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Questions tagged [rackspace]

Rackspace is a traditional and cloud hosting company headquartered in San Antonio, Texas. They run datacentres in three US states, the UK, and Hong Kong.

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37 votes
5 answers

I changed my TTL from 24 hours to 5 minutes. Do I need to wait 24 hours before changing the records?

I am migrating our app from a cloud server at Rackspace t a dedicated server. I want to bring the application down for ~5 minutes to copy the data from the cloud server to the dedicated server, so I ...
wobbily_col's user avatar
28 votes
5 answers

How to build and run a machine room?

The last guy quit (I think a lot of adventures begin this way?) and I've been given the job to build a new machine room. I am coordinating with 2 engineers, campus ITS, campus Facilities Management, ...
Fixee's user avatar
  • 648
12 votes
2 answers

Meltdown & Spectre - Does patching the guest kernel of an unpatched hypervisor prevent cross-VM memory leaks?

24 hours after the wide scale release of the vulnerabilities, Rackspace is silent about Spectre and Meltdown. They do not have a plan for patching all of their Xen hypervisors. All their newer ...
Danny F's user avatar
  • 498
10 votes
3 answers

"Cloud" file storage Vs. Self-Managed Servers (What's the big deal with cloud?)

So I'm just going to jump right in to the maths; My web host offers a server with 5x2TB drives, unmetered 1GB/s connection and can provision servers in 5 different data-centers, for ~$200/month. If I ...
user avatar
10 votes
6 answers

Backup solutions for Rackspace cloud sites?

What options do I have for backing up the content from a Rackspace Cloud Sites including files and databases? I know they have cron jobs, but I am not sure what options I have when it comes to that. ...
Daniel A. White's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

bind: cannot assign requested address

I've recently switch over to AWS from Rackspace and I'm setting up a simple geolocation server using freegeopip. While the following commands work perfectly on a new Rackspace serve (Ubuntu) I can't ...
jwerre's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

External load balancer solutions between EC2 and Rackspace

I have a website primarily hosted on EC2 with the backends (MySql) replicated async to a Rackspace store. I am also planning to have a suite of web server, cache & db on standby at Rackspace in ...
Quintin Par's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Import SSL Cert into IIS when I have the text of the certificate and private key

I am working on moving a site from Rackspace Cloud Sites onto a server running IIS and need to get the SSL certificate imported into IIS. All I have at the moment for the SSL certificate is what ...
user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Best cat6 patch panels? Is price really a factor?

I can go down to my local graybar right now and purchase some AllenTel 48 Port Cat 6 Patch panels I need (part number AT66-PNL-48). They are $275 each. That seems a bit high considering I've seen ...
ItsPronounced's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

ssl certificate error while making cURL request to IP address

I am trying to send a cURL request to a server with an IP address x.x.x.x . It is a part of an health monitoring system. On the server I have configured virtual hosts for on both ...
Ankit Khedekar's user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

Sync/mirror directory with Rackspace Cloud files bucket

What tool can I use to synchronize the content of a local directory with that of a Rackspace Cloud Files bucket? I need a rsync-like application to do a mirror, not a backup application. What I want ...
gioele's user avatar
  • 194
5 votes
1 answer

Track bandwith usage by application

I have a server at Rackspace and noticed my server is suddenly sending out 2GB of data per month (this is atypical since I don't use it that much) How can I figure out what application is using that ...
makerofthings7's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Active Directory in the cloud

My company is considering implementing Active Directory and Windows Server to manage our local network and workstations. The main benefits sought are central management of machines, security policies,...
Eric's user avatar
  • 169
4 votes
3 answers

How can I run Rackspace images locally?

As the title says, I regularly download my Rackspace images for backup of my VPS, however I'm wondering if it's possible to run them locally on KVM (for example) so I can run tests on my application ...
edude05's user avatar
  • 321
4 votes
7 answers

AWS EC2 or RackSpace [closed]

I am planning go for an instance on AWS EC 2 for my clients , should I go with AWS EC 2 or Rackspace CS , seems like the rack space have some different features like fanatical support but sla seems to ...
user59053's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How do I register only internal NIC address in AD DNS, with servers with multiple NICs?

I'm hosting some Windows servers on Rackspace, and have added them to a domain. Each server has two NICs, a public and private NIC. The public NIC has a public IPv4 and IPv6 address, while the private ...
growse's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

Multicast in Rackspace cloud

On Amazon EC2, I cannot use multicast, but how about rackspace cloud? It would be very beneficial to be able to use multicast as most clustering protocols rely on it...
Kaitsu's user avatar
  • 220
4 votes
2 answers

MySql Data Loss - post mortem analysis - RackSpace Cloud Server

After a recent 'emergency migration' of a RS cloud server, the mysql databases on our server snapshot image proved to be days out of date from the backup date. And yet files that were uploaded ...
marfarma's user avatar
  • 291
4 votes
2 answers

Rackspace cloudserver backup options

I recently signed up with Rackspace to host some database servers. I've got two MySQL servers set up, and have a method to create backups (using the Percona Xtrabackup and innobackupex tools). I've ...
Jim Rubenstein's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Using Load Balancer in Rackspace cloud for website HA

I have tested tomcat specific clustering with apache mod_jk and mod_proxy on ubuntu local VMs for our website high availability and load balancing. The real servers are hosted by Rackspace cloud ...
user53864's user avatar
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5 answers

Migration between OpenStack and RackSpace cloud

So I am deploying a OpenStack private cloud in my business. As I understand from research the OpenStack project was created by RackSpace and that their own cloud platform uses OpenStack. So my ...
David Maitland's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Amazon S3 + Cloudfront VS Rackspace CloudFiles [closed]

I know this question came up lot of time on the internet , But I couldn't find any latest updates on this . So I gathered the information what I found and putting here and have few questions on it . ...
Bujji's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How does the Cloud compare to Colocation? And development too [closed]

Currently I/we run a SaaS web application where each subscriber has their own physical instance of the application in addition to their own database. The setup has each web application instance ...
Dai's user avatar
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1 answer

To what extent do I need to know what i am doing with Ubuntu Linux server admin?

So as a bit of background, I am completely new to server admin. I am a web designer, and generally know quite a bit about computers. Until a few months ago, I had never used LINUX. Now my desktop ...
Thomas Clowes's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

How to choose size for a cloud server (rackspace)

We're going to test the rackspace cloud next week to see how it's working with our web app. It's a LAMP environment with a lot of MySQL databases. How do I choose the "right" server size? On ...
Emil's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

postfix error looking up passwd info (catch-all)

In postfix I'm trying to setup a catch-all address for unknown local accounts. Any mail that can be delivered to a local user should be delivered to their local mailbox (and respect any aliases in /...
SunMar's user avatar
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3 votes
5 answers

What is the quickest way to get a new Rackspace server instance connected to a puppet master?

Right now I log into the new server put the puppet master in /etc/hosts install puppet change "START" to "yes" in /etc/default/puppet change "server" to puppet master name under [main] run agent with ...
AaronShaf's user avatar
  • 133
3 votes
2 answers

Rear mount or front mount switches

Where I work all the switches in a rack are mounted in the rear of the rack, but this presents a problem with hot isle cold isle cooling. The alternative is to mount the switches in the front of the ...
murisonc's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Is slow IO on my cloud server causing my slow server restart issues?

I'm running two servers on Rackspace cloud one for the web app and one for the db and redis instances. The web server has 1Gb of ram and single core. Nginx sits in front of unicorn which is running 2 ...
toxaq's user avatar
  • 131
3 votes
3 answers

Forcing a verbose fsck on reboot (Ubuntu)

I'd like to force a verbose fsck on reboot of my Ubuntu linux server, I can get fsck to run on reboot by creating a file /forcefsck in my root dir ... Additionally, by adding a y into the contents of ...
Justin Jenkins's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to remove / add public network to a server in Rackspace API

I have a server in Rackspace API. I would like to use the nova command to remove the public network interface. I am using the command: nova virtual-interface-list <instance_id> and then ...
Daniel Cukier's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How do you audit cloud servers?

So we have a decent number for cloud servers that are on Rackspace (numerous) accounts. I'm looking for a solution to the - What's on that server? Where is that server? How do I get to that server? I ...
Valien's user avatar
  • 193
3 votes
1 answer

Chef Error "RuntimeError: Please save server before accessing metadata"

I'm trying to create a new server on the Rackspace Cloud using Chef and I keep coming across this error in Chef: RuntimeError: Please save server before accessing metadata Any ideas?
Jonathan Ristovski's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Dedicated server hosting with your own server

Is that possible? I notice that monthly prices go up when the more powerful your server. I'd like to avoid the raise in pricing by using my own home-built rackable-server. I would like to send my ...
Paul Knopf's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

High CPU performance on a cloud hosting platform

We need a cloud hosting platform that provides high CPU throughput for a very specific high-CPU utilization application we have. Can anyone recommend a cloud hosting platform whose virtual instances ...
TWord's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Does SQL database perform significantly better on a dedicated machine vs Azure cloud

I'm looking into splitting our database server and application server and am evaluating offerings from Rackspace and Azure specifically around the database server. We are a Saas Web application and ...
Dan's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

What's the difference between Rackspace Cloud Servers and Rackspace Cloud Sites? [closed]

I'm looking to host a video-centric PHP site. Video will be served from CDN. What does Cloud Site's $150/mo get you? [Edit] Seems like with cloud site you get: web server that's ready to go a web-...
Matt's user avatar
  • 215
3 votes
2 answers

Things I should look for/tread cautiously if I am moving to the cloud

What should I be looking out for when moving to a cloud like Rackspace? Another user at serverfault had issues like compute cycles (CC) exploding and I did not want to have the same experience.
Quintin Par's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Unable to connect to Ubuntu on port 3306 (MySQL) on Rackspace instance

I'm trying to connect to port 3306 on an Ubuntu box and am unable to do so. When I do iptables -L -n | grep 3306 I see this: ACCEPT tcp -- tcp dpt:3306 ...
neubert's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Getting "An operation on a socket could not be performed because the system lacked sufficient ..." when server access the internet

I have ASP.NET application running on Windows Server 2008 R2 hosted on Rackspace servers. Suddenly something went wrong. All my application working fine except for the pages which call third part web-...
Imran Qadir Baksh - Baloch's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Why am I getting 'undefined method' exceptions when executing 'run_list add', 'run_list remove' and 'rackspace server delete'?

[Originally posted this to opscode forum, got no response] I’m testing out a free hosted chef-server account and multiple subcommands are failing with ‘Unexpected Errors’. Perhaps my version and the ...
Peter Groves's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Puppet write hosts using api call

I'm trying to write a puppet function that calls my hosting environment (rackspace cloud atm) to list servers, then update my hosts file. My get_hosts function is currently this: require 'rubygems' ...
Ben Smith's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

What does RXTX Factor mean, what is it and how does it affect my server?

In the Rackspace overview for their next gen servers they have a table of flavor options. In the table there is a column called RXTX factor with no explanation. I tried googling, but couldn't find ...
Arth's user avatar
  • 405
2 votes
2 answers

Rackspace offsite backup

Is it necessary to do offsite backups when you're on Rackspace? Rackspace does daily image backups of the server, which does backups every half hour. If the server is hacked, and all backups are ...
Markus Hedlund's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Understanding generally how emails are received / sent (dns records)

So I registered a domain name through google, and I'm going to set up a small server through rackspace's cloud servers. I'd prefer to keep my email going to google apps, rather than have to have my ...
Matthew's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

know about web app to monitor server activity?

I have running some servers on rackspace and I want to know if there is a web application like linode-graphs as you can see in the image ? I want to see graphs of server activities like: ram cpu ...
panchicore's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

In Rackspace cloud, it is true that a 2GB server is faster than the default 256MB server?

For example...when I do string.find("..."), will it be faster because the CPU is allocated more?
Alex's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Can I create local AMI file for future use on various cloud service?

Is it possible to locally create a single AMI file of say Debian Jessie and use it directly (or with little changes) on any AMI-compatible cloud service providers (eg. AWS, CloudStack, Digital Ocean ...
CDuv's user avatar
  • 258
2 votes
2 answers

Load balancer for multiple sites

I am in the process of setting up a network of web servers on Rackspace. I am looking to do 4 servers in groups of two. See diagram below. My question is, if I have server A and server B as a ...
bretterer's user avatar
  • 135
2 votes
1 answer

Are relative-path symlinks reliable on Rackspace Cloud Sites?

Rackspace's Cloud Sites have a lot of stupid limitations. For example, no SSH (in or out), no shell, no RSYNC, etc... (even through cron). Recently I learned that you can't reliably use symlinks in ...
Jake Wilson's user avatar
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