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What services do I have to restart to effect config changes in puppet.conf when using foreman?

I have puppet 3.8.4 installed via the latest foreman installer. I enabled the $facts['fact_name'] hash by putting these lines in my puppet.conf: trusted_node_data = true trusted_server_facts = true ...
red888's user avatar
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How to query Foreman for hosts with a specific Global Parameter?

We make some use of the Global Parameters in Foreman, and I need to list all hosts, which have the Global Parameter foo set to "bar". Can I do that with the REST API or via some other method? Going ...
Mikhail T.'s user avatar
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Puppet/Foreman: Nodes are out of sync

I got a little problem: I installed puppet agent on some nodes. I'm managing the nodes with foreman. Now some nodes are "out of sync" until I run puppet agent -t on the node manually. The service is ...
MyFault's user avatar
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Remove Host from Foreman

In Foreman 1.12 I deleted a VM from the VMware web client, but cannot delete its record from foreman. I got the below error: Error: Failed to destroy a compute VMware (VMware) instance *************:...
agamil's user avatar
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Puppet: Error 400 on SERVER: Permission denied

I would like to use DOCSF-module (from github). If I try to use it I'm getting this result: Error: /File[/var/lib/puppet/facts.d]: Failed to generate additional resources using 'eval_generate': Error ...
MyFault's user avatar
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Puppet Run on hostgroup in UI results in: Failed to apply catalog: Broken pipe - <STDOUT>

When attempting a "run puppet" from the UI (1.11.0 - thanks for the improved UI speed, btw) on a hostgroup (same config/installs/OS, etc), the result will be a "Failed to apply catalog: Broken pipe - "...
Travis's user avatar
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Foreman - Using Global / Host Variables in YAML Config

I'm having a little trouble working with the Global Variables in Foreman. I have a global variable called ALLOW_AD_USERS which I can see in the facts section against the host. I'm trying to use this ...
jamboNum5's user avatar
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Foreman manifest - Trigger action on Puppet class parameters change

I am new to Puppet and I do support a small windows environment with mostly web services and console apps, all managed by Foreman/Puppet. I've managed to write several manifests, which keep those ...
c4sane's user avatar
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Puppet server - Is it OK to delete files inside /var/lib/pgsql/data/base/?

We have a puppet server running 3.8.7 on RHEL 6.10. It experienced an OOM event this morning then the server recovered without intervention. While looking into this I noticed the server became very ...
user53029's user avatar
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Duplicate host records in Foreman when VM is created by Foreman in OpenStack

I managed to connect Foreman and OpenStack, so that I can create VMs in OpenStack using Foreman web interface. I am using cloud-init, or how Foreman calls it, user data provisioning template in order ...
Danil Zhigalin's user avatar
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Other vhost aliases next to Foreman

After installing foreman on default URL, other aliases like /phpmyadmin or /ganglia don´t work anymore; "Page not found". What´s the best way to get them working again next to the foreman GUI and ...
crowTU-BS's user avatar
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After initial setup cannot sign in to Foreman web console with admin account

Edited post to show how I installed foreman I'm new to ruby and I am trying to install Foreman on CentOS 7. I followed the install guide for my distro to do this: sudo yum -y install epel-release ...
red888's user avatar
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Foreman: Pass host comment to puppet

In the Foreman there is the ability to set a comment for hosts. I would like to pass this comment to a puppet class assigned to these hosts so that the comment can be printed in the motd of the hosts. ...
Sander Toonen's user avatar
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Puppet/Foreman - Hostgroups and classes

I successfully set up foreman and puppet. Now I'm trying to configure host groups which should contain a specific configuration. My example: Host group "Basic" should get a special MOTD. I installed ...
MyFault's user avatar
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Puppet Ochestration: get results of puppet run

How can i get results of puppet apply -t --noop in some script readable way? Are there any resources to apply? I suppose there should be something better then GREP :) Making some modification to the ...
igann's user avatar
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Retrieving Audit & Reports from Foreman

I have a Foreman 1.9.0 system using postgres as the back end on RHEL 7.2. A requirement has come up to be able to send the audit log and reports to an external entity in near real time (5-10 minute ...
Barry's user avatar
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Foreman/Puppet: Cert request is signed but host does not appear

at the moment I'm having a problem adding hosts to foreman. I added a client installing puppet from repo (according to the documentation of puppet) and configuring it. The puppet.conf of a client: [...
MyFault's user avatar
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Install apt-dater-host on CentOS-Systems using puppet

I would like to install apt-dater-host on Debian and CentOS-based systems using puppet and foreman. On Debian the package is available on the standard repos - but on CentOs this is not the case - I ...
MyFault's user avatar
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Foreman/Puppet: Add User to sudoers with a module

I would like to improve my skills in Foreman and Puppet. To do so I would like to get some easy tasks done. In my configuration all servers belonging to host group "Basic" should get a basic setup - ...
MyFault's user avatar
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How to change the URL for Web UI Foreman?

Hi Can I change the url link for the web UI interface? I am using Foreman 3.9 versions. I try to change url with foreman-installer --foreman-url but I get error with ssl-certificate problem. Changing ...
Иван Довгань's user avatar
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Why is Puppet switching environments and then switching back?

This is with Puppet 5.5.22 and Foreman 1.22.0-develop. I know this is an outdated Foreman and Puppet installation but until I replace them with new versions (a soon upcoming project) they are what I ...
Wildcard's user avatar
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Continous delivery using Gitlab, Foreman and Puppet

We are using different tools to orchestrate our environment. On one side, we have Puppet and Foreman to deploy our different server applications, on the other side, we are using Gitlab in order to ...
Alexis Dufrenoy's user avatar
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Puppet server not starting

need help on small issue - Puppet server : # puppet --version 6.15.0 puppetserver --version puppetserver version: 6.11.0 openjdk version "1.8.0_252" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_252-...
user3769149's user avatar
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Issues connecting puppet agent to master

Trying to build an infrastructure based on the most recent puppet/agents available for testing purposes. So I've been trying to run puppet agent on a node, and I'm currently getting the errors bellow,...
macosta's user avatar
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How do you test/troubleshoot hiera in a Puppet environment

I'm using Puppet alongside Foreman to provision hosts, and I've currently got all of Puppet config as modules in a repository. I'd like to use Hiera but I've never been able to get even the simplest ...
geoffjay's user avatar
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SOLVED - Unable to install foreman-proxy on CentOS 6.9

Puppet [root@ns1 ~]# puppet --version 4.10.1 Repositories (used Foreman 1.12 as the next versions are not supported in Centos 6) [root@ns1 ~]# yum repolist enabled Loaded plugins: fastestmirror ...
Oleksandr's user avatar
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Debian 8 + Foreman Not Loading

I'm working on giving foreman a try, I installed it on Debian 8 per the tutorial on the site. However, when I try to load foreman I get: Sinatra doesn’t know this ditty. # in usr/share/foreman-...
Aaron A's user avatar
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Unable to install foreman in ubuntu 12.04

I am trying to install foreman in ubuntu 12.04, After adding apt source and executing foreman-installer command giving me the below error. /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/kafo/puppet_module_parser.rb:21:in ...
Kenshin's user avatar
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Foreman change autosign behavior

We have setup foreman in our infrastructure and started adding the first hosts. Now, after the setup is done, we'd like to change the default autosign behaviour we set with --puppet-autosign when ...
ChrJantz's user avatar
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Error 400 on server: Could not find class docsf

I try to include the module docsf on my Foreman/Puppet-System. I cloned the git and moved the content to the modules-path /etc/puppet/environments/production/modules. If I assign the module to a host,...
MyFault's user avatar
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Puppet and The Foreman: Can not import classes

I followed the Digitalocean-Tutorial to set up Puppet and The Foreman. At the moment I'm on the point Add NTP Module To Foreman - I would love to import the class to the foreman Click on the ...
MyFault's user avatar
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