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Questions tagged [postfix]

Free and open source mail transfer agent (MTA) that routes and delivers email. When asking about postfix problem, please include the relevant maillog lines and output of the following command: `postconf -n` (non-default content of and `postconf -M` (content of

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Change Envelope From to match From header in Postfix

I am using Postfix as a gateway for my domain and need it to change or rewrite the Envelope From address to match the From header. For example, the From: header is "[email protected]" and the Envelope ...
lid's user avatar
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Postfix: do not create bounce message for virtual_alias_maps with remote servers

I am using virtual_alias_maps to forward mail to remote mail servers (GMail, icloud). I have spam prevention in place myself (SPF checks, Before-Queue Content Filter etc), but often enough spam will ...
blueyed's user avatar
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How to log the whole SMTP session including DATA with postfix?

I am running a Debian 8.5 with postifx 2.11.3-1 and i try to log the whole smtp session including DATA to mail.log. it was possible to see a part of the data by increasing the verbosity by adding -...
c33s's user avatar
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PAM vs /etc/shadow in Dovecot SASL configuration - Security differences?

I set up a server with Postfix SMTP auth through Dovecot SASL. However, it was not possible to get the PAM authentification working as standard out of the box. So more by chance, I changed it to ...
smartmic's user avatar
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Ways to integrate incoming and outgoing mail webhook in Postfix

I am trying to build an application in PHP which will be able to create a Ticket whenever a new mail arrives on a specific account and whenever a reply is done for that email, the application will ...
Pankaj Jha's user avatar
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Disable bounce in Postfix after failed mail forwarding

I have some mailboxes in Plesk/Postfix that redirect to some external addresses. If Postfix fails to forward a message to these addresses, it bounces back to the original sender, who is a fake address ...
Antares's user avatar
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Postfix failed SPF check

I'm using postfix to send mail from my own domain and postfix-policyd-spf-perl to check SPF. SPF check fail only when I send an email from my own domain to my own domain. In summary : mydomain -> ...
Quentin Revel's user avatar
4 votes
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When does Postfix not perform lookups in virtual_alias_maps?

I'm having a real pickle of a problem: I have a Postfix 2.6.6 / CentOS 6 server that's set up to forward mail from specific aliases to specific destinations. This is done through a mysql ...'s user avatar
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postfix smtpd process bound to unix domain socket

To utilize a special cleanup daemon for outgoing emails only, I defined a special smtpd process in that is used as default_transport. (Only postfix should be able to submit emails through ...
Zulakis's user avatar
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TLSA lookup error for

we are running a mail server and always the same error in the logs (for a specific recipient): Aug 23 05:39:17 Mailer postfix/smtp[13561]: warning: DANE TLSA lookup problem: Host or domain name ...
manifestor's user avatar
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What is current advice on forwarding email - particularly to gmail

I want to move from my current hosting site to a VPS. I am very comfortable with the website hosting side of things but at the moment my stumbling block is email, something which I have never had to ...
Geoff's user avatar
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Remove unnecessary quotes from sender display name with special characters

I have set up Postfix with Dovecot and SquirrelMail on an Ubunutu 18.04 machine. Everything is working great, except for the display name with special characters. In SquirrelMail, I have configured ...
Snackoverflow's user avatar
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Sender address rejected: Access denied (in reply to RCPT TO command))

My email server has been ok for months now, since today my server would not receive any emails, I could send though. I seem to have fixed that by disabling and enabling UFW, not sure why that works ...
jimbob1929's user avatar
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Postfix: Enforce sender address for some users only

I am looking for an option to enforce an envelope sender address in postfix for selected users, only. E.g., I want to permit [email protected] to send mails as [email protected], only, while all other ...
i3i5i7's user avatar
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Hosting multiple websites (Apache Virtual Hosts), Postfix settings for sending mail FROM those domains?

I am not sure that this was the right solution in the first place but I have Postfix up and running on my Ubuntu VPS with G-Suite using relayhost = []:587 Mail is delivering fine, ...
Jesse's user avatar
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Stop postfix from sending non-delivery notifications when forwarded mail bounces

Some of my mail users are forwarding their mails to gmail for example. In some cases my Amavis lets some spam messages slip through. These mails are then bounced by gmail as they are spam. My postfix ...
Hokascha's user avatar
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Don't send outgoing mail via Spamassassin

My e-mail server is running Postfix 2.11.3 on Debian 8.7 (Jessie) with Spamassassin 3.4.0. I realized that my outgoing e-mails are also being checked for spam, which not only seems to be unnecessary ...
comfreak's user avatar
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Postfix: Avoiding backscatter when acting as backup MX with unknown valid recipiants

I'm running Postfix 3.1.0, acting as backup MX (i.e. I have relay_domains set) for a domain whose valid recipients I cannot practically know. Thus, I would normally be producing backscatter when I ...
J. King's user avatar
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Change FROM Name with Postfix

Using Postfix on Ubuntu 16 with google smtp server. Everything works fine. The only problem is that I can't seem to find out how to change the FROM name in postfix. I have rewritten the email ...
JoaMika's user avatar
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Prevent misdirected bouncebacks from forwarding server

Note: This question is a duplicate of Avoid creating backscatter on a Postfix forwarding server, for which the only answer was "sorry, nothing you can do", but I provide more detail here, consider ...
Arnon Weinberg's user avatar
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SSL_accept error with postfix oportunistic STARTTLS

I have configured postfix 2.6.6 on centos 6 as a mailrealy in front of an exchange 2010 server. Things work. Now I would like to add oportunistic encryption to incomming and outgoing mail. At least ...
Isaac's user avatar
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Postfix STARTTLS works in LAN but not externally

if I connect in LAN on port 25 to my mail server, it offers STARTTLS telnet 25 Trying 192.168.0.x... Connected to Escape character is '^]'. 220 ESMTP ...
Florian's user avatar
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Configure mailgun as relayhost on top of existing postfix server already using sasl

I might be barking at the wrong tree completely here, but I'll ask anyway. I've followed a tutorial to setup a Mailserver on ubuntu 14.04 with postfix, dovecot and mysql. Now I have setup mailgun to ...
Lord Otori's user avatar
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I need help trying to authenticate with AD from my linux machine

I am not experienced in this, so there might be some points that I am missing. Initially I tried to setup Cyrus Mail w/ SASL for AD authentication. After several tries, it failed to work. I switched ...
Gasim's user avatar
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Postfix relaying for multiple domains with Amazon SES

I'm a little confused about relaying with Postfix. I added this line to my /etc/postfix/transport I know this is wrong, but this is what I ...
ezdookie's user avatar
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Unable to send email via Postfix SMTP via Mac Mail App

I installed a SMTP server with Postfix as mail agent (on Ubuntu 12.04). Config is as follow: $ postconf -n alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases append_dot_mydomain = no ...
Raptor's user avatar
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Postfix / smtpd_relay_restrictions. How to allow relay from third party smtp server to any domains (but not open relay!)

By default, my Postfix allows relay emails sent to my domain ( or only for password auth clients or for 'myhostname' addresses. This is a regular situation for most mail servers. If I set ...
Marvin's user avatar
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Make Postfix search LDAP group members by UID instead of DN?

I'm creating an e-mail server with postfix (v2.7.1 on Debian 6.0) where users and groups are stored in an LDAP server. Users accounts works fine but I want to create e-mail aliases from group (any e-...
CDuv's user avatar
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postfix wrappermode depending on destination

My ISP accepts mail on port 465 thus requiring smtp_tls_wrappermode = yes. However, I also have another internal server, to which I forward mail on port 25 using STARTTLS, but with ...
Lars Hanke's user avatar
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Postfix: How to log to syslog only?

I have Postfix 3.8.1 on Ubuntu 23.10. How do I configure Postfix to log to syslog only? My syslog daemon is journald. According to my understand, Postfix should log to syslog, if maillog_file is not ...
user2690527's user avatar
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Docker Postfix Admin bulk aliases, custom maps, and custom config files

I'm in the process migrating my bare metal postfix implementation over to docker to essentially upgrade my old box to a more docker/vm-centric server and hopefully add virtual domain support. I'm ...
Pavman's user avatar
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need help to configure postfix / dovecot + SSL for ports 993, 465 + virtual mail/accounts from file + CRAM-MD5 authentification

I have some issues in my configs to have an full functional mailserver with CRAM-MD5 authentification for only port 993 and 465. Plz help me and others to get an right config file struct for ubuntu ...
trash2's user avatar
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Dovecot trying to authenticate external users

I am using dovecot version with SQL authentication and it works perfectly fine. I see in the logs though that when I use a PHP script to email a list of users, that dovecot is trying to ...
Nic's user avatar
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suspicious postfix warnings

I am running a private mailserver for quite some time now, which is a postfix / dovecot setup. I noticed some log messages from postfix, which alerted me a little bit, and I hope, someone can explain ...
Martin's user avatar
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"Non-Open-Mail Relay" Postfix / Dovecot are relaying anyway; Mis-configured or CRACKED? Plus, presently blocked external users need access too

CRITICAL UPDATE While working on this, there'd been no spam relayed for over a single day so I left it up and overnight, TWO emails got relayed! ACK! Here they are, from my tail / grep commands (...
Richard T's user avatar
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Scaling Postfix/Dovecot-Server

I looked at a larger installation of my local university of a Mailserver with Postfix/Dovecot. I am trying to archieve the same and looking forward to get any input or search query about how this ...
Lukas's user avatar
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OpenDKIM on MTA not signing mails from remote mail servers

I have a configuration where we have one MTA responsible for sending emails from a number of internal servers. The internal servers all run Postfix on a number of different domains. They are all ...
btongeorge's user avatar
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Postfix inline regexp lookup table

According to the manual regexp_table(5) section INLINE SPECIFICATION there is a possibility to write the regexp lookup table inline. INLINE SPECIFICATION The contents of a table may be specified in ...
the Radek's user avatar
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Postfix SASL error: warning: unknown[]: SASL LOGIN authentication failed: authentication failure

My use case is to use my own mail server to send emails from CCTV NVRs to overcome the daily limits imposed by GMail. The NVR has an option to setup authentication. The config worked for whitelisted ...
justanotherdev's user avatar
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Is it possible to use MTA-STS in Postfix without overriding DANE?

The SMTP MTA Strict Transport Security RFC 8461, 2 clearly states that: However, MTA-STS is designed not to interfere with DANE deployments when the two overlap; in particular, senders who implement ...
Esa Jokinen's user avatar
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How do I tell Dovecot to use another server for SMTP?

I am a bit lost on mail servers, but I have to install a mail proxy (Proxmox Mail Gateway) in front of the actual mail server (ISPConfig, Roundcube, Dovecot, Postfix). On receiving emails, it uses the ...
mb-zaba's user avatar
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Postfix email not send from subdomain

I have setup email server on ubuntu with Postfix, roundcube, powermta. mail server domain: emails are working fine when I test with gmail. I have installed mautic on another subdomain ...
Shankar S Bavan's user avatar
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postfix/sendmail can't read file

I'm trying to configure a mailserver, but when i run: echo "test email" | mail -s "test" [email protected] -aFrom [email protected] and check tail /var/log/mail.err I get Aug 8 ...
Alessandro Iaselli's user avatar
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SELinux - blocks postfix emails sending out from the Web Application

My System environment, is Centos-7.9, Apache2.4, Php-fpm, PHP-7.4 I have postfix setup to send emails from the website, which is working in stand-alone test emails and when I turn the SELinux off. ...
mahen3d's user avatar
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How to avoid Postfix sending emails without authentication even to users of the same domain

hopefully you could help me. I just installed postfix and I am trying to configure to avoid spam. The version I installed is 3.4.14 I am trying to configure posfix to have this behavior: From External ...
LearningLinuxServers's user avatar
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I'm looking for a way to configure distance clustering of postfix and dovecot

I currently have a postfix server and dovecot server sharing files from an NFS server in the UK and the same config in Switzerland. I tried to mailsync but that appeared to lose emails, so then I ...
banjo67xxx's user avatar
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Mail bounces: SMTPUTF8 is required, but was not offered

My mail server periodically sends out a newsletter to my clients. This is handled by a Perl script on the server. A few of the recipients names contain non-ASCII characters like ä, é, ö, etc. On my ...
Zippy1970's user avatar
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How does Postfix define an unlisted recipient or sender?

Postfix's documentation defines smtpd_reject_unlisted_recipient (default: yes) as Request that the Postfix SMTP server rejects mail for unknown recipient addresses, even when no explicit ...
sangstar's user avatar
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GMail not receiving email sent via PostFix

I have a VPN configured with Plesk. (I have installed a SSL/TLS certificate, through Plesk, using Lets Encrypt. Everything seems good as far as I can tell, but I mention it as it also protects emails.)...
FMaz008's user avatar
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OpenDKIM doesn't reject unvalidated incoming emails

Last a few weeks I found that my OpenDKIM stopped rejecting incoming mails with no dkim-signature, bad-signature etc. Signing outgoing is OK, and according to the mail headers verifying provided, as ...
Ahmed's user avatar
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