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Outlook timeout when adding IMAP account (dovecot, postfix)

I am adding a Postfix /dovecot mail server in Outlook 2016. It works on my phone and I can successfully authenticate using: doveadm auth test user pass postconf -n alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases ...
Slenti's user avatar
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Can authentication with a relay be disabled for a specific address in smtp_sasl_password_maps?

Some email hosters are jerks. No matter your blacklist standing, SPK, DKIM, or DMARC, they will block your emails. To deal with that, I've set up a relay using sender_dependent_relayhost_maps. There ...
Banyoghurt's user avatar
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1 answer

Can postfix enforce reject_unknown_helo_hostname before permit_sasl_authenticated?

I have a working postfix 3.5 relay where the config includes: smtpd_client_restrictions = permit_mynetworks, reject_unknown_client_hostname, permit smtpd_helo_required=yes ...
Jonathan Wakely's user avatar
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Postfix/Dovecot fails to send emails "SASL PLAIN authentication failed" - no further message

I have been all around the houses trying to configure Postfix and Dovecot so I can send through my domain from Gmail, which as far as I know is simply Gmail acting as a regular SMTP client talking to ...
glenatron's user avatar
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Postfix - SASL Cyrus saslauthd authentication failed

Goal: Configure smtpd to authenticate connections by using postfix, cyrus, saslauthd, pam and mysql. Investigation Authentication via courier-pop3 & courier-imap using mysql works saslauthd ...
Mathew's user avatar
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Sasl connection refused

i am trying to run a selfhosted mailserver using postfix and dovecot. firstly i configured only postfix without dovecot and that worked fine but i wanted to use a mail client so i installed dovecot to ...
kajvans's user avatar
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Postfix / sasldb : "authentication failure"

I'm not a postfix expert... I'm having an authentication problem with posfix 3.5 on debian 11.8. I've added a test user : # saslpasswd2 -c test Password: test Using swaks to test authentication to ...
lc63's user avatar
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2 answers

Postfix smtpd and smtp restrictions (client, sender, recipient) first restriction that matches wins very ILLOGICAL for brute force attacks

if I have a list of restrictions for: smtpd_client_restrictions = permit_mynetworks, permit_sasl_authenticated, reject_rhsbl_helo, reject_rhsbl_reverse_client dbl.spamhaus....
Digital Joe George's user avatar
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postfix secure & insecure connections

I have configured postfix SMTP server for mail sending only with below configurations, I've used cyrus-sasl to authenticate with openLDAP, I want to achieve SMTP port 25 to use insecure connections ...
csx4's user avatar
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SASL authorisation and hostname to access the server

I have a working postfix mail server. It is registered under two DNS names: and I use SASL via dovecot for relay authorisation. It works flawless when the client uses the ...
EckartH's user avatar
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535 5.7.8 Error: authentication failed: UGFzc3dvcmQ6

I have Postfix installed on a Fedora 38 box with the following: $ grep smtp_ smtp_sasl_auth_enable = yes smtp_sasl_type = cyrus smtp_sasl_password_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/sasl_passwd ...
ekkis's user avatar
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Fail2Ban - Posfix-SASL not working

i have a problem that my fail2ban will not ban sasl authentications against my postfix. This is an example log entry from /var/log/syslog: Jul 31 13:42:21 v50428 postfix/smtps/smtpd[635398]: warning: ...
nils50122's user avatar
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4 answers

Postfix with Dovecot on Ubuntu 20.04 postfix/mail fatal: no sasl authentication mechanisms

Here's the output of doveconf -n: # (3c910f64b): /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf # Pigeonhole version () # OS: Linux 5.17.5-x86_64-linode154 x86_64 Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS # Hostname: mail....
Scott K's user avatar
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Postfix SASL error: warning: unknown[]: SASL LOGIN authentication failed: authentication failure

My use case is to use my own mail server to send emails from CCTV NVRs to overcome the daily limits imposed by GMail. The NVR has an option to setup authentication. The config worked for whitelisted ...
justanotherdev's user avatar
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Postfix / Dovecot SASL authentication only working on primary domain

I have had a postfix server running flawlessly for three months now. Users log in to the server in their respective mail clients by connecting to (with SSL) and there's never been ...
Doofitator's user avatar
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Can PAM be used with Postfix and Dovecot SASL?

I have set up Postfix to use Dovecot SASL with PAM and Unix users, and Dovecot LDA (LMTP) for local mailbox storage. After some testing, turns out incoming mail gets declined with the reason: Error: ...
Marty Cagas's user avatar
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How does SASL know to read config from /etc/postfix/sasl?

I've set up Postfix to authenticate with SASL on a Ubuntu based system. I've done this by following along with some recipes, but mostly readying a lot of the docs. One bit that works, but which I don'...
Dom's user avatar
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Postfix: reject_sender_login_mismatch not working

I want to use the following configuration for Postfix: smtpd_relay_restrictions = permit_mynetworks reject_sender_login_mismatch permit_sasl_authenticated defer_unauth_destination, ...
janeden's user avatar
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Postfix sasl_password file and MX resolution

Thanks to @AlexD idea, we'll implement the following transport table in order to simulate a IP failover using the DNS MX resolution (postfix 3.3) Relay for 2 domains, exemple[12].com ...
Déjà vu's user avatar
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Postfix unable to authenticate with Microsoft Exchange (No credentials were supplied)

I want to setup postfix on my nagios server to relay emails to our Microsoft Exchange server and I am running into issues with authenticating with Microsoft Exchange. Specifically I am getting this ...
qroberts's user avatar
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postfix/sasl/pam (mysql) auth error

I've followed tutorial on to set up an email server, and most of it works (after switching from Courier to Dovecot). Just not sending email through SMTP. Sending with ...
Rudie's user avatar
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Postfix Can't Receive Internet Email - warning: SASL: Connect to /var/spool/postfix/private/auth failed

Using CentOS 8, I've setup dovecot and postfix and tested that: I can sign in as an authenticated user Read email (IMAP) Send email to the same/different account on the server Send email outbound, to ...
dark_st3alth's user avatar
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Trouble enabling mail_crypt in dovecot / SASL authentication failed

dovecot --version (f79e8e7e4) Ok, I tried to enable mail-crypt but it's being weird. I'm using I ran: cd $HOME openssl ...
NorseGaud's user avatar
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Dovecot not authenticating clients in mail server with postfix cyrus(for sasl authentication) and dovecot in centos 7

As I built a mailserver I have another question in process that I haven't been able to find in google so I am expecting I will get a answer here. The update is I created a mailserver with postfix ...
ram khanal's user avatar
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mysql not authenticating with cyrus for postfix athentication

So i have been building a mail server and i have setted up postfix and a database now what i want is that cyrus should authenticate my users of mail server from a database i have setted up a database ...
ram khanal's user avatar
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4 answers

Postfix + sasldb issue (solved as of Mar 2021)

PS(SOLVED: Solution for Alpine Linux as of Mar 2021, the fix in cyrus-sasl 2.1.27-r12 is in edge branch. 3.13 only has cyrus-sasl 2.1.27-r10. PS: I know there are similar posts but they are very ...
John Siu's user avatar
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Postfix: How to malware & spam scan outgoing SMTP SASL auth users?

Although I have found two answers to this, I can't work out how to actually implement them, and at least one of them doesn't actually answer the question. So if anyone has any experience to share I'd ...
TommyPeanuts's user avatar
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Postfix SASL authentication via Dovecot - Can I use the SASL login name in my postfix sql queries?

I have a mailserver with postfix, dovecot and mysql running on Debian buster. Everythings works fine so far, but I would like to setup a scenario where the login name for SASL auth is different from ...
Michael's user avatar
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Demanding SASL authentication on port 25 rejects all of my incomming email

I am using this chunk of code inside /etc/postfix/ to force people to securely "subimt" email through port 465 which uses protocol SMTPS. SMTPS supports mandatory TLS which I use to ...
71GA's user avatar
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Postfix fails on incoming SMTP from remote MTAs for local delivery

I am transferring MTA to newer servers running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. SMTPS is working well thus permitting clients to send mails after authentication. However, when sending mails from remote MTAs for ...
Thomas Urban's user avatar
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Using "postfix" user for "dovecot"

I set the Postfix so that my mailboxes (maildir format) for my virtual users are set like this: ┌───┐ │ # │ root > myserver > ~ └─┬─┘ └─> ls -l /var/mail/ total 4 drwxr-sr-x 5 postfix ...
71GA's user avatar
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Postfix + SASL SQLite gives auxprop error on CentOS 7

I am receiving an unknown password verifier(s) auxprop error when trying to use SQLite for SASL authentication in Postfix on CentOS 7. It seems that the SQLite SQL engine is not found. Contents of /...
tater's user avatar
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Getting postfix to log to a file on docker

I have created a docker image based on Ubuntu 20.04 with postfix and dovecot. I also installed syslog-ng in hope to solve my problem, but it didn't work. Thing is, I want to use fail2ban to prevent ...
francisaugusto's user avatar
11 votes
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Postfix error, SASL authentication failed; cannot authenticate to server, no mechanism available

I would like to set up postfix relay to my website hosting SMTP server, from my home server. It's Centos 7, set up using dynamic IP and dynamic DNS. Because of limited space in my hosting site, I ...
Firman Azis Rauf's user avatar
7 votes
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Postfix warning: SASL: Connect to /var/spool/postfix/private/auth failed: No such file or directory

I have searched, and failed to find an answer and I am out of ideas. I just do not know enough about postfix and dovecot to parse the configs or understand what may be causing this error. warning: ...
Victor Major's user avatar
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Dovecot: Username character disallowed by auth_username_chars: 0x0a

I'm trying to set up a postfix+dovecot server to use GNU Mailman for creating a mailing list server, however I'm currently stuck at setting up SASL authentication using dovecot. It seems to add a ...
user avatar
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Can't telnet to Postfix SMTP server after adding smtpd_sasl_auth_enable option

I have the Postfix SMTP server installed on my CentOS 7 machine on port 25. To test that it's working, I connect to it using telnet, like this: # telnet localhost 25 and the result is: Trying ::1....
GetFree's user avatar
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SASL not blocking non authenticated user sending email to itself

My email server is working fine except that still allows anyone to send email from a [email protected] to [email protected]. I eanbled in /etc/postfix/ smtpd_sasl_type = dovecot smtpd_sasl_path = private/...
Kaf's user avatar
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Postfix How to send mail in behalf of an alias

I'm using postfix as a mail relay in a very simple setup, mostly with aliases, forwarding mails to GMail. My main goal with this is to minimize the need for mailboxes on my server. Let's assume I ...
mefiX's user avatar
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Unable to connect to port 993 for IMAP on Ubuntu server with Postfix/Dovecot/MySQL

Ubuntu 16.04.5 Apache2 MySQL Postfix w/MySQL Dovecot SASL2 UFW I am trying to install a working mail server and client on this machine. I followed this tutorial which allows authentication through ...
Fid's user avatar
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Postfix / Thunderbird / Cyrus SASL2: Username Or Password Invalid

I'm quite certain that I've entered my password correctly; that Thunderbird regards it as incorrect is I expect due to a Postfix or Cyrus SASL misconfiguration. I am perpetually confused about eMail ...
Mike Crawford's user avatar
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Kopano LDAP unable to login when username has special character

Ok, so I currently have a Kopano server working with Openldap to manage logins. The problem I currently have is that if I decide to define a user's login as his email, I can't send a message via ...
Osuwariboy's user avatar
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Mail Server allow sending spam to hosted mailboxes

I got an issue on both of my servers (Postfix + Dovecot and one on Zimbra) My issue is some robots send spam without login to our hosted mailboxes using the same FROM/RCPT. It seems Google got the ...
Maxence's user avatar
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What is wrong with my SASL?

So the story goes: I have a score of CentOS 6.9 virtual machines, migrated to Microsoft's Azure cloud by VHD upload. Once deployed I found out that Azure doesn't allow to send out email directly from ...
djn's user avatar
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fail2ban cannot set iptables rules

I have only a thin knowledge of both iptables and fail2ban, but my mail server has a lot of incoming connections that I want to get rid of. I have this config block in /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf [...
kinezana's user avatar
2 votes
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Postfix: How to use reject_sender_login_mismatch when using MySQL virtual users?

I want to force senders to use an envelope sender address that's identical to the SASL login username. From the Postfix SASL README I see I should list, in the smtpd_sender_login_maps option, a hash ...
JCCyC's user avatar
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Postfix: Enforce sender address for some users only

I am looking for an option to enforce an envelope sender address in postfix for selected users, only. E.g., I want to permit [email protected] to send mails as [email protected], only, while all other ...
i3i5i7's user avatar
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Ubuntu Server - Postfix Issue

I have an issue receiving an email into my server here is what shows in the mail.log file: Nov 1 10:50:30 hoskin postfix/smtpd[20806]: warning: SASL: Connect to /var/spool/postfix/private/auth ...
PandaGlasses's user avatar
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Postfix and dovecot. TLS not available

I've been trying to setup a send only SMTP server with postfix and dovecot, on Ubuntu 16.04. The problem I'm having is that when trying to send an email I get the message back. 4.7.0 TLS not ...
reaper's user avatar
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Dovecot SASL auth not working

Like said, Dovecot auth fails when i try to connect with Thunderbird. Incoming and outgoing mail works fine. I used e.g. this tutorial (and many more) as a reference:
temexter's user avatar