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Can not setup postfix/dovecot with email clients

Having problems with configure postfix/dovecot with email clients such as outlook and thunderbird. Using telnet and openssl I have tested both smtp and imap through ports 587 and 993. Sent mails are ...
Dio Anderson's user avatar
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how to setup the folder separator a "/ " instead of a dot "." in imap maildir postfix and dovecot

The Question is already in the title. I want to setup dovecot and postfix with maildir , but I do not want the dot "." as folder separator. I like to use a folder system like "/" ...
Max Muster's user avatar
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'FETCH' command with a 'BAD' response: Error in IMAP command FETCH: Invalid messageset (0.001 + 0.000 secs). on DoveCot IMAP Server

I'm hosting my webserver using postfix and dovecot. it works fine when i try to connect using my iphone and my macbook. I need to connect an external WebbApplication to get all E-Mails over IMAP ...
El-Salatinie's user avatar
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Postfix: dedicated user to send emails

My current Postfix setup allows to send emails only with the local users (like, if I logged as xyz then email will be sent as [email protected]). I have Courier IMAP server, with the same user xyz but ...
Green Root's user avatar
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Share Postfix IMAP Calenders

We are currently running a dovecot mailserver(maildir) and postfix. - Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS (Bionic Beaver) Our new COO wants to sync his contacts and calendar with outlook(MAC) and iOS(iPhone) using our ...
ragnarlod's user avatar
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Clarification on the configuration of a mail server

I would like to start by saying that I have not seen any other forums or posts that clearly explain this thing. If there are, my poor English skills probably didn't make me understand the solution ...
DottorBooom's user avatar
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IMAP and SMTP Still use Self Signed SSL even I have issued a Mail Server SSL in Cyberpanel

I using cyberpanel on CentOS 7 and I setup SSL for my postfix and dovecot. But I still got "SSL Invalid" caused the self-signed SSL even I have configure SSL using Lets Encrypt. This is /etc/...
xdnroot's user avatar
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Incoming external email appeared in Postfix log, but not in mailbox

I setup Postfix + Dovecot (with IMAP) for my Ubuntu 16.04 email server. I sent an email from Gmail to my domain, I can see the postfix log "reacts" with the incoming email, but the incoming ...
Raptor's user avatar
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Postfix dovecot unable to authenticate

I use to work with postfix/sasl/courrier-auth on Gentoo for years. I just migrated to Debian 10 postfix/dovecot. I'm unable to make it work : Send mail ok, TLS ok. But unable to authenticate (SMTP 587,...
user625434's user avatar
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postfix does local delivery instead of via dovecot lmtp

Sieve isn't running on my system, and it looks like the reason why is that postfix is doing local maildir delivery instead of going through dovecot. Details: System: Ubuntu 20.10 /etc/postfix/ ...
GeneC's user avatar
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How To configure Postfix and Dovecot for remote IMAP / POP sending of email on Fedora 32

Background I've been the administrator since inception of this 24-ish year old site which hosts a lot of virtual domains, etc, and from the late '90s one important feature we had working was allowing ...
Richard T's user avatar
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Server Configuration Error if Receiving e-mails

Another Problem, I have a VPS where I installed a Dovecot, Postfix, PostfixAdmin and Roundcube webmail. I can not receive emails anymore from any external address, I get this Problem: This is the only ...
Nicolò's user avatar
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I tried postfix restart, said service isn't running. Yet I am on my working mail server? (cent os)

So I am not sure what I am doing wrong. This all started with the need to let others from outside our network access the SMTP to send email from offsite. So I had in /etc/postfix a check_clients ...
Codejoy's user avatar
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Debugging postfix/dovecot: Finding out which application is trying to connect from localhost

The problem occurs on my mail server, which apart from that works perfectly. Clients can connect via IMAP and Postfix receives and sends out emails without any hassle. Installed software: $> dpkg ...
manifestor's user avatar
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Courier not listening on IPv4 ports

I am having an issue with postfix/courier after a software update in which courier is no longer listening on the IPv4 ports. Here is the netstat output: ubuntu@ip-10-x-x-x:~$ sudo netstat -plnt sudo: ...
Zack Allen's user avatar
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Postfix/Dovecot failed mail delivery

I have recently started to deploy a mail server with Postfix and Dovecot on my Ubuntu 18.04. LTS. Unfortunately recieving mails does not work, and I have yet to understand why. The Setup Dovecot In ...
NilsH's user avatar
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Best way to restrict/manage PHP apps to use my postfix?

I want to allow PHP apps to send mail but under very restricted conditions. And I don't want to allow sendmail-like command for PHP apps (I'm using chrooted PHP and it's too much headache), thus I ...
Jiri B's user avatar
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Postfix DDoS mitigation: how to whitelist IPs for IMAP access to a single mailbox

Does (Zimbra using) Postfix have an option to whitelist IPs or domains for IMAP logins for a specific mailbox only? This is what we would like to achieve: all IPs can open an IMAP connection on port ...
imapq's user avatar
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HAProxy - IMAP, SMTP, POP3 - Multiple Servers

Please accept my apologies if this is off topic or does not apply on a more broad scale (i've searched the internet and can't seem to find a solution anywhere). I'm not sure if this is even possible, ...
PunkIsDaFunk's user avatar
-1 votes
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Can't login to IMAP/POP3 server external

I have installed Postfix, Dovecot and MySQL via this tutorial ( When I do the following command, I ...
yesterday's user avatar
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Dovecot SSL Failure (Postfix Working Fine)

We're trying to connect an e-mail client to our mail server. We have postfix and Dovecot configured and running on ubuntu. We can see that Dovecot is listening on the correct port using: $ sudo ...
Ushox's user avatar
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Are CNAME "imap..." and "smtp..." subdomains needed?

I'm running my Postfix email server. I have only 1 A dns record for it: I'm able to connect to it, receive and send email through it using only this url. Namely, I don't have "smtp.....
Kajera's user avatar
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Thunderbird sub folders grayed out after migrating to new mail server (postfix,dovecot,docker)

I migrated my old mail server (postfix,dovecot,...) to a new one (same services but with docker). In addition I changed the mail dir of the single account from .../domain.tld/name/Maildir to .../...
andymel's user avatar
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Getting error with dovecot when authenticating user (Home directory not set for user)

I am trying to set up a relatively basic postfix/dovecot IMAP/SMTP server with a MySQL backend. It appears that the authentication is successful, I just seem to be getting this error: Initialization ...
Barry Chapman's user avatar
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Is it possible to use a mail relay as a proxy from one port to another?

We have a server that needs to connect to an IMAP server outside of our network. Unfortunately, the server we need to connect to requires a connection on port 993. The problem is our host blocks port ...
Barry Chapman's user avatar
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Timeout when connecting to remote imap server

I have a google compute cloud VM (Ubuntu 17.10) and I am trying to setup a mail daemon. I have installed postfix and dovecot according to this article (all steps followed exactly, from a fresh install)...
kurdtpage's user avatar
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How to make dovecot and postfix use the same mail directory

I'm trying to configure postfix and dovecot to connect to the same LDAP, and I kind of succeeded. But now, I have some discrepencies. The reproduction is as: I connect to dovecot in IMAP with ...
Dolanor's user avatar
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Postfix: Temporary internal error / Dovecot: Initialization failed

Today I wanted to make a mail server, but it did not work. Can you help me ? I followed this tutorial: Errors obtained: Sep 19 ...
ungarscool1's user avatar
3 votes
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Dovecot SASL auth not working

Like said, Dovecot auth fails when i try to connect with Thunderbird. Incoming and outgoing mail works fine. I used e.g. this tutorial (and many more) as a reference:
temexter's user avatar
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Dovecot configuration issue: Aborted login (no auth attempts in 0 secs): user=<>

I've set up a test server per the tutorial on The problem is in trying to login ...
williamk's user avatar
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Nginx + mail open ports vulnerability

I'm just thinking out loud here and wondered if i have to open up ports (inbound) to still use my mail. Isn't it possible to redirect trafic lets say imap or pop3 through a subdomain (imap.domain.tld ...
Baklap4's user avatar
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Postfix + Dovecot login fail only in Imap

sorry in advance because Im sure the problem is stupid, but after two days trying different configurations from Google and Serverfault it still not working. Im Newbie in Postfix/Dovecot After ...
Javier García Serrano's user avatar
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Setting up aliases with Postfix and Courier-IMAP

I have set up a Postfix mail server which uses Courier in order to provide an SMTP service. On my server there is a user called joe. I used alias maps to make mail to [email protected] redirect to joe ...
Zak's user avatar
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NO Invalid mailbox name IMAP

I want to create a folder named "spam" for my local mail server. But it throws this error After running, telnet localhost imap and logging in list "" * * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "." "" ...
swayamraina's user avatar
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Postfix - Slow sending, duplicate sending

We recently moved offices, and thus changed our public IPs for our Postfix mail server, and I'm now experiencing some very strange behaviour. The server will work fine for 24 hours or so, but then it ...
Jeremy Wilson's user avatar
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Some IMAP folders not showing in Roundcube after email server migration

I'm in the process of moving email servers and am having some with nested IMAP folder. The new server uses a mailinabox installation and is based on postfix, just as the old email server was. I thus ...
duck degen's user avatar
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Postfix immediately closing connection for one client

I have a problem with one client on my mail server (Postfix, Dovecot, Spamassassin, Postgrey). They can log in to pick IMAP e-mail up, but they can't send through the outgoing SMTP server. The imap-...
Spuggiehawk's user avatar
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Unable to receive mail in local server from external server with MX record

I am not being able to receive mails in my local accounts, i can only send mails from multi local accounts (@remote.A) to multi external accounts (@A). I can send to every domain (e.g. gmail). Till ...
marafado88's user avatar
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How does mail work, setting up own server

I am going to set up my own mail server using open source MTA - Postfix. In general I understand how everything works, but I still cannot find out some things. Here is diagram I am using for ...
CROSP's user avatar
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Does secondary or backup MX server deliver queued emails to users?

Suppose, I have a primary MX: with priority 5 and secondary mx as with Priority 10. I have independent IMAP/POP servers configured to fetch email for domain. (
Anand Shrestha's user avatar
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dovecot configuration file error with matching brackets

When I attempt to run dovecot I get the following error. doveconf: Fatal: Error in configuration file /etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-master.conf line 49: Expecting '{' I looked through /etc/dovecot/conf.d/...
KingBob's user avatar
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Setting up mail accounts without real Linux users

I've setup Postfix and Dovecot on my Ubuntu Server. My aim is to create 27 mail accounts that can receive and send mail to everywhere. I've got emails to not show up as spam in Gmail, Yahoo and ...
shavit's user avatar
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Port decisions for email setup in 2016 (Ubuntu)

I have a new Ubuntu 14.04 LAMP server with the UFW firewall setup on DigitalOcean. My goal is to add email for use on my phone(iPhone) and laptop(via Roundcube). There is a lot of old information ...
Josh's user avatar
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Postfix/Dovecot Email Server (on Raspberry Pi) - Unable to configure POP3S connection with Gmail

I've been trying to configure my Raspberry Pi (Raspbian Jessie Lite) as a postfix/dovecot email server for my domain Using a combination of the fantastic walkthroughs written by ...
Dominic Kerr's user avatar
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IMAP authentication issue with roundcube + postfix + mysql + ubuntu mailserver

This problem is driving me insane and I'm now stumped. Need some help please ;) I'm setting up a mail server on an Ubuntu 14 AWS EC2 instance using mysql backend, postfix MTA and roundcube webmail ...
scastbur's user avatar
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Postfix: on multi-recipient e-mails of same domain, how do you remove all but one (first) address?

We have a shared IMAP mailbox for a business. Customers are not used to not having to CC tons of people with us, so they CC everybody, which creates noisy duplicates in our shared inbox. How can I ...
lkraav's user avatar
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Debian 8 Jessie - Postfix + Dovecot, send but not receive mails

I'm setting up a mail server (with Postfix, Dovecot and Postfixadmin) for a non-profit organization that I'm currently building. I'm able to send but not receive mails over TLS. When sending an email ...
Elmo's user avatar
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Can existing email accounts be extracted from Zimbra?

I have become dependent on Zimbra, and yet I have no need for a heavy GUI administrative interface. I'd rather keep a low-resource server that runs only the underlying services Zimbra uses, such as ...
digitalextremist's user avatar
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SquirrelMail showing empty inbox. THIS FOLDER IS EMPTY

I have installed postfix, dovecot and squirrelmail. I can send messages and also receive messages. But in Squirrelmail web interface i can see only sent messages it is not showing the mails which are ...
Prime's user avatar
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Can't receive emails to my mail server

I created a mail server, following this tutorial: , I configured the email on my email client, SMTP and IMAP and both ...
DiogoSaraiva's user avatar