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Questions tagged [postfix]

Free and open source mail transfer agent (MTA) that routes and delivers email. When asking about postfix problem, please include the relevant maillog lines and output of the following command: `postconf -n` (non-default content of and `postconf -M` (content of

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Postfix behind nginx reverse proxy with permit_mynetworks

I would like to host several automatic email services in docker containers that send and receive emails through the Postfix server, which is also in a container. The only outward-facing container ...
w41g87's user avatar
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Your DKIM signature is not valid - opendkim

I'm running postfix server with few "features" like spf, dmarc and DKIM. SPF and DMARC works fine and when I sent an email to my gmail account I see they PASS, however DKIM shows "FAIL&...
kubn2's user avatar
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How can I make MIAB automatically copy all mail sent via SMTP into the sent folder of the sender's account?

I run Mail-In-A-Box on my mail server and one of my clients is using a specialized application to send messages via SMTP from their account on my server. When they used their own Gmail account to send ...
Del tree's user avatar
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Postfix: How to set the minimum number of bits for (non-EC) DH key exchange?

I am currently assessing the TLS security of a Postfix mail server and among other things sslscan reported that the server allows a (non-EC) DH exchange with only 1024 bits. While one solution would ...
user2690527's user avatar
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IPREV check failing on multiple ipv6 addresses

I'm using a Raspberry Pi 5b running Ubuntu to host a Postfix and Dovecot mailserver from my home. After setting up various sender authentication mechanisms on the server eg. SPF, DKIM and DMARC - and ...
Oliver Ricketts's user avatar
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How do I properly issue Let's Encrypt certificate for my mail server?

How do I properly issue Let's Encrypt certificate for my Postfix mail server? Right now I have a self-signed certificate and I get these messages it cannot be trusted. I did certbot --nginx certonly -...
m27's user avatar
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[Postfix]Some recipients in a mail group rejected when delivery?

There are 2 Postfix mail servers msA and msB, responsible for domainA and domainB repectively. Setting of Postfix on both server is: smtpd_sender_restrictions = permit_sasl_authenticated, ...
Vinix's user avatar
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postfix bounce_queue_lifetime and maximal_queue_lifetime

i have done a lot of research but still cannot clearly understand what is the difference between postfix bounce_queue_lifetime and maximal_queue_lifetime in Although I've read a lot of ...
iamaduwb's user avatar
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Email from any outside domain bounces back with 554 5.7.1 Relay access denied error

i have setup postfix 3.6 on my ubuntu 22.04 vps (cyberpanel) with dovecot and roundcube as my webmail. i managed to fix outgoing emails but now, i am getting relay access denied errors. this is my ...
gjg2013's user avatar
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Why is Postfix sending private information? [duplicate]

My (external) webserver has postfix installed. I use it as a SMTP server for my private email. I'm currently investigating a problem where hotmail/outlook/live sees incoming email from me as spam, ...
Zippy1970's user avatar
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SASL authentication failure: Password verification failed even when it works with testsaslauthd

I'm having some trouble configuring client authentication using saslauthd and postfix on ubuntu 22.04. The issue is that users are not getting authenticated although the user exists. It's my first ...
Lukas Guldstøv's user avatar
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Can authentication with a relay be disabled for a specific address in smtp_sasl_password_maps?

Some email hosters are jerks. No matter your blacklist standing, SPK, DKIM, or DMARC, they will block your emails. To deal with that, I've set up a relay using sender_dependent_relayhost_maps. There ...
Banyoghurt's user avatar
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postfix with dovecot : many authentication failures

I have installed postfix with dovecot and after while i have found tons of authentication failures from internet. I have installed and configured fail2ban and every not authenticated IP is banned but ...
admfotad's user avatar
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Postfix sending duplicate emails under different userid's, how to fix?

I can't find a reason for it in the postfix settings, but duplicate emails are being sent, under different uid's. Looking at the email headers, they have unique ids, and each with a different Postfix, ...
jamminjames's user avatar
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How can I convince postfix to send mail to my local maildir using dovecot lmtr?

I have installed dovecot and postfix on debian 12 and it is working but broken. I can connect to dovecot and see the existence of /var/mail/username/ on my server. My problem is simply that sending ...
Rich's user avatar
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How to make Postfix hand off emails via LMTP to Dovecot better (virtual vs relay)?

There are 2 ways how Postfix can hand off emails via LMTP. The first approach is recommended by Kyle Dent in his book about Postfix. He suggests it in cases when we want to store emails in a ...
Ilya Ordin's user avatar
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Postfix - can't limit active queue

One of the destinations I send email to has unusual performance characteristics. The active queue can fill up with messages for this domain, blocking sending to other domains. I want to limit the ...
symcbean's user avatar
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rspamd intermittently mark outgoing emails with HFILTER_HOSTNAME_UNKNOWN

We use rspamd to scan our outgoing emails so we can know if there's something wrong with our mail setup. Some of the email is sent through normal mailboxes, others through systems, for instance an ...
mlatk's user avatar
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Postfix/dovecot use external smtp server to send auto-reply

I want that dovecot vacation extension uses an external smtp server for sending the out of office (vacation) mails. Current setup: I use postfix for my incomming mails and dovecot for my imap, all ...
Mandy's user avatar
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Sending email with postfix on a specific IP address fails. Error 81126 with Gmail

Recently, I started to receive errors from Gmail: host[] said: 550-5.7.25 [X.X.X.X] The IP address sending this message does not have a 550-5.7.25 PTR record ...
Oni's user avatar
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postfix access subdomain format

I need to allow a domain to bypass my RBL checks. I use: check_client_access hash:/etc/postfix/client_checks, That works fine except I needed to add I dont' seem to ...
shorton's user avatar
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RHEL + how to know the limit of concurrent connections number per port?

how to know the number of concurrent connections per port on RHEL 7.x machines for instance, let say we connect to port 9080 with XXXX concurrent connections. wget
King David's user avatar
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Can postfix enforce reject_unknown_helo_hostname before permit_sasl_authenticated?

I have a working postfix 3.5 relay where the config includes: smtpd_client_restrictions = permit_mynetworks, reject_unknown_client_hostname, permit smtpd_helo_required=yes ...
Jonathan Wakely's user avatar
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Resolve issues with DNSBLOG and

I am using postfix with DNSBLOG to prevent spam. The postfix is configured like: postscreen_dnsbl_sites =[2..11]*3*2 DNSBLOG is ...
tillewolle's user avatar
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postfix wrappermode depending on destination

My ISP accepts mail on port 465 thus requiring smtp_tls_wrappermode = yes. However, I also have another internal server, to which I forward mail on port 25 using STARTTLS, but with ...
Lars Hanke's user avatar
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postfix MTA seemingly benign I/O Error : postqueue fatal: output write error: Input/output error

I am getting the following message in my syslog exactly every 30 seconds. Everything is working but words like "Fatal" and "Input/output error" cause me an inordinate amount of ...
Paul Lemmons's user avatar
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Why does mailman replace non-Latin letters with crooked ones?

The essence of the problem is that when sending an html letter with formatted text inserted from another source containing non-Latin letters (for example, copied text from a web page in Polish), the ...
Viacheslav Hranchenko's user avatar
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Postfixadmin Kubernetes Debian 12

I have setup a kubernetes cluster on debian 12(first time), and i used the docker mailserver project to install the pods. So far so good, but now I can't seem to expose the 80 or 443 to a network that'...
Turdie's user avatar
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Postfix: high delay in queue manager

Although this question has been asked before, there was no accepted answer (and the quality of answers was not good). For one site where I send emails to, the "in queue manager" delay metric ...
symcbean's user avatar
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Can't receive messages in inbox of Thunderbird with Postfix and Dovecot

I have dovecot and postfix installed and working properly. I send messages to the server with postfix and Dovecot from clientnorbert@clientnorbert-1-2, with the email clientnorbert@ubuntumailsystem ...
Doujinx's user avatar
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How to detect non-latin scripts in email subject?

On my mail server running Postfix, I want to reject mails using some non-latin scripts in their subject, in particular Arabic and Cyrillic since none of my users (family) speak languages that use them....
DarkDust's user avatar
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dovecot telnet localhost 143

I have problem with dovecot, when im trying telnet localhost 143 i got root@ubuntuserver:/etc/dovecot# telnet localhost 143 Trying telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection ...
Doujinx's user avatar
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Redirect mails to a different recipient

We have a server which is sending sheduled mails to an address which does not exists. This was a false configuration by a former coworker and we are unable to detect where it happens. So our idea was ...
MaKaNu's user avatar
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Postfix/Postgrey/openDMARC: Bypass greylisting if DMARC check succeeds

I have set up Postfix so that it is using Amavis (in conjunction with Spamassassin and ClamAV), openSPF, openDKIM, and Postgrey, and I have recently added openDMARC to the configuration. All of them ...
Robidu's user avatar
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Add original message id to headers in a postfix bounce

I'm running an OSticket support system that utilizes the Mailcow stack for email messaging. Everything is working fine, except for cases when we cannot email a ticket author due to mailbox issues on ...
ProbablePrime's user avatar
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IRedMail server rejecting mails

Hi I have installed my web mail. and I found it's listed on spamhaus. so I am tring to receive verify email them, this email is rejected. Logs: Feb 9 17:44:01 mail postfix/postscreen[2033648]: ...
mohamad zbib's user avatar
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How to send email from smtp server1 to smtp server2 (Postfix) via client?

How to make server1 with postfix can send email to server2 with postfix by redirecting DNS query to it (type forward). These servers are on the same local network. Server1 is to receive a non-...
test1's user avatar
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opendkim not singing my outgoing emails ubuntu 20.04

i'm following this tutorial to integrate opendkim and sign my emails,i'm not much in ubuntu but i configured everything as the tutorial but the emails is sent without dkim signing I'm hitting the wall ...
Amir Eix's user avatar
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[Postfix][Dovecot] Automatically forward a sent message under the identity of an email list to all other members of that list

I am running Postfix 3.8.4, Dovecot 2.3.20 (with pigeon hole sieve support) and OpenLDAP 2.6.4 as the backend for account and alias management. Let's assume I have two mail accounts jane.doe@my-domain....
user2690527's user avatar
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Postfix TLS with Letsencrypt configuration

I am running Postfix inside a docker container. Certificate are generated with certbot. With the following configuration: smtpd_tls_cert_file=/var/keys/fullchain.pem smtpd_tls_key_file=/var/keys/...
Chrzanek's user avatar
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Connection closed by foreing host - Postifx, Dovecot

2024-02-07T10:44:27.271322+00:00 ubuntuserver postfix/postfix-script[23192]: starting the Postfix mail system 2024-02-07T10:44:27.277625+00:00 ubuntuserver postfix/master[23194]: daemon started -- ...
Doujinx's user avatar
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Postfix/Dovecot relay or proxy?

I'm trying to figure it out how to reverse proxy based on condition email servers or how to deal with sending/receiving emails from different servers on only 1 public IP address? My current ...
EAK TEAM's user avatar
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Postfix Log - Get entries for certain mail only

The standard Postfix log Format is something like Feb 4 15:03:53 mail postfix/smtp[31148]: xyz The 31148 seems to be the process id, so this does not necessarily change if I send another mail. At ...
Netnoob's user avatar
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Postgrey logging options

I am running Debian 12, Postfix with Postgrey. I can not seem to get Postgrey to log to mail.log. I am using syslog-ng, was using rsyslog. I have mail pointing to the mail.log file and inside /etc/...
Rob Watson's user avatar
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Ubuntu 20.04 server ignores incoming postfix connections on IPv4, accepts IPv6

I've hacked my server to bits and now I need help. Everything was working, but I think these issues started when I tried to add a VPN server to this server to test some items at work. That process ...
Pants's user avatar
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Postfix/Dovecot fails to send emails "SASL PLAIN authentication failed" - no further message

I have been all around the houses trying to configure Postfix and Dovecot so I can send through my domain from Gmail, which as far as I know is simply Gmail acting as a regular SMTP client talking to ...
glenatron's user avatar
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Postfix sends using TLS but no info in Delivery Notice (DSN) mail

I got a postfix server runnig with DKIM and TLS for SMTP and SMPTD also configured. When I send a test mail to my gmail account it always states Standard-Encryption TLS which is fine. Also the headers ...
Netnoob's user avatar
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Postfix/Dovecot presenting default SSL certificate from Apache to Thunderbird client

I've been struggling with this issue for some time now. I want thunderbird to get the certificate for mail.******.cl, but it always seem to get ******.cl. So I've done a couple of tests, and realized ...
Jairo Alarcón's user avatar
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Postfix+Dovecot: emoji in subject from command line break the delivery ("SMTPUTF8 is required, but was not offered"), works from Gmail

Tl;dr: if I send an email to my Postfix+Dovecot server with the subject containing UTF-8 characters email from Gmail => Postfix+Dovecot deliver the email correctly email from mail (command line) =&...
Dr. Gianluigi Zane Zanettini's user avatar
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Why pickup service needs wake up from Postfix master?

The Postfix file contains a definition to wake up qmgr service: # ========================================================================== # service type private unpriv chroot wakeup ...
rfmoz's user avatar
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