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Questions tagged [postfix]

Free and open source mail transfer agent (MTA) that routes and delivers email. When asking about postfix problem, please include the relevant maillog lines and output of the following command: `postconf -n` (non-default content of and `postconf -M` (content of

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How to bypass postfix milters for certain users?

I am trying to set up an incoming MTA server using Postfix. I have specific requirements that some users' emails should not go through the milters. Is there any way this can be done in Postfix? One ...
SUNITA GUPTA's user avatar
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Too many connect from unknown postfix

I am trying to set up an incoming email server by using postfix as MTA the issue I am facing is that there are too many 'connect from unknown' lines in the log. Can anyone help can I debug this issue? ...
SUNITA GUPTA's user avatar
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How can I log when the postfix (for an incoming mail server) enters the stressed condition?

I have a server that I use only for incoming emails it uses Postfix as MTA. I want the postfix logs to indicate when (and if) the MTA enters the stressed mode. I thought about writing a custom bash ...
SUNITA GUPTA's user avatar
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Postfix not signing mail with OpenDKIM

Postfix is not signing outgoing mail with OpenDKIM despite giving no errors. My file readme_directory = /usr/share/doc/postfix inet_protocols = ipv4 meta_directory = /etc/postfix ...
root-louis's user avatar
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How do I setup Postfix to discard email sent to an alias in a MySQL virtual alias table?

I'm trying to setup Postfix to discard mail when there is an alias record in the MySQL address that forwards the mail to user nobody. All mail that is sent to [email protected] should be black-...
Nick's user avatar
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Can I hide aliased email addresses in a Postfix reject message?

[email protected] is an alias for [email protected]. When Postfix rejects a message, it replies with the expanded alias: <[email protected]>: host[xx.xx.xx.xx] said: 550 5.7....
Nick's user avatar
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Postfix: block email from sender only for certain recipient

I'd like to reject email from senders, but only for certain recipients. Example: Sender [email protected] is blocked for [email protected]. Sender [email protected] is blocked for [email protected]. ... But all ...
dinamica's user avatar
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Amanda backup software using postfix generates invalid sendmail command line option '-s'

I recently updated postfix on my CentOS 6 server to support a new email relay, and everything is working except my Amanda backup software, which is no longer sending status emails. When I run "...
Leslie's user avatar
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Relay Outgoing Emails Based On Sender Address AND Recipient domain

I am new with postfix and have troubles figuring out some things. Right now my postfix has sender-based config: [email protected] [email protected] ...
Konstantin Konstantinov's user avatar
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Postfix spuriously checks SPF policy for authenticated, submitting mail clients

I am running Postfix 3.8.1 on Ubuntu 23.10. Postfix serves port 25 for incoming mail from other MTAs and port 587 for authenticated MUAs. Postfix is supposed to check SPF for mails from other MTAs on ...
user2690527's user avatar
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Configure postfix virtual transport to deliver mail to arbitrary (local) addresses

I'm using Postfix in a very niche application with no inbound or outbound SMTP connectivity (other than via the loopback interface). I would like to configure the postfix virtual transport to deliver ...
larsks's user avatar
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Converting access file from sendmail to postfix

I'm looking to convert a two-decade-old highly-configured sendmail installation (currently running on AlmaLinux 9) into postfix. Among the conversions is adapting the existing /etc/mail/access file to ...
William Seligman's user avatar
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How to integrate a python script with amavis or spamassasin?

I have an MTA setup with postfix acting as MTA and Amavis acting as content filter; Amavis is configured for using SpamAssassin and Clamav. I have written a Python script that basically analyses an ...
SUNITA GUPTA's user avatar
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Migrate existing Maildir to Dovecot Maildir sub folder

I have an existing Maildir (one file per message) from a backup: root@host:/var/vmail/myname/cur# ls -lha | head -n 7 total 347M drwx------ 2 vmail vmail 844K Nov 5 10:15 . drwxr-xr-x 5 vmail vmail 4....
MrSnrub's user avatar
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DKIM *seems* to be used as an open relay. Is this possible?

I'm running postfix with opendkim. My opendkim milter is running on port 10029. CORRECTION: My opendkim milter is running on a unix socket, and there is a DKIM content filter set up on port 10029. ...
HippoMan's user avatar
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What are the correct settings to enable TLS between Postfix and Dovecot via LMTP?

I am trying to get Postfix to forward mail via LMTP to Dovecot. This works fine when TLS is turned off in the settings on both sides. Once TLS settings are enabled, Postfix connects via LMTP and ...
Nick's user avatar
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Postfix Dovecot connection with MySQL8 SSL mode disabled

I have a production running installation of Postfix 3.1 and Dovecot. Recently upgraded to a new version of MySQL, passing from 5.6 to 8 hosted in a new server. The problem now is that postfix and ...
Sergi's user avatar
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How to have different postfix options based upon destination email address

I need to configure postfix in such a way that the options used vary dependent upon the destination email address. For example, I might have destinations such as [email protected], [email protected], user@baz....
Nathan Hilterbrand's user avatar
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Postfix: How to log to syslog only?

I have Postfix 3.8.1 on Ubuntu 23.10. How do I configure Postfix to log to syslog only? My syslog daemon is journald. According to my understand, Postfix should log to syslog, if maillog_file is not ...
user2690527's user avatar
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Postfix and rspamd: Disable bounce email

How do I disable non-delivery notification (bounce mail) in Postfix? I have setup Postfix 3.8.1 with rspamd 3.6. Spam filtering is working admin@host123456:~ $ wget
user2690527's user avatar
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Postfix service WAS working, after reboot says "Failed to start postfix.service: Unit var.mount is masked."

On this server system we have been offloading the ssd system "disk" of high-write loads for reliability / longevity reasons and following one strategy, we went to a new one and everything ...
Richard T's user avatar
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Postfix: Order of evaluation of `smtpd_client_restrictions`, `smtpd_helo_restrictions`, `smtpd_relay_restrictions` and `smtpd_recipient_restrictions`

In what order does Postfix > 2.10 evaluate the following directives? smtpd_client_restrictions smtpd_helo_restrictions smtpd_relay_restrictions smtpd_recipient_restrictions I read Postfix SMTP ...
user2690527's user avatar
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Postfix: Different TLS certificates for each hosted virtual mail domain

I have a single machine with a single Postfix instance which hosts different virtual mail domains. Is it possible to configure Postfix such that is uses different TLS server certificates (with ...
user2690527's user avatar
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Cannot send e-mail to one account on server

I am responsible for administering a web and mail server which has a number of users with mailboxes which function correctly. I recently added another user as I wanted to set up a separate e-mail ...
ALEA's user avatar
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thunderbird logs in after adding a double domain name

I've spent my last few days migrating my email server to another server location, all my config files are the same etc. But for some reason i keep getting weird issue's on the new server. I'd like to ...
Gijs Pampiermole's user avatar
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Does LMTP support authentication?

Scenario: A Postfix Server runs on a VPS with a hosting company. A Dovecot IMAP server runs inside the office. We want Postfix to push mail it receives to the Dovecot IMAP server, using the least ...
Nick's user avatar
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PAM failing to authenticate all users from one domain in dovecot

I have installed a mail server using Dovecot + Postfix, and it always worked correctly. Recently I installed a new domain and a user [email protected] for that domain in the mailserver ...
hitan_999's user avatar
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Postfix - limit outgoing messages sent by one specific user

I want to limit outgoing messages to 5 per hour for a single user. It should then queue any additional messages during that hour to be attempted for delivery later. All other users should not be ...
Pancakes's user avatar
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Postfix Trigger script when E-Mail was Sent

This is my first Post at serverfault. I hope someone can help me. My setup looks like this: I have a RabbitMQ where emails are queued. I've written a small Python tool that retrieves one email at a ...
MMY's user avatar
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Postfix / sasldb : "authentication failure"

I'm not a postfix expert... I'm having an authentication problem with posfix 3.5 on debian 11.8. I've added a test user : # saslpasswd2 -c test Password: test Using swaks to test authentication to ...
lc63's user avatar
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Postfix seems to be running and listening on the public network interface, but external clients cannot connect?

I'm setting up a new Postifx server on Debian 12. I've installed the Debian package and confirmed that Postfix is running, and is listening on ports 25,465, and 587. Postfix is running and there are ...
Nick's user avatar
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Where do I find the LDAP scheme for Postifx or which alternative should I use?

The howto describes LDAP object with object classes virtualaccount ldapgroup ldapuser attributes mail memberdn memberaddr maildrop Where do I find the ...
user2690527's user avatar
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DMARC and Postfix delivery reports

I successfully set up DMARC, DKIM and SPF for my mailserver's domain, but delivery reports created by Postfix fail the DKIM/SPF tests. The headers of regular messages (sent via my mailserver) look ...
janeden's user avatar
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postfix: add missing subject header

I want postfix to add a Mail-Subject to messages, which do not have a subject already. Some of my applications are trying to send E-Mail messages which do not contain a subject and these applications ...
Martin Perzl's user avatar
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E-Mails are not storing. Postfix, Dovecot & MySQL

I am trying to set up a mail server with Postfix & Dovecot using MySQL to store the aliases, domain & user. The issue is, users are not receiving emails. According to the log files, the ...
Noaah's user avatar
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Postfix catch-all for all domains/users and send mail to external mailserver

I am configuring a mailserver that has to save all email for any domain and any user and store it in the mailfolder of one specific user. For this I have used the following configuration: ...
Niels's user avatar
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Postfix TLS: Examples for problems when using client certificates

The Postfix documentation states the following with regards to the parameter for client certificates, smtp_tls_cert_file: smtp_tls_cert_file (default: empty) [...] Do not configure client ...
hjsimpson's user avatar
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Can not setup postfix/dovecot with email clients

Having problems with configure postfix/dovecot with email clients such as outlook and thunderbird. Using telnet and openssl I have tested both smtp and imap through ports 587 and 993. Sent mails are ...
Dio Anderson's user avatar
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With postfix, how do you setup SASL with dovecot to receive SMTP mail and cyrus to authenticate?

I had a static IP address and setting up my mail relay was as easy as: mynetworks = ... <static IP address> ... (and of course authorize all incoming mail from mynetworks). Now that I do not ...
Alexis Wilke's user avatar
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Postfix+Dovecot: filter email with certain `To:` address

I have a postfix+dovecot email server. There is one mailbox that was used by the Procurement department in many online shops and the address got disclosed and included in a spam list. I would like to ...
Yván Ecarri's user avatar
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Howto Whitelist incoming mails Docker-Mailserver (=Postfix)

I recently set up the Docker-Mailserver for our company (v. 12.1.0). It's working well so far, except for one thing: We receive automated emails from a customer's Redmine system. These emails are not ...
mmytx's user avatar
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Roundcube imap domain

I have configuration Postfix+dovecot+roundcube. I have installed certificate SSL on domain so when I have added below imap configuration test is OK and roundcube works. When I write ...
ufo1990's user avatar
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Using Postfix as relay to upgrade encryption

I have some embedded devices which receive no more firmware upgrades. They are only capable of sending mails with TLSv1.1 which is no longer supported by public mail servers. So my idea is to setup a ...
Hans's user avatar
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Postfix: Set connection rate limit exceeded per host

Is it possible to define the smtpd_client_connection_count_limit per domain in Postfix? I have a default setting of smtpd_client_connection_count_limit = 10, but I want to allow a higher limit for ...
user2531657's user avatar
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Rewriting message header To: field when sending email

I am configuring an SMTP server with Postfix (v3.7.3) for local (i.e. host only) mail sending on openSUSE 15.5 Leap. What I would like is to send messages to local "users" (there is no real ...
StinGer's user avatar
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stunnel smtp tls frontend server/proxy for remote backend postfix

I'm running stunnel in server mode and listening on port 587 and trying to connect to a remote postfix server running on port 25. NB: the two servers are connected via zerortier, which may or may not ...
espeed's user avatar
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Postfix relay mails not from "mynetwork" or "authenticated users"

I have some trouble understanding Postfix-configuration and have the current situation: I had one server with Plesk using Postfix as primary MX for several domains. Now - to reduce spam - I want to ...
Lutz Mahlstedt's user avatar
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Email client login for the virtual domains setup in postfix dovecot

I have set up a mail server using Postfix and Dovecot. Right now I don't have sasl setup. If I add a user using adduser command and login in to Thunderbird then there is no issue. But now I have also ...
Anveeg Sinha's user avatar
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Postfix : change email from unix_user@domain to a something@domain

I have two domains on a server, they are rarely used and they have 2 ubuntu users like domain1_user domain2_user and I want to associate email addresses like info@domain1 info@domain2 Obviously I ...
Marius's user avatar
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How to make postfix sign non-delivery notifications with DKIM?

I have set up my "postfix" server to sign outgoing messages with DKIM and verified that it works correctly for SMTP users using authentication. However, "non-delivery notifications"...
mist's user avatar
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