuntu 20.04, on a remote VPS, allowing only ssl/tls transactions. I can send/receive mails with it from a thunderbird client on my local machine. I can receive its ...
r0dy's user avatar
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Postfix can't receive external mails since TLS has been set up

I have a postfix mail server with which I am able to : send mails (to google for example) with the commande : "echo foo | mail -s 'bar' [email protected]" send mails with php mail() send and ...
Mr Bricole's user avatar
1 vote
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Why would Google be throwing away emails from virtual domains to virtual domains? postfix

I'm seeing some odd behavior and am hoping someone has seen this as well. I have a CentOS server running Postfix for virtual domains for my businesses. It was working well for years and then suddenly ...
Bob Ramstad's user avatar
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Set Postfix myorigin to the domain that sent the email for multiple domains (SMTP Relay)

I have a Google Workspace account that has multiple sites running on one user. I have aliases setup for gmail. I've setup a Google Workspace SMTP Relay to send emails from my linux server for systems ...
chroncile's user avatar
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Postfix via Gmail SMTP Error with no cause

I'm trying to configure POSTFIX to send emails via, without any success. Iv'e tried following these two tutorials: https:...
Shaulliv's user avatar
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GMail not receiving email sent via PostFix

I have a VPN configured with Plesk. (I have installed a SSL/TLS certificate, through Plesk, using Lets Encrypt. Everything seems good as far as I can tell, but I mention it as it also protects emails.)...
FMaz008's user avatar
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Email server not working with external emails (like Google, Yahoo)

I have setup Modoboa server in Ubuntu system (static IP) using this link. Internal emails are working ([email protected] to [email protected]), but an email from an external provider like ...
Yash Shukla's user avatar
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Postfix unable to send mail to Gmail

I am learning how to host a postfix server (Beginner), i have been able to receive email from gmail, but i am trying to send to Gmail, this is my "tail /var/log/mail.log" Dec 15 14:24:49 ...
mbakabilal's user avatar
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Postfix + gmail: greeted me with my own hostname localhost

My emails for my domain name is hosted by gmail and I have set the mx records to google's in my domain host. So my emails were working perfectly. But after I have my domain name (nameservers) pointed ...
Run's user avatar
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Forward messages to Gmail (postfix+SRS) has DMARC failure even though SPF and DKIM succeed

I run my own domain, but forward many email addresses to my gmail account. Recently, I started seeing a lot of messages marked by gmail as spam. I have SPF set for my outgoing email, and use SRS to ...
Mikeage's user avatar
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Postfix not receiving bounce mails

I am using Postfix to only send Mails out (via my noreply mail), which works great. I would like to use my support mail, which is running on the server of my mail provider, to receive user replies and ...
TesterOlaf's user avatar
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postfix tls configuration with several IPs

I'm trying to configure postfix to encrypt outgoing mails with different keys for several IPs. postconf -n: alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases ...
Index's user avatar
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GMail not allowing "send mail as", saying Server returned error: "TLS Negotiation failed, the certificate doesn't match the host., code: 0"

So I am trying to set up my GMail account so I can send emails so they appear to come from various addresses in my small handful of domains. When I click on the "Save Changes" button I get ...
Bytor's user avatar
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Postfix send mail only to GMail, all other domains are deferred and not sended

My Postfix server is running on Debian Stretch. It is able to send emails to a GMail address without problems which are not considered as spam. At the DNS level I configured DKIM, SPF and DMARC and ...
Zetam's user avatar
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Postfix not send emails to remote MX Record (same domain in localhost)

I have a domain with configured in a postfix server, these domain have configured MX records to Google Suite In the postfix server i have the user: [email protected] In Google Suite ...
Jhosman's user avatar
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How to get gmail to use postfix as an SMTP server

I'm trying to get gmail to send email from my vanity domain - it understandably wants to use an SMTP server set up for that domain. I tried to configure postfix to be an SMTP server for my vanity ...
Steven Hook's user avatar
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Why are my Postfix mails recognized as Spam? [duplicate]

I have a Postfix mail that I have configured pretty good. gives me a 10/10. I have tested on both Google and Yahoo, and checked their headers. Nothing seems to be wrong in the headers. ...
C. Keylan's user avatar
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Authentication required error sending email using postfix on ubuntu

I am new to this and have succeeded in setting up postfix which forward emails to my gmail account. Below is my /etc/postfix/ file # See /usr/share/postfix/ for a commented, more ...
dark's user avatar
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lost connection after STARTTLS: -POSTFIX

I am having strange problems with my postfix setup. Everything seems to work fine other then I am not able to receive emails from Aug 29 11:39:38 mx postfix/smtpd[1055]: connect from mail-...
Paul's user avatar
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Postfix relay outgoing emails based on recipient

I'm having trouble with Microsoft rejecting all our emails, I've contacted the Deliverability Support 3 times and 3 times they've told me that there's no problem with our IP and that I ...
Daviid's user avatar
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Is it possible to use Gmail as a postfix relay with virtual domains?

As I'm getting more and more frustrated with attempting to use sendmail to send web app emails that won't be flagged as spam, I've turned my attention to using postfix instead. I've found this Linode ...
Major Productions's user avatar
2 votes
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smtp client setup on ubuntu desktop to use Gmail smtp server for corporate domain

How to configure SMTP client (Ubuntu desktop) to use Gmail SMTP server to send email from my desktop using postfix. This is how we login to company provided email. we login to using ...
intechops6's user avatar
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DKIM signature failure only on CRON jobs

I originally posted this on askubuntu but there's been no response there. I have successfully installed Postfix and OpenDkim on my server, and it's correctly signing mail from several different ...
CatchAsCatchCan's user avatar
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postfix mail server not responding + connect from unknown

Two days ago, my postfix failed without any actions from me. First, I had an issue with blocked port 25. Now this is now solved: POSTFIX Won't Start says: bind port 25: Address already in ...
Bruno de Goyrans's user avatar
3 votes
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Gmail rejects forwarded mail with DMARC but I AM using SRS

I'm forwarding mail from my domain [email protected] to [email protected]. I have followed this: Why is Google rejecting mails forwarded from my Postfix server? Install pfix-srs. Create an spf ...
Lenne's user avatar
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CentOS 7 fresh installation having trouble sending emails to gmail

I have just setup a small VPS on using CentOS 7 to serve a few Wordpress sites. Apart from Nginx and PHP the server is completely fresh. The Wordpress setup went fine except when trying to ...
Chris's user avatar
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Postfix forward email to my gmail from a gmail failed

I am not possible to forward email from gmail account to a gmail. I come across with below link which telling that gmail is blocked to stop looping.
Intellect's user avatar
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Mx records point to gmail; postfix mail sent direct from server marked as spam by gmail, yahoo

I have an Ubuntu 14.04 server with postfix installed. However, I have set up the domain MX records to point to a Google apps' configuration, as per Google's instructions. All works fine using email ...
minisaurus's user avatar
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postfix: Cannot assign requested address

I have app that uses postfix. When i send an email from one user to another, works well, as you can see here Sep 28 14:34:04 webcat-node-77f77644-vhq94 postfix/smtpd[546]: connect from localhost[...
Kristian's user avatar