Before posting this question, I already do some search on Google, serverfault, etc. and don't find anything (related to postfix and .forward)

Postfix - address rewriting - reply all


We have a new SMTP server which accept sending mail only to a specific recipient, example: [email protected]

On Linux machine, the user -is identified by his Unix-id (jdoe) -the user have a file .forward in his home directory /home/jdoe/.forward which contains [email protected]

1.If I run the command like this mail -s "SMTPTLS Test On $HOST" [email protected] <<< "Test SMTPSEC-TLS work on $HOST" ->the mail is sent even if the user [email protected] dont exist

2.If I run the command like this mail -s "SMTPTLS Test On $HOST" jdoe <<< "Test SMTPSEC-TLS work on $HOST"

I got the message

smtp-server: 550 5.1.1 : Recipient address rejected: not allowed "/root/dead.letter" 11/366 . . . message not sent.

which is normal as the SMTP relay control the recipiend which must be [email protected]

The answers/findings are related to something static, per example in recipient_canonical /[email protected]/ [email protected]

Is there a way to configure postfix to rewrite the recipient address based on user home directory file /home/userX/.forward ? ie replacing jdoe by [email protected], jane.doe by [email protected], etc depending on the user Unix-id and what it's set in the user home directory .forward file ?!?

Thks&BstRgds Charles


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