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Questions tagged [private-ip]

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17 votes
4 answers

DNS A record pointing to private IP address [duplicate]

I own a domain. I will call it I want to set up a local BIND server on my private network. I have a box with the private IP address of I would like to have this box named ...
Ryan's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Is it reasonable to use Nagios to check that a service is NOT available?

Suppose I have a server with a private interface and a public interface. Public might have things like HTTP(S) servers, private might have MySQL and SSH. Obviously Nagios is useful to check that the ...
smitelli's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

Reaching a Linux server with a private IP without VPN

I'm working on a network where I can't obtain a public IP address or set up VPN access. Is there a way that I can communicate with a local server remotely by using an intermediary in the cloud that ...
Jonathan's user avatar
6 votes
5 answers

Private IP getting routed over Internet

We are setting up an internal program, on an internal server that uses the private 172.30.x.x subnet... when we ping the address, it routes across the internet: C:\>tracert 172.30....
WernerCD's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Ec2 instance static private ip address

I am using an on-demand instance for testing some services in my spare time. So, I start and stop that instance very frequently, and I see its public and private IPs changing each time. This is ...
Fabio B.'s user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Private address space IP found in X-Forwarded-For

I'm reverse proxying with nginx behind Google Cloud (HTTPS) Load Balancer, so I add the X-Forwarded-For header so that the backend can extract the client (browser) IP. This morning I noticed a 10.x....
Rhangaun's user avatar
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1 answer

Two ESXi host servers connected to eachother's second NIC

Essentially I have two physical servers (Both identical, both ESXi hosts, each with 2xdual gbit nics) in a private rack in a data center. They will both be running a variety of db/web/storage server ...
tg2's user avatar
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Valid SSL certificate for domain/subdomain pointed at a private IP address

This is related to a question I saw here where the OP asks whether you can point an A record to a private IP address. So it seems like you can but I have a further question... If I create the ...
wingyip's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Allow internet access for ec2 instances with private IP addresses inside a public subnet?

I have a public subnet(S1) with a route pointing to the internet gateway in its route table. Launched an ec2 instance(I1) inside S1 but did not allocate a public IP to it, thereby the instance only ...
Yasasvee's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How can the route between two private IPs go via public IPs?

I'm trying to understand what this output from traceroute means. I changed the IP addresses for privacy but retained the public/private IP range distinction. traceroute.db -e -n traceroute ...
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil''s user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How do I setup virtual networking Xenserver?

I'd have a network like this currently. Basically, It's two Xenservers connected to our colocation provider's switch via one ethernet cable per server. Each server currently has a second ethernet card ...
edude05's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Linode Private IPs

I'm trying to get private IPs set up with my Linodes. I'm running Debian. Here's my Linode's Network tab: eth0: ( ) Gateways: ...
mattbasta's user avatar
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1 answer

Using Public IP addresses for Private Network

I have a network that uses the 192.192.192.x network address for their private network. It looks like publicly those are IP addresses that are assigned in Taiwan. I don't think they do too much ...
Nixphoe's user avatar
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4 answers

Public Servers NATing?

My question in short: "Which is better? To assign private IP addresses to public servers and do NATing, or to assign public IP addresses to them without the need for NATing"? The NATing can be useful ...
Khaled's user avatar
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why do Vagrant docs suggest using public IP address for local VMs?

I'm following a tutorial to set up vagrant (a tool to build and configure portable virtual machine images), and it seems that vagrant documentation suggests using IPv4 address to configure ...
Gert's user avatar
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3 answers

Can only some machines on a network have a public IP addresses?

Is it possible for some computers on a network to have their own public IP addresses and serve content over the internet while other computers on the same network only have private IP addresses but ...
Chris Dutrow's user avatar
4 votes
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Why is my AWS instance's private IP outside of the subnet's range?

I'm trying to launch an instance with the private IP address using Terraform in my default VPC (CIDR, in the eu-west-1a subnet that has the CIDR I can ...
scrossan's user avatar
3 votes
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How to make Unbound block private IPs in resolved domains (DNS rebinding)

I set up Unbound in my local network as a local DNS resolver. I noticed that it will not filter any private IP addresses in the resolved domains and forward any IP address that a domain resolves to. ...
comfreak's user avatar
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IPv6 configuration for my private network when prefix delegation is not supported by the provider?

I have a typical router with IPv4 and NAT setup. My provider sends an IPv6 address to the router, but it does not support the IPv6 prefix delegation. How can I get IPv6 addresses for my private ...
Vangelis Tasoulas's user avatar
2 votes
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Is a valid private subnet?

I've been administrating an office network that was set up by someone else and I always found this weird about it: Their internal subnet is in this range: It's been working fine, but ...
Pablo M's user avatar
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Vagrant private IP not found after network change

I've got a simple Vagrant Ubuntu virtual machine setup using Virtual Box, running on a Mac. I'm using private networking, configured with a static private IP like so: Vagrant.configure("2") do |...
Brad Parks's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Connecting to a remote mysql database using its private IP Address

My database server has only a private IP address. I am able to ssh into the database server from my application server. I have created an user with the app server's IP address. Can anyone tell me how ...
TrickyExplorer's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How so I SSH to two different machines with the same IP?

I have two similar deployments of a web app, each on separate virtual network with private IP addresses. Both have a VM at I can VPN from my development machine into either network and SSH ...
Brendan's user avatar
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2 answers

IPv4 private address assignment

I'm working on a private network which uses static IPv4 addresses as well as DHCP addressing for the physical LAN network. At a previous company I worked at they would assign static addresses in the ...
helloworld922's user avatar
2 votes
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Multiple IP's bind to same interface in hyper-V does not respond to telnet or ping

I have configured CentOS-6.0 VM in hyper-V. Configured multiple IP and bind to same Network adapter. Below are interfaces created. ifcfg-eth0 - ifcfg-eth0:1 - ifcfg-eth0:2 ....
Paul Jany Godwin's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Accessing servers with public IP from private networks without NAT

Is it possible, from a private network, to access to a public server (i.e., a server with a public IP address) without a NAT? In other word, can an Intranet provide public services, if I give public ...
mgiordi's user avatar
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3 answers

Are Amazon VPC private IPs constant?

I have a VPC set up and working on Amazon and one EC2 instance talks to another via its private IP. Will this IP remain constant to that EC2 instance through out multiple reboots? Is there anyway to ...
Shane Stillwell's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Access my system data which has private IP [closed]

I need to give my laptop to someone for few days, i have my files in that out of which i'm not sure which one's i'll require. So looking for a solution if possible. How can i access those files by ...
Bijendra's user avatar
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4 answers

Public IP or Private IP for the DMZ area

Lets say I have three networks in my topology : Internal network, DMZ, Internet. And my DMZ Area contains a lot of servers, but lets say in this example that it contains only a DNS Server and a Web ...
Sidahmed's user avatar
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Kubernetes, how do I let kubernetes use the internal network for node to node communication?

Context. I am following the basic kubernetes installation here (in Hetzner Cloud, if it is needed). 1 controller and 1 worker. All is fine apparently. the servers have an external IP interface (...
Pier A's user avatar
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Reverse proxy forward request via private IP?

I have two EC2 instances, says EC2-a and EC2-b. EC2-a installed NGINX and served as reverse proxy, while EC2-b installed Weblogic which serve up my websites. Since public-IP are not static, I'm ...
Isaac's user avatar
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1 answer

How to make docker only use a private network to communicate with other hosts?

Digital Ocean provides internal IPs that are not traffic-metered. How can I configure Docker to exclusively use this private network? How to make the network interface that the docker creates docker0 ...
Cláudio Júlio's user avatar
1 vote
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Can't get access to my IIS Server?

Before I could get access to my IIS Server using its static private IP address (on the Windows Server 2012 itself), but now I can only access the IIS Server web page using its localhost and ...
Doug's user avatar
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How to Access an AWS Instance with RDC when behind a Private Subnet of a VPC

We are implementing a typical Amazon VPC with Public and Private Address - with all servers running the Windows platform. The MS SQL instances will be on the private subnet with all IIS/web servers on ...
dalej's user avatar
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Cassandra on Linode: Dark magic isn't working

Yes, I realize I'm crossing the streams by running Cassandra on Linode. Yes, I know it would be better to run it on Rackspace or Amazon, but that's immaterial right now. Basically, I've got a Private ...
mattbasta's user avatar
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Is it possible to connect 3 Ubuntu servers without switch and no single point failure

I have 3 servers and I want to connect them to build a k8s cluster over 10Gb NICs. I am using this configuration right now. server2 ( <--> server1 <--> server3 ( how to ...
Lod's user avatar
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1 answer

Private IPV4 address space usage statistics (Least Used)

I'm trying to avoid IP conflicts with wireguard VPN and would like to select the least used private IPV4 address block. Are there any statistics published on usage of private IPV4 address space? Or ...
eng3's user avatar
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2 answers

ftp server in passive mode at private subnetwork

I have following configuration: FTP client (public_IP1) => internet => Firewall(Public_IP2) => FTP server ( I have following iptables rules at Firewall: DNAT tcp -- ...
kakabomba's user avatar
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0 answers

Apache redirect all traffic to HTTPs except for private IP

I would like to redirect all incoming traffic to HTTPs except for incoming traffic on private IP (10...*). With the following configuration, external traffic is not being redirected to HTTPs. This ...
MattM's user avatar
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0 answers

VPC private ip address unable to communicate to the network interface which has an elastic ip assigned

I'm not sure if this is how VPC EC2 private addresses are supposed to work. I have two instances in VPC each are allowed to talk to each other (security group), and each instance has two network ...
Joe Block's user avatar
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0 votes
3 answers

Why would you use over [closed]

Most home networks use 192.168.x.0/24. I wonder why this range even exists. You could as well use 10.x.x.0/24 or something like that. So why did they waste the entire 192.168 range for private ...
Niwla23's user avatar
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4 answers

Why does a domain resolve to private IP

While going through a domain in the format as mentioned below , I did host lookup using the host command and got a private ip address. host auth-ns.auth-ns....
Joel Deleep's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Host Websites on Virtual IP VMs

I have Proxmox Virtulization server installed. But i have one real(Public) IP. Incoming request to Proxmox server must be bind Virtualized servers. Dnsmasq installed in Proxmox Virtualization Server. ...
user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Find Public IP Address through a Private IP Address [closed]

I have a application server (LAMP Stack) access. But php application connect to mysql from another db server. I have only private IP for this DB Server. Is their are any way to know public IP Address ...
kuldeep.kamboj's user avatar
0 votes
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Are there any risks passing inbound requests from the private network?

In FreeBSD example ipfilter setting, I can see that requests from are blocked (referening RFC1918) This seems to impose a nuisance on some private network intercom, so I comment it out....
Ate Somebits's user avatar
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XenServer - VMs to access Internet, but should not be visible from the Internet

I have installed XenServer on my server at the Hetzner datacenter. I have bought an additional /29 subnet containing 6 usable IP addresses from them. I want to install more than 10 VMs on this server....
Anjan's user avatar
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3 answers

Connect Server to multiple Networks

I have a server that I'm trying to connect to multiple network ranges (172.x.xx, 10.x.x.x). I'm not really concerned with Domain issues I just want to be able to access my storage / management network ...
bumble_bee_tuna's user avatar
0 votes
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When trying to connect to the cluster via lens: Failed to get /version for clusterId=id Internal Server Error

I am trying to connect to my kubernetes cluster which was spunup using kubeadm on aws instances. I am using lens desktop app on windows. My kubeconfig file apiVersion: v1 clusters: - cluster: ...
अజయ్'s user avatar
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strange nginx error log file: connection to a private ip from a public ip

On a vps I have configured a vpn (wireguard) where the IP is I found this strange log on nginx error.log: 2023/11/01 03:52:22 [error] 2821800#2821800: *135455 open() "/usr/share/nginx/...
res1's user avatar
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how to disable public ip and make the external traffic flow through the private ip of the firewall

So, our requirement is to disable public ip of the node and then route the traffic through the private ip of the fortigate firewall. NOTE: eth1= public ip eth0= private ip so, I am following the below ...
Ravi Teja RVN's user avatar