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Questions tagged [prtg]

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PRTG - Invalid JSON structure Error PE231

I am very new to PRTG and VEEAM ect. so please do bare with me I've seen this error been talked about a lot, but nothing has helped me so far. I have a custom XML script that I use for VEEAM backup (...
Samuel du Plessis's user avatar
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How is PRTG's `channelDiscovery` intended to work?

Developing a (in PRTG-speek) "custom advanced REST sensor" providing XML, I'm facing some problems that the documentation does not really answer. First let's have a look what one of my ...
U. Windl's user avatar
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Problems with WinRM

I have a PRTG-Sensor that checks servers' Windows Updates Status. It gets automatically created with a template, normally it should work fine. We have 94 of these sensors running, and one won't work ...
brettkanker's user avatar
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PRTG PowerShell Remoting Requirements for Custom EXE/Script Advanced Sensor

I've created a script for checking the TLS certificate assigned to an SMTP Relay server which supports SMTPS. The code is available here if that's of interest. The documentation says that powershell ...
JohnLBevan's user avatar
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